It’s not clear whether the alleged “apartheid” and “slaughter” (by Israel) are the article’s writer statements or she is quoting “ Paul”, which she didn’t make clear. Words matter. Those terms are defamatory. There’s no apartheid whatsoever in Israel and slaughter is what Hamas did on 10/7 and what it plans for its citizens. Israel never intended to harm Gazans and didn’t start the war.

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So sorry these hate filled pretentious people continue to mock and harass you

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Unfortunately it is part of being a public figure these days, as Dersh mentioned.

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Not surprisingly the response is to let the anti-Israel vandal off the hook and pander to his wishes.

I hope your stone remains. You deserve the honor.


"Reina-Longoria, the Garden spokesperson, told Hell Gate that the garden dealt with the vandalism as a maintenance issue and does not plan to investigate it further. "We are reevaluating the management of the path, as well as the criteria by which notable Brooklynites are selected, honored, and retained," she added, a process she said was already underway when Paul made his visit".

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It seems this sad “ Paul” went out of his way to tell of his exploit. Many criminals have this need. It doesn’t seem wise not to identify him and have him face the law. Those who run the pathway should place a camera covering Woody Allen’s sculpture. It’s no coincidence that “Paul”s targets are Jews.

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Federal, State Officials Aiding Criminal Misconduct, Corruption, Injustice and Sexual Abuse "Under Color of Law"

Eighty traffic stops in four years. Five robberies. Home invasion and death threats by armed Sheriff Deputies with AR-15s and shotguns pointed at my head and at my dog "Boomer's" head while two young children were mere feet away on a second floor. False arrest. False imprisonment.

Actionable evidence including recordings, documents, hundreds of witnesses contact information with no conflicts of interest esp. regarding crimes against children involving rape and abuse.

Only EXTERNAL demands might drive long-overdue official accountability, investigation, oversight, an end to abuses, brutality, crimes of a community & local, State & Federal corruption that would shock most Americans.

It sounds unbelievable, but is very much real in Wilmington N.C. Though provided irrefutable almost certainly admissible evidence of criminal activities involving:

U.S. Department of Justice & F.B.I. involvement in extensive criminal misconduct by Corrupt North Carolina officials including sexual abuses of children, theft of Federal funds, lynching's, retaliatory murders, torture, violence & retribution against child victims, families & the few who dared discuss horrific abuses suffered as retaliation by officials, prosecutors & bribed media.

This "Culture of Corruption," once pursued, is now Assisted, Protected by the U.S. DOJ, FBI USAO despite vast evidence & increasing victims of violent criminal acts that any remotely moral person would conclude:





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All of them. You are wrapped in yourself, nothing truly interests you. If you can't trust that the floor will be there when you get up in the morning, you should be confined. We are lucky in our time that we can trust science, for example,no matter how much we probe or research, over faith. You seem to have great faith in your mistrust. When we have mastered a performing art form, another example, and have done our daily work, there is no other way to be a performer without a solid trust in our abilities . A great leader - like..... Churchill? You fill the blank, unless your nihilism determines no one can be a good leader or good teacher or good mechanic because no one is trustworthy-, whether we like the leader or not, can have doubts, as they must and must test all their assumptions, but when speaking to the nation particularly in a great crisis where the people must keep their resolve. those doubts will not be the basis of their message.

With a head like yours, it's better not to do anything at all.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Beery's article mentions its subject relates to the "notorious" lawyer Alan Dershowitz, He is not "notorious" because of hard core zionist whitewashing of Israel and its IDF of any genocide, alternatively any responsibility for it. AIPAC does that daily. Dershowitz is "notorious" because of the reams of allegations of his sexual pedophilic crimes against young very underage girls when he was in his seventies. Dershowitz is also "notorious" because he used celebrity influence, ,lots of money and apparently according to suggestion of Federal DA Alex Acosta help from an intelligence agency 1) to avoid any indictment 2) to get a full immunity for all his alleged actions 3) to stop an FBI investigation of activities with young girls in interstate locations and 4) to avoid civil lawsuits with a flurry of intrusive defamation lawsuits against children who might whistleblow AND their attorneys and 5) in the absence of success of the aforementioned tactics, arrange a payment of seven figures to a principal and very credible accuser whose accusations unleased huge hush money payments from Prince Andrew and Gislaine Maxwell (who was jailed anyway because she was unable to do what Dershowitz did),.

I view defacing a public monument to this Alan Dershowitz as protected free speech, exactly like burning a flag. Some sainted person is now fortunate enough to tell his grandchildren when they ask "Well what did you do when that accused serial pedophile started to try to determine the future of the United States? ", that person does not have to say "Well grandkids, I was keeping my head down and avoiding any trouble with the monied elite and Mossad".

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I am beginning to suspect that you might be a pedophile yourself. Your obsession relating Prof Dershowitz overwhelmingly to the spurious allegations of sexual misconduct - when Dersho is much better remembered by his merits and opinions, based on facts- would give you away. Look in the mirror, just in case. And, who knows, maybe you defaced his sculpture. I'm just saying. Freedom of speech, no?

