Of course I don't want my kids or any others to be heart, but I think to look at it form my personal narrow view is pretty superficial and simple. Going to war is always a very hard thing to do but occasionally it is the right thing to do. Sometimes it is right, sometimes it is wrong. If you look back at the American history you will find examples on both sides of the argument. The wrong thing, is definitely, to not asses every new situation, again and again with open eyes and objective mind. Past experience must teach us and help us to be wiser, but it might be very destructive if it ties our hands and narrow our ability to make the correct decision when we face a new challenge.
I have the feeling that the American involvement in a few bad and controversial recent conflicts, are dragging American society and politics to exactly this point of being too fed up with wars that they can't anymore recognise a war that is worth fighting. I'm not necessarily suggesting that going to a war in Ukraine is a smart move but I also am not suggesting the opposite. My point is that I think, too many Americans and other westerners lost their ability to even think about it.
Since there is no vacuum in the world, wether you want it or not, the world is going, unfortunately, to have a policeman/woman. You now just have to chose the policeman/woman you prefer. America, Russia, China, Iran, etc. You chose.
Both the Ukranians and the Russians ( my grandparents in the Ukraine during WW1) did not seem to distinguish the two) were antisemites, and a sizeable portion of the population of each people most likely still is. -
It is not our business what relationship
The Ukranians (at least in the East) have with Russia. We need to look out for Jews- no one else will. I certainly am not against giving humanitarian aid to Ukranians but we should keep out of it politically. Putin is far more important to our interests, and far smarter than Zelensky , who is corrupt as hell. It wasn’t Russians who did the dirty work for the Nazis at Babyn Yar, but Ukranians. Chmielnitsky, Petlura and Bandera. all still honored in the Ukraine were not choirboys ( or perhaps they were as the Orthodox Church to this day has not rescinded the charge against us as the killers of their god). Not that Putin is above using NeoNazi units like the Wagner Division.
But the Ukranians have Nazi units as well.
We have to tread lightly here.
Our primary focus must be protecting the Jews of Ukraine and keeping our relationship with Putin- who has a soft spot for Israel. NonJewish Ukranians have many people who will take them in all through Eastern Europe,
Kalman J. Kaplan, Ph. D.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine
Professor I agree.,With Vlad the Impaler, or is it Putin the Great’s foray into forging a magnificent identity in history which is surely his purpose. After all he has all the money he needs ( multiplied by a factor of 1,000,000,000) and in terms of power; his power over Russian citizens and emigres ( witness his “kills” of emigres over the last decades) is unfettered. Now is the time for a history lesson.
Ukraine is not a recent state “invented by the Soviets” nor was it always part of Russia. The Kingdom of Russia post dates an earlier kingdom of Ukraine. It might be argued as Putin the Great argues the Ukraine is the “cradle” of the Russian state, but that makes it no more part of the Russian state than say Greece is part of the USA.
And I understand that Vlad the Impaler has no respect for what he regards as a decadent West; which is a creation now of Neo Marxist de-constructionists; critical theories to mention but one aspect or manifestation.
The irony in the Russian invasion of Ukraine is that it is a re-commencement of a process started by Joe Stalin; if not earlier by Trotsky. The cradle of Bolshevism and the Soviet Empire was Berlin, not Kiev. Imperial Germany enabled the Bolshevik Soviets to take over Russia and its Empire. Imperial Germany did so for its own advantage which was short lived.
After that Soviet Russia and Germany became allies in every sense of the word. From 1924 onwards ( if not earlier) Russia provided Germany (Weimar and National Socialist) with materials and facilities to re build a war machine; with secret bases to develop tanks and warplanes; all banned under the Treaty of Versailles.
That alliance reached its Zenith on 17/9/1939 when Soviet Russia attacked Poland’s eastern frontier while the Polish Army ( ironically outgunned and outnumbered) fought the German Army in the West.
The Russians and Germans had earlier agreed in writing to divide the world between them.and the alliance did not end in June 1941 because the Russians wanted to end it. The opposite is true.
