Free speech as an American value has been attacked by Dershowitz who insists that it is not to be available to criticism of Israel, the IDF, Israeli leaders, the Genocide, Israeli apartheid especially on the West Bank and the concept of Ashkenazi Supremacy. Yet Dershowitz writes as a 1) strongly and credibly alleged personally criminal pedophile 2) intimately connected to the Epstein pedophile ring thru 3) close friendship,4) persistent advocacy to drastically limit statutory rape laws, and of course 5) his utter inability to provide exculpatory for example alibi evidence regarding the allegations and 6) his abuse of justice by improperly influencing DA Alex Acosta to grant Dersh and a number of Epstein co-c0nspirators secret full immunity (no-prosecution agreements) covering any and all Epstein-related pedophilia acts with the many groomed drugged underage kids.

The Amish have an extrajudicial means of dealing with a man like Dershowitz characterized by points 1-5. Obviously points 1-5 are indicia of guilt absent evidenced rebuttal. The Amish

shun. You as podcast viewers are not required to give your attention to this man. His opinions are obviously determined by extreme bias and his morality is likely alien to yours unless you reside in a prison. Dersh complained about shunning on Marthas Vineyard. Perhaps this was due to disgust at Dersh's decade plus long activity with Epstein. Epstein must have been a very charismatic Zionist- - -or pedophilic rape must be so addictive.- - - that Prince Andrew, Dershowitz's alleged predecessor with one of the young kids, had to make a transatlantic flight to meet with Epstein to tell him personally about the need to discontinue. Let Dersh live with his memories until god calls him for a,reckoning, since our legal system is too corrupted to do it on Earth.

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There is no fix it remedy for all of the terrible lawfare rotting out our political system, but I take heart knowing we are in the USA and we are free, thanking our dear Creator for endowing us with unalienable rights as portrayed brilliantly in our Constitution, of which you are one of the great heroes defending it!

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We seem to be watch a man with a barrage of pedophilic sex accusations against him, none of which seem to have been rebutted with specific evidence such as alibis evidence such as receipts. He claimed he had such evidence by failed to show it as promised, to investigative reporters Julie Brown and Carolyn Bruch. Alex Acosta never mentions any such evidence not did the Palm Beach Police Chief .

Why are you reading the political diatribe of a man with the ballast of all these allegations by groomed child victims? Do you think his thought processes are so unique? As to the pedophilia allegations, those thought processes appear to be common:

just deny constantly, apparently present no rebuttal evidence,

castigate the child accusers as "prostitutes, liars and thieves", and intimidating them from giving evidence to the police (you are all alone, no one will help you and I am well.known)

arrange for a local Florida States Attorney (Brischer, btw ADL-affiliated) to prosecute (unsuccessfully) two of the groomed child victims of pedophilia,

get influential friends to lean on the DA in charge of the case,

intimidate that DA and arrange for him to be told the Epstein operation was "an intelligence operation" and to " lay off."

arranging figure hush money payments to the child victim who will not give up.

Where is unique insight into American politics ?. Rather he demonstrates daily the illusion of American justice, how the rich may engage in a pedophilic ring and be accused by very underage child victims, and still absent rebuttal evidence, get off scot-free. This only shows the use of the mechanisms of rich man privilege. The Dershow is all about the ego of a despicable man apparently unable to produce exculpatory evidence regarding the graphic allegations of serial pedophilic acts and sexually trafficking interstate offenses And you want him to be your thought leader?

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Dershowitz was cleared of his accusations by his accuser. It was a case of mistaken identity.

His name was cleared in October 2022.

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No, Mary, he wasn't and it wasn't.. Your conclusion should have been researched with critical thinking before publication. The true facts unobscured by Dershowitz are inter alia in the following source . Investigative reporter Carolyn Bruch's feature article in New Yorker, July 29.2019. This was available on internet yesterday.

