I am so sorry that Prof.Dershowitz was treated so shabbily and vulgarly by students of Cardozo and their Dean. This would only confirm that Cardozo has seriously deteriorated from within. A debate between Prof. Dershowitz and Dean Leslie would be very interesting. But the Dean, who espouses a totalitarian and racist ideology - and knows it- will surely never agree, as she would be exposed as a non-thinker.
Remarkable that Alan apparently thought all was well as US law schools until yesterday, when he discovered our future elite lawyers are a bunch of coddled, spoiled, intolerant racists. Many of us who aren't law professors and don't get invited to speak at law schools realized that just a years ago just based on press reports and what the students posted on Twitter.
Pretty much all you need to know. Nobody's racism is "better" than someone else's, and any racism is never better than non-racism or colorblindness, the latter of the two that DIE rejects.
Equity means equal outcomes, which is the absurd promise made by Democrats, aka socialists. If we reached "equity" we would all be slaves of the state.
It is time to start telling your Jewish friends to leave jurisdictions that do not let them carry a concealed weapon and purchase firearms. Pack up, leave NY, and establish new private Hillsdale-like universities in purple or red states. NY, RI, CT, & MA are not getting better.
Much of this is not true anti-Semitism. Ethically, it is what Leo Alexander recognized as an extremely dark utilitarianism. They believe it is morally acceptable to use anti-Semitism if it will help them reach their utopian ends. They are enabled by the moral cowards and corrupt to a degree that is unlikely to change soon. Get out of New England and prepare for the worst.
It IS TRULY antisemitism! Come on, full grown adults/college students scream death to Jews. Are you seriously stating that know these educated people don’t understand the terms “death” and “Jew”. They aren’t shouting death to Arabs or Catholics. No excuses for any of them. There should be no room for context when using violent threatening language like this.
No Elizabeth. The phrase "much of this is not" means a substantial portion of it is not true antisemitism. I understand that might have been complicated for you to understand, but I can assure you that you have misinterpreted what I typed and what I meant.
Dear Prof. Dershowitz, While I totally agree with your article, I feel I must point out that your blind adherence to the Democrats and specifically Obama, while certainly not causing this horrific anti semitism, has lead you to speak out perhaps too late.
Professor you are 100% correct. If it wasn't so tragic, you'd think we now live on the old Superman alter planet called Bizarro World, where everything works in reverse. To walk out on MLK quote is as absurd as it gets, to my mind.
Wouldn't Dean Leslie like to fly in a plane piloted by a DEI pilot? Or how about having a surgical procedure performed by a DEI doctor? She spouts her paid lines but wouldn't dare put herself on the line.
I am disappointed with the way you were treated. Respect and professionalism are necessary components for making students into future lawyers. Cardozo Law School should do a better job in educating its students about respectful protocol.They should start by becoming properly mannered role models.
OMG. Since when does Dershowitz support diversity of viewpoints and thoughts regading Israel and Jewish issues?. His entire series of podcasts is completely one-sided Israeli rants functioning as propaganda. The other side is not met with analysis, those daring to criticize Israeli Ashkenazis are designated with choice and frequently applied epithets: antisemitic, jew hater, fascists, nazi, ignoramus, Hitler Youth, knownothings. pogramists, Golem,.Storm Troopers, Brownshirts and practically every substantive applicable to Germany between 1933 and 1945. The Art of the epithet. But he refuses to consider the similarites between that Germany and current Israel.. Skepticism is not his forte.
It is a mistake of judgement to invite Dershowitz to speak about israel and Jews at at any other than a Greater Israel rally. He simply cheerleads for Israel and Jews absent any' effort to educate other than in the art of whataboutism to distract from an issue. he never presents both sides and analyzes how one comes to the best solution and why. He presents his case for one side, the Jewish Supremacy side, rants, applies some colorfully intimidating epithets and fnctions as the cengter of attention.
