Circumstances in Trumps case verses Bidens are completely different. While Trump did not commit treason Biden has. They accused Trump of quit pro quo. Biden actually did state either he gets what he wants or they don’t get the money. That is a clear example demanding of a country for a gain. Biden is the big man in a money laundering operation, Trump was not. While I respect your opinion I think that many are missing certain points. Treason, Biden has sold us to the WHO. He has sold us to China which is very apparent and has given China free rein. COVID mandates that is a crime against humanity and not even you said anything about it. All this money to Ukraine, well if we didn’t have labs over there and used them on the people then there would be no war. Putin said. He’s tired of his people dying at the hands of genocide. You haven’t said a word about the genocide that is happening here. You as an attorney fail to stand up for international law. Numerberg is an international law that China and the US need to be held accountable for. Our own people our own government played god with. Bacterial pneumonia is curable and this country deliberately hurt so many.

So between the denial of the Constitution and international law, the genocide forced vaccinations etc. this imposter of a so called president that STOLE our vote. He needs to go and YOU need to represent America and not Bidens unlawful,vindictive craps he and many Dems are cramming down our throats

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The hard evidence that Biden ran a corrupt and criminal bribe and kick-back scheme for years is slowly accumulating. Millions flowing into his family coffers via a series of shell companies, questionable bank statements, incriminating emails and recordings, credible whistle blower testimony are being investigated by Congress. Eventually, all this evidence will be enough for an iron-clad Biden impeachment. The democrat controlled mainstream media is silent on this story.

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What we have seen so far is acceptance of massive bribes with the understanding that policies would then be influenced by then VP Biden and a massive conspiracy to prevent a legitimate investigation into where the bribes went. This makes Watergate look like small potatoes in comparrison both from the viewpoint of a prosecution for obstructiion of justice and impeachment for "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanor"

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Thank you for your thoughtful, and moderate responses. Always enjoy reading your view.

I agree with you. One should never impeach for political purposes. I think Biden is corrupt, but the evidence for impeachment has to be overwhelming. A few text messages is simply not enough. I have tremendous respect for Ted Cruz, your former student, and it appears he's taken a similar position. He's wants Biden to answer questions, questions that many Americans have about his prior "business dealings" but he's not calling for impeachment.

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Democrat. They're Democrats.

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Your consistency & commitment to following our Constitution is admired by this staunch conservative. You don’t let your political opinions sway your legal mind. I always look forward to your legal lessons.

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I'm just going to stop reading your posts. You disappoint me so much. Joe knows his son is getting money from other countries. Hell, no one can be that stupid. Hunter is getting millions because Hunter is using his dad. You can't even be that stupid. And to think you don't give a shit that our country is being sold to the highest bidder. FU. I loved you when I was a kid. You were probably always a commie.

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Biden needs to be impeached and executed for what he has done to this country. Plus he has committed treason whereas Trump did not....with Trump it was a witch hunt because he was exposing people....If you can’t see that Mr. Dershowitz than what good is your legal expertise. You have no objectivity at all. And maybe your elitist self has not been affected by all the evil of the Biden administration, yet. Do you even know what is truly going on? Or are you in your white elitist tower? There is something wrong here....It is probably that you took the vaccine and it has affected your brain cells..

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Seriously? You really think any of these scum ie Hunter will tell the truth under oath . ? He will say "oh I was high and bragging . My dad was not there'" All of these people Biden, Fred's, Harland . Need to go to prison and be removed from office . We will no longer follow u s laws or recognize these agencies . They all go free and they put common people in prison for speaking up at a school board meeting .

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Let the press do its job(hopefully) what we need is good investigative reporting and congressional oversight with witnesses, not knee-jerk impeachments.

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Democrats created this new political impeachment standard, and now Republicans can use it in exactly the same manner. However, starting with Garland may be a smarter path to Biden. If you put enough pressure on Garland, he could throw Biden under the bus and this thing is done. The problem with the Weiss thing is Bill Barr, the institutional protector, was partly responsible for that.

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It's been my understanding that the intent of...

Article II, Section 4:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

...is that a sitting President of the United States etc can only be impeached for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors that were committed while President of the United States not for things that the elected President etc did before being elected to that office. Now that I read Article II, Section 4 very very literally I'm not so sure that my original understanding was accurate since it does not implicitly state or imply that the Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors must be committed while in that elected office.

Mr. Dershowitz,

Are there other documents that clear up this intent.

For argument sake; let's say that well before being elected President of the United States that person actually committed murder or actually committed treason against the United States of America and these crimes only became known and provable after the person was elected to President, could Article II, Section 4 be used to remove that President from office thus allowing the criminal courts to prosecute the person?

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