It is COMPLETELY irresponsible for any news agency to go by Hamas' numbers! They seem to lie and misrepresent any info that they put out!

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2002 Jenin reality allows you to remove “seem” from your analysis.

Hamas claimed for months that Israel killed 10,000 civilians. Eventual UN commission established 56 (wiki now claims 52) total: 47 terrorists and 9 civilians.

10,000 vs 9 that’s A Lie of 1,111x+ magnitude

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That's five orders of magnitude off!

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… and yet, Groupthink 😉 does not give up the lie. 🤯🤷🏻‍♂️

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Reading Alan and John Mearsheimer in parallel is a great example of divergent opinions on the same set of facts. John (who had been a great realist on Ukraine from the beginning) is convinced that Israel is genocidal and intentionally trying to wipe out the Palestinians. He has PMC institutions and emotion on his side. Alan has data on his. Alan's demonstrably right, but John and his ilk will never admit it.

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The difference between Alan and John, John is demagogic and Alan is factual and logical.

When John’s book on Israel’s lobby came out, I recall how stunned I was by the low quality analysis, reliance on anecdotal evidence as facts, etc. etc. And John & his Harvard co-author have not attacked all lobbies, just Jewish one. Imagine anyone attacking Michael Jordan, or Messi, or Kasparov for being the best in what they do.

You are correct that John’s analysis of the situation in Ukraine has been of higher quality. So much so that I reread his attack on the AIPAC again to see what I have misinterpreted or misunderstood the first time. Sadly, I found nothing new in John’s attack on Israel’s lobby. It’s still an unsubstantiated hit piece, a sad blemish on Meatsheimer’s and great school’s he represents reputations.

What’s PMC institutions, Brian?

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My feeling as well! I can't figure out why someone whose analysis has been so solid on Ukraine suffers from so many obvious holes on Israel. John's not a fool nor does he generally suffer them. Yet his confidence in what seems like such obvious faulty logic is making me question my own.

PMC = Professional Managerial Class. I've forgotten who coined the term a few years ago, but it's more accurate than "elite". Elite to many people means "uber-wealthy". PMC is broader, referring to the top 10-15% of the society and institutions that tend to set the overall direction. A major professor at Columbia might not be "elite", but he (or more likely she) is definitely PMC.

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The only answer I have, money talks! Everything has a price. I wonder what Professor M’s was.

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I think Prof Mearsheimer is deluded, not corrupted. The defining characteristic of the Professional Managerial Class is its tendency to fall into extreme, cult-like, Groupthink. People who are otherwise clever, open and rational, suddenly turn into mindless zombies chanting prefabricated dogma when certain topics arise.

PMCG is a very real phenomenon, and it needs to be explored because of its ruinous consequences for society. There has been a series of disasters due to Groupthink, including the Covid catastrophe, the AIDS epidemic, the Climate Cult, the foot & mouth epidemic among farm animals, where those in charge have actively embraced the very worst possible solutions, refused to change their disastrous course even in the face of even the strongest evidence, viciously punished all dissent, and then, to cap it all, they mysteriously forget about it afterwards!

I would recommend Groupthink: A Study in Self Delusion, by the late, great Christopher Booker as a good introduction to the topic.

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Would not you agree that deluded person will be deluded on all issues, not selectively?

One who uses facts and/or logic on some issues but abandons facts and/or logic on others, selectively is likely to be biased in the latter issues.

Thank you for the recommendation

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Seeing eminent physicist, Prof. Leonard Susskind, babbling and weeping like a baby in one episode of his YouTube lecture series on college physics when Donald Trump was elected convinces me otherwise. Selective anti-rationality is a thing.

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The difference between Dershowitz and Mearsheimer, John is demagogic and Alan is factual and logical.