I have read a number of your responses and you and I have once engaged in some repartee. I find your comments about Dershowitz funny considering you do exactly what you condemn him for. Where is your willingness and ability to understand and grapple with Jewish history which informs and supports the existence of Israel? I don’t find your approach at all enlightening and am fully expecting some sort of rant back from you which lucky me, will prove my point - unless you surprise all of us here with a sound, erudite, considered response that shows a depth of knowledge and nuance of the situation. That’s my throw down to you - Bobby Flay style.
Be surprised. I have in my left hand Paul Johnson's award winning thick Harper Perennial book covering not only Jewish history but the impact of Jewish genius andimagination, "A History of the Jews". In its 644 pages of which I have read every page twice, I find not a hint of support or endorsement for a modern Genocidal, Apartheid driven Jewish state. It is true that Israelites were genocidal, for example in extermination of the entire Amalik tribe, but that was in Humanity's primitive period before the advent of morality and universal human rights.
And here it is ladies and gentlemen…the rant I was waiting for. The unwillingness nay the inability to deal with the hard problems I laid out. Instead it’s a scourge against Jewish AIPAC! That’s what’s the problem
in America! Not Russia nor China nor a host of other issues but American citizens petitioning their government just as the Constitution allows! Hey Greg, what about all the Qatari money coming in to our Universities? Do the American people get any transparency there? Seems far more dangerous and its results are showing up now. I thought I’d give you another round to see if you can step up and defend your ‘moral and int’l human rights’ claims. Alas, my eyes are open and I’m not interested in engaging in unsupported, wreckless conspiracy theories ‘about the Jews’. Enjoy your small, warped world. And, having looked at your unsupported rants against Dershowitz, I don’t plan to engage you further. Lost cause and all.
Bravo. But, the way you couch your response tips your biased hand. So I’ll do my best to be a bit more objective. If you truly feel the Israelis are ‘genocidal’, how do you view Hamas? Hezbollah? No where in any official document that I’m aware of do the Israelis describe anything approximating any sort of state sanctioned eradication of their neighboring Arabs. Yet, Hamas’ own charter definitely does so regarding not just Israel but specifically the Jews. Does that not bother you? If you read the book twice, I’d have to believe that you either are indeed interested in the Jews…or perhaps more sadly that you were looking for any sort of ‘evidence’ to throw at someone like me to ‘prove your point’ that the ‘Jews’ are bad. So, if it were up to you, how would you have responded to October 7th if you were Israel? You mention morality and human rights. Are you aware that the Torah is among the very first works that describes an ethical, moral way of humans interacting with each other? Human rights also encompass the right to self defense. The civilian to combatant death ratio during this Gaza war is among the lowest ever. Yes, innocent people die when one party attacks another and the offended party must remove the threat. Wouldn’t you do the same if you had a murderous neighbor killing your children/family - and promising to keep killing them - unless you responded? Are you saying that morality would suggest that you need to sacrifice your own innocent family because you’re not ‘morally permitted’ to kill your neighbor’s innocent family members? That puts a lot of ‘moral power’ in the hands of terrorists who just have to hide behind innocents to avoid repercussions. Is that the kind of ‘moral calculus’ you’re suggesting? If it’s not, then you agree that your neighbor’s innocent family might be harmed - but not specifically on purpose - so that you can save your own. The moral responsibility of those deaths falls on your murderous neighbor. This is supported by international human rights…you think Russia, China, or even the USA would behave different - or dare I say better - than Israel has responded if they were facing the same threat? If you do, I’ve got some Florida swamp land to sell. À toi.
