“Don’t allow yourself and your good name to be misused by bad people with evil intentions.”

I agree with you here Professor. But I like others here, who keep reminding you, that you undermine your own message when you refuse to publicly disassociate yourself with the democrat party. You need not be loyal to either side, but your need to proclaim your democrat allegiance, just destroys your message. I respect so much about you, but this one thing hurts your credibility with many of us.

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As someone who left the Democrat party years ago, I know this: no one convinces another to change his party; it is an inside job. Pestering someone about his party choice is unproductive, and also somewhat rude, don’t you agree?

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No ceasefire. Hamas must be destroyed.

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The protestors are predominately democrats, and the democrats today are anti-liberal reactionaries. It doesn't surprise me that an anti-liberal would side with Hamas over Israel. It doesn't surprise me that the neo-liberals -- really neo-marxists -- reduce everything to the binary world of oppressed and oppressor, along the lines of skin color no less, then, in all their brilliance, determine that Hamas (a slightly darker shade) is the oppressed.

No nuance needed, no historical understanding, no placing the shoe on the other foot.

Furthermore, your books express a keen desire to uphold individuality and individual rights; you reject statism, abuse of power, and the centralization of power.

Yet, somehow you draw the conclusion that the democrat party, which is really an anti-liberal party, a party that seeks to centralize power into the hands of a single actor (the federal goverment) will somehow preserve your liberty.

The democrat party subscribes to socialism as an instrument to achieving equality of outcome -- a dangerous proposition; they villify farmers, entreprenuers, anyone who expresses their individuality and values individual responsibility, the necessary precursor to liberty.

You seem to forget that the only way to achieve their policy proposals is to centralize the means of production (Mao, Stalin) and/or the means of investment (Hitler, Mussolini)

Those policies will lead to the statism that you seeek to avoid.

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Amen, Allan. These demonstrations are all organized by the Moslem Brotherhood, who maintain a spider web of left wing organizations globally. The FBI warned about these jihadists in the early nineteen eighties. To use the appropriate terminology in the Koran, this practice is called, taqiya, which means lying to the infidels, whenever the believer decides it is appropriate. Example: Claim 500 people killed in Gaza hospital by Israel. Facts from French News Agency and intercepted Hamas phone calls; Islamic Jihad fired the rockets and only fifty people killed. Moslems all believe their lies, as does Congresswoman Taleb, just censored by the US House of Representatives, who still claims this is true. I am sorry for the long winded message, but the truth can heal the minds of many of these demonstrators.

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They clearly aren't influenced by pictures of dead Jewish babies. Everyone attending these demonstrations knows exactly what they are marching for, the genocide of Jews.


"It understands that people are more influenced by pictures of dead babies than by logic and experience".

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"So don’t be fooled by so-called “pro-Palestine” or pro-ceasefire protests." - Dershowitz is obsessed with himself and others being "fooled". Nobody is being "fooled", including Dershowitz by Obama (despite Dreshowitz's characterization that he was "fooled"). The problem are the Jews such as Dershowitz who are foolish - they think they can appease antisemites into not being antisemitic. That has never worked. Also, the people joining these pro-Hamas demonstrations know exactly what they are doing, they are antisemites. Dershowitz does not want to admit it, again trying to appease them by contextualizing as "they must be "fooled"" into participating, rather than stating they are antisemites who are participating. Dershowitz also has to stop fraternizing with a Democratic party that contains overt and covert antisemites and has no love for Israel, as first demonstrated by Obama. Obama gave license to the anti-Israel hate in the Democratic party and Dershowitz further allowed it by endorsing Obama, voting for Obama and then name-dropping Obama as his bestie for the status value. Dershowitz continues to endorse Obama's first term. It was Obama's Cairo speech in his first term that set the track for the target on Israel's back. Dershowitz refuses to admit this and has thus been damaging to the Jews rather than an effective advocate for them.

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This commentary in the Aspen Daily News concisely makes the argument in words that even the morally confused can comprehend: https://www.aspendailynews.com/opinion/sturm-how-do-we-ensure-all-babies-matter/article_32293154-8036-11ee-ad43-3ff046d74bba.html

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The explanation the 18-24 year old gave for her generation’s antisemitism is that they are ignorant. Yes, you can call it online clicks, but seriously, open a book.

Otherwise great editorial.

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Now the United States is known as a stupid country, just by looking who they put in office. I spoke with some Australians who are visiting the USA and they said " please don't feel insulted, but you asked us and we'll tell that Americans are so dumb". Alan need I say more?

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Alan, if you want to destroy the enemies of Israel , one must go straight to the those who are supporting those enemies . Americans have let all this happen. Look at the schools and all the individuals who came to America's good will . Now they are all over the place. Barack Obama secretly flew thousand upon thousand of these middle easterners during his administration and no one said anything .

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Nobody is fooled to going to these protests Alan, though many that go are fools, or what used to be called useful idiots. But it doesn't matter anymore. Israel is entering a hyper-Zionist stage of its development. What concerns Zionists today is Israel, and only Israel. Not having "good people" support us. Now is the time for the Jewish Iron Fist, and that is what Hamas has succeeded in releasing.

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Could you explain? Hyperzionist? Jewish Iron Fist?

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I might back off on the Iron Fist, seeing that we are bending over backwards to get world approval for our handling of the terrorist command center under the hospital. But the thought is echoing Jabotinsky's Iron Wall. i.e. Ruthless pursuit of safety for Jews. Hyperzionist: Zionism that is concerned only with the State of the Jews, with zero concern for anyone standing against Zionism. Something like that. But don't quote me. Everything is boiling over here, including yours truly. I write more sensibly in my substack which you can read for free, just click on my icon here.

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Many non-Jews do not want to hear Israel being lectured about following the rules of war that our leadership (Trump excepted) feels compelled to state whenever they’ve been hammered. But I will join your substack. You know more than me.

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Appreciate it.

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