You are 100% correct. There is no legitimate case against Trump on documents or obstruction. As president, he has executive power to declassify; there is no procedure on how documents are declassified; the FBI and NA were aware he had them and they were secured; the former president was negotiating with the NA for the return of certain documents. There is NO legal case here. Totally different and opposite story with Biden and his classified documents.
Haven’t previous presidents taken documents from the WH with no fanfare.
It should be apparent that TPTB will stop at nothing to “get” this man. One has to ponder “why”? Since before his inauguration they have attacked, badgered, harassed, etc. him.
Why? Tells me it’s partly bc he knows where the bodies are buried. He’s not in the big boys club; they can’t control him.
Imagine if in reverse.
Oh wait! Some will say poor Biden being dogged for Hunter’s laptop, shady family & personal “deals.” After all Biden’s wealth skyrocketed all on a congressional salary.
TY, Dr. Dersh, for your clearly-stated articles. Even before Trump was elected, the Democrats created plans to immobilize and nullify him. Then they made sure he did not get re-elected. Now they have mobilized lawfare attacks. When will it stop? And who will stop them?
Ok. So President Trump can declare the documents declassified and legally have them yet he is being prosecuted. Biden was not President when he obtained classified documents, same for Pence, yet they are not being prosecuted. How do we get justice? Why even pretend we have justice in America. We live in a NAZI police state, a Soviet style NAZI police state, and you liberals are the reason. The vast majority of liberals are NAZI partisan hacks who want communism. I used to believe liberal lies of free speech and justice for all. You all lied.
The problem is not liberals, but leftists, or the outright Communists who have 'long-marched' themselves into every institution of government like an infestation of poisonous fungus.
Alan Dershowitz is a liberal. He would legally defend even the very worst of criminals because he believes in the rule of law and due process. He seems to innocently believe that this still exists.
By contrast, the Communists in the DOJ and the FBI would falsely imprison even the most manifestly innocent of people because it suits their agenda of taking total power. We have seen this in their treatment of the Jan 6th protestors, which is a crime against humanity which must be investigated by a tribunal with the power to issue death sentences.
You're probably right but even Alan D didn't seem to give a vigorous defense for Trump. Alan D should be jumping up and down, furious with what is going on. This is our republic that is going down the tube and he seems nonchalant. So yes, while you are correct, I am still disappointed. The liberals just don't seem to care that this is happening. I used to be a 60s flaming liberal and I feel disillusioned by them. The funny thing is Trump believes and stands for everything I believed as a 60s liberal: hatred of CIA and FBI, close the borders (remember Ceaser Chavez?), stop the wars!, get out of foreign entanglements, free speech for all, nothing else comes to mind right now but Trump is the 60s flaming liberal I believed in, these so-called liberals now days have no guts. The FBI has become a Gestapo sent after normal citizens. I still believe in RFK Jr, but look how he is being treated. You made very good points. Thanks for the feedback.
Does "obstruction of justice" trump (pun intended) "misuse of justice," i.e. heavily armed raid on Mar-a-lago, for hours and including Melania's underwear drawer?
Does any of this apply to Biden, who seems to have been far looser with the security and storage of "classified documents" in his possession? Or does he use Pres. Trump's defense?
You are 100% correct. There is no legitimate case against Trump on documents or obstruction. As president, he has executive power to declassify; there is no procedure on how documents are declassified; the FBI and NA were aware he had them and they were secured; the former president was negotiating with the NA for the return of certain documents. There is NO legal case here. Totally different and opposite story with Biden and his classified documents.
Haven’t previous presidents taken documents from the WH with no fanfare.
It should be apparent that TPTB will stop at nothing to “get” this man. One has to ponder “why”? Since before his inauguration they have attacked, badgered, harassed, etc. him.
Why? Tells me it’s partly bc he knows where the bodies are buried. He’s not in the big boys club; they can’t control him.
Imagine if in reverse.
Oh wait! Some will say poor Biden being dogged for Hunter’s laptop, shady family & personal “deals.” After all Biden’s wealth skyrocketed all on a congressional salary.
Once again Mr. Dershowitz, thank you for your legal analysis & fairness.
TY, Dr. Dersh, for your clearly-stated articles. Even before Trump was elected, the Democrats created plans to immobilize and nullify him. Then they made sure he did not get re-elected. Now they have mobilized lawfare attacks. When will it stop? And who will stop them?
The document declassification claim was invented by a woke archivist with Trump Derangement Syndrome and lacks merit
Ok. So President Trump can declare the documents declassified and legally have them yet he is being prosecuted. Biden was not President when he obtained classified documents, same for Pence, yet they are not being prosecuted. How do we get justice? Why even pretend we have justice in America. We live in a NAZI police state, a Soviet style NAZI police state, and you liberals are the reason. The vast majority of liberals are NAZI partisan hacks who want communism. I used to believe liberal lies of free speech and justice for all. You all lied.
The problem is not liberals, but leftists, or the outright Communists who have 'long-marched' themselves into every institution of government like an infestation of poisonous fungus.
Alan Dershowitz is a liberal. He would legally defend even the very worst of criminals because he believes in the rule of law and due process. He seems to innocently believe that this still exists.
By contrast, the Communists in the DOJ and the FBI would falsely imprison even the most manifestly innocent of people because it suits their agenda of taking total power. We have seen this in their treatment of the Jan 6th protestors, which is a crime against humanity which must be investigated by a tribunal with the power to issue death sentences.
You're probably right but even Alan D didn't seem to give a vigorous defense for Trump. Alan D should be jumping up and down, furious with what is going on. This is our republic that is going down the tube and he seems nonchalant. So yes, while you are correct, I am still disappointed. The liberals just don't seem to care that this is happening. I used to be a 60s flaming liberal and I feel disillusioned by them. The funny thing is Trump believes and stands for everything I believed as a 60s liberal: hatred of CIA and FBI, close the borders (remember Ceaser Chavez?), stop the wars!, get out of foreign entanglements, free speech for all, nothing else comes to mind right now but Trump is the 60s flaming liberal I believed in, these so-called liberals now days have no guts. The FBI has become a Gestapo sent after normal citizens. I still believe in RFK Jr, but look how he is being treated. You made very good points. Thanks for the feedback.
Does "obstruction of justice" trump (pun intended) "misuse of justice," i.e. heavily armed raid on Mar-a-lago, for hours and including Melania's underwear drawer?
Does any of this apply to Biden, who seems to have been far looser with the security and storage of "classified documents" in his possession? Or does he use Pres. Trump's defense?
A sticky wicket indeed.