From the time I was first falsely accused of having sexual contact with someone I never heard of, I asked that every bit of evidence relating to Jeffrey Epstein be disclosed.
This would however not be decisive in finding out proof of who benefitted from the blackmail providing technological secrets and weapons (like krytons) , cash, political influence on Mideast issues and in securing pardons or commutation of jail terms for Israelis with "protectsia", It is generally thought that Epstein was a Mossad agent and "construct", considering the combination of his 5 years in the Mideast arms trade, his Saudi residence and fake Austrian passport., as well as hard core zionism . Dershowitz for more than a decade was joined at the hip with Epstein and was active ideologically with him as well as actively protecting him fro law enforcement and enabling Epstein. Whatever red lines were crossed there, the allegations of pedophilia remain untried due to the extensive and long running cover-up for which Mossad seems to have secured the cooperation of the Deep State. This suggests either direct American intelligence complicity (see Franklin Bank Scandal involving boy pedophiia) or information sharing/trading of some of the fruits of the blackmail. The premise of the organized pedophilia seems to be "the end justifies the means" (ironically, the well-known Jesuit maxim) . This is likely the reason for the Cover-up;. US agency participation or complicity in grooming, drugging and raping about 250 mostly underaged American girls over an almost 20 year period would be historically explosive. JFK's threat to smash a particular agency into "a thousand pieces" might then actually happen.
Day 2417 of the cover-up of Mossad's highly organized pedophilia-based espionage operation, Ironically probably seeded unknowingly by American government, the Epstein Redophilia Ring became self.supporting and immensely profitable as hundreds of Johns were filmed in compromising sexual activities and then subjected to blackmail to get Mossad's choice of any or all of the following: classified secrets, military technology, influence on implementing a government or corporation policy with view towards perceived Israeli interests , getting more economic and military support from the USA more American support for Israel, and getting more money to support the expensive blackmail operation . This cover-up rivals the JFK assassination cover-up in its breadth and audacity. What do we know about Dershowitz's role despite the cover-up of Epstein's and Dershowitz's activities?
What do we know about the connection between Dersh and the Epstein Pedo Ring despite the Cover-up? We think we know the following:
1) Dersh does not want allegations against him of participation in the Ring to go to any court.
2) He does not want child victims' allegations of Dersh's personal involvement in non-consensual pedophilic sex to be adjudicated for veracity.
3) He does not want to testify in court.
4) He does not want to publicly cooperate in telling the operational detail of the Pedophilic Ring.
5) His role focused on protection of Epstein from Law Enforcement and Dersh was willing to use "no holds barred" techniques to minimize any legal consequences for child rape to Epstein.
6) Dersh was obsessed with fear of indictment for his role and participation in the Pedo Ring, shown by forcing with help of his cohort and thru threats and "inhuman pressure" Federal DA Alex Acosta to issue an illegal secret immunity covering Dersh's activity in the Epstein Pedo Ring.
7) During the course of Dersh's negotiations with Acosta, Acosta was told to "lay off" because the Epstein Pedo Ring was an "intel operation".
8) Dersh obstructed production of evidence of pedophilkic rape by suing indigent child victim accusers and their attorneys for defamation with intrusive invetigation of the childrens' lives and acquintances.
9) Virginia Roberts was paid at least one million dollars as hush money to sign a "Non-
Disparagement Agreement", dropping her civil lawsuit against Dersh.
10) Dersh has contrary to his own claim not been exonerated by Roberts, she just took the money. She specifically and vociferously refused to "exonerate" Dersh.
11) Dersh has not publically produced alibi evidence or any evidence at all other than his assertions, rebutting the allegations of pedo rape and trafficking.
12) His ONE relevant disclosure is that he walked about "only in his underpants which he kept on at all times" in front of a group of other people's underage children on the second floor of the NYC Epstein mansion. Dersh says he expected a "massage from Olga", but public exhibition in front of underage children not assigned to massage him seems remarkably exhibitionist. He was 73 years old at the time, and was described as having a bad skin affliction. Further detail is, unlike his body, covered up.
Notice how Dershowitz crafts the wording of his "denials" of responsibility for pedophilic participation in the rapes of some of the 200 plus young gentile children (equated by him on other occasions as trailer park trash and,as a leitmotif, "prostitutes, liars and thieves" ). Missing is that unlike Bill Clinton on a different occasion, Dersh does not absolutely say he "did not have sex with" any underage groomed child. Instead his wording is much less direct, not absolute and shows a consciousness of preparing a narrative which cannot be punished by perjury sanctions.
Dersh has asserted he "kept his underpants on at all times", an unproved claim which even if true could not exonerate him from allegations of pedophilic rape. Rather the claim puts Dersh at a scene of the crimes and encourages the question of why a 73 year old geriatric Derhowitz would be parading in front of other people's underage children "in his underpants" which by the way have not been furthur described.. Did he wear thongs? He claims he was always "faithful to his wife, terminology obviously subject to torture by subjective twisting of definitions.. Then he claims to be "falsely accused of someone I never heard of", a completely irrelevant wording. Is it not empirically often that sexual pedo rape occurs as a target of opportunity between an old man and a very young child "who have not heard of each other". Why would a geriatric have even "heard of a child" who he randomly meets at Epstein's mansion unless Epstein was personally vouching for her qualities of innocence? Geriatrics probably prefer anonymous sex when engaging in pedophilia..
Also unclear is his wording that he demands no "privilege" regarding the FBI criminal investigation. He needs to specify a demand that the FBI release the criminal investigation it has withheld and covered up for some 15 years. This investigation subsumed the investigation of Dershowitz by the Palm Beach Police Department. That investigation spoke with 33 of the roughly 250 groomed children. The investigating detective said that "they all seemed to know Dershowitz" They knew Dersh but he "never heard of them"? The Palm Beach investigation also needs to be released. The FBI investigation needs to be taken out of ex-Director Wray's mothballs and expanded Julie Brown of the Miami Herald thought there were 250 groomed girls; for her three part series morally indicting Dershowitz, she talked to 88. Some of the 250 died, possibly in the mansions and other from overdoses connected to addiction to the drugs administered in the mansions to secure sexual compliance. The survivors need to have input about Dershowitz. Right noe the Epstein Estate is protecting Dershowitz and pedos and Epstein co-conspirators by providing large financial settlements to child victims on condition they sign Non-Disclosure agreements. This obstruction of justice needs to be dealt with.
BTW we need an investigation of how Dersh acquired his short-lived, full and secret "non-prosecution agreement" for himself and four Epstein co-conspirators. Or Dersh could do the unexpected: cooperate with a tell-all about the pedo rape organization, naming names and intel agencies, confessing and begging for mercy. He is on the cusp of an excellent second career as a jailhouse lawyer.
Day 2410 of the cover-up of the Dershowitz-Epstein activitiess connected to the pedophile gang that raped well over 100 underage American children, dismissed by Dershowitz as trailer park trash, as "prostitutes, liars and thieves", an expression he persuaded Miami States Attorney Brischer, a leading figure in the local ADL, to be used in a grand jury hearing as two of the underage aged girls were on the witness stand. Brischer got a lot of criticism from the Miami Herald for that, but no matter. Favors count.
Wow, right now a big defense attorney headline. Just as both Secretary Bondi and FBI director promise Winds of Change with release of the Epstein-Dershowitz files, here comes non-transparent Dersh, obviously seeing the inevitable, demanding release of the files. What is vital is release of the Palm Beach Police/FBI criminal investigation of Dershowitz. When we have that, then we will know how he protected and enabled Epstein, what red lines he crossed in regard to attorney--client privilege, details of the Epstein pedo operation, some of the notables who partook in pedo sex, and perhaps which organization. Mossad , CIA or both, were getting benefit of the blackmail info. Release of the films/videos of the pedo adventures, the basis for the blackmail, is also needed.
Oh, Dersh says he was "falsely" accused. Yeah, right. Believe Dersh, and maybe I can sell you that Brooklyn Bridge. A million dollars (!) was paid to get just one of the raped underage children to drop her civil lawsuit against Dershowitz. Dersh will not talk about that. A million bucks is not chump change to get rid of a nuisance suit. For perspective, six times less money was paid. to Stormy Daniels. Clearly that girl had something big on Dersh. And we know what it was because she told us before. Dersh had raped her six times and transported her interstate = child sex trafficking. Despite the possibility of even more money, she explicitly refused to exonerate Dershowitz from the serial pedophilic sex crimes!. Her allegations were about to be tested for veracity in court, but Dersh did not want that. So a million dollars was paid. Juries are allowed to use common sense, and so are you. I conclude the million dollar payout was a virtual confession, kept secret so Dersh could continue his profession and status in Marthas Vineyard and AIPAC.. Read about the million dollars in New Yorker, July 29,2019.
Dersh has written dozens of forgettable books. Were he ever to tell us all about what he did in connection to Jeffrey Epstein, the trailer park trash groomed children, the intel organization Acosta was told about, and why he fought so hard to get immunity for all his Epstein pedo organization activity, THEN he would have the basis for a number 1 best seller . And then Dersh would get even richer and be invited to more dinners on Marthas Vineyard. He could even move to Jerusalem and get a Jonathan Pollard ticker tape parade, emceed once again by Netanyahu.
DOJ. FBI. And an intel organization. The list is interesting as to pedo predators but not detailed enough. The covered-up Palm Beach Police/FBI criminal investigation of Dersh in connection to pedophilia is what may be expected to reveal the details of the pedo rape organization and Dersh's eventual participation in its activities and longevity
Distraction and diversion. The salacious pedo sex angle of it all appealing to prurient interests and Jerry Springer disgust rubbernecking is the distraction of the Jeffrey Epstein saga.
What's the real scandal? Eugenics. Jeffrey Epstein was an ardent eugenicist. Master race stuff. Hitler supported it. And so did (do) many Jewish leaders at the beginning of the 20th century. And since." "Don't procreate outside your race!" Yes. Jews, many religious leaders and eugenics have a long history together. Rabbi Stephen Wise cited in this:
Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement
This old news story. About eugenics. Involving Rockefeller, Bernays and a fascinating list of VIPs at a eugenics play in 1913. Including Rabbi Stephen Wise.
Choosing Audience for Brieux Play
JD Rockefeller, Jr Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation
Social Workers Approve
Think the Drama Will Impress the Moral of Eugenics - Proceeds for Education
So eugenics cuts across religions, master race beliefs and agendas weren't just the stuff of Nazi's.
Epstein was an ardent Eugenicist. It's what drove his sexual exploitation along with those around him, supporting him. Epstein saved his sperm in labs in order to impregnate as many women as he could who fit his idea of the perfect genetic fit for his sperm. His targets were young women recently passing into puberty who could act as his baby factories. He wanted hundreds, thousands of his progeny to populate the planet. Was an admirer of Genghis Khan for his large contributions to the human gene pool.
His most frequent visitors were brilliant scientists, evolutionary genetic design, viral evolution, game theory mathematics, the biological sciences, microbiological sciences, computer sciences, AI, climate science, geoengineering, senior corporate executives, political leaders, propaganda and psychology - he himself became so proficient a hobbyist at psychology that he was brought on to teach psychology as a professor at Harvard, lacking any formal education in the field. And this was while he was funding leading eugenics researchers, like George Church at Harvard and other cohorts at nearby MIT.
