Sorry, I missed the part in the First Ammendment that guaranteed people a government subsidised loan. Please point out the specific verbiage so that I may become as savvy a political commentator as yourself.
I don't wish to curtail persons' consitutal rights, i simply don't want to pay for a protestor's "speech" when that speech advocates violence, murder, genocide, and/or attempts to curtail the rights of OTHERS!
Sorry Greg, I fear I'll never be able to place myself in the lofty and venerable intellectual Valhalla you have been able to place yourself in. To your point about freedom of speech, I agree that right (in its varied forms) is enshrined in the First Ammendment. Student loans, however, are a different matter. One doesn't necessarily link the other. Student loans are doled out through banks (with the gov't acting as a guarantor) with the caveat of the borrower meeting certain criterea. I see no reason that placing certain limits regarding that VOLUNTARY loan would be linked to the innate rights enshrine in the First Ammendent. A+B=C. A is not equal to C alone nor is B.
I decades is bit of time on earth. Your comment, "...government action which if interrupted..." betrays the non-violation of first ammendment rights. You would be on firmer ground IF the government agreed to fund and guarantee UNIVERSAL post-secondary education. Currently, it does not. Perhaps in the future it will, but till then....
Your comment reminded me of an old truism: Knowledge my be aquired at any time by anyone, but wisdom only comes with age. Wisdom= knowledge + experience. You can't have wisdom without a combination of the two
Yes I agree professor Dershowitz. These type of behaviors and beliefs tear away at our beloved American peace, justice and unity. They do not merit federal funding.
For those on this thread complaining about free speech encroachment- there is a difference between free speech and calling to kill sects of people based upon race, creed, religion and identity. There is a difference between free speech an violence , precluding people from attending class, entering a building or having an expectation of personal safety based upon race, creed, religion or sexual identity. Free speech doesn’t extend to the destruction of property. Free speech doesn’t include holding people hostage.
Also, Hamas is a designated terror organization by the U.S. government. Hamas is responsible for committing acts of terror globally. Ditto Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Houthis,ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Shabab, Islamic Jihad, Taliban, etc, all spinoffs of the same ideological poison. They don’t solely terrorize Jews. They kill Christians, Druze, Yazidis, Hindus,Buddhists, atheists, LGBTQ, Muslims and the target is Western civilization first, but they’ve now focusing on Asia- particularly India and the recent takeover of Bangladesh, where they’re slaughtering Hindus. They slaughtered 69,000 Nigerian Christians.. beheaded 200 in Congo last week. They’re slaughtering Christians an Druze in Syria. But since the Jews can’t be blamed, nobody cares. Doesn’t even get a blurb on the MSM. Nor has the recent mass Kurdish genocide in Syria sponsored by Turkey and ignored by the West as everybody is “ celebrating” Assad’s ouster by far worse.
So if whatever insane hatred people unite on when it comes to Jews, don’t kid yourselves into believing you’re exempt. You’re next.
I live in Miami with a large population of Iranians, Afghanis and Lebanese-American citizens whose family fled the Iranian Revolution and the Hamas and Taliban takeovers of Lebanon and Afghanistan. We’re also experiencing an influx of Turkish Christians fleeing the tyrannical segue to Islamism under the psychopath, Erdogan. Perhaps if some of the incurious know-it-alls commenting here spoke with Muslims and others who’ve experienced fundamentalist Islamist violence and tyranny heard it first hand, they might see things from a different lens. Albeit, if you haven’t seen video of what’s happening on college campuses, you should and if you have and are okay with it, you’re the problem.
I’m happy that President Trump has cut $400 million from Columbia University, out of $5 billion total. He should cut more, and cut a long list of schools, colleges, and universities’
Many of the Barnard pro-Israel women who are involved with research (like my daughter and her neuroscience colleagues at Barnard, among many others) would agree with the call for pressure on Columbia and on Barnard to once and for all deal with the horrific anti-Semitism they have experienced. But they would be deeply outraged (as am I) by the shade thrown on the intellectual significance of the work and study they do at Barnard. Barnard has an amazing pre-med track and was founded to create a path for women into medicine when that path didnt exist. Let's see pressure applied in a manner that doesnt blow up the careers of the current students who are the victims of the ant-Semitism and anti-Israel hate on campus.
Question. One of the people arrested for not leaving Milstein is a Columbia U medical student I believe class of 2025. And the class president. Do you think this person should be allowed to get boarded in any field of medicine after this display of antisemitism and violence?
Did you breeze past the part describing the heinous indoctrination going on at that place? You approve of your daughter even being a part of that poor excuse for a college? Please read up on the effect this cancer has had on our medical schools. We now have discrimination triaging at health institutions. It happened here in Texas during the plandemic. Elderly Caucasians beware.