And so it was in 1939 that Eastern Poland ( all of which is now Ukraine) was attacked and conquered by the Russians. Another irony is that having starved and murdered 4,000,000 Ukrainians in the preceding decade • and replacing the dead with ethnic Russians, Stalin used “Ukrainians” in the Red Army which in unison with Germany’s Wehrmacht, attacked Poland.
It is reported that the Ukrainian troops committed unprecedented atrocities on the civilian Polish population. I have that first hand.
So when I watch your ( apparently (ill-educated reporters) describe or liken Putin the Great to Hitler, it is apparent that in fact he is closer to Joseph Stalin. I would also remind readers that Joseph Stalin was estimated to be responsible for the deaths of about 50,000,000 Soviet citizens. That is not to ignore the hundreds of thousands if not millions he murdered in Poland and the Baltic States and elsewhere in his “zone of influence”; a term beloved of Putin the Great.
So let’s give Putin the Great his due. His real hero is Joe Stalin and he has simply repeated or re- interpreted what Joseph Stalin did on 17/9/1939. Like the scorpion on the back of the fox that was saving him; Vlad the Impaler cannot help himself. He is just doing what comes naturally.
First off, Ukraine is a totally corrupt government who has been in bed with dirtbag Biden for decades! As for our ‘support’ of Ukraine are YOU ready to gear up and head over there to fight yourself? Or better yet, how about we send YOUR son or daughter to potentially get blown to bits or come home horribly maimed, legless etc??? We’re not the world’s policeman! You truly oughta wean yourself off the MSNBC, CNN warmonger Kool-Aid….
So educate me! Should we not support Ukraine against Putin aggression?
We should not send troops. There are other ways to support the brave Ukrainians.
Of course we should. And more.
Hi Jake
Of course I don't want my kids or any others to be heart, but I think to look at it form my personal narrow view is pretty superficial and simple. Going to war is always a very hard thing to do but occasionally it is the right thing to do. Sometimes it is right, sometimes it is wrong. If you look back at the American history you will find examples on both sides of the argument. The wrong thing, is definitely, to not asses every new situation, again and again with open eyes and objective mind. Past experience must teach us and help us to be wiser, but it might be very destructive if it ties our hands and narrow our ability to make the correct decision when we face a new challenge.
I have the feeling that the American involvement in a few bad and controversial recent conflicts, are dragging American society and politics to exactly this point of being too fed up with wars that they can't anymore recognise a war that is worth fighting. I'm not necessarily suggesting that going to a war in Ukraine is a smart move but I also am not suggesting the opposite. My point is that I think, too many Americans and other westerners lost their ability to even think about it.
Since there is no vacuum in the world, wether you want it or not, the world is going, unfortunately, to have a policeman/woman. You now just have to chose the policeman/woman you prefer. America, Russia, China, Iran, etc. You chose.
We should stand with any country against a dictator. Freedom isn’t free ! 🇺🇸🇺🇦
Both the Ukranians and the Russians ( my grandparents in the Ukraine during WW1) did not seem to distinguish the two) were antisemites, and a sizeable portion of the population of each people most likely still is. -
It is not our business what relationship
The Ukranians (at least in the East) have with Russia. We need to look out for Jews- no one else will. I certainly am not against giving humanitarian aid to Ukranians but we should keep out of it politically. Putin is far more important to our interests, and far smarter than Zelensky , who is corrupt as hell. It wasn’t Russians who did the dirty work for the Nazis at Babyn Yar, but Ukranians. Chmielnitsky, Petlura and Bandera. all still honored in the Ukraine were not choirboys ( or perhaps they were as the Orthodox Church to this day has not rescinded the charge against us as the killers of their god). Not that Putin is above using NeoNazi units like the Wagner Division.
But the Ukranians have Nazi units as well.
We have to tread lightly here.