That was the brains side of his ideal gene pool. On the looks side his most frequent visitors were supermodels, singers, actresses, other beautiful and glamorous starlets. His goal was to develop the best looking, smartest directed genetic design population possible, which he believed he was an essential part of. The AI revolution, transhumanism, social credit systems, all of these hazards we see ahead were desirable components of a future he was working towards. And was helping to build. The pandemic itself, mandates and protocols it set off were within the bailiwick of his research and network connections he was in the center of building. There's no way his work, when you look at who was in his long-ago released little black book was a coincidence to what we see being radically transformed across the globe. And I submit to readers who choose to research those names in his little black book (not the court case depositions being re-released today) that the real reason Epstein didn't kill himself has less to do with the sexual violations and depredations against minors, and more to do with his connection to the Fascist/Marxist/Oligarch/Technocrat attempted takeover of mankind we are attempting to fight against today. The sex aspect of the Epstein story is a distraction from the real threat that his loose lips posed to the real agendas of the powerful sociopaths attacking humanity today.
His life was also inextricably linked to the lives of our very real oppressors today, the ones who are seeking to exterminate most of humanity and leave the rest behind in a dystopian future serving a master race. The very same people who hate Deplorables, Bitter Clingers, Ultra MAGA for daring to stand against them, their nightmarish dreams.
The pedophilia angle is a side-show. Whatever is released from the Epstein files that satisfies the prurient disgust rubbernecker interests is a distraction and diversion from the most important information to be gleaned from them. Master race designs of the wealthy, privileged elite. His Black Book is filled with the brilliant minds and power players who plan on being our masters. Don't be satisfied with the distraction. Use it to dig deeper. Like into the names in the 1913 Rockefeller play VIP invite. Like the names in Epstein's little Black Book, who are they really, beyond perverts?
You need to focus. Epstein had some moments when he thought of populating a tribe with what he considered trailer park trash women. That personal peccadillo was hardly eugenics and had nothing at all to do with the fundamental basis of his pedo grooming organization. Its purpose was blackmail of the rich and influential, as related to District Attorney Alex Acosta, for a certain "intel organization". Epstein was a multifaceted person, most probably a Mossad construct and had many interests and obsessions. What makes him unique is his founding of the long-lasting pedo rape organization aiming at intel gathering and involving
harems of more than 100 mostly underage kids (there was apparently one underage boy for one particular client).
No doubt that's part of it. BUT, we have to ask what is the goal and purpose of the blackmail? Just for individual gain? For power itself? Nah. That's not unifying enough for such a large syndicate to remain cohesive. For focus the agenda that unifies them must be discerned.
This crowd of 'elite, more sophisticated' rulers are the product of life long, hereditary agendas, passed down by their family line eugenic control and reordering of the world. Master race stuff. A belief they truly are better than the rest of us, born leaders (rulers). The US/UK inspired Hitler's eugenics, was often cited and referred to by the Nazi regime. Germany didn't go from basket case to glistening autobahns, technological and manufacturing superiority on its own. All of that was funded and financed by US/UK bankers and industrialists. Who were ALL ardent eugenicists.
This old story tells a great deal. Both subject and the VIP's attending it. Story is about eugenics. Involving Rockefeller, Bernays and a fascinating list of VIPs at a eugenics play in 1913:
Choosing Audience for Brieux Play
JD Rockefeller, Jr Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation
Social Workers Approve
Think the Drama Will Impress the Moral of Eugenics - Proceeds for Education
"White Slavery" was the term for human trafficking, prostitution. The objective of the play was to stop wealthy men of privileged genes from sleeping around with lower class women, breeding with them. No mixing of the high class gene pools with lower classes. Eugenics. Population control. "Evolutionary Design."
But the real story in this is who the VIP's are. And when you start cross-referencing who Epstein's contacts, visitors and largest funders were you'll see the pattern emerge right in front of your nose. Focus. Yes, getting wealthy and powerful people compromised is a component. But not sufficient. It's not like they didn't know they'd become compromised by visiting Lolita island, especially after his first conviction. They went back. They had an agenda. They could buy and sell little boys and girls the world over with much less attention and exposure to compromising positions than taking Epstein's offerings.
- Edward Bernays, father of modern propaganda, advertising. Both Joseph Goebbels and Madison Avenue, informed by his teachings. Coined the phrase "quack medicine" to discredit natural healers. Successfully.
- Simon and Abraham Flexner. Authors of the "Flexner Report." Used by legislators and congress to criminalize natural healers, put natural healing schools out of business, asserted allopathic (western) medicine as the only real "evidence-based" healing, effectively killing homeopathy, herbalism and naturopathy:
- Rabbi Stephen S Wise. He is an enigma. He was the Jesse Jackson of American Jewry in the first half of the 20th century. A Zionist who's early work to establish a Jewish homeland in the British Palestine Mandate eventually led to the establishment of the State of Israel. He was FDR's most senior Jewish influencer. Did a lot of good for Jews. But...he also was who helped conceal the true horrors of the Holocaust from FDR and the public, and opposed efforts to expose it. I found this Wikipedia write up on him interesting. Particularly the section "Criticism":
And Rabbi Wise was an ardent eugenicist. One of the early faith leaders to advance it. As highlighted in the following book link. It's not to say that Rabbi Wise supported the Holocaust. But it shows how even Jews can co-author their own holocaust with their grandiose ideas about "fixing" mankind:
Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement
"She specifically documents how Protestant, Jewish, and a limited number of Catholic religious leaders contributed to making American eugenics the foremost eugenics movement in the world by the 1920s and sought the creation of a 'good society" in America by means of those methods that the eugenics movement advocated: sterilization, immigration restriction, incarceration, intelligence testing, and statistical analysis applied to the racial/ethnic/genetic backgrounds of families."
"The American eugenics movement became the model used by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, who turned their zealousness for eugenics as the means of preserving the health of the nation into, first, the murder of the disabled, and, subsequently, the brutalization and murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children in the final solution."
Both Rabbi Leon Harrison of Temple Israel in St. Louis and Rabbi Stephen Wise publicly expressed opposition to intermarriage, but some Reform rabbis objected. The advocates of intermarriage did not view Jews as a race, while the opponents did (pp. 106-7). In 1915, Rabbi Max Reichler (1886-1957) wrote an essay seeking to reconcile the divergent views and reconcile Judaism with eugenics."
"Rabbi Wise subsequently followed Rabbi Reichler s lead in seeking accommodation (pp. 108-9). In the same way that Protestants and some Catholics had come to support eugenics, Jews also came to be numbered among the advocates of the movement in the early twentieth century."
- William J Schieffelin - Descendant of John Jay, first Supreme Court Chief Justice of the US. Family owned the oldest pharmaceutical company in the US, headed up early Big Pharma trade association. Eugenicist:
- Paul U Kellogg - another enigma. He is the father of the modern "Social Justice" movement. And supported eugenics. But it's hard to reconcile with his work to help blacks and other minorities. I suppose someone can be a eugenicist without being a racist. Just get rid of the undesirables, disabled, antisocials without regard to race?:
- Yale University Civics Club. Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush was a student at Yale in 1913. And had been president of his high school civics club in 1912. His family was already tight with the Rockefeller's, his father, Samuel Bush, worked for Frank Rockefeller, John D Rockefeller's brother. Prescott Bush was a eugenicist, who was also "Hitler's Banker." And was one of the six Yale students in attendance.
- Mrs. W K Vanderbilt. Aka Anne Harriman who married into the Vanderbilt railroad dynasty. Daughter of Oliver Harriman, from a railroad tycoon family himself, handled the finances, went into banking. Brother of Edward Harriman. Partner in bank Prescott Bush worked for as "Hitler's Banker."
"Medical sociology may be traced back to the late 1800s in terms of intellectual development. Sociology and allopathic medicine, two embryonic sciences, began to make contact in modest but major ways in the late 19th century." [and the "science" of Eugenics]
Medical Sociology is also tied to Marxist "Conflict Theory":
And Medical Sociology gave rise to an organization, "Association of Internes and Medical Students," that was disbanded and scattered to other medical sociology movements after it was associated with the Red Scare during the McCarthy Anti-Communist hearings:
Valerie Jarrett, long time top advisor to Barack Obama, deemed The other side of Obama's brain," her father was a leading member of AIMS. And a eugenicist:
This is the foundation of the medical tyranny and forced uptake of gene therapy cocktails the world over, "Medical Sociology," a Marxist system of controlling a population using health policy. Next comment will highlight some of Epstein's eugenics/medical tyranny connections.
John Brockman (born February 16, 1941) is an American literary agent and author specializing in scientific literature. He established the Edge Foundation, an organization that brings together leading edge thinkers across a broad range of scientific and technical fields.
He led a scientific salon for 20 years, asking an annual question to a host of renowned scientists and publishing their answers in book form,[3] which he decided to symbolically close down in 2018.[4]
In an interview with Prince Andrew dated November 17, 2019, BBC reporter Emily Maitlis mentioned that both Andrew and John Brockman attended an intimate dinner at child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion to celebrate Epstein’s release from prison for charges which stemmed from at least one decade of child sex trafficking.[7]
Andrew’s presence at Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion was corroborated by Brockman himself, in emails published in an October 2019 New Republic report. The story suggested that Brockman was the “intellectual enabler” of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier who died in August 2019 while again awaiting trial on charges related to sex trafficking.[8]
Brockman's famous literary dinners—held during the TED Conference—were, for a number of years after Epstein’s conviction, almost entirely funded by Epstein as documented in his annual tax filings.[9] This allowed Epstein to mingle with scientists, startup icons and tech billionaires.
(1973) "Afterwords: Explorations of the Mystical Limits of Contemporary Reality"
(1988) Doing Science: The Reality Club
(1995) The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution
(1996) Digerati: Encounters with the Cyber Elite
(1996) How Things Are: A Science Tool-Kit for the Mind (edited by John Brockman and Katinka Matson), Harper Perennial
(2002) The Next Fifty Years: Science in the First Half of the Twenty-First Century
(2003) The New Humanists: Science at the Edge
(2004) Curious Minds: How a Child becomes a Scientist (edited by John Brockman), New York: Pantheon Books
(2006) What We Believe but Cannot Prove: Today's Leading Thinkers on Science in the Age of Certainty
(2006) Intelligent Thought: Science Versus the Intelligent Design Movement
(2007) What Is Your Dangerous Idea?: Today's Leading Thinkers on the Unthinkable
(2007) What Are You Optimistic About?: Today's Leading Thinkers on Why Things Are Good and Getting Better
(2009) What Have You Changed Your Mind About?: Today's Leading Minds Rethink Everything. 150 high-powered thinkers discuss their most telling missteps and reconsiderations with Alan Alda, Brian Eno, Ray Kurzweil, Irene Pepperberg, Steven Pinker, Lisa Randall etc.
