for reading Alan Dershowitz Newsletter!
Allowing these two perverts "marry" and "adopt" clearly put a child into a position where the child was to be groomed as opposed to being raised as a healthy normal child in a normal family
You should look at Libs of Tik Tok -all of the advocacy of gender fluidity, exposing kids to drag , brainwashing and worse is set forth there in detail
agreed… that’s why it was good to see josh Duggar sentenced to 12+ years for possession of child porn… including violent child porn… he was executive director and lobbyist for the ultra conservative Family Research Council paid pusher of their “pro life” agenda in Washington cause it’s not enough to groom just your family or your town or even all of alabama plus tv land… nope gotta get the groomer into legislating for the entire country. This is the offspring of the freak full quiver father family of who knows how many children practicing his “family values” … but they’re “pro life” so… keep ‘em coming
hopefully nobody… except the Duggar family and all the other like minded radical right wing pro life quiver full family values conservative rump rally wing nuts out there
Dersh •with trumps track record it’s understandable why you would attempt to obfuscate, distract, and then deflect by claiming use of a search warrant vs a subpoena somehow demonstrates trumps been treated differently ergo unfairly but it’s his goddamn track record that warrants the warrant vs the subpoena •you presume FBI purpose was to circumvent rumps 5th amendment rights vs concern that documents would ‘disappear’ •over the course of his personal life and various jobs don has repeatedly deviated from precedent and has himself ignored subpoenas and encouraged others to do the same and has frequently ignored both precedent and the law •Hillary Clinton and sandy bergers situations are not comparable to trumps • trump is alleged to have flushed papers he didn’t want seen
•and finally you know, we know and rump knows… he’s both a professional and a pathological liar and a criminal and if burning, flushing, eating incriminating evidence was required… we’ll get the man a goddamn fork and some ketchup please
I apologize for taking a second bite of the apple, but OCD can't be controlled.
In prior comments I talked about the Balkanizing of the U.S. For those who think it can't happen this raid just added grist to the mill. It has given rational to Abbot and DeSantis to claim the government is acting adverse to the interests of the Constitution and the citizens of their States. If Abbot announced tomorrow morning Texas was seceding, there would be tens of thousands surrounding the State Capitol preventing action by Federal agencies. DeSantis would be watching closely to find the rationale to cite Federal agencies conducted an unconstitutional event against a Florida citizen and ask all Federal enforcement to leave the State. Abbot activates the TX National Guard, Texas Rangers. State, local and county enforcement and takes responsibility the Tex/Mex border. DeSantis orders a "sweep" to drive illegals out of FL. soon all the deep South States join with TX and FL; you now have the embryonic stages of Balkanization. In reality the Federal government would be impotent. Send Troops? This Administration doesn't have that political clout with the remaining States. Cite law? The Feds already are running out of "flavors of the month." Embargo financial transactions? This region is the most economically stable in the country. See how the multinational financial institutions react when 25% of the U.S. stop paying balances. The first stone has been thrown.
methinks you overrate both the southern strategy you just dreamed up and your powers of prediction and fyi the “impotent” federal government of which you speak spends an awful lot of coin on texas and doesn’t get back much except a middle finger in return.. abbot and desanta (as he likes to refer to himself when distributing federal dollars he and both corrupt US senators from his state, voted against) both of these governors have worked diligently with their gerrymandered republican legislators to gaslight, cheat and strip away the constitutional freedoms most of us stupidly took for granted… they’re well on their way to establishing very nice statewide autocratic fascist regimes. So yeah they’d be the likely idiot leaders of another insurrection for the stupid south to secede from the union. It’s possible the biggest mistake the north made in the civil war was not just sayin… byeee. Greg, don’t call when the next Katrina rolls in, the next time you have a massive BP oil spill off the gulf coast, your corrupt “independent” electric grid does just what the federal (yes federal) report in 2011 told abbott etc would happen to the grid if the grifters making money (that’s not John or Jane doe) didn’t upgrade, winterize etc… but hey they’re the lone star state right they go it alone… until they need those federal dollars to deal with a catastrophe… often of their own making. Oh and good luck figuring out how to stop that massive “wave of immigrants” crossing the border those Texans are always imagining… we saw abbots brilliant “let’s double inspect for illlegals” all vehicles coming in back at Easter… PS and note Mexico’s response to the abbot fiasco… pretty much write the same story for florida. Yeah umhmm… if the stupids wanna go well maybe it’s time?