Following Dershowitz's intimidation of DA Alex Acosta, Dershowitz got a SECRET full immunity for all the alleged and not yet alleged pedophilic crimes. This stopped the criminal investigation and the Statute of Limitations on children's civil lawsuits. The secrecy kept the kids' attorneys from knowing that nothing was happening with the criminal case. After some years,the immunjty was invalidated by a Court of Appeals as the secrecy violated the Federal Victims Rights Act.

The consequences of force feeding of drugs to the underage kid.and the serial pedophilic rape of the underage children led to a debilitating posttraumatic stress (PTS) in many of the kids, including David Bois',pro bono allegedly multiply serially raped client Virginia Roberts.. Bois had filed a civil case on her behalf. Then he did not know about the secret criminal immunity. Dersh did not want the publicity of this case and wanted to settle. She would not. A friendly Third Party offered a million dollars in hush money if she would drop her case. The Third Party also offered Dersh 50K so he could tell NYT that not only he did not pay anything to settle the case, but he was actually paid money to agree to a settlement. The attraction was that settlement would make possible treatment for the PTS. But Roberts was steadfast in her refusal to exonerate Dershowitz. A compromise was made. Since so much time had elapsed, memory could reasonably be a bit hazy. Since she was fed drugs in the Epstein mansion to secure compliance, maybe memory was a bit hazy, If she just said she could not be so sure that the man who had serially brutally raped her so many times. she could be paid the settlement money and still refuse to exonerate him. Which she did. Dershowitz lied and repeatedly claimed exoneration despite her explicit public statement that he was NOT exonerated.

Dershowitz was not "cleared" on October 2022. It was a civil case which was settled with a 7 figure payment of hush money. The invalidation of immunity means that the criminal investigation of Epstein co-conspirators and specifically Dershowitz may continue and as of last May in hearings before Senator Kennedy, Director Wray of the FBI said the investigation is still ongoing. The rape allegations against Dershowitz are simply gag-inducing, on a level with the British grooming gangs. Consider how the rapes are alleged to have occured. They were brutal, humiliating, disgusting with a 73 y.o. unfit man forcing himself non-consensually on children under 15. The rapes as alleged had a ethno-religious element and power imbalance: all of the children were gentile "trailer park trash" while Dershowitz bubbled over with Ashkenazi superiority devoid of empathy for these children, utterly unconcerned with what he was inflicting upon them. Like nearly all of the rapists in those gangs, Dershowitz has so far not been indicted.

Doesn't that anger you? Doesn't it bother you that Dersh has never answered these allegations in a court of law? Why does America not protect its children where an alleged predator is rich and ideologically influential? Does the charge of "antisemitism" guarantee immunity from pedophilia prosecution?

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Jack Smith: Woulda, coulda, shoulda, if he had something, he would have done it. The fact that the case was dropped means he had nothing. The release of this report is just another ham fisted attempt to tarnish Trump through Lawfare just before January 20th. Anything to get at Trump. You'd think desperate Democrats would have learned their lesson, it does not work and it actually backfired by getting Trump elected. American people are not stupid and obviously decided that Lawfare was pure bunk designed solely to keep Trump away from the WH. It also shows great weakness on the part of Democrats. If you don't have a decent argument against someone, throwing a hissy fit reveals a completely desperate hapless situation. Another great show today, very entertaining and informative, thank you. I hope many hostages are release soon. I wouldn't worry about the huge numbers of terrorists released in exchange. The IDF will make good use of them as targets in GAZA over the coming weeks. More cost effective than keeping them in jail.

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Corruption has consequences from North Carolina to California.

NC's "Culture of Corruption" from Coast to Raleigh to D.C. Damns Asheville Flood Victims.

Nobody cares until it's their house or family that suffers and still zero such victims do ANYTHING to REFORM America's MOST damaging, horrific plague or prevent more victims.

Congress rewards the corrupt, evil officials & institutions, and media, responsible...NEVER holding any of their pals accountable or EVEN holding a hearing when violent anti-democratic attacks or child abuse are involved (unless the US Gymnastics team offers a photo op the victims are less than human unworthy of empathy)


Ground Zero: North Carolina "The DA Rape, Reformer Lynching State of America" with US DOJ & FBI Partnership


After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, aided by DOJ, FBI, other Federal Agencies & officials.