When John’s book on Israel’s lobby came out, I recall how stunned I was by the low quality analysis, reliance on anecdotal evidence as facts, etc. etc. And John & his Harvard co-author have not attacked all lobbies, just Jewish one. Imagine anyone attacking Michael Jordan, or Messi, or Kasparov, or Mohamed Ali for being the best in what they do.

Mearsheimer’s analysis of the situation in Ukraine has been of higher quality. So much so that I reread his attack on the AIPAC again to see what I might have misinterpreted or misunderstood the first time. Sadly, I found nothing new in John’s attack on Israel’s lobby. It’s still an unsubstantiated hit piece, a sad blemish on Meatsheimer’s and great school’s he represents reputations.

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"Double standards are a form of bigotry...a form of international anti-Semitism.!" Bullshit.

The alleged pedophile has benefitted all his life from double standards based on his education, his internship at the Supreme Court, his Harvard position, his emeritus status.. Benefits indude having the clout to have this podcast, generally about nothing more than ethnic propaganda and speculation from a man who does not read deeply. As a hard core zionist ALWAYS minimizing or completely whitewashing Israeli misbehaviour from bullying to atrocities, the alleged pedophile is always looking for a chance to claim victimhood, a status normally reserved in this lifetime for those now oppressed and mutilated by the IDF, or the underage groomed children put on drugs to control them so that they would be docile when unclothed in front of numerousmalleged pedophiles.

Not many people other than the alleged pedophile would have advantage of a double standard when that despite a damning criminal investigation from the Palm Beach Police Department and the FBI, a Federal District Attorney (Acosta) declines to prosecute him and grants Dershowitz's wish for a SECRET Non-Prosecution agreement, which will prevent any other federal prosecution. This lack of prosecution coincidentally means that when the word "pedophile" is used to describe a Dershowitz activity, the modifier "alleged" is necessary.

Double standard means the alleged pedophile is excused from detailed investigation of his activities during his 15 years working and playing with the man he then admired, Jeffrey Epstein. Thanks to double standards we do not get to know how often the alleged pedophile sampled his partner's products.

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The BS trolls are out with knives blazing 🤡

You may want to amend your drivel. The alleged “victim” admitted that she “misidentified” Alan. Moreover, uncovered email exchanges identified the person completely unrelated to, unfamiliar with the case, who recommended adding Alan’s name with the purpose of selling more books to dummies, who would believe the BS, and use for their own nefarious purposes. I am looking at you “greg” “star”.

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Virginia Guiffre

1) solidly identified Dershowitz as her rapist while she was underage, for at least three years

2) Prince Albert and Ghislaine were also identified and each paid her a multimillion dollar settlement (Andrew 15 M and Ghislaine more than 2 M) This confirms Virginia's cred.

3) Dershowitz was well known in publishing with about 2 score books . each written in his 8th Grade polemic style, and he had a reputation quite aside from parody ----there had been rumors about him that reached London where some of his books had been published, British book publishers connected these rumors to Dershowitz's long service to Epstein.

4 )It was important for Dershowitz to get himself included in an immunity deal from US DA Alex Acosta. It was granted according to Acosta because of the intense pressure of Epstein money and influence and information given to Acosta that the Epstein-run operation was a Mossad operation . This is Acosta's testimony. Note that an innocent man needs no immunity deal covering child rape and complicith

5) Since then Dershowitz has been silent as a graveyard about his 15 year long activity with his admired friend Jeffrey Epstein. We know nothing from him about the scope of Dershowitz's activities those 15 years. .

6) Virginias was not the only girl to accuse Dershowitz of rape. For your information rape can occur withn insertions/penetrations of objects like rubber toys.The fact that Dershowitz's name wss well known to the girls indicates he was mingling with them, not jusrt wrkiting nasty legal briefs for Mr Epstein.

7) Dershowitz is on record admitting he had a "massage" from one of Epstein's females. In Epstein parlance however the term "massage" connoted physical contact resulting in ejaculation. Dershowitz claimed BTW he kept his underpants on at all times, which hardly is evidence that rape did not occur.