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I have been thinking a lot lately about the downstream effects of the way in which we, as a society, minimize certain crimes, by not considering carefully the long term seriousness of these crimes when assessing their magnitude. One crazy guy ranting from a soap box might not cause much damage. But that is quite different from the impact of someone intending (as many have in recent years) to delete the importance of famous people who happen to be Jewish and/or happen to be...(oh that word) "Zionists" (a term now fronting for "Jew".) It is interesting that the person who defaced Alan Dershowitz’s stone was also intending to deface the stone dedicated to Woody Allen. It is interesting because Woody Allen is, while decidedly Jewish, quite apolitical in general, and in particular with respect to Israel. While on this subject, let's talk about the MeToo activities a few years ago of so-called feminists, who by chance happened to cancel almost exclusively Jews in the public eye. One might be led to wonder, naively, if the indignation against these sex-obsessed (dirty?) Jews might have had anything to do with a goal to cancel Jews instead. (An echo of the Hollywood’s black listings during the McCarthy era, which also, by chance, happened to focus almost exclusively on Jews and Jewish sympathizers. Oh those dirty un-American pinko’s!) Why then are the participants in the MeToo cancel wars suddenly surprised now that, when Hamas raped and murdered women (along with babies and civilian men) these same ardent feminists look the other way, claiming that there is no evidence of the October 7 pogrom in Israel? Susan Sarandon was at the forefront of accusations against Woody Allen, and again, like clockwork, claims now that there is no evidence supporting the October 7 massacre.

My point is not to rant (on a soap box?) about the antisemitism of the seemingly minor act of vandalism against a stone honoring Mr. Dershowitz in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Rather it is to point out that when we dismiss antisemitic acts as small and not deserving of more than a sneer, we accumulate as a society a numbness to antisemitic and anti-Israel crimes, until we finally discover that we have lost both the moral ground and the ability to push back when an increasing number of such “insignificant” acts begin to coalesce and to morph into massive scenes of grotesque horror and depravity. Our horror and condemnation should be equally firm toward the genocidal attack of Israelis on the October 7 massacre, as against the acceptance and defending of such pogroms by a world that is both bombarded with the illogic of the extreme left's marriage to Islamic extremism, and by the blatant apathy toward, and acceptance of, antisemitic crimes that have become quite common and increasingly brutal. If we want to understand the illogic in the minds of our supposedly brightest kids at elite universities as they join forces with the most horrific murderous terrorists on the planet, we might consider that underneath the thin veneer of chants from these kids there is a very clear and steadfast undertone: antisemitism.

Returning to the defacing of Alan Dershowitz’s stone in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, before we dismiss this act of minor vandalism as a mere unpleasant incident, while also, incidentally, dismissing evidence that many of those in charge of the Botanic Garden claim both ignorance and apathy while busily washing their hands of any association with these “minor” incidents, perhaps we should instead consider looking at the bigger picture of consistent and growing antisemitism, along with the dangers to our society as a whole posed by this version of human depravity.

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Monica: perhaps your paranoia about unpopular Jews is so dominant you do not ëxamine what makes individuals unpopular. Woody Allen has his own family sex accusations, both from his daughter and his son Ronan. Like Dershowitz, they involve serial transgressions. I think it is a very reasonable principle that rich and famous people who have the resources to avoid trials for child sex accusations should not expect to have inviolate public monuments. If monuments to upstanding men who merely fought on the wrong side can be defaced by BLM, if even Abraham Lincoln's statue could be defaced in Chicago. why should a credibly accused pedophile, still free because of celebrity status, lots of money and support from certain shadowy organizations expect an immaculate public monument.? A starting point is that such a credibly alleged celebrity pedophile scandalously escaping responsibilities for sex crimes should have no public monument other than a tombstone. At least the monument should have been limited to something Dershowitz did that was decent, analogy being with the statue of Benedict Arnold's leg.

BTW I have little understanding of this paranoia you imply, Monica. Jews do extremely well in America, far better than anywhere else including Israel and much better than the average American citizen. 2 per cent of the population is 24 percent of the Columbia student body.

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It is my understanding that we would try to prevent Substack from turning into the toxic space that is X (what used to be called Twitter).

My mistake.

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Agreed Monica, between you and me. But Dershowitz still needs to be called out for the serious allegations he has evaded. Perhaps choose Ben Shapiro as a hero instead; he speaks for hard core zionism without the baggage of connection to the Epstein sex slave grooming..

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"Paul" you lead such an empty and nothing life! Surely you will never have your name as a memorial except perhaps on your tombstone which reads, "no one of any significant recognition, who influenced nothing."!

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So now “Paul” has his 15 minutes of fame. Mazel Tov”

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Sic transit gloria...

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The most notable thing about this is the obvious joy AD gets from the notoriety.

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I didn't know you were famous for doing bad. That's a revelation to me!

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The Nazis were sure they were the good guys. The KKK were sure they were the good guys. Beware of people who are sure they're the good guys.

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Unless they are truly the good guys. Like the Allies beating the Nazis. The Allies weren’t perfect like no human is and perfection is not even definable, but they were definitely the good guys. If WE don’t believe we are the good guys, a belief based on deeds, not intellectual elucidations,we will be defeated by “the bad guys”, whatever they believed themselves to be. Surely that belief gave the monsters the strength to fight. The least we can hope for, if we are to survive as a civilisation, is to keep believing, for good reason,that we are good guys. Because we are.

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I don't trust anyone who doesn't doubt themselves. I don't trust anyone who attempts to censor criticism. I don't trust anyone who can't believe that there can be competing legitimate points of view.

The KKK and Nazis fail on all those points. That doesn't say that the Allies necessarily pass. It's not healthy to be sure you're right.

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You seem in love with your “ I don’t trust” motto . Not healthy. You don’t even listen and miss the only important point.

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No, misplaced trust is unhealthy. VERY unhealthy. I don't trust, and I don't expect to be trusted, until the trust has been established, which takes time and evaluation. Children trust blindly. That usually works out, but sometimes is disastrous. Part of adulthood and maturity involves keeping eyes wide open all the time.

What point did I miss?

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