I was born during WWII. Lived in a neighborhood where many of the Holocaust survivors resettled. I was bought up Catholic. Though not a lot was verbalized, my Mom tried to enlighten me when I asked why these people were “sad.” My friends were their grandchildren, their parents were sent away to relatives in the United States, and only reunited after the war. In my mind Israel is the payoff for the neglect these people suffered. It is the crucible of the religion that was reviled and hated. It gave them back what dignity that was stolen from them. It was not just a German problem, Russia was just as bad. The French, English, Swiss and the rest of the world, including the United States turned their back on an entire people, claimed ignorance after the war.

To me, Yasser Arafat represented the mind set of the Palestinians. Given every opportunity to make peace, he squandered the funds given to the Palestinian people to buy weapons to support a lost war rather than use them to improve the life of Palestinians and peacefully integrate the two societies. Arafat died with one billion dollars in his personal account. For him the PLO was not about a mission, but a collection plate.

I, many times say to my friends when we question current events, the problem is we are too far away from the Holocaust. People don’t remember, or never learned, the brutality. They are the same people who will tear down a statue of Jefferson, Washington or even Lee. They make up history to prove their point. The Constitution is nothing more than a “flavor of the month.”

If all you read is Chomsky, you can recite Chomsky. If all you read is Hanson, you can recite Hanson. If you read both you might come up with a learned position.

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The introduction to the excellent article was quite revealing as to the biases of those in charge of the Harvard Crimson

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