Alan has a dogma - two state solutions - pretending that there is some clear line between Hamas and the majority of the Palestinian people - which there is not. There was no Hamas in 1834 when progroms were committed against Jews in multiple areas of Israel by Muslims - e.g. Safed - which mimicked much of the atrocities of October 7 , only it was going on for 30 days. Nor was there Hamas four years later - 1838 for a repeat performance. Surveys, discussion in Arabic, or as Medi Hasan -no lover of Israel or Jews - called antisemitism muslims dirty secret. The fact is that for almost 1400 years Jews were persecuted, treated as second class citizens ,etc, etc in Muslim Controlled lands - by Muslim. We can see how Sunni treat Shia, we can see how they treat the Coptic Christians in Egypt , we can see how minorities are treated as a rule in Muslim countries. There is no call for Palestianian to acknowledge the Jewish refugees from Arab countries, the temple mount, the pogroms such as above against Jews - Yet, Israelis are supposed to feel for the Nakba which was a failed war to wipe the Jews. To believe you can have two states with rabid antisemites is to believe in Unicorns and Fairys. The Paletdinians never pushed their leaders for Peace recognizing Israel as the Jewish state - they did not recognized Jewish history and their persecution of Jews, they do not march for peace when it comes to pushing their leaders. Everytime a deal was rejected they were not push against. To claim they all live in fear is nonsense - it is to treat them as weak - apparently even when they live in the west. The fact is that they are thought for hatred. Peace agreements have been tactical nothing more. With Egypt and Jordan there is constatnt hatred , not real peace , just no war. Signing some agreement on two state is just a piece of paper- unless the population does support it - which they do not. There has never been historic reconining re prosecution of Jews - only denial, about the Temple, etc - only denial, teaching antisemitism and grievances - never peace, and on and on. Gaza, Oslo should have been a wake up call even for Alan Dershowitz and his fairytail of two state solution.
Alan has a dogma - two state solutions - pretending that there is some clear line between Hamas and the majority of the Palestinian people - which there is not. There was no Hamas in 1834 when progroms were committed against Jews in multiple areas of Israel by Muslims - e.g. Safed - which mimicked much of the atrocities of October 7 , only it was going on for 30 days. Nor was there Hamas four years later - 1838 for a repeat performance. Surveys, discussion in Arabic, or as Medi Hasan -no lover of Israel or Jews - called antisemitism muslims dirty secret. The fact is that for almost 1400 years Jews were persecuted, treated as second class citizens ,etc, etc in Muslim Controlled lands - by Muslim. We can see how Sunni treat Shia, we can see how they treat the Coptic Christians in Egypt , we can see how minorities are treated as a rule in Muslim countries. There is no call for Palestianian to acknowledge the Jewish refugees from Arab countries, the temple mount, the pogroms such as above against Jews - Yet, Israelis are supposed to feel for the Nakba which was a failed war to wipe the Jews. To believe you can have two states with rabid antisemites is to believe in Unicorns and Fairys. The Paletdinians never pushed their leaders for Peace recognizing Israel as the Jewish state - they did not recognized Jewish history and their persecution of Jews, they do not march for peace when it comes to pushing their leaders. Everytime a deal was rejected they were not push against. To claim they all live in fear is nonsense - it is to treat them as weak - apparently even when they live in the west. The fact is that they are thought for hatred. Peace agreements have been tactical nothing more. With Egypt and Jordan there is constatnt hatred , not real peace , just no war. Signing some agreement on two state is just a piece of paper- unless the population does support it - which they do not. There has never been historic reconining re prosecution of Jews - only denial, about the Temple, etc - only denial, teaching antisemitism and grievances - never peace, and on and on. Gaza, Oslo should have been a wake up call even for Alan Dershowitz and his fairytail of two state solution.
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