Bias is a virtue when is supports virtue and opposes both genocidde and apasrtheid to loosely quote Barry Goldwater. Fulton, I am enraged today by the power of the foreign agent, American Israel Political Action Committee, to not only bribe the majority of Congressmen and the DNC with "re-election donations" and threats of supporting their oppnents instead, but also its use of money from megarich Jewish donors to demonstrate an ability to control the very discourse about the Mideast. AIPAC has easily switched demonization from the American complicity and enablement of Israeli Jewish directed genocide to demonstrating and occupying Columbia students by its control of American headlines. . We have known of extensive corruption in the American political system, and two weeks ago Congress underscored the effect of AIPAC corruption by allocating tens of billion dollars to a Jewish State judged by the International Court of Justice to have committed plausibel genocide on a scale such that further evidence would be examined for a second verdict at the end of this year and the IDF was specifically enjoined from further genocidal actions. .This turned the American public against the Israeli government. Yet AIPAC corruption kept Congress in line and the DNC, in need of massive money to re-elect the ancient president was there as a political whip to find excuses for wary Congressmen to vote the AIPAC line. America has been colonized in very important aspects, just like the West Bank. Israel uses American weapons to subjugate Palestinians. It uses money placed with decision-makers to subjugate the American decision-making process so that a massive transfer of money and weapons is donated annually to the Jewish State, which shares none of the fundamental human values of then USA---no equality of rights or justice, property expropriation without compensation, no due process, no right to speedy trial, no enforced prohibition of torture in prisons, no enforcement of laws against Jewish soldiers and vigilantes and so much more. Russia is no existential threat to America unless atomic bombs are used. Israel is an existential threat to the USA because it has corrupted the essential political processes of America and has become a parasite inside the physical structures of decision making now able to controll movements of the USA. America needs a Revolution to become independent. Do you agree with some of this, all of this, and a need for directed action against the Jsrael and especially that foreign agent exquisite and unique in its ability to corrupt on large scale, AIPAC. The Protocols of Zion were documented as forgeries. Maybe that needs re-examination. Seems AIPAC has used them as a plan to still attain that alleged goal of domination .
I am so sorry that Prof.Dershowitz was treated so shabbily and vulgarly by students of Cardozo and their Dean. This would only confirm that Cardozo has seriously deteriorated from within. A debate between Prof. Dershowitz and Dean Leslie would be very interesting. But the Dean, who espouses a totalitarian and racist ideology - and knows it- will surely never agree, as she would be exposed as a non-thinker.
Completely agree.
It is also depressing to see that Cardozo, with its Jewish affiliation, is also victim of Jew hatred.
I wonder what percentage of Cardozo is Jewish.
Remarkable that Alan apparently thought all was well as US law schools until yesterday, when he discovered our future elite lawyers are a bunch of coddled, spoiled, intolerant racists. Many of us who aren't law professors and don't get invited to speak at law schools realized that just a years ago just based on press reports and what the students posted on Twitter.
It is surprising to people of our generation. It looks like manners and protocol are not practiced anymore.
Equality rejects racism; "equity" demands it.
Pretty much all you need to know. Nobody's racism is "better" than someone else's, and any racism is never better than non-racism or colorblindness, the latter of the two that DIE rejects.
Equity means equal outcomes, which is the absurd promise made by Democrats, aka socialists. If we reached "equity" we would all be slaves of the state.
And worse. Anyone want a DEI pilot or surgeon?
It is time to start telling your Jewish friends to leave jurisdictions that do not let them carry a concealed weapon and purchase firearms. Pack up, leave NY, and establish new private Hillsdale-like universities in purple or red states. NY, RI, CT, & MA are not getting better.
Much of this is not true anti-Semitism. Ethically, it is what Leo Alexander recognized as an extremely dark utilitarianism. They believe it is morally acceptable to use anti-Semitism if it will help them reach their utopian ends. They are enabled by the moral cowards and corrupt to a degree that is unlikely to change soon. Get out of New England and prepare for the worst.
University of Austin!
It IS TRULY antisemitism! Come on, full grown adults/college students scream death to Jews. Are you seriously stating that know these educated people don’t understand the terms “death” and “Jew”. They aren’t shouting death to Arabs or Catholics. No excuses for any of them. There should be no room for context when using violent threatening language like this.
No Elizabeth. The phrase "much of this is not" means a substantial portion of it is not true antisemitism. I understand that might have been complicated for you to understand, but I can assure you that you have misinterpreted what I typed and what I meant.