(2009) This Will Change Everything: Ideas That Will Shape the Future (with Patrick Bateson, Oliver Morton, Stephen Schneider, Stewart Brand, Brian Eno, K. Eric Drexler, and others)
(2011) Culture: Leading Scientists Explore Societies, Art, Power, and Technology
(2011) "Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?: The Net's Impact on Our Minds and Future"
(2012) "This Will Make You Smarter: New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking"
(2013) "This Explains Everything: Deep, Beautiful, and Elegant Theories of How the World Works"
(2014) "What Should We Be Worried About?: The Hidden Threats Nobody Is Talking About"
(2015) "This Idea Must Die: Scientific Theories that are Blocking Progress"
(2015) "What to Think About Machines That Think: Today's Leading Thinkers on the Age of Machine Intelligence"
(2016) "Know This: Today's Most Interesting and Important Scientific Ideas, Discoveries, and Developments"
(2017) "This Idea is Brilliant: Lost, Overlooked, and Underappreciated Scientific Concepts Everyone Should Know"
(2019) Possible Minds: Twenty-Five Ways of Looking at AI (edited by John Brockman)
Robert Ludlow "Bob" Trivers (/ˈtrɪvərz/; born February 19, 1943) is an American evolutionary biologist and sociobiologist. Trivers proposed the theories of reciprocal altruism (1971), parental investment (1972), facultative sex ratio determination (1973), and parent–offspring conflict (1974). He has also contributed by explaining self-deception as an adaptive evolutionary strategy (first described in 1976) and discussing intragenomic conflict.[2]
Trivers was awarded the 2007 Crafoord Prize in Biosciences for "his fundamental analysis of social evolution, conflict and cooperation".[6][7]
Trivers met Huey P. Newton, Chairman of the Black Panther Party, in 1978 when Newton applied while in prison to do a reading course with Trivers as part of a graduate degree in History of Consciousness at UC Santa Cruz.[8] Trivers and Newton became close friends: Newton was godfather to one of Trivers's daughters.[9] Trivers joined the Black Panther Party in 1979.[10] Trivers and Newton published an analysis of the role of self-deception by the flight crew in the crash of Air Florida Flight 90.[11] Trivers was "ex-communicated" from the Panthers by Newton in 1982 for "his own good."[12]
Trivers wrote the original foreword to Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene, in which Trivers first proposed his adaptive theory of self-deception. In the 2006 anniversary edition of The Selfish Gene, Dawkins wrote a new introduction in which he stated
Trivers is among the most influential evolutionary theorists alive today.[15] Steven Pinker considers Trivers to be "one of the great thinkers in the history of Western thought", who has:[16]
...inspired an astonishing amount of research and commentary in psychology and biology—the fields of sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, Darwinian social science, and behavioral ecology are in large part attempt to test and flesh out Trivers's ideas. It is no coincidence that E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology and Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene were published in 1975 and 1976 respectively, just a few years after Trivers's seminal papers. Both bestselling authors openly acknowledged that they were popularizing Trivers's ideas and the research they spawned. Likewise for the much-talked-about books on evolutionary psychology in the 1990s—The Adapted Mind, The Red Queen, Born to Rebel, The Origins of Virtue, The Moral Animal, and my own How the Mind Works. Each of these books is based in large part on Trivers's ideas and the explosion of research they inspired, involving dozens of animal species, mathematical and computer modeling, and human social and cognitive psychology.
Significant papers
Trivers, R. L. (1971). "The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism". The Quarterly Review of Biology. 46 (1): 35–57. doi:10.1086/406755. JSTOR 2822435. S2CID 19027999.
Trivers, R. L. (1972) Parental investment and sexual selection. In B. Campbell (Ed.) Sexual selection and the descent of man, 1871-1971 (pp 136–179). Chicago, Aldine.
Trivers, RL; Willard, DE (1973). "Natural selection of parental ability to vary the sex ratio of offspring". Science. 179 (4068): 90–2. Bibcode:1973Sci...179...90T. doi:10.1126/science.179.4068.90. JSTOR 1734960. PMID 4682135. S2CID 29326420.
Trivers, R. L. (1974). "Parent-Offspring Conflict". American Zoologist. 14 (1): 249–264. doi:10.1093/icb/14.1.249.
Trivers, R. L.; Hare, H. (1976). "Haploidploidy and the evolution of the social insect". Science. 191 (4224): 249–63. Bibcode:1976Sci...191..249T. doi:10.1126/science.1108197. PMID 1108197.
Trivers, R. L. (1991) Deceit and self-deception: The relationship between communication and consciousness. In: M. Robinson and L. Tiger (eds.) Man and Beast Revisited, Smithsonian, Washington, DC, pp. 175–191.
Trivers, R. L. (1985) Social Evolution. Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA.
Trivers, R. L. (2002) Natural Selection and Social Theory: Selected Papers of Robert L. Trivers. (Evolution and Cognition Series) Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-19-513062-6
Burt, A. & Trivers, R. L. (2006) Genes in Conflict : The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements. Belknap Press, Harvard. ISBN 0-674-01713-7
Trivers R, Palestis BG, Zaatari D. (2009) The Anatomy of a Fraud: Symmetry and Dance TPZ Publishers ISBN 978-0-615-28756-0
Trivers R (2011) The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life Basic Books ISBN 978-0-465-02755-2
Trivers R (2015) Wild Life: Adventures of an Evolutionary Biologist. Plympton. ISBN 978-1938972126
Trivers believes that girls mature earlier than in the past. He writes “By the time they’re 14 or 15, they’re like grown women were 60 years ago".
Joe Pagano, an Aspen-based venture capitalist, who has known Epstein since before his Bear Stearns days, can’t say enough nice things: “I have a boy who’s dyslexic, and Jeffrey’s gotten close to him over the years…. Jeffrey got him into music. He bought him his first piano. And then as he got to school he had difficulty … in studying … so Jeffrey got him interested in taking flying lessons.”
Sentigen Holding Corp
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Headquarters: 445 Marshall St, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 08865, United States
Sentigen Holding Corp. conducts business through two wholly-owned operating subsidiaries: Sentigen Biosciences, Inc. ("Sentigen Biosciences") and Cell & Molecular Technologies, Inc. ("CMT"). As previously disclosed in a press release dated September 1, 2006, we entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") with Invitrogen Corporation ("Invitrogen"), a Delaware corporation, and Arctic Fox Acquisition Corporation, a Delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Invitrogen ("Merger Sub") on August 31, 2006. A special meeting of the stockholders of Sentigen is scheduled for November 14, 2006 to consider and vote upon a proposal to adopt the Merger Agreement. CMT provides contract research and development services to companies engaged in the drug discovery process in the following areas: molecular and cell biology, gene expression and protein biochemistry, bio-processing, high throughput screening support services, mouse genetics, and cell-based GPCR selectivity profiling. CMT works in cooperation with Sentigen Biosciences to commercialize specific applications of the Tango(TM) Assay System. Sentigen Biosciences has been primarily engaged in the development and commercialization of novel bioassay systems that elucidate the underlying biology of protein-protein interactions. Sentigen Biosciences has initially targeted its Tango(TM) Assay System to address the functionalization of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for pharmaceutical drug discovery and development. Sentigen Biosciences is devoting a significant portion of its research effort and resources to the development of a novel molecular profiling system, which the Company through CMT is commercializing. Management intends to continually review the commercial validity of the Tango(TM) Assay System, its applicability to functionalizing orphan GPCRs and the prospects of our new novel molecular profiling system in order to make the appropriate decisions as to the best way to allocate our limited resources. While we believe our ...
Invitrogen is one of several brands under the Thermo Fisher Scientific corporation. The product line includes various subbrands of biotechnology products, such as machines and consumables for polymerase chain reaction, reverse transcription, cloning, culturing, stem cell production, cell therapy, regenerative medicine, immunotherapy, transfection, DNA/RNA purification, diagnostic tests, antibodies, and immunoassays.
The predecessor corporation was Invitrogen Corporation (formerly traded as Nasdaq: IVGN), headquartered in Carlsbad, California. In 2008, a merger between Applied Biosystems and Invitrogen[1] was finalized, creating Life Technologies. The latter was acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2014.
Invitrogen was founded in 1987 by Lyle Turner, Joe Fernandez, and William McConnell and was incorporated in 1989. The company initially found success with its kits for molecular cloning—notably, The Librarian, a kit for making cDNA libraries, and the FastTrack Kit for mRNA isolation from biological samples.
William McConnell left the company in 1989.
In 1999, the company, which had reached sales of $33 million the prior year, went public, with a plan of consolidating biotechnology research boutique suppliers. The company had become quite successful at licensing technologies into its niche market, of cloning and expression, but determined that many niche leaders were not interested in licensing, and M&A needed to be added to the company's set of tools for growth.
Mergers and acquisitions
Invitrogen acquired NOVEX, in cloned protein characterization, within 60 days of going public. In December 1999, it purchased Research Genetics, Inc.,[2] a leader in genomics and synthetic DNA chemistry, becoming a $100 million (annual sales) company within a year of its IPO.
The business scope expanded significantly when it acquired the rival biotechnology and cell culture company Life Technologies in 2000; Life had been formed in 1983 when GIBCO (Grand Island Biological Company) which had been founded around 1960 in New York, merged with a reagent company called Bethesda Research Laboratories. The company continued to add technologies through a series of mergers and acquisitions, which broadened its customer base and strengthened its intellectual property portfolio. Among these, established companies such as Ethrog Biotechnology, Molecular Probes (fluorescence-based detection), Dynal (magnetic bead–based separation), Panvera (proteins and assays for drug screening), InforMax (software for computational biology and bioinformatics), BioSource (cellular pathway analysis), CellzDirect (cell products and services for research) and Zymed and Caltag Laboratories (primary and secondary antibodies) have been brought under the Invitrogen brand.[3] Invitrogen acquired Sequitur in 2003 to obtain Sequitur's proprietary Stealth(TM) RNAi technology.
In 2008, Invitrogen virtually doubled its size with the purchase of biotech instrumentation company Applied Biosystems, maker of DNA sequencing and PCR machines and reagents. The company then renamed the overall organization as Life Technologies. The Invitrogen brand and most of the brands acquired still exist on product packaging, although the overall company is called Life Technologies. In summer 2010, the company acquired the computer chip DNA sequencing company Ion Torrent Systems. Through this history of acquisitions and continued product research and development, Invitrogen / Life Technologies had over 50,000 products.
Key products and technologies
Utilizing this business strategy, Invitrogen represented a large number of products: Dynabeads magnetic separation technology, GIBCO cell culture media and reagents, SuperScript reverse transcriptase, Platinum Taq polymerase, TOPO cloning and expression products, Novex protein electrophoresis products, and numerous fluorescent reagents such as Qdot nanocrystals, Alexa Fluor, DyLight, RiboGreen and SYBR dyes. Invitrogen currently offers more than 25,000 products and services to support research in cellular analysis, genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery, and seeks to address research problems in developing fields, including biodefense and environmental diagnostics, bioinformatics, epigenetics, and stem cell research.
Innovation and impact
Under a contract from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the company developed a prototype hand-held pathogen detection system for the detection of multiple toxins such as ricin, staphylococcal enterotoxin, and botulinum toxin, as well as bacteria that cause anthrax, plague, and other diseases, in a single sample.[4] Invitrogen was also awarded a contract to provide kits for detecting possible E. coli O157 contamination in food at the 2008 Summer Olympcics in Beijing, China.[citation needed] The monitoring program, based on World Health Organization food standards, is conducted by the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Olympic Food Safety program. Similarly, the company's PathAlert technology was selected to monitor Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of the plague, at the Torino Winter Games in 2006. Their Qubit platform for RNA, DNA, and protein quantitation was awarded an R&D 100 Award as being a "Top 100 Technologically Significant New Product" by R&D Magazine.[5]
Invitrogen developed and introduced stem cell products. Among more than 1,200 products for stem cell research, the company offered an engineered stem cell line (BG01v/hOG) and various STEMPRO products for manual passaging of human embryonic stem cells (hESC), to promote hESC growth and expansion, and to allow scientists to ascertain hESC pluripotency.[6]
Gerald Maurice Edelman (/ˈɛdəlmən/; July 1, 1929 – May 17, 2014) was an American biologist who shared the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for work with Rodney Robert Porter on the immune system.[1] Edelman's Nobel Prize-winning research concerned discovery of the structure of antibody molecules.[2] In interviews, he has said that the way the components of the immune system evolve over the life of the individual is analogous to the way the components of the brain evolve in a lifetime. There is a continuity in this way between his work on the immune system, for which he won the Nobel Prize, and his later work in neuroscience and in philosophy of mind.
