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Watch the Dershow on Youtube, Rumble, Spotify and Apple. What do you think?
Climate change? Are you serious? I thought you were educated. That's the problem with PhDs, extreme focus on a singular pin point at the expense of a broad education. Climate always changes, and humans have virtually nothing to do with it. Perhaps you should read Dr. Patrick Moore's book: "Fake invisible catastrophes and threats of Doom" or look up his lectures on Youtube. Moore academnically debunks all of your ridiculous statements on the climate and other far left ideological fake cultist doom scenarios. Just because Democrats keep repeating the same old tired of various fake climate doom scenarios doesn't make them real or truthful, they are not accepted scientific theories. There's an agenda behind all of this claptrap. Stick to what you know best, the law.
George Washington was right to oppose political parties. I wish we could just vote a person. Not a party. But that’s a human trait to generalize and put labels on potential candidates.