This is the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard. Barnard is an AFFILIATE of Columbia and if the intention behind the funding cuts is to provide a punitive action for antisemitism on campus, then any institution openly promoting that behavior is fair game. I am not saying Barnard shouldn’t have its funding cut given what’s going on, but to say they deserve it “more” than Harvard (which we all know you derive a lot of your identity from) or its brother institution Columbia is idiotic and maybe even sexist.
I agree ALL schools engaged in this heinous behavior AND coverup are equally rabid. You loose the credibility of your argument when you throw in senseless angles like the sexist comment. Education now teaches to chant obligatory pieces of irrelevant propaganda without thinking.
It's not an uncredible accusation if it's true or supported by a very strong undercurrent in the overall argument. Why demand that Barnard be shut down, and not Harvard - if the reasoning is "because antisemitism"?
Curious why the call to cut Barnard yet spare Columbia, which has been far worse (and whose students were part of that protest)? Just because Columbia conducts research? Columbia is by far the bigger poster child for antisemitic, terrorist propaganda nonsense, yes?
Absolutely on target. Those racist sexist a-holes need to get exactly what they deserve. Jews need to unite and stop the liberal byass. This problem must be addressed so these animals don't achieve their depraved goal of antisemitism and sexism. Thank you President Trump for a long overdue response for these deaf universities.
Eliminate student loans to anyone found protesting improperly. They probably would not pay it back anyway.
Revoke any student visas of students found to be violating the rules or the civil law in the city country or state.
Have an audit of the courses and teachers to see what is being taught and established the extent they are radical socialists biased against what a University should stand for. Publicize the results. Require a closure of those courses which are anti-Semitic or excessively destructive of the principles for which we stand.
Examine admission and hireing standards to see why there are so many radical socialists in the student body the faculty and probably the administration. Let the funders of the university know.
Force the university to disclose the names of the students who have caused the disruption so that their reputations would be known to all potential employees.
Absolutely shameful! We pay for foreign students to attend US colleges with the absurd hope of understanding American ideals. They simply take advantage of the chance to threaten the Jewish community and indoctrinate the non-thinking US students to hate Israel. Their free pass needs to stop now and everyone returned to their country of origin asap!
Cut funding and tax their endowment. Their tax exempt status is based on non-political views, not advocacy.
Cut funding AND cancel further student loan payments for the disrupters!
Ever studied the First Amendment?
Sorry, I missed the part in the First Ammendment that guaranteed people a government subsidised loan. Please point out the specific verbiage so that I may become as savvy a political commentator as yourself.
I don't wish to curtail persons' consitutal rights, i simply don't want to pay for a protestor's "speech" when that speech advocates violence, murder, genocide, and/or attempts to curtail the rights of OTHERS!
Sorry Greg, I fear I'll never be able to place myself in the lofty and venerable intellectual Valhalla you have been able to place yourself in. To your point about freedom of speech, I agree that right (in its varied forms) is enshrined in the First Ammendment. Student loans, however, are a different matter. One doesn't necessarily link the other. Student loans are doled out through banks (with the gov't acting as a guarantor) with the caveat of the borrower meeting certain criterea. I see no reason that placing certain limits regarding that VOLUNTARY loan would be linked to the innate rights enshrine in the First Ammendent. A+B=C. A is not equal to C alone nor is B.
I decades is bit of time on earth. Your comment, "...government action which if interrupted..." betrays the non-violation of first ammendment rights. You would be on firmer ground IF the government agreed to fund and guarantee UNIVERSAL post-secondary education. Currently, it does not. Perhaps in the future it will, but till then....
Your comment reminded me of an old truism: Knowledge my be aquired at any time by anyone, but wisdom only comes with age. Wisdom= knowledge + experience. You can't have wisdom without a combination of the two
Yes I agree professor Dershowitz. These type of behaviors and beliefs tear away at our beloved American peace, justice and unity. They do not merit federal funding.
He is cutting Barnard, the whole of UCLA and several others were named today by Leo Terrell. He’s wonderful. Passionate.
For those on this thread complaining about free speech encroachment- there is a difference between free speech and calling to kill sects of people based upon race, creed, religion and identity. There is a difference between free speech an violence , precluding people from attending class, entering a building or having an expectation of personal safety based upon race, creed, religion or sexual identity. Free speech doesn’t extend to the destruction of property. Free speech doesn’t include holding people hostage.
Also, Hamas is a designated terror organization by the U.S. government. Hamas is responsible for committing acts of terror globally. Ditto Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Houthis,ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Shabab, Islamic Jihad, Taliban, etc, all spinoffs of the same ideological poison. They don’t solely terrorize Jews. They kill Christians, Druze, Yazidis, Hindus,Buddhists, atheists, LGBTQ, Muslims and the target is Western civilization first, but they’ve now focusing on Asia- particularly India and the recent takeover of Bangladesh, where they’re slaughtering Hindus. They slaughtered 69,000 Nigerian Christians.. beheaded 200 in Congo last week. They’re slaughtering Christians an Druze in Syria. But since the Jews can’t be blamed, nobody cares. Doesn’t even get a blurb on the MSM. Nor has the recent mass Kurdish genocide in Syria sponsored by Turkey and ignored by the West as everybody is “ celebrating” Assad’s ouster by far worse.