After a year at the Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, Edelman became a resident at the Massachusetts General Hospital; he then practiced medicine in France while serving with US Army Medical Corps.[4] In 1957, Edelman joined the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research as a graduate fellow, working in the laboratory of Henry Kunkel and receiving a Ph.D. in 1960.[4] The institute made him the assistant (later associate) dean of graduate studies; he became a professor at the school in 1966.[4] In 1992, he moved to California and became a professor of neurobiology at The Scripps Research Institute.[7]
After his Nobel prize award, Edelman began research into the regulation of primary cellular processes, particularly the control of cell growth and the development of multi-celled organisms, focusing on cell-to-cell interactions in early embryonic development and in the formation and function of the nervous system. These studies led to the discovery of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), which guide the fundamental processes that help an animal achieve its shape and form, and by which nervous systems are built. One of the most significant discoveries made in this research is that the precursor gene for the neural cell adhesion molecule gave rise in evolution to the entire molecular system of adaptive immunity.[8]
For his efforts, Edelman was an elected member of both the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1968) and the American Philosophical Society (1977).[9][10]
Nobel Prize
While in Paris serving in the Army, Edelman read a book that sparked his interest in antibodies.[11] He decided that, since the book said so little about antibodies, he would investigate them further upon returning to the United States, which led him to study physical chemistry for his 1960 Ph.D.[11] Research by Edelman and his colleagues and Rodney Robert Porter in the early 1960s produced fundamental breakthroughs in the understanding of the antibody's chemical structure, opening a door for further study.[12] For this work, Edelman and Porter shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1972.[1]
In its Nobel Prize press release in 1972, the Karolinska Institutet lauded Edelman and Porter's work as a major breakthrough:
The impact of Edelman's and Porter's discoveries is explained by the fact that they provided a clear picture of the structure and mode of action of a group of biologically particularly important substances. By this they laid a firm foundation for truly rational research, something that was previously largely lacking in immunology. Their discoveries represent clearly a break-through that immediately incited a fervent research activity the whole world over, in all fields of immunological science, yielding results of practical value for clinical diagnostics and therapy.[13]
Theory of consciousness
See also: Secondary consciousness
In his later career, Edelman was noted for his theory of consciousness, documented in a trilogy of technical books and in several subsequent books written for a general audience, including Bright Air, Brilliant Fire (1992),[18][19] A Universe of Consciousness (2001, with Giulio Tononi), Wider than the Sky (2004) and Second Nature: Brain Science and Human Knowledge (2007).
In Second Nature Edelman defines human consciousness as:
"... what you lose on entering a dreamless deep sleep ... deep anesthesia or coma ... what you regain after emerging from these states. [The] experience of a unitary scene composed variably of sensory responses ... memories ... situatedness ..."
The first of Edelman's technical books, The Mindful Brain (1978),[20] develops his theory of Neural Darwinism, which is built around the idea of plasticity in the neural network in response to the environment. The second book, Topobiology (1988),[21] proposes a theory of how the original neuronal network of a newborn's brain is established during development of the embryo. The Remembered Present (1990)[22] contains an extended exposition of his theory of consciousness.
NOT FOR WHAT HE CAN CRIMINALLY BE ACCUSED OF. That is possibly the reason the Epstein Estate is giving out cash in return for Non-Disclosure Agreements.
It was on Patrick Bet David' podcast. It appears Mark Epstein has nothing to do with the executors of the Epstein Estate who are doling out money for Non-disclosure agreements. BTW Bet David remarked afterwards that his impression was that Mark, the brother, was also a Mossad agent/construct. It is noteworthy that Mark who has ostensibly made lots of money in NY real estate is heavily involved in UN and other internationally affiliated groups and organizations. Because of the cover-up, we can only wonder. Especially wondering why there is a cover-up when the crime is way over the top pedophilia.activity on American kids. There has been no evidence or even ground speculation that Mark, regardless of eventual intel connections, was involved in the pedo operation.
Murder is one.There is some rumor about a couple of underage kids dying in Epstein mansions, perhaps from Epstein staff administered drug overdoes but no probative evidence has been uncovered, Some child death would not be surprising since the Epstein organization groomed over 200 children over at least a decade and a half. If the evidence exists, then the cover-up keeps it secret. No male sexual pedophile predator, among a total of over 100, has ever been criminally indicted. An indictment might loosen tongues so they tell about what Dersh and Epstein did and relate the torture the girls were threatened with or experienced, not least when serially raped. Dersh as Epstein's attorney for a generation would presumably know about the skeletons in the closets, but of course he says nothing at all about the pedo organization. Omerta.
I looked this up a while ago in the FLA and NY criminal statute books: Pedophilia activity is exempted from the Statute of Limitations in NY and Florida, both States being a situs for the Epstein-Dershowitz connection. Dersh has and had at relevant periods of time luxury residences in both States. Federal sex trafficking interstate however appear as a starting point time-barred but the existence of the comprehensive cover-up, the magnitude and chutzpah of the pedo rapes and the payment of massive hush money to obstruct findings of a trial may be enough obstruction to make an exception.
Dersh got full immunity for four named (names sealed from public disclosure) Epstein co-conspirators who helped with grooming and controlling the underage girls. That immunity was subsequently voided due to conflict with the federal Victims Right Act, but the four have not spoken out publicly about what went on in the Epstein mansions or Dershowitz's roles and activities .
She did not want immunity. She told her family she did nothing wrong. Jeffrey thought she was totally unrealistic and self-destructive. But because she did not want immunity, Dershowitz did not press for it.
With help from a group of fellow ideological travellers, Dersh pressed for and amazingly received FULL SECRET IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION FOR ANY AND ALL EVENTUAL CRIMES RELATED TO PARTICIPATION IN OR ACTIVITIES WITH THE EPSTEIN PEDO ORGANIZATION.(officially a "non-prosecution agreement") for himself and four Epstein co-conspirators, NOT INCLUDING GHISLAINE.. Why do you suppose Derh pressed so hard for immunity for himself if he acted only as attorney?
How did Dersh win the immunities? A disgraced Acosta explained he was subjected to inhuman pressure (!) and was eventually told to "lay off" because the Epstein pedo grooming organization was an "intel operation". Acosta was promoted from D.A. to Secretary of Labor in the first Trump Administration on the recommendation of Florida lawmakers. He lasted one month. The secret immunities were exposed. by the Miami Herald. Pro bono attorney David Bois filed a civil lawsuit for Virginia Roberts against Dersh. A Federal Court voided the immunities, taking notice of relevant criticism from the Florida Bar and a special investigator report from the DOJ. This means Dersh and the four co-conspirators no longer are immune from prosecution, yet they have not been indicted yet. Acosta resigned in 2016 following massive criticism and left public life. and became a virtual hermit.
Jeffrey was furious with Dersh after the non-prosecution agreement was issued for not including Ghislaine.. He railed about Dersh's incompetence. It seemed like the spiritual twins were splitting, Lennon and McCartney-like. Ghislaine went on to call Roberts publicly a "liar", following Dershowitz' example. Bois sued Ghislaine for the libel and obtained the depositions which in December 2023 were released as Epstein documents, naming many people associated with Epstein, including Dershowitz 137 times. Ghislaine settled the case, paying a reported USD 2 million. She was criminally indicted---the ONLY person of the hundreds of predators to be indicted, refused to cooperate as a witness against anyone in the Epstein organization, and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
You have an admirable Luigi attitude but i probably would get in trouble if I disclosed you-know-who's address. Let's still give the Law a STILL ANOTHER chance to deal with the pedo organization, its enablers and its participants. Maybe we will be surprised to find the American Legal System is less corrupt than expected. Maybe Trump is signalling this attack on the corruption.
Mr. DERSHOWITZ PLEASE CONTACT ME. I gave information in a blackmailing scheme to doj/nsa in 1992. I was questioned about you and told them that you were being set up/targeted by your peers and that you were completely not a predator. I even told them guiffre was pathological liar. They had me make an audio tape recording of the information exchanged in the plea agreement signed by John Bash in 1992. This recording can be obtained by requesting it from the oig nsa. The FBI also signed off on the transport papers and waiving of extradition. I was only 19 and it was a bad time for me in St. Louis. I still told the truth and I assured them you were never predatory on any way. I officially stated that you were innocent and that you were being targeted by your peers. It looks like they classified this information and went after you without any cause. I'm sorry but this is your chance to find out what really happened and completely clear your name. Contact me sir. Hurry. Thanks allison huxtable 405-423-7638. Anytime.
Lots of doubts and uncertainties with this. Is Allison real? Does "she" live i West Africa? What was her relationship with Virginia Roberts? What experience did they share? What is her basis for classifying Roberts a a"pathological liar". Is she aiming to get money from Dersh? Was she also an underage chlld victim of rape, If so, by whom? If not, how did she know Roberts. What was her relationship to any other children accusing Dersh of pedo rape? Has she had qualified therapy for post traumatic stress? Is she in denial? The situs is problematic. The Epstein pedo Ring did not operate in St.Louis. Who is John Bash? Father to Dana Bash? How does one expect to get recordings fro the NSA, and why would they be there? Allison writes as if she had an overview of the Epstein pedo operation rather than that of just a frog i a well. Was she an Epstein co-conspirator, one of those for whom Dersh secured an illegal secret immunity? It appear he was arrested in connection wit extradition. Why? Did he have enough of a relationship with Dersh to "know" he was never "predatory" at any time? How did she even know Dersh?
This quote and others like it from your article makes me think the current DOJ is concerned about potential liability for disclosing such information “Those who have been accused — whether falsely or truthfully — include some of the most prominent people in the world”. I don’t care about the class of people involved; that’s irrelevant.
Is there substantial legal risk to the DOJ if they indiscriminately release information like this? Could that explain their caution?
If certainly would be interesting to be see which Deep State residents and woke politicians and academics spent time on Epstein’s Island
How about go further and unmask the congressional slush fund recipients? Ya think some names might be on both lists?
This would however not be decisive in finding out proof of who benefitted from the blackmail providing technological secrets and weapons (like krytons) , cash, political influence on Mideast issues and in securing pardons or commutation of jail terms for Israelis with "protectsia", It is generally thought that Epstein was a Mossad agent and "construct", considering the combination of his 5 years in the Mideast arms trade, his Saudi residence and fake Austrian passport., as well as hard core zionism . Dershowitz for more than a decade was joined at the hip with Epstein and was active ideologically with him as well as actively protecting him fro law enforcement and enabling Epstein. Whatever red lines were crossed there, the allegations of pedophilia remain untried due to the extensive and long running cover-up for which Mossad seems to have secured the cooperation of the Deep State. This suggests either direct American intelligence complicity (see Franklin Bank Scandal involving boy pedophiia) or information sharing/trading of some of the fruits of the blackmail. The premise of the organized pedophilia seems to be "the end justifies the means" (ironically, the well-known Jesuit maxim) . This is likely the reason for the Cover-up;. US agency participation or complicity in grooming, drugging and raping about 250 mostly underaged American girls over an almost 20 year period would be historically explosive. JFK's threat to smash a particular agency into "a thousand pieces" might then actually happen.
Wasn’t Epstein a well known Democratic donor
I wouldn’t be shocked
Alan, I hope you get what you want here. Transparency and uncovering what BAD PEOPLE did, to mis-align others needs to be pursued. Good luck.
