you seem like one of the most evil people in the world

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They hang women and queers in Iran.

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They f****** legally underage 13, and 14 year .old children serially and nonconsensually after grooming and drugging them in both NYC and Miami. And Dershowitz will not talk about what was done , his participation ot his protection of the organized child rapes.

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By Larry Neumeister

Published 7:10 PM EDT, November 8, 2022


NEW YORK (AP) — A woman who recently settled a lawsuit in which she had claimed to have been sexually trafficked to Britain’s Prince Andrew and others by the financier Jeffrey Epstein has dropped a similar claim against noted American attorney Alan Dershowitz, saying she may have erred in accusing him.

Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit against the prominent lawyer was withdrawn Tuesday, court records in New York show. She and Dershowitz issued a joint statement saying the resolution of the lawsuit did not involve the payment of money or anything else.

In a statement, Giuffre said she had “long believed that I was trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein to Alan Dershowitz. However, I was very young at the time, it was a very stressful and traumatic environment, and Mr. Dershowitz has from the beginning consistently denied these allegations.

“I now recognize I may have made a mistake in identifying Mr. Dershowitz. This litigation has been very stressful and burdensome for me and my family, and we believe it is time to bring it to an end and move on with our lives,” she said.


Dershowitz said he was gratified that the claims were withdrawn and Giuffre has admitted she may have made a mistake.

“As I have said from the beginning, I never had sex with Ms. Giuffre. I have nevertheless come to believe that at the time she accused me she believed what she said,” said Dershowitz, a retired Harvard University law professor.

He added: “Ms. Giuffre is to be commended for her courage in now stating publicly that she may have been mistaken about me. She has suffered much at the hands of Jeffrey Epstein, and I commend her work combatting the evil of sex trafficking.”

Giuffre had filed a defamation lawsuit against Dershowitz after accusing a number of prominent men, including Andrew, of sexually exploiting her when she was 17 and 18 years old.

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Yes, it is very understandable that Dershowitz feels a need to have P Diddy out on bail. What if this were to happen to Dershowitz himself? what if that FBI Epstein investigation including of Dershowitz's activities gets finally sent to a prosecutor? Will an 86 y.o.with an eczema afflicted body and mini-stroke history ALSO be kept in jail without bail?. As John Lennon wondered "How can he sleep". with this uncertainty caused by denial of bail to P Diddy. Lets compare Diddy and Dershowitz. The allegations against P Diddy look much less egregious than those against Dershowitz. Those against Diddy are bad, but are assaults against people over the age of consent and as evidenced so far over voting age (we will see if anything happened with the underage Justin Bieber). There is a big difference between sexual assault of kids under the age of consent and people over. who are legally allowed to make their own decisions about whether or not to participate in sexual activity. Then Diddy's rapes and physical assaults are a basis for indictment. Allegations against Dershowitz focus on non-consensual serial pedophilic sexual activity with multiple children in the range 13, 14 and 15 years old and interstate child sex trafficking . Which kis comparably worse? Well it seems only Diddy will be prosecuted during his lifetime.Or will the American legal system surprise us. note in Germany a 99 year old was jailed for I think ten years for having worked at a concentration camp. Are sex crimes against underage gentile children not of equivalent opprobrium to justify the same fate for an perhaps eventually convicted serial child rapist and interstate sex trafficker regardless of claims of exculpatory Mossad connections?

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is Starr well???????????????

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

!Mr." to you, and very well, thank you. Remember this is an adult forum where a certain intellectual analysis and a fundamental sense of justice free of etrhno-religious prejudice is expected.

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But Mr Starr--- you seem to not know what you are talking about.

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I guess that depends upon the ballast of your knowledge Mr Hurwitz. I am not paid to educate you, Why don't you try to autodidactically educate yourself up to my level, starting with spending a couple days googling everything you can read about the paragon of propaganda. Mr Dershowitz, the one time Woody Allen imitator devolved to accused serial child rapist.. Make sure to include as search terms "Dershowitz + Epstein", "Dershowitz + ghislane Maxwell", "Dershowitz + child rape", Dershowitz + Acosta", "Dershowitz + Miami Herald", Dershowitz + New Yorker magazibe", "Dershowitz + Mossad". "Dershowitz +E. 71st Street, New York", "Dershowitz + 2018 op-ed LATimes", "Dershowitz + statutory rape law". Cast a wide net.. Evn if you are so young that the frontal cortex is incompletely developed, you will learn a lot about that man,wonder where the good is, be amazed at the corruption of American justice and you may wonder what can be done to change this system which allows far too many rich and influential to escape the punishment their crimes, particularly against the vulnerable

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Prof. Dershowitz--what do you think about whether Richard Pavlick was guilty of attempting to kill President-elect Kennedy? He packed his car with explosives, stalked Kennedy, waited near the Kennedy home in West Palm Beach, ready to detonate his car bomb, but didn't, he later said, because Mrs. Kennedy came to the door with her husband. He was caught before he could get close to Kennedy again and blow his car up. Guilty of attempt? Did he abandon his attempt?

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The MSM never mentions the fact that Hezbollah and Hamas have been attacking Israel for decades with rockets and mortars, or that Iran has been funding the attacks and screaming “death to Israel” for decades.

And the President of Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, speaks to the UN general assembly! The United Nations building should be bulldozed by the United States and the land converted to a green park.

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We still live in a world where Alan Dershowitz is credibly and multiply alleged to have sexually penetrated groomed slightly post-pubescent gentile drugged-into-compliance legally underage children as being in his personal Neverland, there to fulfill whatever adventurous desires the 73 year old Dershowitz might have had.. What a crew it took to avoid a court adjudication of these allegations of pedophilic gag-inducing crime. Diddy avoided punishment for a long time. Dershowitz has done far better with his own crew of enforcers, spin doctors and concealers. Think of the sheer costs of making sure that justice is not served. with at least an indictment. Dershowitz set in motion an entire dedicated corrupt society regularly coming into contact with actual society - - that boring place of rules and boundaries meant for everyone else other than Dersh (and now P Diddy)- - -but only to take what Dersh wants (center of attention) and spin off back into the lawless ether of Israeli and AIPAC propaganda.

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Diddy should be castrated.

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Not enough. He should go to the same place Dershowitz should be in, and stay there wi5h no freedom very long.

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Another great show. Thank you.

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