Ivermection is a very very possible effective med for Prosrtate cancer. It is also being held back from medical prescribers. It is so inexpensive and the findings of treatments with cancer and viral infections are astonishing. BUT Big Pharma tried the expensive shot with boosters and prescribes were NOT ALLOWED to use inexpensive ivermectin. Now Texas allows ivermectin and TN is working it through the state gov there.
A non-interested Board for safety, reality of the research, and cost analysis is critical in my opinion. Also the high cost of producing a med does need reimbursement. HOWEVER, US citizens pay almost all of those costs. Other countries give the same med but at ridiculously cheaper prices. One exsmpke: my medication inhaler is over $550/month. But if I buy 3 at a time it's $750. I am on SS. I can't afford either so I do without. BUT when I renew my passport, I can go you Mexico or Canada and get yhe exact same medication for $5 USA.
So you go on a half hour rant about Trump stopping medical research based on a fake news NYT article? That's like using CNN as Gospel....think a minute before you start talking. Not an interesting show.
Day 2409 of the Dershowitz Epstein pedophiic organization cover-up.
What is the qualification for understanding the state of medical research?. Does experience in pedophilia or with a master pedophile count? How about being the beneficiary of a cover-up and refusing to give details of the Epstein grooming gang? Think a minute before listening to Dersh.
Starting with the Jimi Hendrix title "Are You Experienced" and then add the prepositional phrase "in serial pedophilia", and apply the question to Dershowitz . He says "no" but gives no details other than libeling the accusers, then underage intensively groomed children, as "prostititutes, liars and thieves", not giving any background as to why he knows this. Apparently the kids were just white Gentile trash from trailer parks.Then he admits that he walked around in only his underpants in front of other people's underage children. But he kept them on at all times, he claims. That contradicts what the kids alleged. One gives in a deposition a detailed account of what the 73 y.o. very unfit , skin disordered Dershowitz body looked like when underpantsless. If the description is accurate, then Dersh was not pretty or a sexy penetrator. Did she lie too? He says so, but trustworthiness is not the first attribute we associate with a professional defense attorney. So he was in the situs of the crime. How often and why? Details stop there. A jury needs a better explanation of inter alia the 73 year old Dershowitz's clothing choices in front of the groomed, often drugged kids, need detail. But the cover-up and Dersh's lack of cooperation prevent understanding of who was involved and how this pedo organization flourished under legal protection for a generation.
No one should assume that all medical research is good or even safe. Just look at the Wuhan China virus. There are also limited financial resources, so choices must be made.
I worked with NIDDA/John's Hookins in the late 1980's. Th main problem I saw with medical research was that some important findings were NOT allowed to be published or even discussed. 1 was that bleach did not kill the HIV. Nothing known killed it. Both agencies not only stopped releasing these findings as they "would scare the American public." The researcher disagreed. The agencies ' punishment for any release was license removal, losing his house, tax exams, etc etc then finally removal of US citizenship.
Don't stop med research BUT allow it's release. And as seen with Mrna vaccinations or other new research trials must be monitored strictly.
Your third sentence is untrue. Fresh undiluted bleach,5.25% sodium hypochlorate, appears to very well kill the HIV retrovirus. Medical research is important but it is also important that people who write comments read it.
It is true. I worked for the researcher. It was a very surprising find. And ? how and with what can we kill the virus. People in the know will not buy used Ambulances since IF HIV had EVER been there it still is .
The HIV retrovirus denatures in presence of air which dries it up. Reports confirm the retrovirus only lives a max of some hours on a laminated surface. .. Your suspicion of used ambulances seems an outlier You should check your premises. If you get a confirmation, kindly comment with the source.
I already gave you my soure= NIDDA/Johns HHopkinsresearch on what kills HIV. Nothing was found to date (1980). 100% bleach was tested. HIV still lived. When dried it was reconstituted, and the virus was there alive. This was a professional study and repeated in the lab. The paper was not allowed to be published as I said. The word got out through an underground system based in SF. I will not name the researcher due to sll the threats he received. I do not know if the virus is reconstructed after x amount of time it would finally die. Believe ir not. It's true.
