When needing to beg or warn the Democrats to "love us, don't take us for granted, or else", the battle is already lost. The Dems & Biden have showed you who they are. Believe them! Alan, you already ditched Obama after embracing him as a great friend for years. You were in denial for how long? He had also abandoned Israel at the UN and showed pathetic weakness with the Iran "deal". Stop begging these anti-Israel woke leftists to love you/Israel! If YOU love Israel AND America, vote Republican for crying out loud! Yes, vote Trump! Or keep voting for Democrats and pray we'll have a country and Jews will continue to have a homeland by the time you turn 90.

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Read and learn why anyone pro-Israel should NEVER even entertain the notion of voting for the Dems & Biden. Lieberman understood this, but was genial enough to give Dems some notice. When a former conservative pro-Israel Democrat like Schumer throws Israel under the bus, it's way past time for patriotic, pro-Israel Americans to throw the disgusting Democrats under the bus! Way past time! That means you Alan Dershowitz! https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/president-biden-war-against-jews

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Why do you want to continue to support Democrats? How presumptuous to say Israel should be “allowed” to defend itself! Should the UK or France be “allowed” to defend themselves? Isn’t it clear by now, after centuries of evidence, that the Muslim terrorists want to destroy not only Israel but also the United States and Western civilization? Biden has literally funded the October 2023 attack against Israel by releasing funds to Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism. And now he’s telling Israel to commit national suicide by not eliminating Hamas. Israel’s only alternative might be to use nuclear weapons against Iran before Iran develops a nuclear bomb capability with Biden’s help.

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You are the best when it comes to the law, especially Constitutional law, there is none better. In your American politics however, you are gravely misguided.....

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Loathe to speak ill of the dead, but Joe Lieberman was not a good person.

He was a whore for the insurance industry, and he, more than anyone else, is responsible for the mess in the American medical industry. (Ben Nelson [NE] and Barry Obama are very high on this list also.)

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I am with you 100% Alan but I have bad news for you: elections are counting numbers. How many Jews are there versus how many left wing radicals that hate Israel and how many Arabs in Michigan etc. Conceivably, they could write us Jews off by calculating they will gain more votes by going against Israel more than they have. Have you ever realized thought of that?

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I appreciate Sen Liebermans stand along with yours. I am a big fan of both. And may the Senators memory be a blessing. What am I sipposed to do next November? I physically and morally cannot vote for T––––. If I withhold my vote from Biden as per your advisory it will help elect one of the worst human beings to ever run for office. If that's your only recourse we will have to aprt ways.

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Dear Professor Dershowitz,

I am 100% behind you are Joe Liberman on all comments supporting Israel. I wrote a long letter/email to you and sent it to your email address at Harvard. But maybe you have not received it. I hope you did. Happy to send again. MY email is offie@bigpond.net.au

אלוהים יברך ויגן על ישראל

Leon Craig Offenhauser

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Why do U.S. tax payers have to send weapons to Israel?

I support Israel's right to self defense. But if they want weapons, then they should buy them. Pay us money.

American taxpayers are not a charity organization.

If you dont want to buy them, then manufacture them yourself. Our manufacturers produce weapons for profit.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

You need now to abide by standard full disclosure. Tell your Substack audience about your primary loyalty so that people can consider it when assessing your advocacy for an American war with Iran or further American complicity with overt Israeli commission of war crimes and genocide.

A starting point is that the American Constitution does not require you to be primarily loyal to the United States rather than to some foreign national entity. America has had, and still has, many religious emigrants more loyal to a religion or a home country than to America or its values. According to recent (since the movie) KGB file releases, Oppenheimer at a time before he considered joining the Manhattan Project seemed more loyal to the Communist State than the Unitrd States. No crime there, the Party was legal and Oppenheimer did not commit perjury before he joined the Manhattan Project. Loyalty is however a relevant issue when you do not inform your readers or listeners of your primary loyalty. Many of these podcastees are young, many in the Covid Generation are uninformed, and simply presume you, as a known celebrity professor, have the interests of the United States foremost in your heart since you have been American all your life, collect baseball cards, and have made your fortune (legitimately or thru Epstein) in America. By failing full disclosure you commit a fraud on your Substack platform. This is of course nothing compared to what you did for Jeffrey Epstein, but your Covid Gerneration audience is too young and religiously close.minded to know your details with the late Epstein..

You need to inform people that though you are an agnostic Jew, your loyalty is first and foremost to The Jewish State. As an agnostic, you are thereby not primarily loyal to a religion, but to a race (Jews) . Inform your audience that this primary loyalty is maintained regardless of current Israeli leadership ideology, regardless of apartheid (which is simply apodictally denied), regardless of genocide (which is simply offhandedly denied despite the provisional ICJ ruling)., Disclose that when that loyalty to Israel and its leaders conflicts with loyalty to America, loyalty to Israel prevails. This is important for your audience to know when you advocate an American war with Iran, when you advocate for continued supply of American bombs to exterminating/driving out the non-Jewish "demographic threat" to the Jewish State.

Under conditions of full disclosure your propaganda and completely unbalanced review of events in the Holy Land will be expected . Your Substack audience cannot claim to be hoodwinked.. Obviously America has nothing to gain by a war with Iran, which given America's past experience will end badly despite America's ability to destroy. America has nothing to gain by complicity with war crimes of the IDF. America is defnitely not even an ally of a racist, genocidal Jewish State since these attributes no longer define America. And when did Israel ever do something for America?

But if you give full disclosure, requirements of intellectual caveat emptor are satisfied. You can in every podcast recite the speeches of Netanyahu, and even proclaim him as necessary for the continuation of the Jewish State and claim him as the expected Messiah, and it will be unreasonable then to object that you have s Substack platform.

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Standing with you, falling for no deceptive antics!

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