Dear Prof. Dershowitz, While I totally agree with your article, I feel I must point out that your blind adherence to the Democrats and specifically Obama, while certainly not causing this horrific anti semitism, has lead you to speak out perhaps too late.
Professor Dershowitz and all Jews who voted Democrat were betrayed by Obama. He is not with Obama.
As a YU and Cardozo graduate I am appalled at the treatment of Professor Dershowitz sand tge embrace and defense of DEI by by the Dean of Cardozo
Professor you are 100% correct. If it wasn't so tragic, you'd think we now live on the old Superman alter planet called Bizarro World, where everything works in reverse. To walk out on MLK quote is as absurd as it gets, to my mind.
Wouldn't Dean Leslie like to fly in a plane piloted by a DEI pilot? Or how about having a surgical procedure performed by a DEI doctor? She spouts her paid lines but wouldn't dare put herself on the line.
I am disappointed with the way you were treated. Respect and professionalism are necessary components for making students into future lawyers. Cardozo Law School should do a better job in educating its students about respectful protocol.They should start by becoming properly mannered role models.
OMG. Since when does Dershowitz support diversity of viewpoints and thoughts regading Israel and Jewish issues?. His entire series of podcasts is completely one-sided Israeli rants functioning as propaganda. The other side is not met with analysis, those daring to criticize Israeli Ashkenazis are designated with choice and frequently applied epithets: antisemitic, jew hater, fascists, nazi, ignoramus, Hitler Youth, knownothings. pogramists, Golem,.Storm Troopers, Brownshirts and practically every substantive applicable to Germany between 1933 and 1945. The Art of the epithet. But he refuses to consider the similarites between that Germany and current Israel.. Skepticism is not his forte.
It is a mistake of judgement to invite Dershowitz to speak about israel and Jews at at any other than a Greater Israel rally. He simply cheerleads for Israel and Jews absent any' effort to educate other than in the art of whataboutism to distract from an issue. he never presents both sides and analyzes how one comes to the best solution and why. He presents his case for one side, the Jewish Supremacy side, rants, applies some colorfully intimidating epithets and fnctions as the cengter of attention.
I have read a number of your responses and you and I have once engaged in some repartee. I find your comments about Dershowitz funny considering you do exactly what you condemn him for. Where is your willingness and ability to understand and grapple with Jewish history which informs and supports the existence of Israel? I don’t find your approach at all enlightening and am fully expecting some sort of rant back from you which lucky me, will prove my point - unless you surprise all of us here with a sound, erudite, considered response that shows a depth of knowledge and nuance of the situation. That’s my throw down to you - Bobby Flay style.
Be surprised. I have in my left hand Paul Johnson's award winning thick Harper Perennial book covering not only Jewish history but the impact of Jewish genius andimagination, "A History of the Jews". In its 644 pages of which I have read every page twice, I find not a hint of support or endorsement for a modern Genocidal, Apartheid driven Jewish state. It is true that Israelites were genocidal, for example in extermination of the entire Amalik tribe, but that was in Humanity's primitive period before the advent of morality and universal human rights.
And here it is ladies and gentlemen…the rant I was waiting for. The unwillingness nay the inability to deal with the hard problems I laid out. Instead it’s a scourge against Jewish AIPAC! That’s what’s the problem
in America! Not Russia nor China nor a host of other issues but American citizens petitioning their government just as the Constitution allows! Hey Greg, what about all the Qatari money coming in to our Universities? Do the American people get any transparency there? Seems far more dangerous and its results are showing up now. I thought I’d give you another round to see if you can step up and defend your ‘moral and int’l human rights’ claims. Alas, my eyes are open and I’m not interested in engaging in unsupported, wreckless conspiracy theories ‘about the Jews’. Enjoy your small, warped world. And, having looked at your unsupported rants against Dershowitz, I don’t plan to engage you further. Lost cause and all.
