No Dershowitz has not hit the ball out of the park because he refuses to confront his hero Obama about Obama's latest Israel critique which implies that Israel is not acting in accordance with international law and which does not hold Hamas to any international law standard. That Obama is continuing the blood libel is not recognized by Dershowitz improperly because he does not want to offend democrats and he voted for Obama to the detriment of the Jews.
I pray that you are correct Mr. Brizel. I admire Professor Dershowitz but, I feel he has a responsibility as a respected voice for American Jews to call out the politicians who have abetted and welcomed this antisemitism by shaming Americans who disagreed with the open border policies of the Obama and Biden administrations. Americans were awaken to the deep hate after 911. They called us bigots for wanting to legally vet Muslims before they attended our colleges and moved into our neighborhoods and ran for public office. He deferred to Obama and Biden because, as democrats, they were the “good” guys. I am stunned by the amount of antisemitism appearing in almost every nook and cranny of my country. I never could have imagined this many American citizens, green card holders, visitors with visas or just plain illegals would come out into the open proclaiming their bias against the Jews proudly waving flags and raising hateful posters. Our border is still wide open. No democrat politician is giving it any immediate attention. Respectfully, why does the Professor chose not to publicly demand, on behalf of Jewish Americans that the border be secured? What other leader, in a dangerous time like this, would further endanger the safety of its citizens by allowing potential enemies to covertly invade? I have always appreciated the Professor and admired his thick skin when it comes to constitutional principles, but I’m see naïveté in his trust of the democrat party in this country.
If that were the case he would have included Obama's latest statement on the conflict as an example of carrying on the blood libel, but he never will be bold enough - he is trying to appease the Democratic party which is rife iwth antisemitism which he tacitly accepts and is not honest enough to admit that Obama and his voting for Obama (including in the first term) was not good for the Jewish people.
I think that Professor Dershowitz who once was quite liberal has recognized that defense of Israel and the Bill of Rights and defending Trump in the first impeachment have placed him as persona non grata and a traitor to the woke chattering classes who have no love for either Israel or the Bill of Rights and who despise Trump
Not good enough, he needs to do a mea culpa on the damage he has contributed to, from his lofty platform, to the Jews, rather than a "woe is me" cry because some woke don't like him. He wants to suck and blow at the same time - to curry favour with Democrats and always vote for them, but at the same time say he defends the US constitution. He cannot have it both ways, it is hypocritical, but most importantly Jews are not doing better for his ongoing Democratic support, most particularly under Obama. It is not him alone, unfortunatlely, many US Jews contribute to this problem, it is self-inflicted.
I think that Dershowitz should rethink his views on immigration also but his support of Israel is far more stalwart than it was in the early post Oslo I days and his defense of Trump have rendered him persona non grata in the woke world .I do not have a litmus test for anyone who supports Israel regardless if the person is one of the last of the Mohicans as a classical liberal or an Evangelical
Ever hear of the Mitzvah of Teshuvah? I think that Professor Dershowitz has clearly rethought his earlier positions and walked away from the progressive world He is an old fashioned liberal on a few issues but he is far removed from his earlier stances and the views of the woke world
I admire Pro-f. Dershowitz too, but he voted for Obama's Foreign Secretary Hillary and his VP Biden, who are just as hostile to Israel. Biden just gave Hamas' backers Iran billions of dollars.
There is not a lot to admire given Dershowitz's track record of appeasement of antisemitic chunks of the Democratic party - he is making self-serving excuses for it at the expense of the Jews although he should not do that given his platform. Please see this video from Ben Shapiro on Obama's damage - Dershowitz voted for and supported Obama - and Dershowitz has not criticized Obama's latest "deep thoughts" that are supportive of Hamas and blame Israel for the conflict. You can see that Dershowitz is disingenuous and has issues admitting he is and was wrong to back democrats, including Obama and Hillary Clinton who are notoriously antisemitic.
Well, we finally got a crack in Dershowitz's armour with his recent so-called rant against Obama - it is the beginning of a mea culpa after his years of appeasement or support of Obama's brand of hate against the Jews. I have to say though that Dershowitz's claim that he was "fooled" by Obama demonstrates that Dershowitz must in fact be a stupid fool that somehow got to be a Harvard prof of law (this is probable) and he should then have admitted that he is not equipped to provide counsel or seek to influence government policy and should keep his idiocy to himself and bother only his immediate family with it - one only has to read Obama's 2009 Cairo speech to see that Obama's recent published "deep thoughts" on the massacre of Oct 7 2023 are basically taken from the Cairo speech. It is not anything original or new, so nothing was hidden or misleading on Obama's part that could have "fooled" Dershowitz. Unfortunately Dershowitz was too foolish to understand Obama's plain words stated to the world at the beginning of his first term - Dershowitz is so foolish he maintains arrogantly still, that he does not regret voting for Obama in his first term, and excuses that it was only Obama's second term he takes issue with. This is completely disingenuous and again is a pathetic attempt by Dershowitz to save face over his opprtunism - he likes to name drop that he was friendly with Obama etc.; that status was more important than critical thinking and reflexive voting by Dershowitz. Jews be damned.