I bet you will eventually learn
Alan is among those BAD PEOPLE.
I suspect not, but we can only hope that the records are released to the public, and not to some news organization which will "curate" them for us.
Day 2417 of the cover-up of Mossad's highly organized pedophilia-based espionage operation, Ironically probably seeded unknowingly by American government, the Epstein Redophilia Ring became self.supporting and immensely profitable as hundreds of Johns were filmed in compromising sexual activities and then subjected to blackmail to get Mossad's choice of any or all of the following: classified secrets, military technology, influence on implementing a government or corporation policy with view towards perceived Israeli interests , getting more economic and military support from the USA more American support for Israel, and getting more money to support the expensive blackmail operation . This cover-up rivals the JFK assassination cover-up in its breadth and audacity. What do we know about Dershowitz's role despite the cover-up of Epstein's and Dershowitz's activities?
What do we know about the connection between Dersh and the Epstein Pedo Ring despite the Cover-up? We think we know the following:
1) Dersh does not want allegations against him of participation in the Ring to go to any court.
2) He does not want child victims' allegations of Dersh's personal involvement in non-consensual pedophilic sex to be adjudicated for veracity.
3) He does not want to testify in court.
4) He does not want to publicly cooperate in telling the operational detail of the Pedophilic Ring.
5) His role focused on protection of Epstein from Law Enforcement and Dersh was willing to use "no holds barred" techniques to minimize any legal consequences for child rape to Epstein.
6) Dersh was obsessed with fear of indictment for his role and participation in the Pedo Ring, shown by forcing with help of his cohort and thru threats and "inhuman pressure" Federal DA Alex Acosta to issue an illegal secret immunity covering Dersh's activity in the Epstein Pedo Ring.
7) During the course of Dersh's negotiations with Acosta, Acosta was told to "lay off" because the Epstein Pedo Ring was an "intel operation".
8) Dersh obstructed production of evidence of pedophilkic rape by suing indigent child victim accusers and their attorneys for defamation with intrusive invetigation of the childrens' lives and acquintances.
9) Virginia Roberts was paid at least one million dollars as hush money to sign a "Non-
Disparagement Agreement", dropping her civil lawsuit against Dersh.
10) Dersh has contrary to his own claim not been exonerated by Roberts, she just took the money. She specifically and vociferously refused to "exonerate" Dersh.
11) Dersh has not publically produced alibi evidence or any evidence at all other than his assertions, rebutting the allegations of pedo rape and trafficking.
12) His ONE relevant disclosure is that he walked about "only in his underpants which he kept on at all times" in front of a group of other people's underage children on the second floor of the NYC Epstein mansion. Dersh says he expected a "massage from Olga", but public exhibition in front of underage children not assigned to massage him seems remarkably exhibitionist. He was 73 years old at the time, and was described as having a bad skin affliction. Further detail is, unlike his body, covered up.
We the people do not need to be protected from the facts. We do not have a parent-child relationship with our government. We CAN handle the truth!
Notice how Dershowitz crafts the wording of his "denials" of responsibility for pedophilic participation in the rapes of some of the 200 plus young gentile children (equated by him on other occasions as trailer park trash and,as a leitmotif, "prostitutes, liars and thieves" ). Missing is that unlike Bill Clinton on a different occasion, Dersh does not absolutely say he "did not have sex with" any underage groomed child. Instead his wording is much less direct, not absolute and shows a consciousness of preparing a narrative which cannot be punished by perjury sanctions.
Dersh has asserted he "kept his underpants on at all times", an unproved claim which even if true could not exonerate him from allegations of pedophilic rape. Rather the claim puts Dersh at a scene of the crimes and encourages the question of why a 73 year old geriatric Derhowitz would be parading in front of other people's underage children "in his underpants" which by the way have not been furthur described.. Did he wear thongs? He claims he was always "faithful to his wife, terminology obviously subject to torture by subjective twisting of definitions.. Then he claims to be "falsely accused of someone I never heard of", a completely irrelevant wording. Is it not empirically often that sexual pedo rape occurs as a target of opportunity between an old man and a very young child "who have not heard of each other". Why would a geriatric have even "heard of a child" who he randomly meets at Epstein's mansion unless Epstein was personally vouching for her qualities of innocence? Geriatrics probably prefer anonymous sex when engaging in pedophilia..
Also unclear is his wording that he demands no "privilege" regarding the FBI criminal investigation. He needs to specify a demand that the FBI release the criminal investigation it has withheld and covered up for some 15 years. This investigation subsumed the investigation of Dershowitz by the Palm Beach Police Department. That investigation spoke with 33 of the roughly 250 groomed children. The investigating detective said that "they all seemed to know Dershowitz" They knew Dersh but he "never heard of them"? The Palm Beach investigation also needs to be released. The FBI investigation needs to be taken out of ex-Director Wray's mothballs and expanded Julie Brown of the Miami Herald thought there were 250 groomed girls; for her three part series morally indicting Dershowitz, she talked to 88. Some of the 250 died, possibly in the mansions and other from overdoses connected to addiction to the drugs administered in the mansions to secure sexual compliance. The survivors need to have input about Dershowitz. Right noe the Epstein Estate is protecting Dershowitz and pedos and Epstein co-conspirators by providing large financial settlements to child victims on condition they sign Non-Disclosure agreements. This obstruction of justice needs to be dealt with.
BTW we need an investigation of how Dersh acquired his short-lived, full and secret "non-prosecution agreement" for himself and four Epstein co-conspirators. Or Dersh could do the unexpected: cooperate with a tell-all about the pedo rape organization, naming names and intel agencies, confessing and begging for mercy. He is on the cusp of an excellent second career as a jailhouse lawyer.
We know Alan, you’re good.
Day 2410 of the cover-up of the Dershowitz-Epstein activitiess connected to the pedophile gang that raped well over 100 underage American children, dismissed by Dershowitz as trailer park trash, as "prostitutes, liars and thieves", an expression he persuaded Miami States Attorney Brischer, a leading figure in the local ADL, to be used in a grand jury hearing as two of the underage aged girls were on the witness stand. Brischer got a lot of criticism from the Miami Herald for that, but no matter. Favors count.
Wow, right now a big defense attorney headline. Just as both Secretary Bondi and FBI director promise Winds of Change with release of the Epstein-Dershowitz files, here comes non-transparent Dersh, obviously seeing the inevitable, demanding release of the files. What is vital is release of the Palm Beach Police/FBI criminal investigation of Dershowitz. When we have that, then we will know how he protected and enabled Epstein, what red lines he crossed in regard to attorney--client privilege, details of the Epstein pedo operation, some of the notables who partook in pedo sex, and perhaps which organization. Mossad , CIA or both, were getting benefit of the blackmail info. Release of the films/videos of the pedo adventures, the basis for the blackmail, is also needed.
Oh, Dersh says he was "falsely" accused. Yeah, right. Believe Dersh, and maybe I can sell you that Brooklyn Bridge. A million dollars (!) was paid to get just one of the raped underage children to drop her civil lawsuit against Dershowitz. Dersh will not talk about that. A million bucks is not chump change to get rid of a nuisance suit. For perspective, six times less money was paid. to Stormy Daniels. Clearly that girl had something big on Dersh. And we know what it was because she told us before. Dersh had raped her six times and transported her interstate = child sex trafficking. Despite the possibility of even more money, she explicitly refused to exonerate Dershowitz from the serial pedophilic sex crimes!. Her allegations were about to be tested for veracity in court, but Dersh did not want that. So a million dollars was paid. Juries are allowed to use common sense, and so are you. I conclude the million dollar payout was a virtual confession, kept secret so Dersh could continue his profession and status in Marthas Vineyard and AIPAC.. Read about the million dollars in New Yorker, July 29,2019.
Dersh has written dozens of forgettable books. Were he ever to tell us all about what he did in connection to Jeffrey Epstein, the trailer park trash groomed children, the intel organization Acosta was told about, and why he fought so hard to get immunity for all his Epstein pedo organization activity, THEN he would have the basis for a number 1 best seller . And then Dersh would get even richer and be invited to more dinners on Marthas Vineyard. He could even move to Jerusalem and get a Jonathan Pollard ticker tape parade, emceed once again by Netanyahu.
DOJ. FBI. And an intel organization. The list is interesting as to pedo predators but not detailed enough. The covered-up Palm Beach Police/FBI criminal investigation of Dersh in connection to pedophilia is what may be expected to reveal the details of the pedo rape organization and Dersh's eventual participation in its activities and longevity
Distraction and diversion. The salacious pedo sex angle of it all appealing to prurient interests and Jerry Springer disgust rubbernecking is the distraction of the Jeffrey Epstein saga.
What's the real scandal? Eugenics. Jeffrey Epstein was an ardent eugenicist. Master race stuff. Hitler supported it. And so did (do) many Jewish leaders at the beginning of the 20th century. And since." "Don't procreate outside your race!" Yes. Jews, many religious leaders and eugenics have a long history together. Rabbi Stephen Wise cited in this:
Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement
This old news story. About eugenics. Involving Rockefeller, Bernays and a fascinating list of VIPs at a eugenics play in 1913. Including Rabbi Stephen Wise.
Choosing Audience for Brieux Play
JD Rockefeller, Jr Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation
Social Workers Approve
Think the Drama Will Impress the Moral of Eugenics - Proceeds for Education
New York Times, Sunday, February 23,1913, Page 13
So eugenics cuts across religions, master race beliefs and agendas weren't just the stuff of Nazi's.
Epstein was an ardent Eugenicist. It's what drove his sexual exploitation along with those around him, supporting him. Epstein saved his sperm in labs in order to impregnate as many women as he could who fit his idea of the perfect genetic fit for his sperm. His targets were young women recently passing into puberty who could act as his baby factories. He wanted hundreds, thousands of his progeny to populate the planet. Was an admirer of Genghis Khan for his large contributions to the human gene pool.
His most frequent visitors were brilliant scientists, evolutionary genetic design, viral evolution, game theory mathematics, the biological sciences, microbiological sciences, computer sciences, AI, climate science, geoengineering, senior corporate executives, political leaders, propaganda and psychology - he himself became so proficient a hobbyist at psychology that he was brought on to teach psychology as a professor at Harvard, lacking any formal education in the field. And this was while he was funding leading eugenics researchers, like George Church at Harvard and other cohorts at nearby MIT.
That was the brains side of his ideal gene pool. On the looks side his most frequent visitors were supermodels, singers, actresses, other beautiful and glamorous starlets. His goal was to develop the best looking, smartest directed genetic design population possible, which he believed he was an essential part of. The AI revolution, transhumanism, social credit systems, all of these hazards we see ahead were desirable components of a future he was working towards. And was helping to build. The pandemic itself, mandates and protocols it set off were within the bailiwick of his research and network connections he was in the center of building. There's no way his work, when you look at who was in his long-ago released little black book was a coincidence to what we see being radically transformed across the globe. And I submit to readers who choose to research those names in his little black book (not the court case depositions being re-released today) that the real reason Epstein didn't kill himself has less to do with the sexual violations and depredations against minors, and more to do with his connection to the Fascist/Marxist/Oligarch/Technocrat attempted takeover of mankind we are attempting to fight against today. The sex aspect of the Epstein story is a distraction from the real threat that his loose lips posed to the real agendas of the powerful sociopaths attacking humanity today.
His life was also inextricably linked to the lives of our very real oppressors today, the ones who are seeking to exterminate most of humanity and leave the rest behind in a dystopian future serving a master race. The very same people who hate Deplorables, Bitter Clingers, Ultra MAGA for daring to stand against them, their nightmarish dreams.
