For some unknown reason all of my Democrat Jewish relatives are posting pictures of flowers, Halloween costumes, trips on their Facebook and Instagram pages. They don’t seem concerned at all about what is happening in Israel or the antisemitism. They all hate President Trump. It seems to me that the Democratic Party is to blame for all these problems. Wait until the Biden Administrations decision to have an OPEN BORDER causes problems in the United States. Are they all asleep? They were all for Black Lives Matter. Stand with Ukraine. LGBTQ. George Floyd. Silence now... on the verge of WW3 and the extinction of Israel 😢

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I certainly believe you but I have not encountered that.....in fact I have encountered the opposite.....those liberal Jews (and I am not a liberal Jew but a constitutionalist and pure freedom lover with peace) that are in my family or friends are actually afraid there may be pogroms here....some are afraid to go out....but now after they voted BorgDem and did not support Israel they are totally in support of Israel....but I can see what you are saying....when Ilan Omar tweeted such hatred of the Jews and then was put on the foreign relationships committee in Congress as a Jew hater and newbie to Congress, I knew this was just the beginning while Liberal Jews only said “well that’s the way it has always been”....so I get that some are still ostriches.....but others have changed.....thank you for your comment.

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My FB friends are like that. I just comment with an image of an elephant in a room...

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"They don’t seem concerned at all about what is happening in Israel or the antisemitism"

I remember how shocked I was to find out how uninterested US Jews were during the Holocaust, a spillover of the tension in the Zionist movement between Louis Brandeis and Chaim Herzog.

It was Golda Meir's 1947 trip to raise funds, on the eve of war, for what would become the State of Israel that raised awareness.

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I have not encountered this at all......i have encountered a change in attitude of all the liberal Jews I know.....i have seen them waking up......imo your reasoning is not complete though.....Jews have been the worlds’ s scapegoat for hundreds of years.....and the Holocaust is not that far behind them.....they are in psychological denial because in reality they are scared to death.....everyone reacts to situations differently.....but if you are not Jewish and are only observing the observation is limited by being just that an observation from afar.....plus if you go back into history, the Zionist were Turks living in Ukraine with no religion....they were raping and beheading Russians (get what Putin is thinking and knowing?) Russia got rid of them but somehow they decided to convert to Judaism.....now that is a huge process so they are not real Jews.....and they are planted by the WEF, the Rothchilds, Balfour (in his declaration), etc. .... the average Jew is not aware of this and the average Jew does not relate to Zionism.....but they are concerned about antisemitism....saying they are not is not quite on target.....

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Your incoherent ramblings illustrate the sort of diseased, paranoid, weak minds that are the fertile ground for anti-Semitism.

I avoid arguing with mental weaklings like yourself but couldn't hold back on

"back into history, the Zionist were Turks living in Ukraine with no religion":

Jewish presence in Poland and Ukraine dates from the early Middle Ages while the Turkish expansion into Europe is only from the 15th century and did not reach Ukraine.

Since there's little chance your command of the language of Shakespeare will improve any time soon, why not skip the reply and find something better to do with your time?

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Can't agree more.

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you had a choice, ignore my comment if you thought it was so ignorant…..correct (not argue, but interesting that you chose that word above discuss or correct) it if you thought it was so ignorant, …….. or which is what you did character assassinate……definitely shows way more about your inferior character…….

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I’m wondering why 72% of American Jews vote for Democrats and have a real hatred towards President Trump? I don’t hear too much about the war in Israel from Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Jerry Nadler, Blumenthal, Mayorkas, Merrick Garland… they’re certainly not as vocal as “The Squad “?

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The "average Jew is not aware of this" because it's a fantasy that is the product of mental illness.

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Professor it seems to me that it is OBVIOUS that the Biden Admin is PURPOSELY easing export sanctions on Iranian Oil and then Iran funneling the profits of 100's of billions of dollars in oil exports to fund Hamas and Hezbollah! Where am I going wrong?

