Ivermection is a very very possible effective med for Prosrtate cancer. It is also being held back from medical prescribers. It is so inexpensive and the findings of treatments with cancer and viral infections are astonishing. BUT Big Pharma tried the expensive shot with boosters and prescribes were NOT ALLOWED to use inexpensive ivermectin. Now Texas allows ivermectin and TN is working it through the state gov there.
A non-interested Board for safety, reality of the research, and cost analysis is critical in my opinion. Also the high cost of producing a med does need reimbursement. HOWEVER, US citizens pay almost all of those costs. Other countries give the same med but at ridiculously cheaper prices. One exsmpke: my medication inhaler is over $550/month. But if I buy 3 at a time it's $750. I am on SS. I can't afford either so I do without. BUT when I renew my passport, I can go you Mexico or Canada and get yhe exact same medication for $5 USA.
So you go on a half hour rant about Trump stopping medical research based on a fake news NYT article? That's like using CNN as Gospel....think a minute before you start talking. Not an interesting show.
Ivermection is a very very possible effective med for Prosrtate cancer. It is also being held back from medical prescribers. It is so inexpensive and the findings of treatments with cancer and viral infections are astonishing. BUT Big Pharma tried the expensive shot with boosters and prescribes were NOT ALLOWED to use inexpensive ivermectin. Now Texas allows ivermectin and TN is working it through the state gov there.
A non-interested Board for safety, reality of the research, and cost analysis is critical in my opinion. Also the high cost of producing a med does need reimbursement. HOWEVER, US citizens pay almost all of those costs. Other countries give the same med but at ridiculously cheaper prices. One exsmpke: my medication inhaler is over $550/month. But if I buy 3 at a time it's $750. I am on SS. I can't afford either so I do without. BUT when I renew my passport, I can go you Mexico or Canada and get yhe exact same medication for $5 USA.
So you go on a half hour rant about Trump stopping medical research based on a fake news NYT article? That's like using CNN as Gospel....think a minute before you start talking. Not an interesting show.