thank you, Professor Dershowitz, for your supreme honesty, integrity, and courage.

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Get your eyes checked, and appropriate prescription lenses, and perhaps you'll be able to see them then, my poor blind Duncan.

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oh honey, they're fine ...

but Bell&Howell issued a recall on your projector.

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Then it's your mind which needs diagnosis/treatment. Or perhaps it's just the stupidity which cannot be fixed.

I do not own a projector, nor anything sold under the Bell & Howell brand, so that is a non-starter.

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bruh, this substack is a mixture of manipulative handwringing and lies. His links do not support his claims. Court record doesn't support his claims. He's lying.

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Reported this user account to Substack. "Regular Joe" is a troll account, new, no subscriptions, no followers, following none, no activity whatsoever but to troll. Wouldn't be surprised if is Morning Joe Scarborough's "Pierre Delecto." Anything a fraud/troll account posts is dismissed as a fraud and a lie. Just like the fraudulent case of lies in that criminal "judge's" courtroom.

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I am so sorry Mr. Dershowitz. Reading your account, I know it must have pained you to write it. This is a show trial, politically motivated from top to bottom. I believe the American people see through what is happening. I fear for our future as a nation.

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Merchan is beyond compromised. Why didn't he recuse himself? His daughter rakes in millions working for Democrat campaigns: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-conduct-a-show-trial-merchan

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no., Dershowitz is just lying.

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Thank you, sir, I am appalled at what has been going on with the American justice system in this obvious biased case against President Trump. Yes, I am calling Donald Trump president, because he earned that title. The biased judge wanted others to refrain from calling the defendant president but rather referring to him as “mister” instead. I appreciate your straight reporting as the truth not colored in any way. God bless you, Alan, and thank you for your many books on enlightenment in this bizarre world.

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FORMER president Trump's trial isn't at all a problem. The fact that people believe he should be able to commit crimes with impunity is a problem. Dershowitz is lying about the trial. The people falling for this are the incredulous types who are easily manipulated.

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“The guilty verdict against Trump is a miscarriage of justice marked by significant legal and procedural flaws. The charges of falsifying business records, elevated to a felony, are unprecedented and legally dubious, hinging on actions that are not criminal. Payments for NDAs and hush money are legal and commonplace, made from personal funds, not campaign funds. The exclusion of expert witnesses who could have clarified the legality of these actions, combined with the reliance on the testimony of a convicted perjurer, violates Trump’s Sixth Amendment rights. Moreover, the judge’s improper jury instructions, refusal to recuse himself despite conflicts of interest, and the biased venue in New York City severely compromised the trial’s fairness. These actions contravene principles established in cases like Washington v. Texas and Old Chief v. United States.

Additionally, the prosecution’s last-minute revelation of charges, preventing the defense from adequately preparing, breaches due process. The selective prosecution of Trump under arbitrary and discriminatory factors violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The judge’s failure to instruct the jury on the legality of the actions in question and his broad, vague guidance effectively directed the jury to find Trump guilty on any count. These procedural violations and conflicts of interest necessitate an immediate appeal, which will highlight these flaws and seek to restore justice and uphold the rule of law.”

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He is not lying. In fact, others in attendance said much the same. So. Were you in attendance? Is everyone lying? Or do just love calling anyone who writes anything you don't agree with a liar. You are a cliche' caricature of a liberal buffoon.

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So says the manipulated.

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Thank you for this account. It’s a disgrace what’s happening in this country.

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This is definitely a case that cries out for an audience far and wide able to see what is going on within our courts and legal system. It also raises the important point of what happens when access to the public is denied.

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'Judge' Flaco Juanito is a criminal. His crime is covered under "Color of Law" statutes:


"Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any."

Flaco Juanito Merchan, Alvin Bragg, Leticia James, Jack Smith, Arthur Engoron, Fanni Willis, Merrick Garland, et. al are engaged in a massive conspiracy to deprive Pres. Donald Trump of his constitutional rights under the Color of Law. Add RICO charges to the Color of Law ones.

All of these proceedings are not just unconstitutional, they are anti-Constitutional. They are repugnant to the Constitution. And void, following interpretations of Marbury v Madison.

We'll know we have begun to restore our nation from the enemies who have seized control of it when all of these criminal conspirators are arrested and charged under Color of Law and RICO statutes. Until then we must recognize that we are living under an anti-Constitutional regime, a post-constitutional republic, where the law is whatever the criminals in charge say it is today. Tomorrow it can and probably will change. Arbitrary and capricious tyranny. Repugnant to the Constitution.

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ah, the old "the entire legal system is crooked, not trump" BS. Yes, yes, Trump never committed any crimes and if he did, he shouldn't have to face justice for them, lol. Dershowitz is lying.

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So Morning Joe Scarborough's Substack moniker is Regular Joe!

How's that little whore Marxist wife of yours this morning?

Trump is the cleanest politician in DC. I know. I've been and worked in DC, State Capitols around the nation. Been on the cocktail party circuit where politicians, judges (redundant), media, philanthropists, CEO's, etc clank glasses and egos get stroked by rent-seekers. And they're dirty, dirty, dirty rotten criminals. Hiding behind honorifics and sanctimony. Spending taxpayer money to cover up their own sexual assaults and predation, for the massive profit and benefit of their 'investors' and look down their noses at their ordinary American prey. The predator class that you identify with.