The pedophilia angle is a side-show. Whatever is released from the Epstein files that satisfies the prurient disgust rubbernecker interests is a distraction and diversion from the most important information to be gleaned from them. Master race designs of the wealthy, privileged elite. His Black Book is filled with the brilliant minds and power players who plan on being our masters. Don't be satisfied with the distraction. Use it to dig deeper. Like into the names in the 1913 Rockefeller play VIP invite. Like the names in Epstein's little Black Book, who are they really, beyond perverts?
You need to focus. Epstein had some moments when he thought of populating a tribe with what he considered trailer park trash women. That personal peccadillo was hardly eugenics and had nothing at all to do with the fundamental basis of his pedo grooming organization. Its purpose was blackmail of the rich and influential, as related to District Attorney Alex Acosta, for a certain "intel organization". Epstein was a multifaceted person, most probably a Mossad construct and had many interests and obsessions. What makes him unique is his founding of the long-lasting pedo rape organization aiming at intel gathering and involving
harems of more than 100 mostly underage kids (there was apparently one underage boy for one particular client).
No doubt that's part of it. BUT, we have to ask what is the goal and purpose of the blackmail? Just for individual gain? For power itself? Nah. That's not unifying enough for such a large syndicate to remain cohesive. For focus the agenda that unifies them must be discerned.
This crowd of 'elite, more sophisticated' rulers are the product of life long, hereditary agendas, passed down by their family line eugenic control and reordering of the world. Master race stuff. A belief they truly are better than the rest of us, born leaders (rulers). The US/UK inspired Hitler's eugenics, was often cited and referred to by the Nazi regime. Germany didn't go from basket case to glistening autobahns, technological and manufacturing superiority on its own. All of that was funded and financed by US/UK bankers and industrialists. Who were ALL ardent eugenicists.
This old story tells a great deal. Both subject and the VIP's attending it. Story is about eugenics. Involving Rockefeller, Bernays and a fascinating list of VIPs at a eugenics play in 1913:
Choosing Audience for Brieux Play
JD Rockefeller, Jr Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation
Social Workers Approve
Think the Drama Will Impress the Moral of Eugenics - Proceeds for Education
New York Times, Sunday, February 23,1913, Page 13
"White Slavery" was the term for human trafficking, prostitution. The objective of the play was to stop wealthy men of privileged genes from sleeping around with lower class women, breeding with them. No mixing of the high class gene pools with lower classes. Eugenics. Population control. "Evolutionary Design."
But the real story in this is who the VIP's are. And when you start cross-referencing who Epstein's contacts, visitors and largest funders were you'll see the pattern emerge right in front of your nose. Focus. Yes, getting wealthy and powerful people compromised is a component. But not sufficient. It's not like they didn't know they'd become compromised by visiting Lolita island, especially after his first conviction. They went back. They had an agenda. They could buy and sell little boys and girls the world over with much less attention and exposure to compromising positions than taking Epstein's offerings.
JD Rockefeller.
- State Senator Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
- Edward Bernays, father of modern propaganda, advertising. Both Joseph Goebbels and Madison Avenue, informed by his teachings. Coined the phrase "quack medicine" to discredit natural healers. Successfully.
- Simon and Abraham Flexner. Authors of the "Flexner Report." Used by legislators and congress to criminalize natural healers, put natural healing schools out of business, asserted allopathic (western) medicine as the only real "evidence-based" healing, effectively killing homeopathy, herbalism and naturopathy:
- Rabbi Stephen S Wise. He is an enigma. He was the Jesse Jackson of American Jewry in the first half of the 20th century. A Zionist who's early work to establish a Jewish homeland in the British Palestine Mandate eventually led to the establishment of the State of Israel. He was FDR's most senior Jewish influencer. Did a lot of good for Jews. But...he also was who helped conceal the true horrors of the Holocaust from FDR and the public, and opposed efforts to expose it. I found this Wikipedia write up on him interesting. Particularly the section "Criticism":
And Rabbi Wise was an ardent eugenicist. One of the early faith leaders to advance it. As highlighted in the following book link. It's not to say that Rabbi Wise supported the Holocaust. But it shows how even Jews can co-author their own holocaust with their grandiose ideas about "fixing" mankind:
Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement
"She specifically documents how Protestant, Jewish, and a limited number of Catholic religious leaders contributed to making American eugenics the foremost eugenics movement in the world by the 1920s and sought the creation of a 'good society" in America by means of those methods that the eugenics movement advocated: sterilization, immigration restriction, incarceration, intelligence testing, and statistical analysis applied to the racial/ethnic/genetic backgrounds of families."
"The American eugenics movement became the model used by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, who turned their zealousness for eugenics as the means of preserving the health of the nation into, first, the murder of the disabled, and, subsequently, the brutalization and murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children in the final solution."
Both Rabbi Leon Harrison of Temple Israel in St. Louis and Rabbi Stephen Wise publicly expressed opposition to intermarriage, but some Reform rabbis objected. The advocates of intermarriage did not view Jews as a race, while the opponents did (pp. 106-7). In 1915, Rabbi Max Reichler (1886-1957) wrote an essay seeking to reconcile the divergent views and reconcile Judaism with eugenics."
"Rabbi Wise subsequently followed Rabbi Reichler s lead in seeking accommodation (pp. 108-9). In the same way that Protestants and some Catholics had come to support eugenics, Jews also came to be numbered among the advocates of the movement in the early twentieth century."
- William J Schieffelin - Descendant of John Jay, first Supreme Court Chief Justice of the US. Family owned the oldest pharmaceutical company in the US, headed up early Big Pharma trade association. Eugenicist:
- Abraham Jacobl, the first leading pediatrician, president of the American Medical Association. and a leading eugenicist:
- Paul U Kellogg - another enigma. He is the father of the modern "Social Justice" movement. And supported eugenics. But it's hard to reconcile with his work to help blacks and other minorities. I suppose someone can be a eugenicist without being a racist. Just get rid of the undesirables, disabled, antisocials without regard to race?:
- Yale University Civics Club. Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush was a student at Yale in 1913. And had been president of his high school civics club in 1912. His family was already tight with the Rockefeller's, his father, Samuel Bush, worked for Frank Rockefeller, John D Rockefeller's brother. Prescott Bush was a eugenicist, who was also "Hitler's Banker." And was one of the six Yale students in attendance.
- Mrs. W K Vanderbilt. Aka Anne Harriman who married into the Vanderbilt railroad dynasty. Daughter of Oliver Harriman, from a railroad tycoon family himself, handled the finances, went into banking. Brother of Edward Harriman. Partner in bank Prescott Bush worked for as "Hitler's Banker."
Of note, another invitee, sponsor was the American Society on Medical Sociology.
Medical Sociology. Are you familiar with it? Obama's top advisor Valerie Jarrett is.
"Medical Sociology.":
"Medical sociology may be traced back to the late 1800s in terms of intellectual development. Sociology and allopathic medicine, two embryonic sciences, began to make contact in modest but major ways in the late 19th century." [and the "science" of Eugenics]
Medical Sociology is also tied to Marxist "Conflict Theory":
And Medical Sociology gave rise to an organization, "Association of Internes and Medical Students," that was disbanded and scattered to other medical sociology movements after it was associated with the Red Scare during the McCarthy Anti-Communist hearings:
"Association of Internes and Medical Students": (AIMS)
AIMS helped midwife Disease Politics:
Valerie Jarrett, long time top advisor to Barack Obama, deemed The other side of Obama's brain," her father was a leading member of AIMS. And a eugenicist:
This is the foundation of the medical tyranny and forced uptake of gene therapy cocktails the world over, "Medical Sociology," a Marxist system of controlling a population using health policy. Next comment will highlight some of Epstein's eugenics/medical tyranny connections.
rom Epstein's black book/flight logs:
Bill Gates, Leon Black, Thomas Pritzker: One Day in the Life of Jeffrey Epstein
Wall Street Journal, May 4, 2023
Newly Unsealed Documents Expose Plaskett's Email Soliciting Epstein's Contributions and Extending Fundraiser Invitation
Virgin Islands Consortium, June 17, 2023
'Grateful for his support': Dem Congresswoman Courted Espstein to Attend Fundraiser, Emails Show
Daily Caller, June 22, 2023
Names and bios from Epstein's Black Book and Flight Logs:
John Brockman
John Brockman (born February 16, 1941) is an American literary agent and author specializing in scientific literature. He established the Edge Foundation, an organization that brings together leading edge thinkers across a broad range of scientific and technical fields.
He led a scientific salon for 20 years, asking an annual question to a host of renowned scientists and publishing their answers in book form,[3] which he decided to symbolically close down in 2018.[4]
He is an editor of
In an interview with Prince Andrew dated November 17, 2019, BBC reporter Emily Maitlis mentioned that both Andrew and John Brockman attended an intimate dinner at child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion to celebrate Epstein’s release from prison for charges which stemmed from at least one decade of child sex trafficking.[7]
Andrew’s presence at Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion was corroborated by Brockman himself, in emails published in an October 2019 New Republic report. The story suggested that Brockman was the “intellectual enabler” of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier who died in August 2019 while again awaiting trial on charges related to sex trafficking.[8]
Brockman's famous literary dinners—held during the TED Conference—were, for a number of years after Epstein’s conviction, almost entirely funded by Epstein as documented in his annual tax filings.[9] This allowed Epstein to mingle with scientists, startup icons and tech billionaires.
(1973) "Afterwords: Explorations of the Mystical Limits of Contemporary Reality"
(1988) Doing Science: The Reality Club
(1995) The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution
(1996) Digerati: Encounters with the Cyber Elite
(1996) How Things Are: A Science Tool-Kit for the Mind (edited by John Brockman and Katinka Matson), Harper Perennial
(2002) The Next Fifty Years: Science in the First Half of the Twenty-First Century
(2003) The New Humanists: Science at the Edge
(2004) Curious Minds: How a Child becomes a Scientist (edited by John Brockman), New York: Pantheon Books
(2006) What We Believe but Cannot Prove: Today's Leading Thinkers on Science in the Age of Certainty
(2006) Intelligent Thought: Science Versus the Intelligent Design Movement
(2007) What Is Your Dangerous Idea?: Today's Leading Thinkers on the Unthinkable
(2007) What Are You Optimistic About?: Today's Leading Thinkers on Why Things Are Good and Getting Better
(2009) What Have You Changed Your Mind About?: Today's Leading Minds Rethink Everything. 150 high-powered thinkers discuss their most telling missteps and reconsiderations with Alan Alda, Brian Eno, Ray Kurzweil, Irene Pepperberg, Steven Pinker, Lisa Randall etc.
