Ready to vote Republican yet, Alan? I know you're getting tired of hearing it, but at some point you have to look at your own party honestly. They support slicing the private parts off children, massacring Jews, putting political opponents on trial, and now open terrorism. Where is your "bridge too far"?

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Regarding the Democrats, nothing will change until after the election. They desperately need everyone’s vote to stay in power, no matter how hateful and deranged their supporters are.

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I never thought we would see a repeat of 1930's Germany, but here we are....

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This time it’s much worse. It’s out in the open, instead of mainly perpetrated by members of the Nazi party.

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I keep waiting to hear that you’ve given up the Democrat party.

Reporting on what’s happening on the campuses is beginning to ‘feel’ unhelpful. If you have such dislike for Obama, why would you continue to vote for his proxy puppet Biden? I appreciate very much your speaking out for Israel. I’ve followed you for years now. I used to watch you on an Israeli tv station. Maybe be an example for other American Jews and finally disown the Democrat party. I know I have. Proud to say I never voted for Obama. It was because of him that I left the Democrats. You know the Democrats are no longer the party we all voted for before Obama.

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I agree with you Rob. I have followed the Professor for years as well. I almost feel sorry for him. He just can’t let go of his party loyalty. I thought he would be stronger than this in this situation where Jews have been singled out. Why continue to believe that the democrats, as a party, are the fair and compassionate ones? What have they done to save Jewish students and families from fear? Their encouragement of, or silence on, these recent violent college demonstrations affirms that Jewish students and Israel don’t deserve their support. Yet, Professor Dershowitz just can’t stop pretending that they care. I don’t feel there is any room for context in the potential danger these mobs present. This is the time for a revocation of allegiance to the DNC. No more monetary donations and social accolades. Shut off their power supply. Maybe then, they would realize that the American public refuses to watch a race, creed or foreign ally be destroyed by a Marxist mob of unhinged elite college students, faculty and administrators.

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I think he has denounced the Dem party already but recently.

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Thanks for this article. All true. I wonder if we will ever be able to curtail the destructive influence of Quatar on American universities. Billions have changed hands unregulated and supposedly from " unknown " sources.

They have managed to misinform and brainwash millions and millions of young people through social media and bots which they use in virtuosic ways to spread their anti- West ideology ( Jews and Israel first, then the USA) in their quest for the Islamisation of the world. They have bought entire departments ,created to match their vision, and the pathologically deluded professors they have been able to install. Money talks, nothing new about it.

Funny, these are things Jews are a d have always been ridiculously and causelessly accused of: their undue influence on everyone and everything.

And the truth ends being that, with the world always obsessed with the Jews, Quatar has been able for many years to orchestrate their overtake of our present brainless generation in complete stealth, to foment a destruction of American society from within.

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In an email to alumni yesterday Columbia said, "This is about responding to the actions of the protestors, not their cause." Apparently the president and board of Columbia are so dense they don't recognize that the "cause" of the protestors is the same as Hitler and the Muslim terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, and the Muslim terrorists who killed, raped, and tortured thousands of Jews on Oct. 7-8, 2023. Or, maybe the Columbia president and board of trustees are actually fans of Hitler, Hamas, and the other Foreign Terrorist Organizations?

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I’m not far apart from you in age, Alan. My own recall tracks right next to your own, though it cannot compare in detail and fullness. I trust your analysis because I know that you have not, cannot, and will not lie. Truth and wisdom. That is Alan Dershowitz.

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Prof this is only the tip of the iceberg. The current administration created this problem and are ignoring it intentionally. Where was Biden, Garland, and Wray last night.

See my recent article in the American Thinker:


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Why isn’t it painfully obvious to these college administrators that they should not be “negotiating” with these student groups making “demands.”

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Mosab Yousef said public perception might change after the war. Like Israel can do PR stuff afterwards. Plus maybe it'll be better because apparently this war is a result of having had so many ceasefires or something s.t. previous wars had were left inconclusive but now Israel gave just 1 temporary ceasefire and is really prosecuting the war to full surrender? Idk.

I hope it'll be better once Hamas is prosecuted, so people can really see Hamas committed war crimes not merely war - like really an unjust war waged unjustly. Like Sam Harris said that jihadists really announce their intentions to commit war crimes & crimes but then people think either

A - in 'war' they're actually not war crimes or crimes but actually justified ... 11 hours ago this video was uploaded of ( Interviewing Anti-Zionist Protesters at the University of Queensland in Australia Drew Pavlou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKqUm43yHc8 ) these australian anti-zionist kids who said hostage taking was necessary in war when it's actually a war crime lol

B - people think Sam Harris on Hamas: 'In any case, fundamentalist Christians and Orthodox Jews don’t tend to be confused about the problem of jihadism because they understand the power of religious beliefs, however secular people generally are. We imagine that people everywhere, at bottom, want the same things: They want to live safe and prosperous lives. They want clean drinking water and good schools for their kids. And we imagine that if whole groups of people start behaving in extraordinarily destructive ways—practicing suicidal terrorism against noncombatants, for instance—they must have been pushed into extremis by others. What could turn ordinary human beings into suicide bombers, and what could get vast numbers of their neighbors to celebrate them as martyrs, other than their entire society being oppressed and humiliated to the point of madness by some malign power? So, in the case of Israel, many people imagine that the ghoulish history Palestinian terrorism simply indicates how profound the injustice has been on the Israeli side.'


'Incidentally, if a history of land theft and oppression were sufficient to produce genocidal terrorism, where are the Native American suicide bombers? Where are the Tibetan Buddhist suicide bombers? Do you realize how much oppression they have experienced at the hands of the Chinese? '

oh and alan i notice you have a whataboutism where you often compare jews to blacks. sam harris says:

'Apparently, it’s not enough for an educated person with economic opportunities to devote himself to the most extreme and austere version of Islam, to articulate his religious reasons for doing so ad nauseam, and even to go so far as to confess his certainty about martyrdom on video before blowing himself up in a crowd. Such demonstrations of religious fanaticism are somehow considered rhetorically insufficient to prove that he really believed what he said he believed. Of course, if a white supremacist goes on a killing spree in a black church, and says he did this because he hates black people and thinks the white race is under attack, this motive is accepted at face value without the slightest hesitation. This double standard is guaranteed to exonerate Islam every time. The game is rigged.'

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May 1·edited May 1

Dershowitz has now become a propagandist warning of terror. Do you find his podcast to be a scary bedtime story? There is irony, though he probably does not know it, when Dershowitz complains that terror is used against zionists. It was militant zionism, such as Avraham Stern and Menachem Begin who had (it could be persuasively argued) invented terrorism in its modern, highly organized and scientific form. That the terror boomeranged and was directed against the Jewish State on a vastly increased scale can be seen as an act of providential retribution, as yet another demonstration that Jewish idealists who justified their means by their ends did so at the peril to their fellow Jews. Begin was sanitized from his terrorist leader background as he became -Israel's Prime Minister in the the seventies. So why can't Sinwar be similarly evolved politically from the terrorist epithet to world statesman and Nobel Prize winner.?. Begin is very applicable precedent..

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Muslims have been waging terrorism i.e. jihad since the origin of islam in the 7th century. Jew-hatred is written into the koran. As devout muslims, hamas intends to carry out its islamic duty to exterminate the Jews as written in hamas own charter based on koranic teachings.

After 9/11, only a fool would dismiss the threat of terrorism to America combined with our open border which the democrats purposely are allowing.

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Some of your information is truly false and turned into what a racist would love in order to keep supporting his own racism….oh well stupid is as stupid does.

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