I agree. If any political party advocates packing the court to achieve their immediate policy objectives, then that party and those following them might as well secede and form a CCP style totalitarian state. If one is so radical in their political views that they cannot accept Supreme Court rulings, and not appreciate the philosophical complexity of the cases that land on the justices desks -- if one continually promulgates the philosophy of "it's my way or the highway", which is a rather totalitarian view, then they ought to simply declare their allegiance to another mode of governance. Journalism in this country is awful; they have the audacity to accuse justices of "political crusades" which is utterly absurd. If anyone has been on a crusade for the last decade, it's the radical left wing of the democrat party, a wing that is well funded by Arabella Advisors, and a wing whose policy goals are more akin to the old USSR and Mao's China, then Lockean and Kantian ethics on which the constitution rests.

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Keep up the good work, Professor.

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Professor Dershowitz, I want to thank you for your always interesting discussions. I frequently disagree with your conclusions; however, I always find your arguments instructive.

In this case, I believe the problem is that there has already been significant court packing due to the long history of inappropriate attribution of human rights to corporations which has followed the largesse bestowed on past justices.

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The recent revelations about undisclosed financial gains by SCOTUS Justices is appalling. Notice it's not the "Democrat" Justices, but three out of the five "Republican" Justices, including Chief Justice Roberts... so far. Let's cut the BS, Alan, and admit that there's a significant POLITICAL influence that has infected the Court, as well as an oligarchic one, again most recently outed by the Press. The very politically conservative Heritage Foundation, financed by and made up of some of the wealthiest Americans with deep interest in conservative SCOTUS decisions, has been working to pack the court with ultra conservative judges for at least a half century, finally hit the trifecta with Trump, McConnell, and their willingness to break norms and cheat their way into a super majority. Court? Packed.

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