(2009) This Will Change Everything: Ideas That Will Shape the Future (with Patrick Bateson, Oliver Morton, Stephen Schneider, Stewart Brand, Brian Eno, K. Eric Drexler, and others)
(2011) Culture: Leading Scientists Explore Societies, Art, Power, and Technology
(2011) "Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?: The Net's Impact on Our Minds and Future"
(2012) "This Will Make You Smarter: New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking"
(2013) "This Explains Everything: Deep, Beautiful, and Elegant Theories of How the World Works"
(2014) "What Should We Be Worried About?: The Hidden Threats Nobody Is Talking About"
(2015) "This Idea Must Die: Scientific Theories that are Blocking Progress"
(2015) "What to Think About Machines That Think: Today's Leading Thinkers on the Age of Machine Intelligence"
(2016) "Know This: Today's Most Interesting and Important Scientific Ideas, Discoveries, and Developments"
(2017) "This Idea is Brilliant: Lost, Overlooked, and Underappreciated Scientific Concepts Everyone Should Know"
(2019) Possible Minds: Twenty-Five Ways of Looking at AI (edited by John Brockman)
Make sure you read the money line at the end of this guy's bio!:
Robert Trivers
Robert Ludlow "Bob" Trivers (/ˈtrɪvərz/; born February 19, 1943) is an American evolutionary biologist and sociobiologist. Trivers proposed the theories of reciprocal altruism (1971), parental investment (1972), facultative sex ratio determination (1973), and parent–offspring conflict (1974). He has also contributed by explaining self-deception as an adaptive evolutionary strategy (first described in 1976) and discussing intragenomic conflict.[2]
Trivers was awarded the 2007 Crafoord Prize in Biosciences for "his fundamental analysis of social evolution, conflict and cooperation".[6][7]
Trivers met Huey P. Newton, Chairman of the Black Panther Party, in 1978 when Newton applied while in prison to do a reading course with Trivers as part of a graduate degree in History of Consciousness at UC Santa Cruz.[8] Trivers and Newton became close friends: Newton was godfather to one of Trivers's daughters.[9] Trivers joined the Black Panther Party in 1979.[10] Trivers and Newton published an analysis of the role of self-deception by the flight crew in the crash of Air Florida Flight 90.[11] Trivers was "ex-communicated" from the Panthers by Newton in 1982 for "his own good."[12]
Trivers wrote the original foreword to Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene, in which Trivers first proposed his adaptive theory of self-deception. In the 2006 anniversary edition of The Selfish Gene, Dawkins wrote a new introduction in which he stated
Trivers is among the most influential evolutionary theorists alive today.[15] Steven Pinker considers Trivers to be "one of the great thinkers in the history of Western thought", who has:[16]
...inspired an astonishing amount of research and commentary in psychology and biology—the fields of sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, Darwinian social science, and behavioral ecology are in large part attempt to test and flesh out Trivers's ideas. It is no coincidence that E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology and Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene were published in 1975 and 1976 respectively, just a few years after Trivers's seminal papers. Both bestselling authors openly acknowledged that they were popularizing Trivers's ideas and the research they spawned. Likewise for the much-talked-about books on evolutionary psychology in the 1990s—The Adapted Mind, The Red Queen, Born to Rebel, The Origins of Virtue, The Moral Animal, and my own How the Mind Works. Each of these books is based in large part on Trivers's ideas and the explosion of research they inspired, involving dozens of animal species, mathematical and computer modeling, and human social and cognitive psychology.
Significant papers
Trivers, R. L. (1971). "The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism". The Quarterly Review of Biology. 46 (1): 35–57. doi:10.1086/406755. JSTOR 2822435. S2CID 19027999.
Trivers, R. L. (1972) Parental investment and sexual selection. In B. Campbell (Ed.) Sexual selection and the descent of man, 1871-1971 (pp 136–179). Chicago, Aldine.
Trivers, RL; Willard, DE (1973). "Natural selection of parental ability to vary the sex ratio of offspring". Science. 179 (4068): 90–2. Bibcode:1973Sci...179...90T. doi:10.1126/science.179.4068.90. JSTOR 1734960. PMID 4682135. S2CID 29326420.
Trivers, R. L. (1974). "Parent-Offspring Conflict". American Zoologist. 14 (1): 249–264. doi:10.1093/icb/14.1.249.
Trivers, R. L.; Hare, H. (1976). "Haploidploidy and the evolution of the social insect". Science. 191 (4224): 249–63. Bibcode:1976Sci...191..249T. doi:10.1126/science.1108197. PMID 1108197.
Trivers, R. L. (1991) Deceit and self-deception: The relationship between communication and consciousness. In: M. Robinson and L. Tiger (eds.) Man and Beast Revisited, Smithsonian, Washington, DC, pp. 175–191.
Trivers, R. L. (1985) Social Evolution. Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA.
Trivers, R. L. (2002) Natural Selection and Social Theory: Selected Papers of Robert L. Trivers. (Evolution and Cognition Series) Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-19-513062-6
Burt, A. & Trivers, R. L. (2006) Genes in Conflict : The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements. Belknap Press, Harvard. ISBN 0-674-01713-7
Trivers R, Palestis BG, Zaatari D. (2009) The Anatomy of a Fraud: Symmetry and Dance TPZ Publishers ISBN 978-0-615-28756-0
Trivers R (2011) The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life Basic Books ISBN 978-0-465-02755-2
Trivers R (2015) Wild Life: Adventures of an Evolutionary Biologist. Plympton. ISBN 978-1938972126
Trivers believes that girls mature earlier than in the past. He writes “By the time they’re 14 or 15, they’re like grown women were 60 years ago".
Now THIS guy is a biggie! Connected to PCR test scam and all sorts of medical tyranny nastiness!
Joe Pagano
The Talented Mr. Epstein
Vanity Fair, March 1, 2003
Joe Pagano, an Aspen-based venture capitalist, who has known Epstein since before his Bear Stearns days, can’t say enough nice things: “I have a boy who’s dyslexic, and Jeffrey’s gotten close to him over the years…. Jeffrey got him into music. He bought him his first piano. And then as he got to school he had difficulty … in studying … so Jeffrey got him interested in taking flying lessons.”
Sentigen Holding Corp
Main Industry
Real Estate
Headquarters: 445 Marshall St, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 08865, United States
Sentigen Holding Profile and History
Sentigen Holding Corp. conducts business through two wholly-owned operating subsidiaries: Sentigen Biosciences, Inc. ("Sentigen Biosciences") and Cell & Molecular Technologies, Inc. ("CMT"). As previously disclosed in a press release dated September 1, 2006, we entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") with Invitrogen Corporation ("Invitrogen"), a Delaware corporation, and Arctic Fox Acquisition Corporation, a Delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Invitrogen ("Merger Sub") on August 31, 2006. A special meeting of the stockholders of Sentigen is scheduled for November 14, 2006 to consider and vote upon a proposal to adopt the Merger Agreement. CMT provides contract research and development services to companies engaged in the drug discovery process in the following areas: molecular and cell biology, gene expression and protein biochemistry, bio-processing, high throughput screening support services, mouse genetics, and cell-based GPCR selectivity profiling. CMT works in cooperation with Sentigen Biosciences to commercialize specific applications of the Tango(TM) Assay System. Sentigen Biosciences has been primarily engaged in the development and commercialization of novel bioassay systems that elucidate the underlying biology of protein-protein interactions. Sentigen Biosciences has initially targeted its Tango(TM) Assay System to address the functionalization of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for pharmaceutical drug discovery and development. Sentigen Biosciences is devoting a significant portion of its research effort and resources to the development of a novel molecular profiling system, which the Company through CMT is commercializing. Management intends to continually review the commercial validity of the Tango(TM) Assay System, its applicability to functionalizing orphan GPCRs and the prospects of our new novel molecular profiling system in order to make the appropriate decisions as to the best way to allocate our limited resources. While we believe our ...
Invitrogen is one of several brands under the Thermo Fisher Scientific corporation. The product line includes various subbrands of biotechnology products, such as machines and consumables for polymerase chain reaction, reverse transcription, cloning, culturing, stem cell production, cell therapy, regenerative medicine, immunotherapy, transfection, DNA/RNA purification, diagnostic tests, antibodies, and immunoassays.
The predecessor corporation was Invitrogen Corporation (formerly traded as Nasdaq: IVGN), headquartered in Carlsbad, California. In 2008, a merger between Applied Biosystems and Invitrogen[1] was finalized, creating Life Technologies. The latter was acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2014.
Invitrogen was founded in 1987 by Lyle Turner, Joe Fernandez, and William McConnell and was incorporated in 1989. The company initially found success with its kits for molecular cloning—notably, The Librarian, a kit for making cDNA libraries, and the FastTrack Kit for mRNA isolation from biological samples.
William McConnell left the company in 1989.
In 1999, the company, which had reached sales of $33 million the prior year, went public, with a plan of consolidating biotechnology research boutique suppliers. The company had become quite successful at licensing technologies into its niche market, of cloning and expression, but determined that many niche leaders were not interested in licensing, and M&A needed to be added to the company's set of tools for growth.
Mergers and acquisitions
Invitrogen acquired NOVEX, in cloned protein characterization, within 60 days of going public. In December 1999, it purchased Research Genetics, Inc.,[2] a leader in genomics and synthetic DNA chemistry, becoming a $100 million (annual sales) company within a year of its IPO.
The business scope expanded significantly when it acquired the rival biotechnology and cell culture company Life Technologies in 2000; Life had been formed in 1983 when GIBCO (Grand Island Biological Company) which had been founded around 1960 in New York, merged with a reagent company called Bethesda Research Laboratories. The company continued to add technologies through a series of mergers and acquisitions, which broadened its customer base and strengthened its intellectual property portfolio. Among these, established companies such as Ethrog Biotechnology, Molecular Probes (fluorescence-based detection), Dynal (magnetic bead–based separation), Panvera (proteins and assays for drug screening), InforMax (software for computational biology and bioinformatics), BioSource (cellular pathway analysis), CellzDirect (cell products and services for research) and Zymed and Caltag Laboratories (primary and secondary antibodies) have been brought under the Invitrogen brand.[3] Invitrogen acquired Sequitur in 2003 to obtain Sequitur's proprietary Stealth(TM) RNAi technology.
In 2008, Invitrogen virtually doubled its size with the purchase of biotech instrumentation company Applied Biosystems, maker of DNA sequencing and PCR machines and reagents. The company then renamed the overall organization as Life Technologies. The Invitrogen brand and most of the brands acquired still exist on product packaging, although the overall company is called Life Technologies. In summer 2010, the company acquired the computer chip DNA sequencing company Ion Torrent Systems. Through this history of acquisitions and continued product research and development, Invitrogen / Life Technologies had over 50,000 products.
Key products and technologies
Utilizing this business strategy, Invitrogen represented a large number of products: Dynabeads magnetic separation technology, GIBCO cell culture media and reagents, SuperScript reverse transcriptase, Platinum Taq polymerase, TOPO cloning and expression products, Novex protein electrophoresis products, and numerous fluorescent reagents such as Qdot nanocrystals, Alexa Fluor, DyLight, RiboGreen and SYBR dyes. Invitrogen currently offers more than 25,000 products and services to support research in cellular analysis, genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery, and seeks to address research problems in developing fields, including biodefense and environmental diagnostics, bioinformatics, epigenetics, and stem cell research.
Innovation and impact
Under a contract from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the company developed a prototype hand-held pathogen detection system for the detection of multiple toxins such as ricin, staphylococcal enterotoxin, and botulinum toxin, as well as bacteria that cause anthrax, plague, and other diseases, in a single sample.[4] Invitrogen was also awarded a contract to provide kits for detecting possible E. coli O157 contamination in food at the 2008 Summer Olympcics in Beijing, China.[citation needed] The monitoring program, based on World Health Organization food standards, is conducted by the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Olympic Food Safety program. Similarly, the company's PathAlert technology was selected to monitor Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of the plague, at the Torino Winter Games in 2006. Their Qubit platform for RNA, DNA, and protein quantitation was awarded an R&D 100 Award as being a "Top 100 Technologically Significant New Product" by R&D Magazine.[5]
Invitrogen developed and introduced stem cell products. Among more than 1,200 products for stem cell research, the company offered an engineered stem cell line (BG01v/hOG) and various STEMPRO products for manual passaging of human embryonic stem cells (hESC), to promote hESC growth and expansion, and to allow scientists to ascertain hESC pluripotency.[6]
Gerald Edelman
Gerald Maurice Edelman (/ˈɛdəlmən/; July 1, 1929 – May 17, 2014) was an American biologist who shared the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for work with Rodney Robert Porter on the immune system.[1] Edelman's Nobel Prize-winning research concerned discovery of the structure of antibody molecules.[2] In interviews, he has said that the way the components of the immune system evolve over the life of the individual is analogous to the way the components of the brain evolve in a lifetime. There is a continuity in this way between his work on the immune system, for which he won the Nobel Prize, and his later work in neuroscience and in philosophy of mind.
