I agree 100% with this article. However all the anti-semitic racists mentioned above are the result of radical left-wing Democrat party ideology. Why the surprise?

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It seems to me that a yale educated, socialist gangster, red-booked from years of indoctrination, could place the barrel of an AR-15 on Dershowitz's forehead, lead him to the gulags, scream 'Allahu Akbar' the whole way, and he would still willingly vote for any member of the democrat party.

I mean, what will it take?

They don't invite him on campus; they don't invite him to cocktail parties. In their eyes, he is a classical, civil rights libertarian, who needs to be 'reeducated'

Just not woke enough for their taste, and his focus on individual rights doesn't jive with their utilitarian views.

Clinton publicly called for reeducation camps for MAGA, and Dershowitz once called her a moderate.

A moderate?


One wonders when he will finally leave, but I won't hold my breath, for I have a feeling if Hitler himself reincarnated and ran for the democrat party, Dershowitz would still sign onto the ticket, totally oblivious to his own destruction.

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OMG you are so right - I tried to tell this to Dershowitz years ago when Obama was in power and he wrote me a nasty note back - he has no tolerance for anything than his own "brilliance" - but these words are not actions and he will never learn that you reap what you sow. Why does he blame non-Jews for anti-semitism now when he has implicity supported it for years by voting Democrat what can you expect from non-Jews when many Jews themselves are their own worst enemy, like Dershowitz.

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Mussolini, just two years before he took total control of Italy, said that he needed to cancel speech because it was in the best interest of democracy. He said he had to go after some members of the political establishment because he had to save democracy. He said that Italy could only achieve it's dreams of wealth for everyone if they could "save democracy".

The parralels between the postmodernist, neo-marxist left, which constitutes 90% of academy, and the totalitarian fascists that led the world in WW2 is strikingly similar.

And as you said, Dershowtiz is brilliant. In my view, he's a true genius. So we have to come to the conclusion that he knows all of this, yet he still votes for them.

That's what shocks me. I really don't get it. I'm hoping one day I will wake up and see a letter from him denouncing the democrat party, but I don't think it's ever going to happen.

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My take: Professor Dershowitz is an individual, and how he votes is his business.

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Very true and well said.

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I am tired of the Palestinian Apologists! Gaza was given autonomy and elected Hamas and what did Hamas do for Gaza? Nothing. Instead, it attacked Israel. Take the Oslo Agreement and Two State Solution and throw it in the trash can. Civilization must be defended.

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You speak about minorities. The greatest minority is the individual.

Universities shouldnt be placing people into a box, labeling them, and then shipping them out to meet a quota.

Christians are threatened daily, by the same thugs that now support Jewish lynching and feel good when they see Jewish genocide. Your situation is not unique. You are just seeing part of the bigger problem.

You speak of George Floyd. For the recors, it's a real shame George Floyd was killed. It's also a shame George Floyd stabbed a pregnant woman, was arrested eight times previously, and was a rampant drug user and drug dealer. He was high the day he died, and the officer who arrested him was employing a neck restraint taught to him at the academy.

You speak of these anti-gays. Precisely where are they? Where are all these fictious anti-gay people who I have never met? Where is this anti-gay army?

I meet people concerned about children undertaking surgeries they may later regret, and I know people concerned about their tax dollars paying for someones hormone treatments. (Pretty unfair).

I meet people concerned about children being subjected to a form of radical brainwashing, in which their radical teachers, counselors, principals all convince them they need to undergo surgery.

But never met any guy who said "I hate gays"

Its all make believe. Its nonsense, designed to indoctrinate. There is no mass racism epedemic. If anything, as Walter Williams said, the racism has reversed.

You talk about the sickness in Academy, but only as it relates to Jews. The mental disease pervading these instutions goes well beyond that.

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I agree with most of what you say but the picture is really one that Dershowitz puts forth.

Anti Semitism is bound in ancient hatred. Christianity is not until this new world of Marxism. I don’t think the comparison is valid though I don’t like racism of any kind.

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George Floyd died while in police custody. Floyd was in police custody for two reasons: (1) because GF was committing a crime. (2) GF would not cooperate with police orders, he presented a danger to the public. While every life is equal in the eyes of God, and have intrinsic value, nobody should weep for the death of a thug. The police, in my pov, were railroaded by Leftist Democrats.

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I agree and will add that the defendant did not meet the elements of the crime in his state, and was wrongly charged and incarcerated.

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Indeed the day of reckoning has come for universities and a public education system which has brainwashed students by mainstreaming anti Semitism into students hearts and minds

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PS. I need to edit a word. In a quote from Golda M. I typed lived but meant loved. Sorry

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Also dislike typos, but an apology is unnecessary. (:

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Thank you….💙🙏💙

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This is a great article Mr. Dershowitz.

I am born in 1950 and I have seen how the Palestinians have been used as political pawns by Arafat and basically all Arab nations in order to support hatred of the Jews. But it has never been reported as such by MSM ever since Israel was established.

Golda Meir (sp?) said “if the Arabs lived their children half as much as they hate the Jews, we would have peace. “

I have seen videos of Arab children 4 years old being taught how to handle rifles and being taught to hate.

This brainwashing is all over the world. Even in mosques here.

Britain did not even vote in favor of an Israeli state. Russia did.

But I’ve gone off.

We as a society have lost our humanity.

Gays and trans singing “we are coming for your

children” is not a form of love and acceptance. We are skewed.

All that you mentioned here about other groups is forced by people / organizations who clearly can’t really love and accept.

Anyway thank you for this article. Yes, Jews are still the world’s scapegoat.

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Universities are full of hate for biological women, conservatives, and many others. What is the common denominator for all this hate are leftists, i.e., Democrats. When will you stop voting Democrat?

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Professor Dershowitz voting Democrat will change zippo of the problems you cite. Change within the party may, but not one person.

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Have to start somewhere.

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Yes, I saw zero effort whatsoever from my university to make an attempt to balance the information. And hosting leadership from Israel to give speeches is not the solution. At my university, students were left to scream at rallies with the propaganda they had been fed. There should be educational efforts being made to expose what is propaganda and what is factual.

Even just the claim, "They can't leave" (Palestinians) because the IDF will shoot them, or Israel won't approve their request to leave, etc. No one has proof one way or the other so the most victimizing propaganda wins. The world has very little understanding of what the whole situation really is except a vast prison of a body of people being used as pawns on both sides.

If there is to be a 2 state solution, much more effort needs to be made by the coalition of groups and leaders doing that to educate and promote it. I only know about that from individuals handing me flyers. Literally.

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Be sure your sin will find you out” and “Truth Will Out” are are two maxims that apply when these graduates expect to run for political office. The American public will not tolerate this in our elected officials. Oppo research will dig it up and sink their candidacies.

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