You are 100% correct, as always, on the rise of alarming anti-semitism. I agree with you completely. However, DEI bureaucracies and identity departments are the result so-called "Liberal" policies that promote illiberal ideals; and so-called "Democrat" party supporting anti-democracy ideologies. Yet you continue to vote for a so-called "progressive" party responsible for all of these virulent regressive policies. Your political posturing makes no sense to me....

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I presume he's reluctant to switch parties, because then he'll stop being invited to the "cool table" on Martha's Vinyard.

In his books, he claims to be concerned about "statism" on the right, and perhaps that was a reasonable view fifty years ago, but if any party is attempting to centralize power it's the democrat party.

It was also the so-called 'liberals' -- really socialists -- who turned capitalist Germany into a fascist state. It was the socialists that turned capitalist Italy into Mussolini's utopia, a utopia that forced most italian women into prostitution so they could put food on the table for their family.

The track record is clear, yet very few long time democrats have the courage to leave their party.

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DEI is a front for a racist jew hating cabal of marxist and Maoist inspired radical left authoritarian professors who teach students what to think instead of how to think,

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DIE is just another method of marginalizing and discriminating against Jews. Jews in the professions have been actively discriminated against through unspoken quotas previously or DIE currently. The Jews are one of the smallest minorities in the world and if anyone should profit from DIE it is Jews, but they use it against Jews as another means to continue the longstanding program of antisemitism and active discrimination against Jews, most notably in medicine.

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This is the contradiction in terms, or hypocracy that is Dershowitz. He keeps calling out the negative things that his Democratic party is responsible for supporting/propping up. Yet he continues to vote for Dems no matter what. Dems are antisemitic and do not support or even hate Israel. That should be disqualification right there. By voting for Dems, Dershowitz is sucking and blowing at the same time. Not usually something one can pull off.

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Why are you sure that he always votes for Democrats? Has he said so?

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Yes, he has said so repeatedly on every occasion, that is something everybody knows it is not a secret.

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I have read or heard him say more than once that he's a longtime "liberal" Democrat, but if he has said that he always votes for Democrats I either missed it or don't recall it.

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Yes. But, isn't the gov. funding from the Dems, and their lunacy that pressures and forces this nonsense?

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Perverse trends in education, government, and social institutions in general are only to be expected in a society wherein, due to firmly entrenched malincentives, relative adolescent/adult intelligence and number of live offspring produced and surviving to maturity are inversely correlated. Which, I believe, has been the case in the US and other first-world countries for a century or more.

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I agree. The problem is that you are espousing common sense - something that, unfortunately, cannot be taught.

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DEI and CRT is an attack on individuality. It tries to label people, package people into a box, and ship them out to fill a quota.

If courageous academics don't confront it's dangerous ideology then it will totally destroy the American republic and the precepts on which it stands.

We will have a one party state in the same mold as the CCP, because only a one party state with total control over the means of production can achieve their dystopia of equal outcome.

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