It is also important to know who is funding the protests.

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Excellent article.....very courageous too.....thank you.....

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I say let them protest as well, but what about the silent reactions by those who believe in free speech? This is equally disturbing. I understand that government cannot compel speech and silence is as much a right as vocal speech. I’m stunned by this major silence and find myself suspicious of why freedom loving Americans wont speak up to the mobs threatening our Jewish brothers and sisters.

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Morality had no role to play with many Israel critics. Wolf Blitzer asked an Israeli spokesman if they knew there were lots of civilians in areas they bombed. No one asked Blitzer if he knew senior Hamas leaders were also present and whether it is forbidden to touch a hair on their head when they surround themselves with civilians.

Contrast with the first, 3 day, US attack on Fallujah, which did not warn residents to leave, let alone of impending strikes to specific buildings, fired unguided artillery into the city and left large numbers of dead. No record of Blitzer's insightful questions then?


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I agree.

Let the antisemites and bigots march.

Nikki, "mega moron", Haley -- apparently wants to arrest them for "hate speech", suddenly clinging to the same neo-marxist dogma she claims to detest.

Ron DeSantis wants to "ban" them from public schools.

And then, of course, there are the woke, post modernist gangsters in academy, hell-bent on the destruction of the republic, and lockean and kantian ethics more broadly.

We cannot allow either to create lists of speech. Once we permit these neo-apparatchiks the power to determine what is "hate" and what isn't, both parties will use it self servingly until we wont be able to say anything at all.

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Don't forget to ask who funds them or contributes to them?

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