Thanks for sharing and being civil. But your reluctance to source the researcher and the secrecy of the professional study (not allowed to be published) raises a number of red flags about persuasiveness . Experience researching Covid lab leaks, Epstein -Dershowitz endeavors and many other cover-ups show that malign forces do dictate much of what we know, but it i hard to believe a conspiracy exist to cover up banal findings that bleach at reasonable strength does not kill a retrovirus
I’m surprised at your not checking this carefully. You sound like the crazy Democrats that refuse to try to work with the president. He is not cutting medical research, because that makes no sense whatsoever. I thought that you were the voice of reason coming forward. Obviously, your left wing religion has kicked in Alan. I’m severely disappointed with you. You sound like those hysterical left wing Democrat lunatics. What has happened to you in the I had been impressed by your logical prowess up to now. Please explain tomorrow that you’ve changed your mind. We need logical clear thinking, which I do not see emanating from your left wing rhetoric. I really thought you were passed that….Your age has finally caught up.
Well your severe disappointment is nothing compared to that of the young kids caught up in the Epstein pedo grooming organization. But there should be consequences for Mr Dershowitz.
The government is the least qualified to decide what avenues of research are worthy of investigation. Better not tax the money in the first place so we Americans can donate to specific researchers that have convinced us their research will bear fruit or for research ventures that will directly benefits us.
If you want to accelerate medical research, prohibit the FDA from evaluating therapeutic effectiveness. Their focus should exclusively be safety (the first trial phase). By eliminating the second and third phases, not only would we get more therapeutics on the market, each would likely see more uses because the FDA itself wouldn't get in the way of experimentation. Case in point, there's studies that strongly suggest Viagra helps women immensely with menstrual cramps but it would cost Pfizer millions of dollars to do the trials to make it available for that on label use. The financial incentive to do that is now gone because there's generics available so the profit margins are tiny. We should be relying on medical literature (e.g. JAMA) and private certification (i.e. Underwriter Laboratories) to prove effectiveness, not FDA.
Ivermection is a very very possible effective med for Prosrtate cancer. It is also being held back from medical prescribers. It is so inexpensive and the findings of treatments with cancer and viral infections are astonishing. BUT Big Pharma tried the expensive shot with boosters and prescribes were NOT ALLOWED to use inexpensive ivermectin. Now Texas allows ivermectin and TN is working it through the state gov there.
A non-interested Board for safety, reality of the research, and cost analysis is critical in my opinion. Also the high cost of producing a med does need reimbursement. HOWEVER, US citizens pay almost all of those costs. Other countries give the same med but at ridiculously cheaper prices. One exsmpke: my medication inhaler is over $550/month. But if I buy 3 at a time it's $750. I am on SS. I can't afford either so I do without. BUT when I renew my passport, I can go you Mexico or Canada and get yhe exact same medication for $5 USA.
So you go on a half hour rant about Trump stopping medical research based on a fake news NYT article? That's like using CNN as Gospel....think a minute before you start talking. Not an interesting show.
Day 2409 of the Dershowitz Epstein pedophiic organization cover-up.
What is the qualification for understanding the state of medical research?. Does experience in pedophilia or with a master pedophile count? How about being the beneficiary of a cover-up and refusing to give details of the Epstein grooming gang? Think a minute before listening to Dersh.
Starting with the Jimi Hendrix title "Are You Experienced" and then add the prepositional phrase "in serial pedophilia", and apply the question to Dershowitz . He says "no" but gives no details other than libeling the accusers, then underage intensively groomed children, as "prostititutes, liars and thieves", not giving any background as to why he knows this. Apparently the kids were just white Gentile trash from trailer parks.Then he admits that he walked around in only his underpants in front of other people's underage children. But he kept them on at all times, he claims. That contradicts what the kids alleged. One gives in a deposition a detailed account of what the 73 y.o. very unfit , skin disordered Dershowitz body looked like when underpantsless. If the description is accurate, then Dersh was not pretty or a sexy penetrator. Did she lie too? He says so, but trustworthiness is not the first attribute we associate with a professional defense attorney. So he was in the situs of the crime. How often and why? Details stop there. A jury needs a better explanation of inter alia the 73 year old Dershowitz's clothing choices in front of the groomed, often drugged kids, need detail. But the cover-up and Dersh's lack of cooperation prevent understanding of who was involved and how this pedo organization flourished under legal protection for a generation.