So if whatever insane hatred people unite on when it comes to Jews, don’t kid yourselves into believing you’re exempt. You’re next.
I live in Miami with a large population of Iranians, Afghanis and Lebanese-American citizens whose family fled the Iranian Revolution and the Hamas and Taliban takeovers of Lebanon and Afghanistan. We’re also experiencing an influx of Turkish Christians fleeing the tyrannical segue to Islamism under the psychopath, Erdogan. Perhaps if some of the incurious know-it-alls commenting here spoke with Muslims and others who’ve experienced fundamentalist Islamist violence and tyranny heard it first hand, they might see things from a different lens. Albeit, if you haven’t seen video of what’s happening on college campuses, you should and if you have and are okay with it, you’re the problem.
I’m happy that President Trump has cut $400 million from Columbia University, out of $5 billion total. He should cut more, and cut a long list of schools, colleges, and universities’
Many of the Barnard pro-Israel women who are involved with research (like my daughter and her neuroscience colleagues at Barnard, among many others) would agree with the call for pressure on Columbia and on Barnard to once and for all deal with the horrific anti-Semitism they have experienced. But they would be deeply outraged (as am I) by the shade thrown on the intellectual significance of the work and study they do at Barnard. Barnard has an amazing pre-med track and was founded to create a path for women into medicine when that path didnt exist. Let's see pressure applied in a manner that doesnt blow up the careers of the current students who are the victims of the ant-Semitism and anti-Israel hate on campus.
Question. One of the people arrested for not leaving Milstein is a Columbia U medical student I believe class of 2025. And the class president. Do you think this person should be allowed to get boarded in any field of medicine after this display of antisemitism and violence?
Did you breeze past the part describing the heinous indoctrination going on at that place? You approve of your daughter even being a part of that poor excuse for a college? Please read up on the effect this cancer has had on our medical schools. We now have discrimination triaging at health institutions. It happened here in Texas during the plandemic. Elderly Caucasians beware.
I am an alum and I completely agree. This is the most idiotic take on the situation I’ve read.
This is the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard. Barnard is an AFFILIATE of Columbia and if the intention behind the funding cuts is to provide a punitive action for antisemitism on campus, then any institution openly promoting that behavior is fair game. I am not saying Barnard shouldn’t have its funding cut given what’s going on, but to say they deserve it “more” than Harvard (which we all know you derive a lot of your identity from) or its brother institution Columbia is idiotic and maybe even sexist.
Sounds idiotic and sexist to call it a „brother institution“😄 — should say „sister institution“.
I agree ALL schools engaged in this heinous behavior AND coverup are equally rabid. You loose the credibility of your argument when you throw in senseless angles like the sexist comment. Education now teaches to chant obligatory pieces of irrelevant propaganda without thinking.
It's not an uncredible accusation if it's true or supported by a very strong undercurrent in the overall argument. Why demand that Barnard be shut down, and not Harvard - if the reasoning is "because antisemitism"?
Excellent commentary!
I agree 100%.
Absolutely cut them off immediately!! Thank you so much for all you do
How can we help make that happen?
Curious why the call to cut Barnard yet spare Columbia, which has been far worse (and whose students were part of that protest)? Just because Columbia conducts research? Columbia is by far the bigger poster child for antisemitic, terrorist propaganda nonsense, yes?
Absolutely on target. Those racist sexist a-holes need to get exactly what they deserve. Jews need to unite and stop the liberal byass. This problem must be addressed so these animals don't achieve their depraved goal of antisemitism and sexism. Thank you President Trump for a long overdue response for these deaf universities.
Eliminate student loans to anyone found protesting improperly. They probably would not pay it back anyway.
Revoke any student visas of students found to be violating the rules or the civil law in the city country or state.
Have an audit of the courses and teachers to see what is being taught and established the extent they are radical socialists biased against what a University should stand for. Publicize the results. Require a closure of those courses which are anti-Semitic or excessively destructive of the principles for which we stand.
Examine admission and hireing standards to see why there are so many radical socialists in the student body the faculty and probably the administration. Let the funders of the university know.
Force the university to disclose the names of the students who have caused the disruption so that their reputations would be known to all potential employees.
Prohibit the wearing of masks and face coverings.
Absolutely shameful! We pay for foreign students to attend US colleges with the absurd hope of understanding American ideals. They simply take advantage of the chance to threaten the Jewish community and indoctrinate the non-thinking US students to hate Israel. Their free pass needs to stop now and everyone returned to their country of origin asap!