Thank you for informing the public how radical DA Alvin Bragg is despite his actions letting go protesters who assaulted police, were guilty of hate crimes, and damaged the buildings at Columbia. This is election interference by keeping the illegal gag order especially after the court case is over! The Supreme court needs to have this case on their docket!

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All of this is election interference. Democrats are destroying democracy as they claim to be protecting democracy. Their entire platform is hypocritical anarcho-tyranny: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/biden-campaign-meme-lord-job-application

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This so called trial was a Stalnist show trial with a nonexistent legal charge, a biased judge, and jury instructions that failed to provide proper instructions to the jury on the issues of unanimity and the statutory requirement that they found that the prosecution proved every element of every offense beyond a reasonable doubt, The trial was a disgrace from its inception to the conviiction

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The gag order clearly violated the First Amendment and continues to do so.

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Federal, State Officials Aiding Criminal Misconduct, Corruption, Injustice and Sexual Abuse "Under Color of Law"

Eighty traffic stops in four years. Five robberies. Home invasion and death threats by armed Sheriff Deputies with AR-15s and shotguns pointed at my head and at my dog "Boomer's" head while two young children were mere feet away on a second floor. False arrest. False imprisonment.

Actionable evidence including recordings, documents, hundreds of witnesses contact information with no conflicts of interest esp. regarding crimes against children involving rape and abuse. Only EXTERNAL demands might drive long-overdue official accountability, investigation, oversight, an end to abuses, brutality, crimes of a community & local, State & Federal corruption that would shock most Americans. It sounds unbelievable, but is very much real in Wilmington N.C.

Though provided irrefutable almost certainly admissible evidence of criminal activities involving:

U.S. Department of Justice & F.B.I. involvement in extensive criminal misconduct by Corrupt North Carolina officials including sexual abuses of children, theft of Federal funds, lynching's, retaliatory murders, torture, violence & retribution against child victims, families & the few who have dared discuss horrific abuses suffered & retaliation by officials, prosecutors & bribed media.

This "Culture of Corruption," once pursued, is now Assisted, Protected by the U.S. DOJ, FBI USAO despite vast evidence & growing #s of victims of violent criminal acts that any remotely moral person would conclude:




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Which is why it's imperative that he, as a leader, must civilly disobey. Dare them to lock him up. It's not about him, it's about us. And if he obeys and they succeed in silencing him they will do the same against us. And what chance do we have to protect our free speech rights if they can silence as powerful a man as a former and hopeful president? We must not obey our way into tyranny.

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I don't think Trump needs to disobey the order, he just has to dance around it and ignore all the "convicted felon" attacks. He should take the high road and stick to the main kitchen table issues. This would make Biden look weak and ineffectual, and boost Trump poll numbers....like it has so far since the conviction. Biden's hate rhetoric is actually winning the election for Trump. Follow Reagan's good natured debates, make the other guy sweat and look angry.

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That tells us that we all should simply "dance around" our censorship and "take the high road" as we lose our free speech rights.


That's what people did in the USSR, East Germany, Nazi Germany, etc. They found euphemism and innuendo, metaphor to communicate against the tyrants. It's what is done in China. It's what is done wherever censorship gains the support acceptance of a majority of people who don't care enough about asserting their free speech rights to defy authorities.

Your suggested path forward is a surrendering of our First Amendment. Complete. There's no such thing as only a little less free speech. And under what future governing environment does free speech as known before innuendo, metaphor and euphemism get restored, become acceptable again.

These are rights that, once lost, are lost FOREVER. Don't kid yourself or others that it could be any other way. Either free speech. The First Amendment is the hill to die in or it's not. And if it's not then we will never be free again.

Free speech isn't something that demands we be more clever than the tyrants. It's our right, or it isn't and we are oppressed subjects and slaves.

And Trump, like him or not, is the best positioned person to reclaim our UNFETTERED free speech. The FIRST Amendment for a reason. Nothing as important for freedom. If he complies then our free speech rights are effectively dead. And so is our freedom. That big a deal.

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It is likely that during the debate President Biden will call Mr. Trump a “convicted felon.”

Let him; Pres. Trump can say, with no violation of any "gag" order, "At least I was deemed competent enough to stand trial."

The Democrats have turned our elections into trench warfare, which requires elimination of the enemy by any means available, regardless of the long term effects. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a brain eating amoeba, that continues to eat away at parts of the brain that recognizes fair play, honesty and common sense.

Bragg and Merchan have soiled the American justice system, mutating it beyond recognition, all for the sake of an election and one party. They have effectively burned the Constitution.

I can dread what fraudulent activities they have planned for the upcoming election.

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Another substack atty wrote today about SCOTUS review of an old law, Ehrlicher in regard to sentencing requirements for defendants who have sentence guidelines raised due to a secondary crime increasing the lower crime. SCOTUS ruled on this years ago. A jury must be unanimous in finding beyond a reasonable doubt, the predicate crime. Without such, it would be conviction of 34 misdemeanors.

This article was primarily about J6 defendants ( which it does not apply to). He promised to rewrite it tomorrow. Long day in court.

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While Trump may have "one hand tied behind his back by a questionable gag order"...this illegal action designed specifically for this impediment will not impede his debating skills. In the debate with Hillary, Hillary was given the questions ahead of time to prepare, while Trump was not. This did not stop Trump from destroying Hillary in the debate and winning the election. Trump can think on his feet, is quick of wit, and does not need prepared Q&A plus cheat sheets to help get through an interview. No teleprompter or cue cards for Trump, he can destroy slow Joe Biden in a minute.

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Alan, I agree, BUT, the fact that this judge has no respect for the constitution of the United States , is a clear message that he feels he's above the law of the land . What we have, is also clear that we no longer live in a law abiding nation , just a territory where those in power dictate the rules .

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May God bless you, Alan, for speaking the truth. I hope Donald Trump follows your earlier advice and disobeys the unconstitutional gag order during the debate (and then, if necessary, fights extradition on First Amendment grounds). This Stalinist persecution has got to stop!

I noticed that according to the latest Fox News poll asking voters what is their most important issue, "the future of democracy" has surpassed both the economy and illegal immigration as their #1 issue, now that Mr. Trump has been "convicted" in the Stalinist show trial in New York. Hopefully that means that most voters are as shocked as you and I are by that "trial."

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These gag orders are a violation no just of the First Amendment but of all the laws affecting federal elections.I should hope that when Trump triumphs that he will appoint an AG who will bring all involved to justice for the multitude of serious crimes they are committing. and pray that Congress will pass legislation that forever prohibits any and all forms of lawfare or law war. At ispeakfrotrum.com we write of these issues and will distribute your excellent articulation of them to our subscribers.

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This is your party Alan!

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Professor Dershowitz,

Neither President Trump or Hunter Biden should ever have been in court.

Trump should have been on the campaign trail.

Hunter needs rehab not court appearances.

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Honestly my opinion is this is all being orchestrated to bring down our country's constitution and set up a one world government under a one world leader and America and Israel stand in the globalists' pipe dream that will only end up like the "Tower of Babylon"

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Of course Trump's right to spew hatred and foment violence 'trumps' the Judge and his family's, as well as the jurors and Alvin Bragg's, right to physical safety. Your approach to First Amendment rights appears to be amazingly pliant when it suits you.

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