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The mentality of the typical banner-waving campus 'Progressive' is not really about a concern for the Palestinian people or any other 'oppressed' people. The real driver is to signal that their privileged narcissistic little wonderful selves are an ever-virtuous elect. 'Oppression' is a shallow abstraction that serves to inflate their personal vanity as 'social justice' warriors. This poisonous vanity has been pouring out of Western academia for decades. I still remember the drug-addled anti-Zionist 'sit-in' at my UK university in 1973.

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Progressives and "the woke" don't support freedom of speech. They've made that abundantly clear.

Harvard is anti-speech, and the administration staff from nearly top to bottom are all bigots, if not raging lunatics.

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Dear Professor Dershowitz,

Our cousin, Jewish, accuses Israel of genocide against the Palestinians.

Both of his parents were survivors of the Holocaust.

He believes that his parents would be disgusted with Israel's response.

What do I say to him?

I've told him appeasement doesn't work. I've asked him if the US and other countries shouldn't have intervened in WWI and WWII.

I've shared your discussions.

Thank you.

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"What do I say to him? "

Tell him to find out how many different lists of Jews his new friends keep. He'll discover they put all Jews, including him, on the same list and he can expect the same treatment from them as assimilated Jews got from their European friends in WW II.

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Thank you.

So you know of Israeli snipers killing 200 innocent Palestinians in 2010? I can't imagine.

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Nope, google doesn't show anything like that for 2010.

At most the 40 or so Hamas sympathizers killed May 14, 2018 rioting on the Gaza border when the US Embassy moved to Jerusalem. We now know how many lives were saved then (see Oct 7).


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Amen, Alan. It was of course not reported in the Western press, but the number two leader of Hamas, gave a speech in from his beautiful safe refuge in Qatar saying that they are coming from all us in the West. Further the son of the father of Hamas, who now supports Israel, said that when he was in prison that Hamas, actually murders their own members in prison. The Moslem Brotherhood has been the creator of the spider web of this whole network of anti semitic groups, according to FBI reports in the early nineties. Jihadism stands on three pillars: taquya (lying to the infidel), sharia law, and Dini, all non Moslems are completely subservient to Moslems in Islamic states. Ban the Moslem Brotherhood. yesterday.

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No surprises at all. There is a friend I know who just watches CNN all day long, and hates Donald Trump, who was a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people. All tunnel vision.

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"All have been anti-Israel, pro-Hamas, pro-terrorism and often antisemitic"...100% correct!

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This is a great article Sir.....i would add that when Israel was totally supporting a two state solution, the people of Gaza voted in Hamas instead and in the charter of Hamas it says that they don’t want a two state solution they want death to Israel....there have been many chances for the Gaza people (I will not call them Palestinians because there is no such thing as Palestine. It is made up. Go back in history. These people are mainly Egyptians who were living in the Gaza when Egypt surprise attacked Israel in the Yom Kippur war, and Egypt would not take back their own citizens but instead built a wall.) to have a separate state but they refused....so as you said these people are political pawns....I am old enough to remember Arafat using them as political pawns....many countries gave money to these Gazans but the leaders took the money and used it for themselves or weapons....the people never saw any aid, not really......i feel so badly for any group of people being used for an agenda of the elite and being brainwashed to believe the agenda is a good one....and i want peace and no killing but what they did to Israel and what is going on around the world is not acceptable and makes them all subhuman.......there is one more thing.....the reason the Gazans have no water is NOT Israel.....Hamas has taken the water pipes and used them for weapons.....amazing how the real facts don’t get out....i could go on but this tires me....thank you...

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"...and substitute them with militarized regimes, nominally Caliphates."

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I am angered when people say that Hamas has the right to resist. MKL and Gandhi resisted far worse treatment for far longer without killing any babies. Hamas is murdering, that is not resisting.

For some dumb reason, and the left in particular, must have a hero and a villain. If someone is bad, the other must be good. That is like saying Stalin was a saint because Hitler was evil. Both can be bad, but in this case, Hamas is magnitudes order worse.

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100% !

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Thank you for stating it so well, Prof. Dershowitz.

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