It is not fascist to pass laws against children being sexualized and groomed at a young age by anyone who that has as their stated ideological aim the destruction of the traditional family and mores .Such laws are in the best interest of protecting children and a societal interest in promoting traditional families
Human beings like any species depend on procreation for a next generation . The institution of marriage by a man and woman is the best means known for raising children and imparting moral and civic values to children-as opposed to schools that are dominated by those who preach Marxist propaganda on systemic racism, gender fluidity and climate change
This per se is not a political statement, it’s historic and strategic. Donald Trump is not the problem; he is the messenger whose message resonated with enough of the public to get elected. The Democrats rather than listen, chose the modern-day version of the 15th century burning at the stake: Impeachment. As in the 15th century, the message was described as heresy, the modern-day form was the NYT and WaPo counting Trump’s lies. Trump was not reelected, and the Democrats rather than letting him diminish in the rear-view mirror as a loser by good governing, kept his legacy alive by maintaining his notoriety on the front pages above the fold. In U.S. modern culture they want Trump in political jail. Some historical names of political leaders who spent time (really) incarcerated, who then came back to lead their countries were: Trotsky, Nehru, Mandela [27 years], Aung San Suu Kyi, Victor Havel. Even Hitler spent enough time in prison to write Mein Kampf. So, we have historical precedence this strategy might not work.
My point is what is the Democrats objective within 90 days of what is predicted by some to be an electoral disaster? What are they expecting achieve? This decision had to be made at the highest levels: Wray, Garland, President Biden. Who was the adult at the table? Strategically, with Hunter Biden’s alleged legal issues, I would have recommended, “Be Quiet, let’s not knowingly deal the opposition any wild cards. History does not lean in our favor.”
Arthur- that is close to the biggest crock of stupid s**t rattled off today… except of course don, don jr, eric, Laura inga, sean ham man, newt, tuck etc have also dumped a crock today too, so you may not be the winner. “Not political” oh puhlease. “Modern day version of the 15th century burning at the stake: impeachment”… umm thinking the guy burning at the stake probably wouldn’t “feel” the comparison was well… comparable. The only possible version of a modern day burning at the stake would be… burning at the stake. And letting him “diminish in the rear view mirror”… dear god that he would stfu and disappear from the rear view mirror and any other available mirror… but he and his mob just can’t. Why? Cause as one of the biggest narcissist’s in history this megalomaniac cannot just accept that he’s a loser and go away. And his cult mob can’t handle the truth that their tribal leader is a loser so they live in denial threatening all who attempt to disavow him while awaiting his orders to impose retribution on all who dared thwart him and thus them. So we have to hear his daily pissing and moaning and whining about his victimhood… over and over til both his mob and he actually believe his bulls**t as true. And to continue to exert control til his big 2024 return he threatens anybody and everybody with his poorly educated unvaccinated rabid jack booters. This thug is such a media spotlight attention whore he actually set up his own crappy social media plotform… so now wait… who is it who can’t let go, move on let him “diminish in the rear view mirror”?
How could any judge sign a warrant if there is no probable cause as to the existence of classified documents in any of the boxes seized in this raid which was pretextual and of dubious legality ?
But wee we make a presumption that our government agencies aren’t corrupt and thus any search warrant issued was legitimate and the magistrate or judge wouldn’t have signed off on it otherwise. And furthermore wee we make that other presumption that NO one is above the law… not you, not me and not don trump… so if you, if I, if don commit a crime and have evidence in our home, then you, I, don can expect a visit from law enforcement and then we go to trial… you know that nation of laws stuff. And PS nothing stopping don from making that search warrant public and if it didn’t make him look really bad we all know don… he’d have taken out a full page ad in the NYT to display it by now.
Perhaps you should just get a job with the FBI… then you can see first hand what goes down. The paranoia that years of right wing propaganda has engendered among the “poorly educated” and “pissed off cause it’s no all about just me me me” population has reached that point where pretty much any, all and every one of our government institutions is subject to the crazy unsubstantiated conspiracy garbage that takes down democracies… but then, that’s been the goal all along. Congratulations and welcome to Anarchy… land of the free to be selfish and stupid and where Quick Draw McGraw always wins.
The FBI and the IRS have a demonstrated history of partisanship. There are ample court records as to the IRS denying tax exempt status to conservative and pro Israel groups . Too many administrative apparatchiks act as if they set policy rather than implement policy .We just learned that Birx ( and Fauci ) favored stronger lockdowns because she as opposed to anyone else liked the CCP modus operandi without a shred of science ridiculous evidence . Too many agencies such as CDC and EPA like to expand their regulatory influence without authorization of Congress
Much appreciate that you put your name behind this. Others see the problem much wider. I'd love you to to have a conversation with Robert Gouveia on his podcast or yours to discuss further and see if you have some counter arguments to his other views.
