It appears that Ronald Reagan was right when he said: "If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of Liberalism".

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"In the District of Columbia, more than half of the potential jury pool voted against Trump." More than half? That's rich. Trump got 5.4% of the votes in the 2020 election.

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Professor Dershowitz, with respect, your calm, rational, meticulously argued view is sadly falling on the deaf ears of the men & women of far lesser intellect who are perpetrating this criminal behaviour in the name of United States law. May I suggest you might have greater impact if you strongly denounce persons you previously praised, or regarded as friends, & even now for whom you will perhaps facilitate their return to power next election. For example, Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, & Jaimie Raskin.

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Basically what we have in these United States, is a renegade group that is in command of the nation's government. This group has with purpose disregarded the United States Constitution. It's time to clean the whole congressional membership , clean the out "The White House" and charge this renegade government by prosecution and put them in Jail. If nothing happens and no one is held accountable , then sooner or later we will loose the United States and if we loose the USA , I assure you, that the rest of the world will fall and that will make World War 2 look like a walk in the park, yes that bad and dark. Alan I'm a huge fan of yours for years . Keep up the great work .

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I shudder to think what effect this awful scenario will have on other fledgling democracies that look up to our great American experiment.

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The American system of justice, federal and certain states, is indeed on trial and so far deserve a failing grade. But the leftists don't care, their goal is to destroy the country and its allegedly racist institutions.

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Professor Dershowitz, you have recently stated (correctly) that charges against a former president and the leading political rival to the sitting president should be straightforward, easy to understand, and even boring, not innovative or creative, lest the U.S. further descend into banana republic territory. Doesn't the use of RICO violate this observation? RICO is perhaps among the most complex, least straightforward legal theories with most Americans not even knowing what it is, never mind being able to explain it in simple terms. Contrast how every American understands clearly the crimes of assault, bribery and robbery, for examples. So, given the complex, creative and innovative nature of these RICO charges, and the likely fact that these charges would never have been brought against a group that did not include Trump, why have you not already declared that the mere filing of these charges violates Trump's (and the co-defendants') rights rather than insisting on a fair trial of these charges? Isn't a "fair" trial on unfair charges inherently unfair?

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I would like to believe that this will all end well but I don't.

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Absolutely disgraceful. Biden is unbelievably corrupt, destroys Nord Stream, channels US tax payers money to Ukraine (most corrupt country on earth), then tries to imprison his political opponent right before election - it seems like no one is actually standing for him?

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Dersh's Dems doing what the Dersh fought against, but yet proudly proclaims, "I have a right to vote for this." He does have that right, however his judgement in picking presidents one must say is his weakest aspect of his politics. I pray that the good professor reflects on how he contributed to what we have now.

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You are completely wrong. The world is not watching. The world does not care. Because American corporate media and entertainment have taught the world that Trump is Hitler. And due process is just a minor little annoyance when it comes to stopping Hitler. Once you have persuaded people that someone is a Nazi, any kind of evil can be inflicted on them. Steele Dossier, FISA court abuse, Illegal surveillance, disinformation, censorship, bogus impeachments, spurious indictments. All of it is fair game. "Due process? Who cares about due process. We are stopping Hitler!" You keep thinking that there are any remaining reasonable Democrats who see the grotesque evil that is being perpetrated here. If they exist, they are keeping silent as willing executioners of Trump, his supporters, and the rule of law. Meanwhile, their AntiFa and BLM stormtroopers walk free.

I sat in on the LA Fortenberry trial. The moment the jury walked in with their performative masking in full display, I knew it was over. Due process in an LA, DC, NYC, or Atlanta courtroom is just more performance art. No one believe in it when it comes to Trump or any Republican or Conservative. Trump is going to be convicted in all four cases because that's what the Woke political, legal, and media in these cities want. You can't stop it. You won't stop it. Sadly, Civil War is coming. And nothing can stop it now.

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Very good analysis of a sick Obama led socializing of America and a witch hunt of a great American president. Trump Trump Trump

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Hi Mr. Dershowitz.....your articles are always interesting to read though many of the times I disagree with your premise...here I am in agreement....however many many many people especially Blacks and Hispanics are beginning to see through Biden and Obama .... they will save our country.....not the liberal whites like yourself....i have not yet forgiven you for supporting several things like: FGM as freedom of religion, defending a child sex trafficker (where are your boundaries man?) and the fact that you stated the federal government had a right to mandate a vaccine which is not only poison but a clear way to brain wash and bring us more onto totalitarian government.....my body is from God not from the government....in fact our equal rights are from God not the federal government......so we have very basic differences....and you are still a BorgDem and until you denounce this party as the slave party you are as brainwashed as they come....imo....but this article is well written and I appreciate it.....thank you.....Happy Jewish New Year......

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It will take all of us to save America, not just one or two groups!

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I don’t think my comment was clear enough for you to respond this way. White liberals are not changing as fast as other groups are. That will tip the balance. It will never be all of us. And it never has.

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Good news!

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The democrats were/are/have been the party to support slavery. How do you not know that?

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What are you referring to…….and stop accusing someone without even asking a question……so what are you referring to……not me….

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Please post the email address for sending letters to Professor Dershowitz.

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