Biden is increasing the chances of a wider war. If pushed too far Israel may have to defend its existence with the use of nuclear weapons against Iran. Biden is supporting Iran and its Muslim terrorist surrogates, whose goals are the same as the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01.

The demise of Israel would be the same as Hitler winning WW II … a knockout blow to Western civilization and freedom everywhere. 1.7 million Muslims comprising 18% of the population live in peace and security in Israel, but almost zero Jews live in the Muslim dominated countries. Guess why.

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Good show with a few bumps. I do agree with your discussion about Israel, no issues there as I am a Zionist, even though I am not jewish.

1) Putin would never attack any NATO country as it would bring in all of Europe and North America into the conflict. Never would it ever happen, pure alarmist fantasy bunk. Putin wants Ukraine as a buffer state between Russia and Europe. The US has been involved in multiple attempts to control Ukraine through various plots to change its government over the years and it blew up its face, just like all previous political meddling in the middle East. This current war was started by Western attempts to bring Ukraine into the NATO fold, plus other failed agreements with Russia which were never honored. It didn't start from nothing. Putin did not wake up one morning and decide, I'm going to invade Ukraine. Russia sees Ukraine as part of it sphere of influence, most Ukrainians speak Russian and the areas captured by Russia have a high Russian ethnic population.

Next, you seem oblivious in your daily rants against the unfairness in the many Lawfare issues you talk about, DEI, etc. that these are all part of the Democrat agenda. If one made a list of all the worse aspects of both political parties, the Democrat list of objectionable and negative issues they are responsible for, would be enormous as compared to the Republican issues. The Democrat party has a 200 years history of racism, why would you be surprised that the are anti-semitic? It's not a new issue for them. Talk about McCarthyism, the Democrats are 100 times worse. You seem to have a confused idea of what the Democrat party stands for, it really boggles the mind.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

Lou Reed wrote a song "Oh, Jim" that seems appropriate. Really you would recite Aesops --fables as a basis for 1) Ashkenazi supremacy in Palestine, 2) the denial of equal rights to others (even to the genetically Jewish who are muslim or christian, 3) the clear (ICJ) "plausibel" genocide committed against civilians,4) the killing of 15 000 children already with famine looming. Ever read Jonathan Swift's "Modest Proposal".? Read it (google it) and become qualified as Netanyahu's speechwriter, since you are uniquely for an Israeli capable of stringing to sentences coherently in English. Fables or hearsay biblical claims as athe basis for land ownership covers also those genetic Jews whose ancestors converted to Islam or Christ.. It arguably cannot include Ashkenazis like Netanyahu aand Ben Gvir etc with Khazar Turkish origin. Plus the jews had their own nakba, abandoningmthe Holy land for 2000 years after the Fall of jerusalem and destructuin of the Temple. You leave a property and someone else moves in, you lose it legally after 20 years (adverse possession). So lets talk Law rather than Fable. Why are agnostic/atheistic-Ashkenazi Jews with Khazar (Turkish) origin in the Ukraine prioritized in power, rights, water,right to good schooling and medical care and life and of course freedom while real genetic semitic civilian Gaza Jews whose ancestors converted to Islam are fair game for IDF directed mass killings . Here is real live Ashkenazi anti-semitism..

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Such BS, Michelle. Are you 12 years old? Did Santa visit you last Christmas?

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Dershowitz sees any change as endangering Israel..From his hard core Zionist point of view, his aversion to changing the scope of settler colonialist power control is expected. Not so bad from his POV since AIPAC controls American elected officials. AIPAC as a foreign agent has uniquely never been forced to register as a "foreign agent" under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.. Paul Manifort actually was jailed for failing to register as a foreign agent for Ukraine. Yet AIPAC seems somehow exempt from registration; it can pay American elected officials DIRECTLY so they have money for re-election etc. But the result is omnipresent Washington corruption which secures continued American military and economic aid to Israel, making Israel genocide-capable and an economic powerhouse despite a large population exempt from work.

Somehow, the USA has to liberaste itself from this democracy-stifling corruption. The USA cannot seriously taske stands in favor of world human rights when AUIPAC money makes sure that Israel has all the weapons it needs to exterminate the Palestinians who refuse to leave into permanent exile. This is a central plank ofmseveral Israeli political parties, such as Jewish Power,.

Israel brings out the hypocrisy. For decades Dershowitz portrayed himself as a fighter for civil rights, at least when he was not involved in Jeffrey Epstein's activities. So he was for applying civil rights to American ethnic minorities but not to underage girls. Now the pretence drops. He now supports civil rights only for one ethnic group in Palestine- - - Jews. He is opposed to two states there because Palestinians wll always hate Jews. Wonder why? So his solution is that the 50% of Palestine that is Jewish will continue for an unlimited, certainly undefined, time to be overlords and oppressors of the other 50%. Actually he has plagiarized that idea from the Southern segregationists, for example Bull Conner, the cop with the vicious dogs and George Wallace whose ideology seems a doppelganger for Netanyahu's.

Actually Zionism got a foothold in Western acceptance because Hertzl envisioned a one state where Jews and Arabs co-existed, presumably with equal civil rights. Had Netanyahu been Israel's first PM, there would have been no success story about making the desert bloom (actually, the "desert" was expropriated Palestinian fertile farmland). While Western ideals have evolved into equal rights for all, Israelis have been going backwards in time to racist policies and socio-political apartheid, with money allocated to Jewish citizens and poverty to Arabs. Israelis and Dershowitz constantly say Israel is America's best ally. No, a racist nation like Israel cannot be an ally of America which is so dedicated to mitigating racism and creating equality for all. Anyway, where is the document/treaty affirming an ally relationship? AIPAC has been unable to buy that so far.

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