Even if America cannot prove that Iran explicitly ordered the slaughter in Southern Israel, it is clearly responsible for the terror perpetrated by Hamas.
Yep, I'm going to vote DimWIT, including Biden, because I don't like the way Trump insults people. Trump must be stopped before he destroys our DEMOCRACY. Who cares if Israel and the Arabs have peace treaties and ARE AT PEACE? We can't have Trump insulting Pelosi and Schumer, even the press, in public. It embarrasses our country
And I've gotten my latest booster to support the policies and spirit of Dr. Fauci.
Of course, all of this is BS sarcasm. Trump is headed to a historic landslide, even with the DimWITS biggest vote fraud efforts yet. They won't be able to cheat enough.
Don't expect Biden to do anything but sit on his hands. Weak leadership just like Obama, more inclined to continue appeasement than action. Since Biden took office, it's been one war after another, one catastrophe after another, etc.
I lived and worked in Iran for two years when America's best friend Shah Reza Pahlavi was in power. While there, Jimmy Carter overthrew the Shah, who was a tremendous friend to America. The Iranian people have suffered with a brutal radical islamic regime ever since. Like Biden Carter tore down America by excessive spending. Carter created a 15% prime rate. Obama, and Biden, each single handedly threw the Middle East into chaos. Radical Islam only understands one thing: the iron fist of brut power. Think "TITO" who ruled as such. There is no other way to manage the radical islamists. Under Carter: Iran was overthrown, the Islamic Jihad was unleashed, the first airline high jacking occurred, murder of airline crews, Egypt was manipulated to overthrow Mubarak, Yasser Arafat (PLO), the world's biggest terrorist at the time walked way wealthy and Scott free-loved and was protected by Jimmy, all the while lamenting the poor misunderstood Palestinians. There's more: Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic were overthrown with Daniel Ortega taking over the region, working with Castro to infiltrate communism into Africa, South America, Central America and the islands of the carribean. With dems undermining the security of our voting system while weaponizing the DOJ and abusing NSA and CIA against the DEM's opposition, the Marxist are poised, backed by Obama's underground government and funded by Soros' illegal foundations to destroy America. Hillary, Bill, and Obama ripped off America and Haiti. Antifa, BLM, Soros, Obama - one goal: fundamentally change the United States of America into a marxist-based society. Sanctuary cities, open borders - There's more! Thank God for those brave individuals who
can speak out with
sufficiently loud enough voices and protections to be heard. We must end Hamas or live with the terrorists forever. Stop Iran now. Dems continue to wreak havoc around the globe. Keep safe.
Amen. These are jihadists. They are believers in tawqa as defined in the Koran. They are urged to lie to the infidels. Joe Biden is all talk no walk. Israel must proceed to eliminate Hamas yesterday. Why is he giving Gaza, meaning Hamas, $100 million worth of humanitarian aid? As far as Iran goes, Trump sanctioned their oil industry. Biden removed the sanctions. Ronald Reagan bombed Quadafi's house after Libya was found responsible for the Lockerbie bombing. Disabling the Iranian oil industry would end their flow of money.
I'm sorry, but it's not America's job to spend billions of dollars defending Israel or Ukraine, or anyone else.
If Israel believes that Iran is funding this operation, then it has two viable options: 1) spend more money on security; 2) declare war on Iran and cut off the head of the snake.
But sending billions to fake NGO's in Iran, controlled by operatives, in an effort to "overthrow" the regime, which is precisely what we did in Ukraine, Syria and Libya, is the type of imposition that weakens our own security by creating more enemies abroad.
And these self rightous activists who scream "women's rights in Iran" are not solving any real problem. These ignormases lunge forward, with nasty looking faces, dyed hair, pierced lips, and yell about inequality.
It apparently never occurred to these idiots that Irananian women don't need purple haired freaks to tell them what is right and wrong. They are perfectly capable of choosing the life that is best for them, and if things were bad enough they would simply overthrow the Iranian thugs. Activists sow discord.
We are like the god eris. Wherever our politicians go abroad; and wherever the gangster activists go, discord follows.
Iran is not our problem.
It might be Israel's problem, but certainly not our problem.
Now, all things considered, I might be willing to assist Israel on the battlefield in a wider conflict with Iran, but only if they ask me nicely. I don't want some octogenerian gangster in Washington to coerce me, financially or physically, to particpate in yet another war.
Iran poses no threat to the United States whatsoever; neither did Gaddaffi or Saddam. We have a lot of problems here in this country, where people live, work, eat, sleep, and that takes priority over Israel.
Israel might not like that, but we are not there savior. They have to save themselves. And please, for the love of all that is holy and good, get activists out of University. If you have thirty rings on your lips, don't shower, yell and scream and have no ability to produce any product or service, then just do humanity a favor and go live in your moms basement. Leave the rest of the productive people alone.
Trump, like his bombast or not, had set Saudi Arabia on the path to normalize relations with Israel. Biden has undermined all of that.
Yep, I'm going to vote DimWIT, including Biden, because I don't like the way Trump insults people. Trump must be stopped before he destroys our DEMOCRACY. Who cares if Israel and the Arabs have peace treaties and ARE AT PEACE? We can't have Trump insulting Pelosi and Schumer, even the press, in public. It embarrasses our country
And I've gotten my latest booster to support the policies and spirit of Dr. Fauci.