Our primary focus must be protecting the Jews of Ukraine and keeping our relationship with Putin- who has a soft spot for Israel. NonJewish Ukranians have many people who will take them in all through Eastern Europe,
Kalman J. Kaplan, Ph. D.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine
You really need to educate yourself. It’s embarrassing
Again, have you communicated this message to trump?
If so, what was his response?
If not, why not
And, if possible, don't delete me this time, 'kay?
I agree. Unfortunately, we also need a military presence in the Ukraine now.
Have you communicated this suggestion to trump?
If so, what did he say?
If not, why not?
Professor I agree.,With Vlad the Impaler, or is it Putin the Great’s foray into forging a magnificent identity in history which is surely his purpose. After all he has all the money he needs ( multiplied by a factor of 1,000,000,000) and in terms of power; his power over Russian citizens and emigres ( witness his “kills” of emigres over the last decades) is unfettered. Now is the time for a history lesson.
Ukraine is not a recent state “invented by the Soviets” nor was it always part of Russia. The Kingdom of Russia post dates an earlier kingdom of Ukraine. It might be argued as Putin the Great argues the Ukraine is the “cradle” of the Russian state, but that makes it no more part of the Russian state than say Greece is part of the USA.
And I understand that Vlad the Impaler has no respect for what he regards as a decadent West; which is a creation now of Neo Marxist de-constructionists; critical theories to mention but one aspect or manifestation.
The irony in the Russian invasion of Ukraine is that it is a re-commencement of a process started by Joe Stalin; if not earlier by Trotsky. The cradle of Bolshevism and the Soviet Empire was Berlin, not Kiev. Imperial Germany enabled the Bolshevik Soviets to take over Russia and its Empire. Imperial Germany did so for its own advantage which was short lived.
After that Soviet Russia and Germany became allies in every sense of the word. From 1924 onwards ( if not earlier) Russia provided Germany (Weimar and National Socialist) with materials and facilities to re build a war machine; with secret bases to develop tanks and warplanes; all banned under the Treaty of Versailles.
That alliance reached its Zenith on 17/9/1939 when Soviet Russia attacked Poland’s eastern frontier while the Polish Army ( ironically outgunned and outnumbered) fought the German Army in the West.
The Russians and Germans had earlier agreed in writing to divide the world between them.and the alliance did not end in June 1941 because the Russians wanted to end it. The opposite is true.
And so it was in 1939 that Eastern Poland ( all of which is now Ukraine) was attacked and conquered by the Russians. Another irony is that having starved and murdered 4,000,000 Ukrainians in the preceding decade • and replacing the dead with ethnic Russians, Stalin used “Ukrainians” in the Red Army which in unison with Germany’s Wehrmacht, attacked Poland.
It is reported that the Ukrainian troops committed unprecedented atrocities on the civilian Polish population. I have that first hand.
So when I watch your ( apparently (ill-educated reporters) describe or liken Putin the Great to Hitler, it is apparent that in fact he is closer to Joseph Stalin. I would also remind readers that Joseph Stalin was estimated to be responsible for the deaths of about 50,000,000 Soviet citizens. That is not to ignore the hundreds of thousands if not millions he murdered in Poland and the Baltic States and elsewhere in his “zone of influence”; a term beloved of Putin the Great.
So let’s give Putin the Great his due. His real hero is Joe Stalin and he has simply repeated or re- interpreted what Joseph Stalin did on 17/9/1939. Like the scorpion on the back of the fox that was saving him; Vlad the Impaler cannot help himself. He is just doing what comes naturally.
I usually agree with many of your takes but on this, FUCK YOU Dershowitz! We have NO business doing anything in Ukraine!
How about the business of Freedom? and Good over Evil?
First off, Ukraine is a totally corrupt government who has been in bed with dirtbag Biden for decades! As for our ‘support’ of Ukraine are YOU ready to gear up and head over there to fight yourself? Or better yet, how about we send YOUR son or daughter to potentially get blown to bits or come home horribly maimed, legless etc??? We’re not the world’s policeman! You truly oughta wean yourself off the MSNBC, CNN warmonger Kool-Aid….