No one should assume that all medical research is good or even safe. Just look at the Wuhan China virus. There are also limited financial resources, so choices must be made.
He’d better, we need a moratorium while we fire 80% of them.
I worked with NIDDA/John's Hookins in the late 1980's. Th main problem I saw with medical research was that some important findings were NOT allowed to be published or even discussed. 1 was that bleach did not kill the HIV. Nothing known killed it. Both agencies not only stopped releasing these findings as they "would scare the American public." The researcher disagreed. The agencies ' punishment for any release was license removal, losing his house, tax exams, etc etc then finally removal of US citizenship.
Don't stop med research BUT allow it's release. And as seen with Mrna vaccinations or other new research trials must be monitored strictly.
Your third sentence is untrue. Fresh undiluted bleach,5.25% sodium hypochlorate, appears to very well kill the HIV retrovirus. Medical research is important but it is also important that people who write comments read it.
It is true. I worked for the researcher. It was a very surprising find. And ? how and with what can we kill the virus. People in the know will not buy used Ambulances since IF HIV had EVER been there it still is .
The HIV retrovirus denatures in presence of air which dries it up. Reports confirm the retrovirus only lives a max of some hours on a laminated surface. .. Your suspicion of used ambulances seems an outlier You should check your premises. If you get a confirmation, kindly comment with the source.
I already gave you my soure= NIDDA/Johns HHopkinsresearch on what kills HIV. Nothing was found to date (1980). 100% bleach was tested. HIV still lived. When dried it was reconstituted, and the virus was there alive. This was a professional study and repeated in the lab. The paper was not allowed to be published as I said. The word got out through an underground system based in SF. I will not name the researcher due to sll the threats he received. I do not know if the virus is reconstructed after x amount of time it would finally die. Believe ir not. It's true.
Thanks for sharing and being civil. But your reluctance to source the researcher and the secrecy of the professional study (not allowed to be published) raises a number of red flags about persuasiveness . Experience researching Covid lab leaks, Epstein -Dershowitz endeavors and many other cover-ups show that malign forces do dictate much of what we know, but it i hard to believe a conspiracy exist to cover up banal findings that bleach at reasonable strength does not kill a retrovirus
I think you will lose your audience tonight….I’m sorry that you will. What a waste of humanity….
Why be sorry? He has just rolled back the curtain so you see the Wizard of Oz as he really is.
“…past that….”
I’m surprised at your not checking this carefully. You sound like the crazy Democrats that refuse to try to work with the president. He is not cutting medical research, because that makes no sense whatsoever. I thought that you were the voice of reason coming forward. Obviously, your left wing religion has kicked in Alan. I’m severely disappointed with you. You sound like those hysterical left wing Democrat lunatics. What has happened to you in the I had been impressed by your logical prowess up to now. Please explain tomorrow that you’ve changed your mind. We need logical clear thinking, which I do not see emanating from your left wing rhetoric. I really thought you were passed that….Your age has finally caught up.
Wow, are you condescending. And it seems it must be your way or the highway. God luck in this world.
Well your severe disappointment is nothing compared to that of the young kids caught up in the Epstein pedo grooming organization. But there should be consequences for Mr Dershowitz.
I’m not so sure of that, but we may, will, find out soon enough.
Big hopefully smiling emogee.
The government is the least qualified to decide what avenues of research are worthy of investigation. Better not tax the money in the first place so we Americans can donate to specific researchers that have convinced us their research will bear fruit or for research ventures that will directly benefits us.
If you want to accelerate medical research, prohibit the FDA from evaluating therapeutic effectiveness. Their focus should exclusively be safety (the first trial phase). By eliminating the second and third phases, not only would we get more therapeutics on the market, each would likely see more uses because the FDA itself wouldn't get in the way of experimentation. Case in point, there's studies that strongly suggest Viagra helps women immensely with menstrual cramps but it would cost Pfizer millions of dollars to do the trials to make it available for that on label use. The financial incentive to do that is now gone because there's generics available so the profit margins are tiny. We should be relying on medical literature (e.g. JAMA) and private certification (i.e. Underwriter Laboratories) to prove effectiveness, not FDA.