Of course, all of this is BS sarcasm. Trump is headed to a historic landslide, even with the DimWITS biggest vote fraud efforts yet. They won't be able to cheat enough.
The courts are destroying democracy as we speak.
100% correct.
Don't expect Biden to do anything but sit on his hands. Weak leadership just like Obama, more inclined to continue appeasement than action. Since Biden took office, it's been one war after another, one catastrophe after another, etc.
Your insights help me explain what is going on to others. You are a national treasure.
I lived and worked in Iran for two years when America's best friend Shah Reza Pahlavi was in power. While there, Jimmy Carter overthrew the Shah, who was a tremendous friend to America. The Iranian people have suffered with a brutal radical islamic regime ever since. Like Biden Carter tore down America by excessive spending. Carter created a 15% prime rate. Obama, and Biden, each single handedly threw the Middle East into chaos. Radical Islam only understands one thing: the iron fist of brut power. Think "TITO" who ruled as such. There is no other way to manage the radical islamists. Under Carter: Iran was overthrown, the Islamic Jihad was unleashed, the first airline high jacking occurred, murder of airline crews, Egypt was manipulated to overthrow Mubarak, Yasser Arafat (PLO), the world's biggest terrorist at the time walked way wealthy and Scott free-loved and was protected by Jimmy, all the while lamenting the poor misunderstood Palestinians. There's more: Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic were overthrown with Daniel Ortega taking over the region, working with Castro to infiltrate communism into Africa, South America, Central America and the islands of the carribean. With dems undermining the security of our voting system while weaponizing the DOJ and abusing NSA and CIA against the DEM's opposition, the Marxist are poised, backed by Obama's underground government and funded by Soros' illegal foundations to destroy America. Hillary, Bill, and Obama ripped off America and Haiti. Antifa, BLM, Soros, Obama - one goal: fundamentally change the United States of America into a marxist-based society. Sanctuary cities, open borders - There's more! Thank God for those brave individuals who
can speak out with
sufficiently loud enough voices and protections to be heard. We must end Hamas or live with the terrorists forever. Stop Iran now. Dems continue to wreak havoc around the globe. Keep safe.
#WakeupAmerica @ggreenwald @shellenberger @genflynn @claytravis @DavidSacks @wesbury
Amen. These are jihadists. They are believers in tawqa as defined in the Koran. They are urged to lie to the infidels. Joe Biden is all talk no walk. Israel must proceed to eliminate Hamas yesterday. Why is he giving Gaza, meaning Hamas, $100 million worth of humanitarian aid? As far as Iran goes, Trump sanctioned their oil industry. Biden removed the sanctions. Ronald Reagan bombed Quadafi's house after Libya was found responsible for the Lockerbie bombing. Disabling the Iranian oil industry would end their flow of money.
Don't forget the role of US oil production: https://committeetounleashprosperity.com/hotlines/why-iran-loves-biden/
100% correct.
I'm sorry, but it's not America's job to spend billions of dollars defending Israel or Ukraine, or anyone else.
If Israel believes that Iran is funding this operation, then it has two viable options: 1) spend more money on security; 2) declare war on Iran and cut off the head of the snake.
But sending billions to fake NGO's in Iran, controlled by operatives, in an effort to "overthrow" the regime, which is precisely what we did in Ukraine, Syria and Libya, is the type of imposition that weakens our own security by creating more enemies abroad.
And these self rightous activists who scream "women's rights in Iran" are not solving any real problem. These ignormases lunge forward, with nasty looking faces, dyed hair, pierced lips, and yell about inequality.
It apparently never occurred to these idiots that Irananian women don't need purple haired freaks to tell them what is right and wrong. They are perfectly capable of choosing the life that is best for them, and if things were bad enough they would simply overthrow the Iranian thugs. Activists sow discord.
We are like the god eris. Wherever our politicians go abroad; and wherever the gangster activists go, discord follows.
Iran is not our problem.
It might be Israel's problem, but certainly not our problem.
Now, all things considered, I might be willing to assist Israel on the battlefield in a wider conflict with Iran, but only if they ask me nicely. I don't want some octogenerian gangster in Washington to coerce me, financially or physically, to particpate in yet another war.
Iran poses no threat to the United States whatsoever; neither did Gaddaffi or Saddam. We have a lot of problems here in this country, where people live, work, eat, sleep, and that takes priority over Israel.
Israel might not like that, but we are not there savior. They have to save themselves. And please, for the love of all that is holy and good, get activists out of University. If you have thirty rings on your lips, don't shower, yell and scream and have no ability to produce any product or service, then just do humanity a favor and go live in your moms basement. Leave the rest of the productive people alone.
Thank you.
Trump was right, as usual. Every American citizen should vote for him!
His words communicated strength today, buy his demeanor quite the opposite.
Unfortunately your boy Biden looks like appeasing and even rewarding Iran.
No!I generally agree with your views; but not on the matter of Iran’s culpability.
Roxna Swamy
What about Quatar?