Yes of course they couldn’t tolerate Shapiro being Jewish! It’s so obvious. The left wants a weak easy minded person whom they can rely upon to justify their Marxist ideas
Absolutely! The Democrats have gone from being the party of Camelot to the party of socialists and Islamists. They’re becoming an existential threat to our freedoms.
The American Jewish community has done so very well in America. And America has done well and has been lucky having Jews as a community. But there have always been ouliers in the community. These became threatening in the post WW2 period as the outliers became infected with communism and attempted to spread the foreign ideology thruout the mainstream community. A number became spies for the Soviet Union. One particular group including inter alia the Rosenbergs, Harry Glass,Ted Hall trasnsmitted the production secrets of the atomic bomb.. There was an admirable reaction to fight for the soul of the mainstream Jewish community. Judge Irving Kaufman and Roy Cphn led a counter-reformation that emphasized how well Jews had life in America and that the Rosenberg ideology threaten to end acceptance for Jews as a respected community well as kill off the Golden Goose that had nurtured their success in the USA. Now the outliers are resurrected, with their primary loyalty again to an ideology very often at odds with fundamental American interests. Dershowitz with a characteristic tendency to harange plays the role as chief public propagandist for AIPAC which has already corrupted the United States Congress, as underscored by its approvaøl of aid to the nation currently under ICJ and ICC investigation for both masswive genocide and other war crimes. We really don't need the international jurists to weigh in. We are all able to see hpw the IDF has behaved in Gaza, how the very infrastructure, empty universities, roads, desalination plants, everything man- and even nature made is rubbelized. America has no substantial shared values with a foreign leadership demanding Gazan civilians share the ancient fate of annihilation of the Amaleks, who deem non-Jews as "human animals" and who kill civilians regardless of age so gleefully as shown in TicToc videos. We in America used to be more cautious with the activities of foreign agents following the conviction of the Rosenbergs. There is the Foreign Agents Registration Act, bothj labelling and preventing direct bribery of public officials. AIPAC's corruption has carved out an exception for its required registration, ncluding for Dershowitz who seems to be Netanyahu's personal agent, the Goebbels to Netanyahu's Hitler. America needs to take back its independence from these unregistered foreign agents, primarily loyal to a foreign power and ideology in whose name our US Congress has been so substantially corrupted to become a mouthpiece of the Israeli government. 13 standing ovations for a man who will clearly be indicted and convicted after extensive investigation as the worst war criminal in the last 78 years dwarfing even Milosovich. And Dershowitz, doing for Netanyahu what Dershowitz did for his fellow zionist Jeffrey Epstein - - - making the enormous crimes possible. It is a good sign that Shapiro, another person with conflicted loyalty who once crowed about serving in the Israeli army, will probably not be sitting at the table determining how American Mideast policy is manipulated in an "ironclad" manner to protect Israel from the consequences of its innumerable the neighborhood bully.
Alan, I had the same conundrum (no candidate) in 2016. It was more than the lesser of 2 evils. It was no candidate after Cruz dropped out. I listened to every debate of HRC to try to convince myself she was acceptable, but she wasn’t. I didn’t want Donald Trump but finally filled out the Absentee ballot to let it sit on the table for the last week
forever Election Day. I asked my husband to sign it and take it. After a few months I realized he’s a good president. I am commiserating with your position and hope you are able to be satisfied with the choice you make. May God bless Israel in her hour of need. 🇮🇱
A woman’s right to vote… kill babies fullly developed. There’s adoption.
I’m glad Josh did not get selected. He would have hooked his name to the drek of Obama AND Harris. Low to the ground. It’s not his time to run. But if he moves further left no way for me
Maybe Harris picked Walz because she liked him better, and found him unthreatening as her number 2. Shapiro is a young, sharp, ambitious guy, not necessarily as comfortable a fit as Walz. When a Jew is among a half dozen candidates not chosen for a position, it is not an automatic case of anti-semitism.
Yes of course they couldn’t tolerate Shapiro being Jewish! It’s so obvious. The left wants a weak easy minded person whom they can rely upon to justify their Marxist ideas
Absolutely! The Democrats have gone from being the party of Camelot to the party of socialists and Islamists. They’re becoming an existential threat to our freedoms.
