Precise and correct, as always, Professor.

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Alan, I see that you have not yet discovered and unequivocal fact that she committed plagiarism on several occasions of her Ph,D thesis (from Professor Carol Swain.

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Maybe the several hundred professors propping her up think Harvard shouldn’t cave to politicians and alumni, but perhaps they will relent to permanently zippered wallets. They need to be financially starved.

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Why is it that mass murder and rape of Jewish civilians seems to be okay but when you attack and bomb terrorists, who are committing these atrocities it is a crime? Something only the minds of highly educated (note I do not mean smart) dunces at elite universities have an answer to. William Buckley was right when he said something to the effect, “I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University.”

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Oh may there be a domino affect! Glad she is gone! Who will replace her??

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This is not new to the opposition of the leftist ideology which permeates our educational system from K thru 12 & beyond. It may be on display now, but soon it will be swept back under the rug until another excuse for it to raise its ugly head. This is the left's tactic; I call it the reptile tactic. Strike & recoil. Until this figurative head is cut off, this is the continues game played, similar to Wack-a-mole.

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I'm wondering about your statement: "It was this combination of lack of concern for free speech when it was directed against protected minorities and a sudden concern for free speech when directed against Jews that manifests a discriminatory double standard that angered so many students and alumni"."

Do you not have any issues with her and the university's lack of concern for free speech directed against non-protected minorities/majorities such as conservatives, Christians, whites and Asians? I don't understand why no concerns were raised years ago when the censorship/harassment/bullying/lack of free speech were directed against whom I've just mentioned.

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I believe the proverbial pot has boiled over.

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She's everything (and more) that you claim...which, apparently, makes her perfect for the job.

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I believe it was College Dean Rakesh Khurana's decision not to renew Ronald Sullivan's Winthrop House leadership role.

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