After a year at the Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, Edelman became a resident at the Massachusetts General Hospital; he then practiced medicine in France while serving with US Army Medical Corps.[4] In 1957, Edelman joined the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research as a graduate fellow, working in the laboratory of Henry Kunkel and receiving a Ph.D. in 1960.[4] The institute made him the assistant (later associate) dean of graduate studies; he became a professor at the school in 1966.[4] In 1992, he moved to California and became a professor of neurobiology at The Scripps Research Institute.[7]
After his Nobel prize award, Edelman began research into the regulation of primary cellular processes, particularly the control of cell growth and the development of multi-celled organisms, focusing on cell-to-cell interactions in early embryonic development and in the formation and function of the nervous system. These studies led to the discovery of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), which guide the fundamental processes that help an animal achieve its shape and form, and by which nervous systems are built. One of the most significant discoveries made in this research is that the precursor gene for the neural cell adhesion molecule gave rise in evolution to the entire molecular system of adaptive immunity.[8]
For his efforts, Edelman was an elected member of both the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1968) and the American Philosophical Society (1977).[9][10]
Nobel Prize
While in Paris serving in the Army, Edelman read a book that sparked his interest in antibodies.[11] He decided that, since the book said so little about antibodies, he would investigate them further upon returning to the United States, which led him to study physical chemistry for his 1960 Ph.D.[11] Research by Edelman and his colleagues and Rodney Robert Porter in the early 1960s produced fundamental breakthroughs in the understanding of the antibody's chemical structure, opening a door for further study.[12] For this work, Edelman and Porter shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1972.[1]
In its Nobel Prize press release in 1972, the Karolinska Institutet lauded Edelman and Porter's work as a major breakthrough:
The impact of Edelman's and Porter's discoveries is explained by the fact that they provided a clear picture of the structure and mode of action of a group of biologically particularly important substances. By this they laid a firm foundation for truly rational research, something that was previously largely lacking in immunology. Their discoveries represent clearly a break-through that immediately incited a fervent research activity the whole world over, in all fields of immunological science, yielding results of practical value for clinical diagnostics and therapy.[13]
Theory of consciousness
See also: Secondary consciousness
In his later career, Edelman was noted for his theory of consciousness, documented in a trilogy of technical books and in several subsequent books written for a general audience, including Bright Air, Brilliant Fire (1992),[18][19] A Universe of Consciousness (2001, with Giulio Tononi), Wider than the Sky (2004) and Second Nature: Brain Science and Human Knowledge (2007).
In Second Nature Edelman defines human consciousness as:
"... what you lose on entering a dreamless deep sleep ... deep anesthesia or coma ... what you regain after emerging from these states. [The] experience of a unitary scene composed variably of sensory responses ... memories ... situatedness ..."
The first of Edelman's technical books, The Mindful Brain (1978),[20] develops his theory of Neural Darwinism, which is built around the idea of plasticity in the neural network in response to the environment. The second book, Topobiology (1988),[21] proposes a theory of how the original neuronal network of a newborn's brain is established during development of the embryo. The Remembered Present (1990)[22] contains an extended exposition of his theory of consciousness.
Alan, what the hell is holding this up?
I know the some of the answer. It is Alan and AIPAC and an intel organization.
I agree with you completely but I don’t believe it will happen. Technically question: is there a statute of limitations on this?
NOT FOR WHAT HE CAN CRIMINALLY BE ACCUSED OF. That is possibly the reason the Epstein Estate is giving out cash in return for Non-Disclosure Agreements.
I saw an interview w/Epstein’s brother and he didn’t say anything about protecting Epstein accomplices.
It was on Patrick Bet David' podcast. It appears Mark Epstein has nothing to do with the executors of the Epstein Estate who are doling out money for Non-disclosure agreements. BTW Bet David remarked afterwards that his impression was that Mark, the brother, was also a Mossad agent/construct. It is noteworthy that Mark who has ostensibly made lots of money in NY real estate is heavily involved in UN and other internationally affiliated groups and organizations. Because of the cover-up, we can only wonder. Especially wondering why there is a cover-up when the crime is way over the top pedophilia.activity on American kids. There has been no evidence or even ground speculation that Mark, regardless of eventual intel connections, was involved in the pedo operation.
I saw an interview with Mark. It didn't seem they were close. He is suing about the quality of investigation in his death.
Are you saying there is no statute of limitations on criminal acts? I. Believe murder may be the only one.
Murder is one.There is some rumor about a couple of underage kids dying in Epstein mansions, perhaps from Epstein staff administered drug overdoes but no probative evidence has been uncovered, Some child death would not be surprising since the Epstein organization groomed over 200 children over at least a decade and a half. If the evidence exists, then the cover-up keeps it secret. No male sexual pedophile predator, among a total of over 100, has ever been criminally indicted. An indictment might loosen tongues so they tell about what Dersh and Epstein did and relate the torture the girls were threatened with or experienced, not least when serially raped. Dersh as Epstein's attorney for a generation would presumably know about the skeletons in the closets, but of course he says nothing at all about the pedo organization. Omerta.
I looked this up a while ago in the FLA and NY criminal statute books: Pedophilia activity is exempted from the Statute of Limitations in NY and Florida, both States being a situs for the Epstein-Dershowitz connection. Dersh has and had at relevant periods of time luxury residences in both States. Federal sex trafficking interstate however appear as a starting point time-barred but the existence of the comprehensive cover-up, the magnitude and chutzpah of the pedo rapes and the payment of massive hush money to obstruct findings of a trial may be enough obstruction to make an exception.
Dersh got full immunity for four named (names sealed from public disclosure) Epstein co-conspirators who helped with grooming and controlling the underage girls. That immunity was subsequently voided due to conflict with the federal Victims Right Act, but the four have not spoken out publicly about what went on in the Epstein mansions or Dershowitz's roles and activities .
Yes. When I looked at state statutes I saw the same. Federal statutes are not much better. How did Ghislaine Maxwell not get some immunity?
She did not want immunity. She told her family she did nothing wrong. Jeffrey thought she was totally unrealistic and self-destructive. But because she did not want immunity, Dershowitz did not press for it.
With help from a group of fellow ideological travellers, Dersh pressed for and amazingly received FULL SECRET IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION FOR ANY AND ALL EVENTUAL CRIMES RELATED TO PARTICIPATION IN OR ACTIVITIES WITH THE EPSTEIN PEDO ORGANIZATION.(officially a "non-prosecution agreement") for himself and four Epstein co-conspirators, NOT INCLUDING GHISLAINE.. Why do you suppose Derh pressed so hard for immunity for himself if he acted only as attorney?
How did Dersh win the immunities? A disgraced Acosta explained he was subjected to inhuman pressure (!) and was eventually told to "lay off" because the Epstein pedo grooming organization was an "intel operation". Acosta was promoted from D.A. to Secretary of Labor in the first Trump Administration on the recommendation of Florida lawmakers. He lasted one month. The secret immunities were exposed. by the Miami Herald. Pro bono attorney David Bois filed a civil lawsuit for Virginia Roberts against Dersh. A Federal Court voided the immunities, taking notice of relevant criticism from the Florida Bar and a special investigator report from the DOJ. This means Dersh and the four co-conspirators no longer are immune from prosecution, yet they have not been indicted yet. Acosta resigned in 2016 following massive criticism and left public life. and became a virtual hermit.
Jeffrey was furious with Dersh after the non-prosecution agreement was issued for not including Ghislaine.. He railed about Dersh's incompetence. It seemed like the spiritual twins were splitting, Lennon and McCartney-like. Ghislaine went on to call Roberts publicly a "liar", following Dershowitz' example. Bois sued Ghislaine for the libel and obtained the depositions which in December 2023 were released as Epstein documents, naming many people associated with Epstein, including Dershowitz 137 times. Ghislaine settled the case, paying a reported USD 2 million. She was criminally indicted---the ONLY person of the hundreds of predators to be indicted, refused to cooperate as a witness against anyone in the Epstein organization, and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
I remember Robert Maxwell dying. I repossessed a brand new Gulfstream for GE. Her father’s past dealings may have influenced her path.
That may be crux of the delay.
If there is, it better be a mother fucking good one, and I’n not accepting some fucking statutory bullshit.
You have an admirable Luigi attitude but i probably would get in trouble if I disclosed you-know-who's address. Let's still give the Law a STILL ANOTHER chance to deal with the pedo organization, its enablers and its participants. Maybe we will be surprised to find the American Legal System is less corrupt than expected. Maybe Trump is signalling this attack on the corruption.
Mr. DERSHOWITZ PLEASE CONTACT ME. I gave information in a blackmailing scheme to doj/nsa in 1992. I was questioned about you and told them that you were being set up/targeted by your peers and that you were completely not a predator. I even told them guiffre was pathological liar. They had me make an audio tape recording of the information exchanged in the plea agreement signed by John Bash in 1992. This recording can be obtained by requesting it from the oig nsa. The FBI also signed off on the transport papers and waiving of extradition. I was only 19 and it was a bad time for me in St. Louis. I still told the truth and I assured them you were never predatory on any way. I officially stated that you were innocent and that you were being targeted by your peers. It looks like they classified this information and went after you without any cause. I'm sorry but this is your chance to find out what really happened and completely clear your name. Contact me sir. Hurry. Thanks allison huxtable 405-423-7638. Anytime.
Lots of doubts and uncertainties with this. Is Allison real? Does "she" live i West Africa? What was her relationship with Virginia Roberts? What experience did they share? What is her basis for classifying Roberts a a"pathological liar". Is she aiming to get money from Dersh? Was she also an underage chlld victim of rape, If so, by whom? If not, how did she know Roberts. What was her relationship to any other children accusing Dersh of pedo rape? Has she had qualified therapy for post traumatic stress? Is she in denial? The situs is problematic. The Epstein pedo Ring did not operate in St.Louis. Who is John Bash? Father to Dana Bash? How does one expect to get recordings fro the NSA, and why would they be there? Allison writes as if she had an overview of the Epstein pedo operation rather than that of just a frog i a well. Was she an Epstein co-conspirator, one of those for whom Dersh secured an illegal secret immunity? It appear he was arrested in connection wit extradition. Why? Did he have enough of a relationship with Dersh to "know" he was never "predatory" at any time? How did she even know Dersh?
Bondi: “Hold that thought while I….”
The allegations were categorically false !! Very theatrical live interview of you setting the record straight....that's when I became a fan
Professor. Your show on Wed. did not post. So, we cannot view it. Please have your son attend to that. Thanks!
This quote and others like it from your article makes me think the current DOJ is concerned about potential liability for disclosing such information “Those who have been accused — whether falsely or truthfully — include some of the most prominent people in the world”. I don’t care about the class of people involved; that’s irrelevant.
Is there substantial legal risk to the DOJ if they indiscriminately release information like this? Could that explain their caution?