Free speech as an American value has been attacked by Dershowitz who insists that it is not to be available to criticism of Israel, the IDF, Israeli leaders, the Genocide, Israeli apartheid especially on the West Bank and the concept of Ashkenazi Supremacy. Yet Dershowitz writes as a 1) strongly and credibly alleged personally criminal pedophile 2) intimately connected to the Epstein pedophile ring thru 3) close friendship,4) persistent advocacy to drastically limit statutory rape laws, and of course 5) his utter inability to provide exculpatory for example alibi evidence regarding the allegations and 6) his abuse of justice by improperly influencing DA Alex Acosta to grant Dersh and a number of Epstein co-c0nspirators secret full immunity (no-prosecution agreements) covering any and all Epstein-related pedophilia acts with the many groomed drugged underage kids.
The Amish have an extrajudicial means of dealing with a man like Dershowitz characterized by points 1-5. Obviously points 1-5 are indicia of guilt absent evidenced rebuttal. The Amish
shun. You as podcast viewers are not required to give your attention to this man. His opinions are obviously determined by extreme bias and his morality is likely alien to yours unless you reside in a prison. Dersh complained about shunning on Marthas Vineyard. Perhaps this was due to disgust at Dersh's decade plus long activity with Epstein. Epstein must have been a very charismatic Zionist- - -or pedophilic rape must be so addictive.- - - that Prince Andrew, Dershowitz's alleged predecessor with one of the young kids, had to make a transatlantic flight to meet with Epstein to tell him personally about the need to discontinue. Let Dersh live with his memories until god calls him for a,reckoning, since our legal system is too corrupted to do it on Earth.
There is no fix it remedy for all of the terrible lawfare rotting out our political system, but I take heart knowing we are in the USA and we are free, thanking our dear Creator for endowing us with unalienable rights as portrayed brilliantly in our Constitution, of which you are one of the great heroes defending it!
Free speech as an American value has been attacked by Dershowitz who insists that it is not to be available to criticism of Israel, the IDF, Israeli leaders, the Genocide, Israeli apartheid especially on the West Bank and the concept of Ashkenazi Supremacy. Yet Dershowitz writes as a 1) strongly and credibly alleged personally criminal pedophile 2) intimately connected to the Epstein pedophile ring thru 3) close friendship,4) persistent advocacy to drastically limit statutory rape laws, and of course 5) his utter inability to provide exculpatory for example alibi evidence regarding the allegations and 6) his abuse of justice by improperly influencing DA Alex Acosta to grant Dersh and a number of Epstein co-c0nspirators secret full immunity (no-prosecution agreements) covering any and all Epstein-related pedophilia acts with the many groomed drugged underage kids.
The Amish have an extrajudicial means of dealing with a man like Dershowitz characterized by points 1-5. Obviously points 1-5 are indicia of guilt absent evidenced rebuttal. The Amish
shun. You as podcast viewers are not required to give your attention to this man. His opinions are obviously determined by extreme bias and his morality is likely alien to yours unless you reside in a prison. Dersh complained about shunning on Marthas Vineyard. Perhaps this was due to disgust at Dersh's decade plus long activity with Epstein. Epstein must have been a very charismatic Zionist- - -or pedophilic rape must be so addictive.- - - that Prince Andrew, Dershowitz's alleged predecessor with one of the young kids, had to make a transatlantic flight to meet with Epstein to tell him personally about the need to discontinue. Let Dersh live with his memories until god calls him for a,reckoning, since our legal system is too corrupted to do it on Earth.
There is no fix it remedy for all of the terrible lawfare rotting out our political system, but I take heart knowing we are in the USA and we are free, thanking our dear Creator for endowing us with unalienable rights as portrayed brilliantly in our Constitution, of which you are one of the great heroes defending it!