I watched the meeting and it was great. I agree with you, and I have saying for some time that Gaza should be depopulated and perhaps turned into farmland or something other that's more productive. Trump's idea is better, build other sites and cities somewhere else, in another country or countries, for the people of Gaza, areas so good, cities and towns so good, that they would never want to go back to Gaza. Let the US take over the area and do something wonderful with it. After all, Trump is a builder by profession, that's his forte, real estate. Otherwise we are condemned to relive the same troubles over and over again, forever. Like you note, it's been done before. Again good show.

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Excellent. Let's keep an open mind and entertain new ideas. Otherwise, history will keep repeating itself. Listen for alternative solutions from the Left. There won't be any. When u lose a war, penalties ensue. Losing land is historically one of the outcomes.

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I couldn’t help but notice that Carolyn Glick (author of The One State Solution) resigned her position at JNS last weekend for unstated reasons. Now we know. G-speed to Messers Trump and Netanyahu.

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Great idea, but add the building of permanent US naval base and air force base in Gaza. Strategic location in the Middle East.

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One of the largest gas reserves is in the waters off Gaza. There is a pipeline built from Italy to close to Gaza. Can’t drill until it’s safe in the area.

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And a Trump Tower.

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It is expected that when a particularly notorious or even evil self-promoter endorses or claims to represent the political aims of any major political movement that that movement rejects the endorsement and the claimed representation. Examples are Nazis and the KKK . When Victor Fuentes ate dinner with President Trump all the significant Zionist organizations loudly objected to the apparent connection between the two. People, allegedly including Dershowitz,, connected to pedophilic rape gangs for whatever motivation fit into the category of "particularly notorious and evil", and criminal when prosecutors not afraid to do their job. Dershowitz befriended and mentored Epstein,

protected and enabled him,¨

kept him out of jail for 20 years,

when Epstein was arrested got an extreme sweetheart deal for him by intimidating a prosecutor who feared being labelled "antisemitic",

intimidated to get a grant of full immunity not only for Dershowitz himself but for four named Epstein co-conspirators (Ghislane Maxwell refused inclusion),involved in slave-like sexual exploitation of American underage children.

Protection, enablement and when proved, direct participation in organized and unorganized pedophilic rape is basis for politically shunning . This is true in Britain. It should be true in America. Yet Zionist organizations and even Netanyahu visiting America do not dissociate themselves from Dershowitz who anoints himself as their spokesman, advisor, orator and advocate, and in the case of Netanyahu, as a long-time friend. selflessly aiding goal-setting and manipulation of American public opinion.

Dershowitz has not been exonerated of pedophilic rape. He was not indicted because the DEI Federal prosecutor Acosta was afraid. Acosta specifically said this. Dersh was not sued in civil court because he scared off some of the girls and their attorneys with defamation suits. Yet Dersh failed to scare one accuser, who was paid hush money of a million dollars for her silence. Not even for one million dollars was she willing to exonerate him. She even said after accepting the money that acceptance was about merely keeping quiet so she could be treated for PTS , not connected at all to exonerating Dershowitz.

Does Zionism have so few defenders that Dershowitz is tolerated as one of its representatives despite the long-running cover-up of the Epstein pedophilic gang's activities? Does this mean that in Zionism, alleged and evidenced involvement in pedophilic activity is excused? Does involvement of Dershowitz in official Zionism mean the movement is giving up its moral basis?

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Professor: excellent show. Much to ponder. I fear our involvement in a shooting war. But, maybe this has something positive. I always look forward to your show.

Best regards, Mike

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Day 2368 of the cover-up of the Epstein pedophile grooming gang and Dershowitz's involvement.. Was Netanyahu involved ?

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See I always find the crooks

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II so, spill the beans and pierce the veil of the Epstein-Dershowirz cover-up

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