8) Dershowitz has actively obstructed collection of evidence. Each whistleblowing girl and her attorney was sued for defamation with constant harassament to scare the PTSS afflicted girls and to intimdate the rest of the girl, The aforesaid immunity deal he got also obstructed justice since it stopped Palm Beach Police Dept/FBI criminal investigation of alleged pedophilic activity. Furthermore he is on record as saying the girls are "lunatics" and "prostitutes" (remember they were all groomed) in order to make them feel isolated.

9) Your claim that the "victim" admitted she misidentified is seriously inaccurate. Her wording is "might have misidentified". She said this did not "exonerate" Dershowitz from her claims of rape. There are a number of reasons why she wanted to drop her claim. She had been given settlements of about USD 17 M, she had just married, she had a child on the way, needed PTSS therapy and moved to a horse ranch in Australia. She needed peace and it was her right to have it. She dropped her civil case. Dershowitz can be tried in criminal court. There is no statute of limitations for pedophilic rape & complicity.

10) To Alan. When you are writing comments while pretending to be an anonymous someone else, and writing in your characterisitic 8th Grade style, well you may be " looking " at me but I am not going to let you touch me and there will be no rubber toy play.

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Ignorance is not always a bliss.

You are waaaaaay behind the curve. Virginia admitted that she’s never seen Alan and her book “advisor suggested that Alan’s name, among others, would sell her book well. An email trail confirms this version of events.

5) Is an utter nonsense. I read and heard Alan speaking about/on the issue enough times to make you ashamed of your ignorance.

If I were you, I’d apologize to professor profoundly, profusely and pray that he does not hang your sorry a$$, suing for defamation.

Be well, and, what’s important, smart

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So pls relay what the "professor" gave as details about those 15 years working and playing with his admired friend, Jeffrey. Surely they were not limited to diseussions about how to attain a Greater Israel, Any little girls come into the conversations? So fess up, anonymous person. What interesting details came forth while you read and listened about the issue?.

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Working - everyone, no matter how evil or crooked, deserves proper defense in a free society, which America is still, I hope, is.

Your innuendoes are disgusting and deserve defamation lawsuit.

Pray, "Greg", pray.

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Seek help.

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Greg, I think there's no place for you on this site, where knowledge & opinions are aired courteously & without malice. The subject is not about Virginia Giuffre, or your hatred of Prof. Dershowitz, who most readers & writers here hold in great respect.

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"Double standards are a form of bigotry, and when bigotry is addressed to the only nation-state of the Jewish people, it becomes a form of international anti-Semitism against the Jew among nations."...I agree 100%.

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Frankly, the theme is whether an accused pedophile with a 15 year close association with Jeffrey Epstein has the threshold of judgement to operate a substack platform upon which he earns income and is allowed to collect an audience, most of whom are too young to suspect what he did.(or might have done) and caused. Your words must be ironic "this site where knowledge & opinions are aired courteously and without malice". Apparently you are unaware that one Dershow youtube video entitled "There are no innocents in Gaza" is part of a package collected by South Africa to demonstrate genocidal incitement. So this man who you seem to admire directly incites IDF genocide in that video and in at least three others. Like Mr Gallant, Dershowitz has also called Gazans "human animals".and even repeated that epithet twice. Real courteous, right? If you admire him so, go thru his youtube videos. I have and that is why i am upset.

Apparently you are a new viewer and have missed the alleged pedophile's vicious attacks on "Hitler Youth", "ignoramuses". "Nazis" "know-nothings" etc. The people these described are students at Columbia and Harvard demonstrating against IDF genocide.. And you may have missed the alleged pedophile's efforts to get the USA to attack Iran so that Israel can be more secure. Or his progrsm stating that Israel has not violated International Law. a program proving prima facie his inadequacy outside the scope of Constitional Law.Those efforts included no airing of knowledge, just propagandistic opinions.

