Jesus, now Dershowitz is simply boring with idle speculaton, absolutely no sources and no inside info. That is a characteristic of the less engaging professors inured to captive audiences of kids. If you are hanging on, listening to the podcast in order to hear a confession to 1) partnership in child sex crimes with Jeff Epstein or 2) the pornographic details written in complaints against Dershowitz about what the 73 plus year old man did to a particular captive audience, that succession of naked, drugged-until-compliant 13 and 14 year olds, well, you will get numb with boredom first. On the other hand, maybe children enjoy sexual contact with a self-obcessed 73 year old, In his legal articles advocating substantial lowering of the Age of Consent out of concern for elder males right to have sex, Dershowitz claims children below the statutory age are very sexual beings. Is that his experience? Maybe Dersh can tell us about Ghislaine, and her Czech father the man who both became a rich publisher and an indispensable Mossad agent. He knows her details very well,no need for a ballast of imagination, maske believe and idle speculation. Anyway no court has found Dershowitz "not guilty"

of the purient allegations. So he cannot even compare himself to oj.

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I don't disagree with this analysis, but I do have a problem with labeling an Israeli attack on Hezbollah as "preemptive" (even if Israel uses such language). Hezbollah has been firing rockets regularly at northern Israel since October, with tens of thousands of Israelis having had to flee their homes. I'm sure that Israel intends to preempt the use of larger rockets, but the word "preemptive" plays into the hands of opponents of Israel (and appeasers of Iran's proxies), because it sounds like Israel is attacking a country that isn't already attacking Israel.

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Alan, I would love to lock you and John Mearsheimer in a room. I would learn so much just listening to the two of you argue.

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From Dershowitz there would be lots of heat, no light.

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And yet Iran is petitioning the US to reopen the nuclear agreement talks!! No doubt Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon, but would export that weapon(s) to one of its proxies!

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I agree 100%.

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The next Israeli attack needs to be on Iran, but this time no fucking around. It’s time to go for the oil and make them poor as shit again.

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Our time is not just for wise leadership- all times are for wise leadership, not that it's always available- but for visionary, strategic and bold leadership, rooted in history, as Prof.Dershowitz details here. None of these requirements are likely to be seen whilst the present administration is facing an election. Thus Iran's timing, calling the " treaty" card to give themselves time enough for their bomb. Once they have it, they will renege of any treaty and use it. Their Islamic faith allows them to. The least Biden can say is " let me think about it" ,and then let's see who wins the election. The two candidates are not equally endowed with a concern for Western civilization. Eventually, Israel will act, if November ( January 2025, actually) is felt by the first threatened country to be too long a wait.

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The only way to stop Iran’s aggression is preemptive strikes directly against Iran, and sooner is better.

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Oh, a young neo-con! A more thoughtful approach is needed.

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Thoughtful approach? Should they be talked into giving up nuclear weapons? How would that approach work with genocidal islamo-nazi madmen? It's either taking out Iran's nukes or regime change, hopefully from within Iran whose population detests the islamo-nazi regime. I'm always amazed by people who never learn from history and still think you can appease evil through pacifism.

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It is POV, Laura. The way you as a Jew think about Iran is exactly the same as a Shia muslim in Iran , Iraq or Lebanon thinks about Israel. You cannot even control it; you are imprinted to hate as you do, and they are likewise imprinted.You might remember which country is being internationally investigated for genocide and which leaders face war crimes charges. Israeli politicians and top generals and Iranian mullahs are simply not decent guys. But Israeli aggression is far more usual and destructive than Iranian since Israel is armed to the teeth by America. And with the collateral demonization that goes with the bias, it is easy to ignore reasonability and go to war, especially in the post-Rabin era with Netanyahu, Ben Gvir and Smotrich running the show, and with Dershowitz, obcessed with distracting the public from tales of little girl rape and interstate child sex trafficking.. The next flashpoint will be Gaza where Israeli Criminal Law is not applied to crimes of settlers against the indigenous population, where they have since October 7, forced Palestinians to leave many villages and isolated homes, raised Israeli flags over them, prevent the palestinians from returning and then plan to expropriate the land in accordance with law which takes the Palestnian owners' rights away with no compensation after 3 years of non-use. You are an American citizen and have been socialized with the ideal of equality for all. Now imagine an Israeli being for equality for each and everyone, especially in the occupied territories.

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There is no freer place in the Middle East for Arabs than Israel. There is no other place in the region which respects equal rights for everyone other than Israel. There are virtually no Jews and Christians left in the Middle East outside of Israel while a significant proportion of Israel consists of non-Jews. The Arab countries ethnically cleansed Jews and others. There is ZERO respect for human rights in muslim countries. Jews ARE the indigenous people of Israel, that is an undeniable fact. As usual, you have no clue what you are talking about.

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As usual Laura the teenager generally does, she gives no evidence to support her false conclusions. Her second sentence is mere whataboutism, peculiar acclaim for the ethnocentric Jewish state that claims quite falsely to be Western and European in outlook. Universal equal rights do not exist in israel and certainly not in the Occupied Territories where occupation has the same intensity as Gestapo occupation had. Christians have a hard time in parts of Israel, not ony because of denial of building permits and expropriation of their land but particularly because of Jewish terrorists like Ettinger's "The Revolt" which recently burned down a Catholic Church in Galillee. The Government of Israel fails to punish these Jewish terrorists when it declines to indict them, and in the very few cases of conviction releases the convicts because of pressure from the religious parties. The IDF kills Christians which are 10 % of the Gaza population. Even the pope condemned the IDF for attacking two churches during mass last December. Some Jews may be indigenous to Israel, certainly the ones that never left. But most of them converted to islam and are among the many Muslims and Christians being killed by the IDF in Gaza. Unfortumately Laura is an inordianately passionate teenager,meaning that she as shown by the last five deleted messages cannot formulate a rebuttal without defaming, which triggers its deletion. Maybe she can learn how to present her pov in a manner not violating defamation laws as well as Substack's own policy.

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AS usual greg starr projects. He gives no evidence to support his own false conclusions which he knows are outright lies.

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Clearly you are projecting. You are imprinted to hate Jews. I actually like the Iranian people and hate the islamo-nazi regime which the Iranian people also hate since they’ve suffered more than anyone else under its brutal, evil murderous repression. That is why Iranians by and large support Israel. As usual you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

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War is Peace

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Apparently you think peace will be achieved through appeasement of islamic terrorist regimes. Pacifism is NOT peace, it amounts to surrender and war.

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It's a shame we lack wise leadership.

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Unanimity to this comment.

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