Trump earned his millions selling real estate. Every. Single. Millionaire career politician got wealthy selling the lives and fates of ordinary Americans.

The entire system is a National Crime Syndicate. Take The Godfather movie and apply the crime family structure to the entire nation and the world. That's reality, not a movie. And a National Crime Syndicate that controls the police, the media and the justice system comes after anyone who poses a threat to it. Like Trump.

So you're either a part of it, Morning Joe, or a pawn of it. Your mind is too small and too unprepared to awaken to that truth. But, go ahead, mask up, above the nose! And get your latest booster. And jab your baby with 72 elixirs before they're ten years old, making sure their "up to date" with the latest "safe and effective" covid 'vaccine' as you'll later lament their 'died suddenly' stroke or turbo cancer that absolutely, positively doesn't have anything to do with the poisons your favorite criminal politicians, media and philanthropists told you were good.

Thing is, most Americans are waking up and see the abuses heaped on Trump, the obliteration of constitutional rights and protections to "get Trump" for the threat they are. The National Crime Syndicate will come after anyone who gets in their way, including ordinary Americans who 'meme' effectively against them. But we are fearless. And outnumber them. Even outnumbering the dupes and criminals like you who profit from the organized crime that controls the USA today. But the bell is tolling, for thee criminals. And their pawns.


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No, he is not. The judges abuses of the legal system, you know if allowed to be entered into evidence, will reveal that you are wrong. No one said Trump never did shady crap. But, someone who has behaved the way Trump has, still has the right to fair trial. I am sure you disagree, but that does not make it less true.

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What a terrible indictment of those who claim to represent and preside over our justice system. The political bias is no better than racial bias. It results in the same thing injustice. And as I know, we are all familiar with, Dr. King said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere… Thank you for your honest observations Professor Dershowitz, you could just as easily fall in line like so many others to the narrative Get Trump… and yes, I do have your book which shows so many other biased efforts against President Trump.

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He's lying and Trump isn't the president.

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Thank you for your observations on this trial. It simply demonstrates that this nation is in the grip of an organized criminal syndicate masquerading as the Democratic Party. Today, they violate Trump's right to campaign while at the same time, they green light ICC arrest warrants against Bibi. (I sit a coincidental that Jack Smith's former employer was the ICC?), I think it has come to the point where all good Americans combine to remove the crime syndicate from any influence in our society using the same tools of law enforcement are used to break up and defeat crime syndicates.

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Ah yes, the Democrat Courtroom at work.....yet you continue to support this same corrupt party.

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Thank you for saying that. Dershowitz always talks against Republicans and not against the BorgDems and yet he claims to be objective. Give me a break. However I do like to listen to his judicial expertise at times. Though at other times I don’t agree with his premise. Anyway I would say there are more good people in the Republican Party than the Dems and why Dershowitz can’t say that I will never get.

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Is there any kind of procedure or process to review judge Merchan?

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I respect you sir for your honesty and integrity. Your defense of Donald Trump at his impeachment at great personal risk I would liken to John Adams at great personal risk defending British soldiers because they also deserved fair legal representation.

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April 12, 1861: The Democrats (Confederates) open fire on Fort Sumter, escalating the cold civil war into a kinetic one.

May 30, 2024: The Democrats, via a Stalinesque lawfare trial, manufacture a “guilty” verdict against Donald J. Trump - knowing full well that it will ultimately be overturned on appeal … long after the election. They care not — one of the goals is for the mockingbird media to regurgitate ad nauseam “convicted felon.”

#Trump2024 #Election2024 Stalin type Show Trials.

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Thank you for giving us the truth. When I heard he emptied the courtroom I was hoping you were there so we could find out what actually went down.

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Thank you for going first hand and seeing the Beria-style show trial. The prosecution closed it's case without providing evidence of an object crime to breathe life into these "felony" charges. It sounds like they aren't going to specify an object crime for the "conspiracy" that Trump supposedly engaged in. Instead, they are saying that Trump being a 3rd party accessory, "causing a causer to cause," is enough even without mens rea. Talk about walking down the street and being pulled into a prison.

One of the other tyrannical parts of this trial that offends me deeply, has been the judge running it on a shadow docket. He has not allowed Trump's team to file anything on the docket without a private email chain and permission from the judge to put things on the docket. This alone is a 6th amendment violation in my view. Add the crazy evidentiary rulings and exclusion of a FECA expert for the defense and I can confidently say that I have never seen more reversible errors in a single trial.

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Professor Dershowitz, I had the privilege of attending the "Thinking About Thinking" class that you taught with Robert Nozick and Stephen Jay Gould back in 1991 or so. That class changed my life. I am so grateful that (a) you were one of the few eyewitnesses to what happened in this courtroom and (b) you have the integrity and credibility to report on it.

What happened to George Floyd was a tragedy, but probably an accident, and it set off a storm of (mostly) peaceful protests that did billions of dollars in property damage. I pray every day that what is happening to Donald Trump in this courtroom will NOT end up in tragedy. Cameras in this courtroom would help prevent that. Without them, injustice may prevail.

Leviticus 19:15

“You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor."

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