Allowing these two perverts "marry" and "adopt" clearly put a child into a position where the child was to be groomed as opposed to being raised as a healthy normal child in a normal family
brizel… you need to talk with a counselor about this stuff
You should look at Libs of Tik Tok -all of the advocacy of gender fluidity, exposing kids to drag , brainwashing and worse is set forth there in detail
No one should groom children under the pretense of raising children
agreed… that’s why it was good to see josh Duggar sentenced to 12+ years for possession of child porn… including violent child porn… he was executive director and lobbyist for the ultra conservative Family Research Council paid pusher of their “pro life” agenda in Washington cause it’s not enough to groom just your family or your town or even all of alabama plus tv land… nope gotta get the groomer into legislating for the entire country. This is the offspring of the freak full quiver father family of who knows how many children practicing his “family values” … but they’re “pro life” so… keep ‘em coming
Who is apologizing for Duggar who is also a pervert?
hopefully nobody… except the Duggar family and all the other like minded radical right wing pro life quiver full family values conservative rump rally wing nuts out there
Proof please?
No child should be subjected to this perverted Marxist garbage
Dersh •with trumps track record it’s understandable why you would attempt to obfuscate, distract, and then deflect by claiming use of a search warrant vs a subpoena somehow demonstrates trumps been treated differently ergo unfairly but it’s his goddamn track record that warrants the warrant vs the subpoena •you presume FBI purpose was to circumvent rumps 5th amendment rights vs concern that documents would ‘disappear’ •over the course of his personal life and various jobs don has repeatedly deviated from precedent and has himself ignored subpoenas and encouraged others to do the same and has frequently ignored both precedent and the law •Hillary Clinton and sandy bergers situations are not comparable to trumps • trump is alleged to have flushed papers he didn’t want seen
•and finally you know, we know and rump knows… he’s both a professional and a pathological liar and a criminal and if burning, flushing, eating incriminating evidence was required… we’ll get the man a goddamn fork and some ketchup please
I think MENSA will be delighted to receive your application.
They already have
I apologize for taking a second bite of the apple, but OCD can't be controlled.
In prior comments I talked about the Balkanizing of the U.S. For those who think it can't happen this raid just added grist to the mill. It has given rational to Abbot and DeSantis to claim the government is acting adverse to the interests of the Constitution and the citizens of their States. If Abbot announced tomorrow morning Texas was seceding, there would be tens of thousands surrounding the State Capitol preventing action by Federal agencies. DeSantis would be watching closely to find the rationale to cite Federal agencies conducted an unconstitutional event against a Florida citizen and ask all Federal enforcement to leave the State. Abbot activates the TX National Guard, Texas Rangers. State, local and county enforcement and takes responsibility the Tex/Mex border. DeSantis orders a "sweep" to drive illegals out of FL. soon all the deep South States join with TX and FL; you now have the embryonic stages of Balkanization. In reality the Federal government would be impotent. Send Troops? This Administration doesn't have that political clout with the remaining States. Cite law? The Feds already are running out of "flavors of the month." Embargo financial transactions? This region is the most economically stable in the country. See how the multinational financial institutions react when 25% of the U.S. stop paying balances. The first stone has been thrown.
methinks you overrate both the southern strategy you just dreamed up and your powers of prediction and fyi the “impotent” federal government of which you speak spends an awful lot of coin on texas and doesn’t get back much except a middle finger in return.. abbot and desanta (as he likes to refer to himself when distributing federal dollars he and both corrupt US senators from his state, voted against) both of these governors have worked diligently with their gerrymandered republican legislators to gaslight, cheat and strip away the constitutional freedoms most of us stupidly took for granted… they’re well on their way to establishing very nice statewide autocratic fascist regimes. So yeah they’d be the likely idiot leaders of another insurrection for the stupid south to secede from the union. It’s possible the biggest mistake the north made in the civil war was not just sayin… byeee. Greg, don’t call when the next Katrina rolls in, the next time you have a massive BP oil spill off the gulf coast, your corrupt “independent” electric grid does just what the federal (yes federal) report in 2011 told abbott etc would happen to the grid if the grifters making money (that’s not John or Jane doe) didn’t upgrade, winterize etc… but hey they’re the lone star state right they go it alone… until they need those federal dollars to deal with a catastrophe… often of their own making. Oh and good luck figuring out how to stop that massive “wave of immigrants” crossing the border those Texans are always imagining… we saw abbots brilliant “let’s double inspect for illlegals” all vehicles coming in back at Easter… PS and note Mexico’s response to the abbot fiasco… pretty much write the same story for florida. Yeah umhmm… if the stupids wanna go well maybe it’s time?
It is not fascist to pass laws against children being sexualized and groomed at a young age by anyone who that has as their stated ideological aim the destruction of the traditional family and mores .Such laws are in the best interest of protecting children and a societal interest in promoting traditional families
Very enlightened.