Bravo. But, the way you couch your response tips your biased hand. So I’ll do my best to be a bit more objective. If you truly feel the Israelis are ‘genocidal’, how do you view Hamas? Hezbollah? No where in any official document that I’m aware of do the Israelis describe anything approximating any sort of state sanctioned eradication of their neighboring Arabs. Yet, Hamas’ own charter definitely does so regarding not just Israel but specifically the Jews. Does that not bother you? If you read the book twice, I’d have to believe that you either are indeed interested in the Jews…or perhaps more sadly that you were looking for any sort of ‘evidence’ to throw at someone like me to ‘prove your point’ that the ‘Jews’ are bad. So, if it were up to you, how would you have responded to October 7th if you were Israel? You mention morality and human rights. Are you aware that the Torah is among the very first works that describes an ethical, moral way of humans interacting with each other? Human rights also encompass the right to self defense. The civilian to combatant death ratio during this Gaza war is among the lowest ever. Yes, innocent people die when one party attacks another and the offended party must remove the threat. Wouldn’t you do the same if you had a murderous neighbor killing your children/family - and promising to keep killing them - unless you responded? Are you saying that morality would suggest that you need to sacrifice your own innocent family because you’re not ‘morally permitted’ to kill your neighbor’s innocent family members? That puts a lot of ‘moral power’ in the hands of terrorists who just have to hide behind innocents to avoid repercussions. Is that the kind of ‘moral calculus’ you’re suggesting? If it’s not, then you agree that your neighbor’s innocent family might be harmed - but not specifically on purpose - so that you can save your own. The moral responsibility of those deaths falls on your murderous neighbor. This is supported by international human rights…you think Russia, China, or even the USA would behave different - or dare I say better - than Israel has responded if they were facing the same threat? If you do, I’ve got some Florida swamp land to sell. À toi.
Bias is a virtue when is supports virtue and opposes both genocidde and apasrtheid to loosely quote Barry Goldwater. Fulton, I am enraged today by the power of the foreign agent, American Israel Political Action Committee, to not only bribe the majority of Congressmen and the DNC with "re-election donations" and threats of supporting their oppnents instead, but also its use of money from megarich Jewish donors to demonstrate an ability to control the very discourse about the Mideast. AIPAC has easily switched demonization from the American complicity and enablement of Israeli Jewish directed genocide to demonstrating and occupying Columbia students by its control of American headlines. . We have known of extensive corruption in the American political system, and two weeks ago Congress underscored the effect of AIPAC corruption by allocating tens of billion dollars to a Jewish State judged by the International Court of Justice to have committed plausibel genocide on a scale such that further evidence would be examined for a second verdict at the end of this year and the IDF was specifically enjoined from further genocidal actions. .This turned the American public against the Israeli government. Yet AIPAC corruption kept Congress in line and the DNC, in need of massive money to re-elect the ancient president was there as a political whip to find excuses for wary Congressmen to vote the AIPAC line. America has been colonized in very important aspects, just like the West Bank. Israel uses American weapons to subjugate Palestinians. It uses money placed with decision-makers to subjugate the American decision-making process so that a massive transfer of money and weapons is donated annually to the Jewish State, which shares none of the fundamental human values of then USA---no equality of rights or justice, property expropriation without compensation, no due process, no right to speedy trial, no enforced prohibition of torture in prisons, no enforcement of laws against Jewish soldiers and vigilantes and so much more. Russia is no existential threat to America unless atomic bombs are used. Israel is an existential threat to the USA because it has corrupted the essential political processes of America and has become a parasite inside the physical structures of decision making now able to controll movements of the USA. America needs a Revolution to become independent. Do you agree with some of this, all of this, and a need for directed action against the Jsrael and especially that foreign agent exquisite and unique in its ability to corrupt on large scale, AIPAC. The Protocols of Zion were documented as forgeries. Maybe that needs re-examination. Seems AIPAC has used them as a plan to still attain that alleged goal of domination .
There is no comparison between Israelis and Nazis. What a terrible lie that is.