YES, of course.🇮🇱
The American Jewish community has done so very well in America. And America has done well and has been lucky having Jews as a community. But there have always been ouliers in the community. These became threatening in the post WW2 period as the outliers became infected with communism and attempted to spread the foreign ideology thruout the mainstream community. A number became spies for the Soviet Union. One particular group including inter alia the Rosenbergs, Harry Glass,Ted Hall trasnsmitted the production secrets of the atomic bomb.. There was an admirable reaction to fight for the soul of the mainstream Jewish community. Judge Irving Kaufman and Roy Cphn led a counter-reformation that emphasized how well Jews had life in America and that the Rosenberg ideology threaten to end acceptance for Jews as a respected community well as kill off the Golden Goose that had nurtured their success in the USA. Now the outliers are resurrected, with their primary loyalty again to an ideology very often at odds with fundamental American interests. Dershowitz with a characteristic tendency to harange plays the role as chief public propagandist for AIPAC which has already corrupted the United States Congress, as underscored by its approvaøl of aid to the nation currently under ICJ and ICC investigation for both masswive genocide and other war crimes. We really don't need the international jurists to weigh in. We are all able to see hpw the IDF has behaved in Gaza, how the very infrastructure, empty universities, roads, desalination plants, everything man- and even nature made is rubbelized. America has no substantial shared values with a foreign leadership demanding Gazan civilians share the ancient fate of annihilation of the Amaleks, who deem non-Jews as "human animals" and who kill civilians regardless of age so gleefully as shown in TicToc videos. We in America used to be more cautious with the activities of foreign agents following the conviction of the Rosenbergs. There is the Foreign Agents Registration Act, bothj labelling and preventing direct bribery of public officials. AIPAC's corruption has carved out an exception for its required registration, ncluding for Dershowitz who seems to be Netanyahu's personal agent, the Goebbels to Netanyahu's Hitler. America needs to take back its independence from these unregistered foreign agents, primarily loyal to a foreign power and ideology in whose name our US Congress has been so substantially corrupted to become a mouthpiece of the Israeli government. 13 standing ovations for a man who will clearly be indicted and convicted after extensive investigation as the worst war criminal in the last 78 years dwarfing even Milosovich. And Dershowitz, doing for Netanyahu what Dershowitz did for his fellow zionist Jeffrey Epstein - - - making the enormous crimes possible. It is a good sign that Shapiro, another person with conflicted loyalty who once crowed about serving in the Israeli army, will probably not be sitting at the table determining how American Mideast policy is manipulated in an "ironclad" manner to protect Israel from the consequences of its innumerable the neighborhood bully.
Alan, I had the same conundrum (no candidate) in 2016. It was more than the lesser of 2 evils. It was no candidate after Cruz dropped out. I listened to every debate of HRC to try to convince myself she was acceptable, but she wasn’t. I didn’t want Donald Trump but finally filled out the Absentee ballot to let it sit on the table for the last week
forever Election Day. I asked my husband to sign it and take it. After a few months I realized he’s a good president. I am commiserating with your position and hope you are able to be satisfied with the choice you make. May God bless Israel in her hour of need. 🇮🇱
Tim Walz, just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic....more of the same failed policies. May as well pick Bernie
Yes. He was the far more politically savvy choice, but his being a Jew was a problem for the Democrats.
My father would roll over in his grave.
Not just bc he’s Jewish. He’s smarter then her and has strong ethical values.
A woman’s right to vote… kill babies fullly developed. There’s adoption.
I’m glad Josh did not get selected. He would have hooked his name to the drek of Obama AND Harris. Low to the ground. It’s not his time to run. But if he moves further left no way for me
Maybe Harris picked Walz because she liked him better, and found him unthreatening as her number 2. Shapiro is a young, sharp, ambitious guy, not necessarily as comfortable a fit as Walz. When a Jew is among a half dozen candidates not chosen for a position, it is not an automatic case of anti-semitism.
Would you have voted for his nonsense because he is Jewish? Seriously.
Yes, the Democrat party detests Jews and Israel.