I’ve never read or seen so much anti semitism in my life as I have since October 7. Not from family and friends, but from people I used to follow on Substack or other apps. When challenged, their comments don’t change, they believe Israel is evil. What part of ...from the river to the sea...don’t they understand?

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I'm quite sure they understand what that phrase means and fully agree with it. I hope your eyes have now been opened to what the left is all about. If the events of October 7 and the reaction of the left in its aftermath don't change Jewish voting habits away from the democrat party, then nothing will.

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I’ll never vote Democrat again; if it means repugnant Trump ; so be it. These antisemites in power frighten me so much more on multiple issues.

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But what about Trump is repulsive? I never quite understood that argument.

He's a bit bombastic, and speaks like a NYC bartender because he doesn't care about PC, or about anyones refined sensibilities. But why does that matter? How does that translate to policy?

In many ways, he's as American as American can be. His grandfather made money settling the west; his grandmother started the Trump organization in queens. His father expanded on the business; his uncle was a professor at MIT. Clearly, he's intelligent, although he's probably more like his wild west grandfather than his MIT uncle.

But regardless of his personality, his policies are a lot better than Biden's. Biden represents the neo-marxist, postmodernists. And the neo-marxists are not just antisemites... there anti-christianity. For those folks, the state is a religion and it's the only religion you'll ever need.

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I’m not referring to his policies; first years before pandemic were excellent; his treatment of people who don’t agree with him and name calling is infantile. Why is it that no former “ hand picked “ members of his prior administration will not work with him again; that speaks volumes.

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Hamas is a terrorist organization that routinely hides behind women and children and are willing to sacrifice them in the name of their twisted jihad against Israel and ultimately the United States. I support your words and condemnation of Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and their Ayatollah masters in Iran! I fully support Israel and their ultimate aim of NEVER AGAIN!

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Hamas is being rewarded not only by "the world", but specifically by the President of the United States. Apparently Biden and his handlers have forgotten that 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11/01 by Muslim terrorists just like Hamas. PLUS, Biden enabled Iran to fund Hamas. If backed to the wall, Israel may have to resort to nuclear weapons against Iran, opening the prospect of WW III. Our enemies literally have a friend in the White House.

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Then get off your fat ass and do something about it

File a petition with the state education department to revoked the license granted to Harvard to operate a college

Then go file the same in NY against Columbia

In California against Berkeley

And so forth and so forth

Repeat: take their fuckin license granted by their respective state education dept to be a college

Put them out of business.

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There is no way those State governments are going to close down Harvard, Columbia, and Berkeley. Parents and students need to vote with their feet.

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Mr. O'Brien

Please picture this:

Every Jewish student is subpoenaed to testify before a state agency ( state education department) holding a hearing for the suspension or revocation or simply imposition of conditions.

Every Jewish professor is subpoenaed.

Every idiot professor who put on facebook burn Jews burn is subpoenaed.

Let's go back to every BDS student present and past is subpoenaed

And every other club by any other name. Ya can't hide behind a mask.

Now we are in to 500 days of testimony ( that's at 4 a day

Then every junkyard dog lawyer is standing outside the hearing signing them up for a discrimination lawsuit

Against the colleges. Hell they will make more money from the lawsuits then from their useless degree.

Oppops… now we have let's say 20 colleges in 20 different hearings in multiple states forced to testify which foreign countries are funding them and not having filed that information with the federal government.

Then we have admission drying up and donations drying up and professors leaving since they do not want to be associated with this Muslim supported college

Then let's add all of the association of professors who past resolutions to boycott Israeli colleges who get subpoenaed.

If 20 of these lawsuits are brought what do you think the chronicles of higher education ( the 100 age daily newspaper about colleges)will do …..ignore daily articles and not write about it.?

This will scare the shit out of the other 3000 colleges.

You win when you bring….

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Wondefrful starting point to oppose terror. But let's research that opinion. Are Jews in Israel not terrorists? Have they only been victims? This comment is going to be a burden for Dershowitz and his legion of young barmitzved quasi-wokes who prefer rapid formation of sharp opinions. Jews in the area of Palestine became renowned for their unrivaled ability at terrorism. How did this history disappear? How is it Dershowitz can rail against basically teen age dilettant driven terror from Muslims and fully disregard the highly organized terror his own preferred ethnic group pioneered and carried out. No need here to start with the terror facilitated by America's arming of Israel , resulting in mass "indiscriminate" (says our own President), bombing of civilians in Gaza. Dershowitz will say this kind of terror is so civilized that it is acceptable. No, it is not and it is the reason for the ICJ finding of Israel's plausible genocide.

