Tutu , while a leader in the fight against apartheid, was clearly an anti Semite with in a very vicious way- Tutu , as Professor Dershowitz stressed that Tutu engaged in demeaning and minimizing the Holocaust and in classical anti Semitic rhetoric . It is clear that this is one of the reasons why the woke world is riddled with anti Semites and antiSemitism
The radical intersectional left has invested a lot of ideological energy into diversity, inclusion and equity. Many staffers in these areas in universities are staffed by many with anti Semitic and anti Israel views based on a Heritage Foundation review of the Twitter comments of many in that field.
One can reasonably conclude that their view of Tutu, as in so many other issues such as race, gender and climate change, ignores the facts on the ground when the facts run contrary in any way to their narrative, which in their worldview , is akin to a religious perspective that demands absolute allegiance on such issues
I would be grateful if you could please email me your detailed file on Desmond Tutu's anti-Semitic remarks, with sources. I'm on the board of the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation and I'd like to have it in my 'back pocket' in case there's a move afoot to name schools, etc. after him in this area. rmichaelteper@gmail.com
Tutu , while a leader in the fight against apartheid, was clearly an anti Semite with in a very vicious way- Tutu , as Professor Dershowitz stressed that Tutu engaged in demeaning and minimizing the Holocaust and in classical anti Semitic rhetoric . It is clear that this is one of the reasons why the woke world is riddled with anti Semites and antiSemitism
Why are so many people critical of me for quoting Tutu’s own bigoted words.
The radical intersectional left has invested a lot of ideological energy into diversity, inclusion and equity. Many staffers in these areas in universities are staffed by many with anti Semitic and anti Israel views based on a Heritage Foundation review of the Twitter comments of many in that field.
One can reasonably conclude that their view of Tutu, as in so many other issues such as race, gender and climate change, ignores the facts on the ground when the facts run contrary in any way to their narrative, which in their worldview , is akin to a religious perspective that demands absolute allegiance on such issues
Thank you for speaking the truth. The double standard has to stop
Once again, Alan Dershowitz reminds me why he’s my favorite classical liberal. Someone had to say it!
Prof Dershowitz - you can confirm my bona fides by visiting www.caef.ca and searching "Teper" in the search feature.
I would be grateful if you could please email me your detailed file on Desmond Tutu's anti-Semitic remarks, with sources. I'm on the board of the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation and I'd like to have it in my 'back pocket' in case there's a move afoot to name schools, etc. after him in this area. rmichaelteper@gmail.com