Time and time again, weak foreign policies and appeasement never work....

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The Munich agreement was not appeasement, but a necessary delay while Britain rearmed. If Britain had declared war then, they would have lost the battle of Britain. The so called strong FP, would have been attack in 1933, before Germany armed.

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No US should fight Iran and other countries that have effectively declared war with their actions. They pose existential threats. Just saying we cannot be bothered because of domestic border issues or other petty nonsense is completely absurd. Dershowitz's point is excellent, acting early rather than too late is always better and should be something learned from history but US and other democracies always sit on their hands until the situation is beyond desperate and then the damage is far greater before it may get better. Democracies take themselves for granted time and again and we see the trend to authoritarianism plainly everywhere. It is no joke, like with a cancer, the earlier you catch and "treat" the better.

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The islamo-nazi regime in Tehran should have been taken out decades ago. Why do we always wait until dangers become greater and more imminent instead of acting early on. I disagree with those who say war should be a last resort. Military action should be a first resort when you know you are dealing with a regime as evil and genocidal as the Iranian mullahs are. Waiting to use military force as a last resort makes it much harder and much more dangerous when inevitably it becomes absolutely necessary to strike. You don't wait for terrorist regimes to become militarily stronger and more technologically advanced before taking them out or their nuclear weapons development. We've been put in this position by the Democrats weakness and the increasing isolationist sentiment coming from parts of the GOP.

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You really think Biden is going to do anything? I've got a bridge to sell you ...

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America is bankrupt.

We cannot defend our own border, and international support for 'regime change' crusades are waning. We sought regime change in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Ukraine. How did that nation building work out for us?

The U.S. military cannot even meet their quotas. Westpoint wrote a paper recently calling for Biden to reinstate the draft.

We lost in Vietnam.

We lost in Afghanistan.

We are not a powerful country. On paper, we have the equipment, the bombs and so forth, but we lack fortitude and patriotism.

Americans would rather fight themselves in a civil war over the border, and over CRT, then fight together against Iran.

And quite frankly, considering our overall ineptitude, we'd probably lose.

When you are 33 trillion in debt, and have massive inflation, with very little growth, it's probably best to avoid additional wars.

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I agree with your statement but the question of an existential threat has not been addressed. Are we sure that Iran is an existential threat to Israel, but not us, that is, once its nuclear arsenal is complete? Are we falling into the trap of “peace in our time”?

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Iran, North Korea, Russia are all menaces to the world - China as well. Look at what it took for the U.S. to enter WWII. Almost all of Europe had been taken over by Germany. So many precious lives were lost in this war. Did anyone notice that Germany was re-arming itself after WWI ? Also, Japan - how could this tiny fish think it could swallow up other countries ? Why can countries not just be satisfied with what they have and invest their resources into their own people instead of aggressing on other countries? I agree that we should be worried about these countries developing nuclear warfare and I do appreciate this article.

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You are absolutely right. The initiative should be taken now not after Iran has the wherewithal to nuke us.

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Dersh is my favorite Spooktastic narcissist. i mean it too it is fun to watch an 80 year old with more energy than any other 80+ (besides Trump who obviously is not. human). Actually I love seeing his obvious verklempt joy when he gloats about his books every time he is speaking, What a professional spy too, can anybody else of any age past 60 pump put books and publish them in only 2 months. This Guy should have a tatoo that Says 100% 🤓 intelligence on his forehead or chin.

Im going to back up my scoop with the words of a fellow author who explained with My mentor Adam Curry on the No Agenda Podcast..... " John C Dvorak" recently stated as a matter of fact the excellent point that it's impossible to write a good sized Book like The ones Dershbag pumps out....

edit it, get it printed, and published, all in the time since the 10-7-23 attacks. (2 months only)

THIS IS A GIVEAWAY THAT the much respected, intelligent, and hilarious constitutional lawyer is most likely a lifetime deep state Official Talking Head. He knows too much that only a well connected C.I.A. or Mossad agent or undercover agent could ever

speak about.

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Americans have to take this declaration made by Iran, very seriously . With in the past 3 years of -a purposely illegal open border by the Biden / Obama administration , the United States have been invaded by illegal alliance of a round number of 18 million individuals mostly young men . This has positioned hundreds of sleepers waiting for the command to attack the United Staes from with in. Some are from China, Russia and Iran, coordinated in agreement by their home land. Yet no one is covering this issue. YES THIS IS SERIOUS AND WE ARE IN DANGER and I can only wish Alan will cover this devastating state that we are in. But I'm not holding my breath.

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Biden is a weak useless plagiarizing imf. I find the fact that you voted for this crap, and Pete interesting.

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Anyone who calls for a war should have to don a kevlar and flat jacket, and immediately go to the front lines -- especially academics and politicians. If that were law, we'd have fewer conflicts, and far fewer gung ho septuagenerians in Washington. It always amazes me how those past the 'draft age' suddenly become 'tough guys'

Lot of respect for you Alan, and agree with you 99% of the time, but I would prefer not to be drafted into another insane crusade. Thank you.

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