Sexual abuse of children, violence toward political “threats” to corrupt NC officials, aid to these crimes by NC & Federal government, judicial, law enforcement, “trusted” institutions, media...the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER in NC.

District Attorney Office's used for rape, theft of taxpayer funds, child abuse and sadistic violence are NC's "Culture of Corruption," according to the FBI.

This is the same FBI that has and continues to aid and collude in criminal misconduct "Under color of law," subverting with violence representative democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutional & civil rights, due process, whistleblower protections, protection of minors from abuse & sexual violence trauma, engaging in sadistic brutality, torture, deprivation of basic rights, and deliberate, dehumanizing torment of crime victims (including minors).

Extensive undeniable evidence illustrates US DOJ, FBI, US Attorney for Eastern NC, the corrupt son of a corrupt Governor appointed by a President who LOVES consequence-free Corrupt Political Family Criminality, NC Attorney (soon to be Governor) General Josh Stein & predecessor child rape & DA rapist abettor Gov. Roy Cooper.

The FBI and DOJ along with Congress, State and Local officials, government leaders & personnel in violation of the law and public trust, and bribed media paid with taxpayer dollars to invent purely fictional stories intended to destroy & discredit any “threat” to NC’s pervasive, sadistic, deviant “Culture of Corruption,” together (Fed, State & Local).

The FBI aggressively, criminally, utilizes violence, torture and the corrupt, broken judicial system as evil as the FBI, and officials who are responsible for such evil relish subverting the Rule of Law, legal procedures & Due Process, undermining local democratic government for the corrupt allies of these CORRUPT institutions, and providing for embezzlement of public funds for personal theft, and aiding armed violence, brutality, extortion, retaliation, violent, horrific, persistent, criminal, sinister acts resulting in death, or worse, and subjecting innocent victims to a fate worse than death.

Followed by life-ruining attacks on families, businesses, and reputations, using bribery & aid of media, law enforcement, clergy, both major political parties and officials to torture, brutalize, and compel under penalty of death by armed deputies operating as an armed hit squad under the DA and Sheriff.

This pattern has been repeated for decades, but none of the smeared victims has ever committed any crimes prior to or after this collusion to destroy any opponent to corruption and proponent of democracy, justice, law-and-order & public service by the US DOJ and its FBI and relevant divisions in violation of its mission and claimed purpose.

Evidence provided upon request and the US DOJ, FBI & corrupt Biden-Harris appointed US Attorney for Eastern District North Carolina.



Chickens come home to roost eventually…maybe imminently, often years or decades after pervasive, cherished citizen and clergy indifference to corruption, injustice and evil criminal cultural & political values.

Disdain for Christian virtues, Judeo-Christian values, justice, Rule of Law, empathy, Constitutional & civil rights, government & media accountability. Secular shared lack of basic decency, ethics, accountability & empathy, and cheered, rewarded violence targeting anyone courageous enough to fight for public not selfish interests AND OPPOSE corrupt, criminal government, public & community institutional corruption.


Child sexual abuse and lynching rewarded by North Carolina, aided by Federal “partners” US DOJ, FBI, Congress and media, Rapes by DAs and Gov. Roy Cooper, Josh Stein and others, theft and smear campaigns using public funds that could have prevented recent tragedies, promoted justice and fixing a broken justice system, and other benefits in policy.

Citizen preference for persecution, hatred and torture, unspeakable sadism to DESTROY any “threat” to what the FBI called a “Culture of Corruption” has consequences beyond providing laughter for these sins of N.C. and other CORRUPT populations!


Replace the U.S. Dept. of Justice and FBI for being too complicit in corruption, child sexual abuse, habitual government & criminal justice system misconduct with the aid of DOJ & FBI at every level from the top-down.




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Sad this Political warfare!

Sadder yet is Alan Dershowitz wasting effort on this, the ignorant see it and understand it has no place there.

Does not need a legal analyst defending him. Only makes him look guilty.

No , Alan is aged, soon he answers for his Zionism, its here Alan could do some good with an about face!

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