"The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war." For all the billions of words that have poured out of the mouths of pundits down the years, I have yet to hear a single one that in any way diminishes the baleful truth of these words of Benjamin Netanyahu in 2006.
In today's newspaper, I saw large AP news story about the bombing of Gaza by Israel and the plight of the poor Palestinians. Not a word about the hundreds or thousands of rockets fired daily by Hamas into Israel. This is mainstream media complicit with Hamas in promoting anti-semitism.
Militant Islam or jihadism stands on three fundamental pillars. Taquiya which is lying to the infidel is to be encouraged and is strongly recommended in the Koran. This is what Alan is describing. The other pillars are sharia law, which allows for honor killings and murder of subordinate groups like women and LBTQ plus moslems. The third pillar is dhimmi which is the possible tolerance of non Moslems in Islamic. Of course, burning an ancient synagogue in Tunisia is no big deal to the religion of peace.
What I don't understand is why Biden is letting Iran bypass sanctions and dump 100's of billions in oil exports on the open market. Iran then funnels that money to Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel. Where is the OUTRAGE?
Thank you Dr. Dershowitz. Sharing as usual with my friends and family.
I think the point needs to be made what would happen if Israel was given to the Palestinians, and the number of Palestinians, Arabs, and Christians who live in Israel peacefully, and successfully that would parish.
What I have seen in videos from university campuses is Hamas sleeper cells in action whose members are here because immigration laws and terms of student visas are not enforced .Professor Dershowitz- your support of Israel and defense of the Constitution are great but what are your views on the failure to enforce the immigration laws that has led to campuses resembling Nazi Germany in the treatment of Jewish students and supporters of Israel?
The U.N. has a large permanent staff in Gaza. What are they doing to help shelter displaced Gazans and help innocent civilians, particularly children, women, and the elderly, to evacuate battle zones, create safe areas, and provide food and shelter for a period that could last several months? Has the U.N. asked donor nations to provide funding and resources for this? As best I can tell almost nothing is happening in this regard. One would think advocates for the civilian population would be actively pressing the U.N. and the international community to do this.
Perhaps there is so little interest in protecting Gaza civilians because the safe evacuation of civilians would hasten the demise of Hamas.
Medieval popes refuted the blood libel for the same reason: Jewish dietary laws forbid consumption of blood. The Encyclical Sicut Judaeis (Latin: "As the Jews") forbade persecution of Jews, forced conversion, interference with their ceremonies, taking their property, desecration of cemeteries. Any violation would result in the strongest punishment available to the Church: excommunication.
This is precisely why the ground invasion should never have been approved, and why the U.S. should not be involved financially or otherwise.
The octogenerian gangsters in Washington, no doubt suffering from babyboomer disease (i.e., Russia always equals bad) are not only sleep walking into ww3, they are also going to singlehandedly destroy Israel and weaken America beyond repair.
That is because a ground invasion only strengthens Hamas and their propaganda machine.
Israel's bombing of gaza just created three generations of enemies whose sole mission will be to wreak havoc and terror well into the 22nd century, or however long it takes to bring Israel to their knees.
Billions of debt will be spent on security, and numerous wars will be fought until you are broke, weak, and easy prey.
Welcome to another 2000 year diaspora.
In any regional conflict, Israel will be solely dependent on two bankrupt nations (u.s. and u.k.), both of which have postmodernist, neomarxist universities, along with imported muslim populations that hate Israel and the Israel people. And if that wasn't damning enough, you have white skin. At least, most jews do.
Elite universities now teach that white people are oppressors.
Hamas is brown. Therefore, they are the victims.
Too simplistic, I hear you say? What about the history of terror and violence? Doesnt that matter?
Nope. You were born an oppressor. You deserve the punishment of the oppressed.
At Harvard, this reactionary ideaology is brought to you by bigoted, woke, demothugs masquerading as liberals.
Dont agree with Harvard?
Then you must 'reeducate' yourself, and 'recalibrate' your mind. Because "you" are the problem.
Professor Dershowitz hits the ball out of the park-Hamas is a Nazi movement that is predicated on the physical eradication of the Jewish People.
No Dershowitz has not hit the ball out of the park because he refuses to confront his hero Obama about Obama's latest Israel critique which implies that Israel is not acting in accordance with international law and which does not hold Hamas to any international law standard. That Obama is continuing the blood libel is not recognized by Dershowitz improperly because he does not want to offend democrats and he voted for Obama to the detriment of the Jews.