As to your conclusion about my suitability to be on a site which is monolithically pro-IDF. pro-zionist, and ignores the salient issue of pedophilia, well, if you are an American Jew you might have some cultural respect for the benefits of diversity as opposed to monolithic group think directed by the alleged pedophile.. I make the platform diverse (actually there have been a few more)..

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Frankly, your off the topic ad-hominem is tiresome, disgusting, and untrue.

I see, your problem is not with Alan perse, but rather with "monolithically pro-IDF. pro-zionist, ..." "monolithic group think."

First, you are as dead wrong about your description of this platform as monolithically pro-IDF, as you are dead-wrong about about your pathetic innuendos.

You do NOT add diversity, you add, pardon my directness, stupidity.

This is still, I hope, a free country and you have every right to be a token stupid, if you wish.

Choose wisely.

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Alan, we are in the same ballpark but on other sides of the stadium on this matter. What are "civilians" when they vote in a mass murdering religious cult? How do you actually define "civilian" in this matter? There is a reason Dresden was bombed, but many civilians were killed. Yes, every effort should be made to protect the innocent but what do you do when so many are guilty of supporting a murderous religious cult?

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It's hard to vote for anyone else/any other group at the point of a barrel, after you see people thrown to death off rooftops, gunned down wedding fulls with no soul left alive ...

I agree with the rest of your comment.

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It is so very obvious Israel has been set up by these rogue tyrannical terror financing leaders who are driven by pure hatred, nothing else.

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Disgusting blood libels about AM Yisrael flooding the media. It is the opposite. Palestinians want to drink our blood for breakfast, lunch, and supper.

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There is no innuendo. I say right out that Dershowitz needs to explain his role and actions and relationship with Epstein. And if he still wants to be silent about those 15 years, other than apodictally state "I am not guilty (and no one else should decide if I am because I am taking the Fifth )" then people have to be conscious of this state of affairs.

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We Have Scott Ritter & Colonel Douglas MacGregor Who Have Both Worked For The American Department Of Defense. Both Of These Gentlemen Are Currently Offering Over 10 Years Of Information In Less Than 1 Hour, Everywhere On Social Media. I Will Personally Simply Say We Can Agree To Disagree On The Deaths In Gaza Claim. However I Will Agree That The American Governments Are Allowing All Of The Deaths In Gaza To Be Seen By The World, While Their Civilian Death Are Almost Never Reported. We, The Real Americans Here In America Have Been Fighting Against Our Own Holocausts Here In America For Over 400 Years. Tulsa Oklahoma 1919 Right Here In America Is One Such Example Out Of Over 70 Others Since 1919. Now We Are Facing The Second Phase Of A New Glorified Slavery That Has Illegally Been In Place For Over The Last 70 Years. The Current American Governments Continue To Operate In A Treasonous Violation Against The American Constitution. And With All That Is Floating Back And Forth, No One In The Mainstream Media's Dare To Mention The Illegal Program That Is Under The Umbrella Of Targeted Individuals, Gang Stalking, Havana Syndrome, A Report By Vice News Titled: Chronicles Of A TI, Anna Von Reitz's Letter To All Targeted Individuals & Is Referred To By Dr. Abassi In Iran Who Headed Iran's Atomic Energy Program As Electromagnetic Pulse Torture. The Governments In America Are Making Us Sick On Purpose For Profits & These Programs Are Attached To The Hospitals & Pharmaceuticals. In My Personal Opinion The Illegitimate American Governments Are Setting Israel Up To Take The Fall. Have You Not Noticed How Everything Is Now Conveniently Being Blamed Solely On Israel. How Can South Africa Take Israel To The CJC Without Including The Illegitimate American Governments ?? We Continue The Fight To Force The American Governments Into The Very Courts That They Largely Influence, The ICC & CJC Including The Criminal Courts Of Leading Brics Nations.

"The American Resistance & Corrections"

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