Human beings like any species depend on procreation for a next generation . The institution of marriage by a man and woman is the best means known for raising children and imparting moral and civic values to children-as opposed to schools that are dominated by those who preach Marxist propaganda on systemic racism, gender fluidity and climate change
Glad you see it that way
This per se is not a political statement, it’s historic and strategic. Donald Trump is not the problem; he is the messenger whose message resonated with enough of the public to get elected. The Democrats rather than listen, chose the modern-day version of the 15th century burning at the stake: Impeachment. As in the 15th century, the message was described as heresy, the modern-day form was the NYT and WaPo counting Trump’s lies. Trump was not reelected, and the Democrats rather than letting him diminish in the rear-view mirror as a loser by good governing, kept his legacy alive by maintaining his notoriety on the front pages above the fold. In U.S. modern culture they want Trump in political jail. Some historical names of political leaders who spent time (really) incarcerated, who then came back to lead their countries were: Trotsky, Nehru, Mandela [27 years], Aung San Suu Kyi, Victor Havel. Even Hitler spent enough time in prison to write Mein Kampf. So, we have historical precedence this strategy might not work.
My point is what is the Democrats objective within 90 days of what is predicted by some to be an electoral disaster? What are they expecting achieve? This decision had to be made at the highest levels: Wray, Garland, President Biden. Who was the adult at the table? Strategically, with Hunter Biden’s alleged legal issues, I would have recommended, “Be Quiet, let’s not knowingly deal the opposition any wild cards. History does not lean in our favor.”
Arthur- that is close to the biggest crock of stupid s**t rattled off today… except of course don, don jr, eric, Laura inga, sean ham man, newt, tuck etc have also dumped a crock today too, so you may not be the winner. “Not political” oh puhlease. “Modern day version of the 15th century burning at the stake: impeachment”… umm thinking the guy burning at the stake probably wouldn’t “feel” the comparison was well… comparable. The only possible version of a modern day burning at the stake would be… burning at the stake. And letting him “diminish in the rear view mirror”… dear god that he would stfu and disappear from the rear view mirror and any other available mirror… but he and his mob just can’t. Why? Cause as one of the biggest narcissist’s in history this megalomaniac cannot just accept that he’s a loser and go away. And his cult mob can’t handle the truth that their tribal leader is a loser so they live in denial threatening all who attempt to disavow him while awaiting his orders to impose retribution on all who dared thwart him and thus them. So we have to hear his daily pissing and moaning and whining about his victimhood… over and over til both his mob and he actually believe his bulls**t as true. And to continue to exert control til his big 2024 return he threatens anybody and everybody with his poorly educated unvaccinated rabid jack booters. This thug is such a media spotlight attention whore he actually set up his own crappy social media plotform… so now wait… who is it who can’t let go, move on let him “diminish in the rear view mirror”?
You're right on point.
How could any judge sign a warrant if there is no probable cause as to the existence of classified documents in any of the boxes seized in this raid which was pretextual and of dubious legality ?
that would be the point… they wouldn’t… so yeah, there was probable cause and a pretextual presumption of flushing
Wee we won’t know that until the papers supporting the presently sealed warrant are directed to be released by the magistrate
But wee we make a presumption that our government agencies aren’t corrupt and thus any search warrant issued was legitimate and the magistrate or judge wouldn’t have signed off on it otherwise. And furthermore wee we make that other presumption that NO one is above the law… not you, not me and not don trump… so if you, if I, if don commit a crime and have evidence in our home, then you, I, don can expect a visit from law enforcement and then we go to trial… you know that nation of laws stuff. And PS nothing stopping don from making that search warrant public and if it didn’t make him look really bad we all know don… he’d have taken out a full page ad in the NYT to display it by now.
Merely showing the warrant is theater I want to know what was the evidentiary basis of the granting of that warrant
Perhaps you should just get a job with the FBI… then you can see first hand what goes down. The paranoia that years of right wing propaganda has engendered among the “poorly educated” and “pissed off cause it’s no all about just me me me” population has reached that point where pretty much any, all and every one of our government institutions is subject to the crazy unsubstantiated conspiracy garbage that takes down democracies… but then, that’s been the goal all along. Congratulations and welcome to Anarchy… land of the free to be selfish and stupid and where Quick Draw McGraw always wins.
The FBI and the IRS have a demonstrated history of partisanship. There are ample court records as to the IRS denying tax exempt status to conservative and pro Israel groups . Too many administrative apparatchiks act as if they set policy rather than implement policy .We just learned that Birx ( and Fauci ) favored stronger lockdowns because she as opposed to anyone else liked the CCP modus operandi without a shred of science ridiculous evidence . Too many agencies such as CDC and EPA like to expand their regulatory influence without authorization of Congress
Dear Alan,
Much appreciate that you put your name behind this. Others see the problem much wider. I'd love you to to have a conversation with Robert Gouveia on his podcast or yours to discuss further and see if you have some counter arguments to his other views.
Malcolm - born in the UK and living in Israel