Professor Dershowitz has moved a long way and distance from his admiration for Obama and all of his policies
I pray that you are correct Mr. Brizel. I admire Professor Dershowitz but, I feel he has a responsibility as a respected voice for American Jews to call out the politicians who have abetted and welcomed this antisemitism by shaming Americans who disagreed with the open border policies of the Obama and Biden administrations. Americans were awaken to the deep hate after 911. They called us bigots for wanting to legally vet Muslims before they attended our colleges and moved into our neighborhoods and ran for public office. He deferred to Obama and Biden because, as democrats, they were the “good” guys. I am stunned by the amount of antisemitism appearing in almost every nook and cranny of my country. I never could have imagined this many American citizens, green card holders, visitors with visas or just plain illegals would come out into the open proclaiming their bias against the Jews proudly waving flags and raising hateful posters. Our border is still wide open. No democrat politician is giving it any immediate attention. Respectfully, why does the Professor chose not to publicly demand, on behalf of Jewish Americans that the border be secured? What other leader, in a dangerous time like this, would further endanger the safety of its citizens by allowing potential enemies to covertly invade? I have always appreciated the Professor and admired his thick skin when it comes to constitutional principles, but I’m see naïveté in his trust of the democrat party in this country.
If that were the case he would have included Obama's latest statement on the conflict as an example of carrying on the blood libel, but he never will be bold enough - he is trying to appease the Democratic party which is rife iwth antisemitism which he tacitly accepts and is not honest enough to admit that Obama and his voting for Obama (including in the first term) was not good for the Jewish people.
I think that Professor Dershowitz who once was quite liberal has recognized that defense of Israel and the Bill of Rights and defending Trump in the first impeachment have placed him as persona non grata and a traitor to the woke chattering classes who have no love for either Israel or the Bill of Rights and who despise Trump
Not good enough, he needs to do a mea culpa on the damage he has contributed to, from his lofty platform, to the Jews, rather than a "woe is me" cry because some woke don't like him. He wants to suck and blow at the same time - to curry favour with Democrats and always vote for them, but at the same time say he defends the US constitution. He cannot have it both ways, it is hypocritical, but most importantly Jews are not doing better for his ongoing Democratic support, most particularly under Obama. It is not him alone, unfortunatlely, many US Jews contribute to this problem, it is self-inflicted.
I think that Dershowitz should rethink his views on immigration also but his support of Israel is far more stalwart than it was in the early post Oslo I days and his defense of Trump have rendered him persona non grata in the woke world .I do not have a litmus test for anyone who supports Israel regardless if the person is one of the last of the Mohicans as a classical liberal or an Evangelical
Ever hear of the Mitzvah of Teshuvah? I think that Professor Dershowitz has clearly rethought his earlier positions and walked away from the progressive world He is an old fashioned liberal on a few issues but he is far removed from his earlier stances and the views of the woke world
I admire Pro-f. Dershowitz too, but he voted for Obama's Foreign Secretary Hillary and his VP Biden, who are just as hostile to Israel. Biden just gave Hamas' backers Iran billions of dollars.
There is not a lot to admire given Dershowitz's track record of appeasement of antisemitic chunks of the Democratic party - he is making self-serving excuses for it at the expense of the Jews although he should not do that given his platform. Please see this video from Ben Shapiro on Obama's damage - Dershowitz voted for and supported Obama - and Dershowitz has not criticized Obama's latest "deep thoughts" that are supportive of Hamas and blame Israel for the conflict. You can see that Dershowitz is disingenuous and has issues admitting he is and was wrong to back democrats, including Obama and Hillary Clinton who are notoriously antisemitic.
Well, we finally got a crack in Dershowitz's armour with his recent so-called rant against Obama - it is the beginning of a mea culpa after his years of appeasement or support of Obama's brand of hate against the Jews. I have to say though that Dershowitz's claim that he was "fooled" by Obama demonstrates that Dershowitz must in fact be a stupid fool that somehow got to be a Harvard prof of law (this is probable) and he should then have admitted that he is not equipped to provide counsel or seek to influence government policy and should keep his idiocy to himself and bother only his immediate family with it - one only has to read Obama's 2009 Cairo speech to see that Obama's recent published "deep thoughts" on the massacre of Oct 7 2023 are basically taken from the Cairo speech. It is not anything original or new, so nothing was hidden or misleading on Obama's part that could have "fooled" Dershowitz. Unfortunately Dershowitz was too foolish to understand Obama's plain words stated to the world at the beginning of his first term - Dershowitz is so foolish he maintains arrogantly still, that he does not regret voting for Obama in his first term, and excuses that it was only Obama's second term he takes issue with. This is completely disingenuous and again is a pathetic attempt by Dershowitz to save face over his opprtunism - he likes to name drop that he was friendly with Obama etc.; that status was more important than critical thinking and reflexive voting by Dershowitz. Jews be damned.