Young Americans do not read deeply, just like Dershowitz himself. Jewish terror in the last century started with a number of autonomous cells. Menachem Begin's Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah and cells inside the Jewish Agency, killing British civilians, and soldiers off duty. These included the same Brits who had just finished fighting Nazis in close combat and liberating surviving Jews from concentration camps. Some of those survivors immigrating to Palestine rewarded those Brits by killing them by bombing,sniping,capturing and subsequently mutilating and hanging, hopefully in that order. Five British soldiers leaving a nighttime pub in Tel Aviv were captured by the Stern gang. They were filmed and videoed, kept in individual dog cages, and after a week hanged. They were found with severed dicks in their mouths.. Just the high points now: The Jewish terrorists bombed both the King David Hotel in Jerusalem and Shepherds Hotel in Cairo to kill Brits. 94 were killed at the King David, 140 injured. Wikipedia has a long article about this "King David Hotel bombing".. This bombing was a first in world history. The bombing and sanitized Jewish terror features in lLeon Uris' book, Exodus and its Paul Newman movie. Moving on: The Swedish UN negotiator in charge of partitioning Palestine was Folke Bernadotte, a descendent of Napoleon's favorite Marshall and a relative of the Swedish Royal Family. He was assassinatred JFK style in his car by Stern Gang. Another high point was the Lavon affair undertaken under Ben Gurion. Jewish terrorists bombed American installations iin Cairo, including the American Library. in a false flag operation, It is known as the Lavon Affair. These are just as few high points from a rich history of Jewish terror..

Dershowitz is so racist. He totaly ignores the extraordinary level of terror done by and on behalf of preferred ethnic group in his podcast and everywhere else. But he magnifies the far lower level done by his hated ethnic group, which is excoriated. podcast after hysteric podcast. He wants America to war on Iran to secure his dinner partner, Netanyahu's dream of Greater Israel.. Dershowitz loves getting attention from the rich, famous and powerful when underage girls are not distracting. As an aside relating to credibility, a recent New Yorker article relates how Dershowitz paraded on the second floor of the NYC Epstein mansion in his underpants. The second floor was where the girls were kept. Dershowitz finally admitted to this, but claimed he kept his underpants on "at all times". He was roughly 73 years old when parading.. Back to the theme: So his podcasts have proven he is willing to make up evidence, claiming atrocities that are uncorroborated by official Israeli institutions in charge of such matters, and some that are walked back by news organizations like NYT.. He steadfastly refuses to source his podcasted allegations. Given his 20 year background with Jeffrey Epstein (look him up, kids) and 7 - figured financial settlement arranged to avoid prresentation of child sex allegations ni civil court, there is certainly reason to doubt his unsourced claims Then there is that word "disgusting" available to be applied.

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Excellent show. I agree with everything you discussed and I support Israel 100%....and yet, for some reason that escapes me, you still vote Democrat....????

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Sorry I correct my self, Tocqueville quoted " America is great because America is good.. "

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Because we allowed these terror funding governments such as Qatar to snake itself into our great Universities with their money and influence, we now see the utter demoralization of these bastions of truth and as Voltaire once declared, "America is great because America is good! Once America ceases being good it will cease to be great!"

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You NEED Trump

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Let's reaffirm international (ex Israel) support for a two state solution based on the Green Line by having the UN pass resolution 242 again. Perhaps we could save another 30,000 Palestine lives. If the Biden administration abstained or vetoed that would close the book on where the current administration stands.

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I must admit, I've been somewhat persuaded to side with Palestine, if only because the videos of Palestinian citizens being shot down by Israeli pilots is difficult for me to swallow.

Look, we all understand that Hamas is evil. They committed a terrible attack on Israel, but when I see videos of men and women walking in the street, holding bags of groceries, and some pilot shoots them down, I cannot help but sympathize.

They could be terrorists who were holding bags of groceries. They could also be civilians. I don't know. But when you juxtapose those videos with the video of an Israeli soldier saying he was excited to shoot some teenager that's -- I mean, gosh -- there is only so much I can stomach.

I think, at this point, the best solution is a peaceful solution. We need to stop sending money; no more weapons; no more talk about WWIII and expanding the war beyond Gaza. Both sides need to reach an agreement.

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