"The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war." For all the billions of words that have poured out of the mouths of pundits down the years, I have yet to hear a single one that in any way diminishes the baleful truth of these words of Benjamin Netanyahu in 2006.
In today's newspaper, I saw large AP news story about the bombing of Gaza by Israel and the plight of the poor Palestinians. Not a word about the hundreds or thousands of rockets fired daily by Hamas into Israel. This is mainstream media complicit with Hamas in promoting anti-semitism.
Last week, the number of rockets fired into Isreal since Oct.7th was 7000!
Militant Islam or jihadism stands on three fundamental pillars. Taquiya which is lying to the infidel is to be encouraged and is strongly recommended in the Koran. This is what Alan is describing. The other pillars are sharia law, which allows for honor killings and murder of subordinate groups like women and LBTQ plus moslems. The third pillar is dhimmi which is the possible tolerance of non Moslems in Islamic. Of course, burning an ancient synagogue in Tunisia is no big deal to the religion of peace.
What I don't understand is why Biden is letting Iran bypass sanctions and dump 100's of billions in oil exports on the open market. Iran then funnels that money to Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel. Where is the OUTRAGE?
So true - I am heartbroken --- I speak out for Israel at every opportunity
"Fact-checkers Rate Medieval Blood Libel: Mostly Not True"
Too bad so many Democrats aren’t standing against those that don’t support the Jews in Israel. Why are they afraid to speak out?
Thank you Dr. Dershowitz. Sharing as usual with my friends and family.
I think the point needs to be made what would happen if Israel was given to the Palestinians, and the number of Palestinians, Arabs, and Christians who live in Israel peacefully, and successfully that would parish.
No one would have access to the Holy Land.
Thank you. Prayers to you.
What I have seen in videos from university campuses is Hamas sleeper cells in action whose members are here because immigration laws and terms of student visas are not enforced .Professor Dershowitz- your support of Israel and defense of the Constitution are great but what are your views on the failure to enforce the immigration laws that has led to campuses resembling Nazi Germany in the treatment of Jewish students and supporters of Israel?
The U.N. has a large permanent staff in Gaza. What are they doing to help shelter displaced Gazans and help innocent civilians, particularly children, women, and the elderly, to evacuate battle zones, create safe areas, and provide food and shelter for a period that could last several months? Has the U.N. asked donor nations to provide funding and resources for this? As best I can tell almost nothing is happening in this regard. One would think advocates for the civilian population would be actively pressing the U.N. and the international community to do this.
Perhaps there is so little interest in protecting Gaza civilians because the safe evacuation of civilians would hasten the demise of Hamas.
Medieval popes refuted the blood libel for the same reason: Jewish dietary laws forbid consumption of blood. The Encyclical Sicut Judaeis (Latin: "As the Jews") forbade persecution of Jews, forced conversion, interference with their ceremonies, taking their property, desecration of cemeteries. Any violation would result in the strongest punishment available to the Church: excommunication.
This is precisely why the ground invasion should never have been approved, and why the U.S. should not be involved financially or otherwise.
The octogenerian gangsters in Washington, no doubt suffering from babyboomer disease (i.e., Russia always equals bad) are not only sleep walking into ww3, they are also going to singlehandedly destroy Israel and weaken America beyond repair.
That is because a ground invasion only strengthens Hamas and their propaganda machine.
Israel's bombing of gaza just created three generations of enemies whose sole mission will be to wreak havoc and terror well into the 22nd century, or however long it takes to bring Israel to their knees.
Billions of debt will be spent on security, and numerous wars will be fought until you are broke, weak, and easy prey.
Welcome to another 2000 year diaspora.
In any regional conflict, Israel will be solely dependent on two bankrupt nations (u.s. and u.k.), both of which have postmodernist, neomarxist universities, along with imported muslim populations that hate Israel and the Israel people. And if that wasn't damning enough, you have white skin. At least, most jews do.
Elite universities now teach that white people are oppressors.
Hamas is brown. Therefore, they are the victims.
Too simplistic, I hear you say? What about the history of terror and violence? Doesnt that matter?
Nope. You were born an oppressor. You deserve the punishment of the oppressed.
At Harvard, this reactionary ideaology is brought to you by bigoted, woke, demothugs masquerading as liberals.
Dont agree with Harvard?
Then you must 'reeducate' yourself, and 'recalibrate' your mind. Because "you" are the problem.