I'm sorry to hear this, but I wonder if you will you continue voting for these radicals, and their enablers, as you always do? When will you realize these people are not your friends? What will it take? The old democrat party is gone. This is the totalitarian state party that likes to reeducate and "impeach" (really send to a gulag) anyone who disagrees with them.
You in the voting booth with PE Dershowitz? You know him, meet him or have a conversation with him? I have and although I am clueless about his voting practices
But I can guarantee it is along Constitutional line.
You simply cannot fix the kind of stupid that it takes to make and post that kind of sign. It must be one of those 21st century "progressives" (yes that's an oxymoron, "progressives" are actually totalitarian regressives) putting up those signs.
Hold your head up high Professor and just walk on. Walk on by your persecutors and pay no mind. The day will come soon when you are vindicated and they will be branded the fools. You are one of the most truthful, rational and dedicated constitutionalists in this country. You will have your rightful prestigious place in history and they will be relegated to the basket of deplorable liars. I admire you for your perseverance of the truth. God Bless you.
Conservatives may not agree with a leftist, but we don't feel the need to destroy him or treat him like a pariah. This is how the left operates. They have become the most intolerant and punitive people on the planet. I would greatly like to know why Professor Dershowitz continues to vote for Democrats, and which policies of the Democratic party does he support?
The whole world could be collapsing under the weight of totalitarian Marxists, and moderate democrats like Dershowitz would still vote with their party for those two reasons.
Their party never liked the idea of states determining their own laws, and I think we all know the reason why. And when it comes to economics, they are in favor of big subsidies, big regulation, and big taxes, which every economist knows destroys mom and pop stores. It also increases the speed of outsourcing, and further centralizes power into the hands of a few. Many Americans have been taught, almost since birth, to believe that businesses offering a product or a service in the marketplace are the problem, and that government is the hero and savior from the horrible capitalists, or white people, or rich people, or those horrible Russians, or that big bad man named Dershowitz. Totalitarians always need an enemy. No matter how fictitious.
I can assume, as well, that professor Dershowitz might feel this way, but it's still an assumption.. I would love to hear from him - not to judge him, but to understand..
He's already answered this question a thousands times, in a thousand places. Everyone asks him the same thing, and his response is always the same: abortion and economics. Please read his books.
He prefers a bigger central government. He's essentially a Hamiltonian/Adams/ JFK democrat, which is very moderate compared to the FDR/Clinton/Obama camp, and a thousand times more moderate than the far left. The problem is that the hard left is in complete control of the party finances, which makes it difficult for a Kennedy moderate to run for office.
Dershowitz would argue, however, that the moderates in the democrat party are STILL the majority. And I think he's right. But if you look at the purse strings, particularly Arabella Advisors, one see's a different story. You simply cannot run for office as a democrat without catering to the far left, because they run academy, account for most of Wall Street (accept for a few traditional hedge funds), and have captured most of the media which is predominately funded by pharma and tech.
Alan, the Democratic Party you knew, no longer exist. Now is the Democratic / communist party . Sorry but that's the cold truth. By representing Trump, it will show that you have moved on and your mission is to save the United States. We have an out control congress and other government organizations as well. Thinks about it, if JFK were alive today, he would be considered a conservative. By the way, JFK is still my favorite president.
That’s awful. I’m sure you have many supporters up there. It’s just a few angry people that are doing this. You are an American patriot and the sharpest legal mind in our country! If you invite me up to the Vineyard, I’ll gladly remove the signs for you.
I am not so sure it is only a few.....i remember a while back Dershowitz mentioned that when he defended OJ and Epstein his family friends many just called him wrong for doing that but when he defended Trump even as a non Trumper his family etc said he was a bad person....it is hard when one deals with this kind of thing directly with friends and family....I disagree with Dershowitz on many issues but I was happy to see him defend Trump.....the fact that he was attacked (not disagreed with but attacked ) for it is a disgrace and symptomatic of society now......
Martha's Vineyard, a premium Democrat elitist stronghold...They preach tolerance and inclusivity, yet deliver the opposite. It was quite funny to see how fast they bussed those migrants away from their posted sanctuary haven. Proclaiming woke policies, unless they actually have to make good on them....lol...what a bunch of virtue-signalling hypocrites.
By the way folks; this is exactly what "eating your own" political persecution looks like up close and personal. I wonder when these "progressives" (aka regressive totalitarians) are going to try to force those they oppose wear a Scarlet Letter, the Star of David or similar, or maybe they'll self identify themselves by wearing some kind of "woke" social justice symbol and anyone that doesn't wear it will be subjected to public persecution. These people really have collectively lost their freaking minds, no I'm not kidding.
I guess this how you know you are in a truly inclusive and welcoming community. Keep up the fight!
I'm sorry to hear this, but I wonder if you will you continue voting for these radicals, and their enablers, as you always do? When will you realize these people are not your friends? What will it take? The old democrat party is gone. This is the totalitarian state party that likes to reeducate and "impeach" (really send to a gulag) anyone who disagrees with them.
You in the voting booth with PE Dershowitz? You know him, meet him or have a conversation with him? I have and although I am clueless about his voting practices
But I can guarantee it is along Constitutional line.
Impeach you for what offense? Impeach you from what office?
This is funny as hell. You’ve really taken up residence in the heads of certain people who have too much time on their hands.
You’re magnificent. Keep fighting the good fight.
You simply cannot fix the kind of stupid that it takes to make and post that kind of sign. It must be one of those 21st century "progressives" (yes that's an oxymoron, "progressives" are actually totalitarian regressives) putting up those signs.
SHORT BUS Graduates
You might as well represent Trump. It looks like you have nothing to lose. Lol
Terrible. Don’t end your lifelong battle for honesty. They are many Americans thankful for your voice.
Bet whoever made those doesn't even know the good work you do sir! Just ignore the haters
Hold your head up high Professor and just walk on. Walk on by your persecutors and pay no mind. The day will come soon when you are vindicated and they will be branded the fools. You are one of the most truthful, rational and dedicated constitutionalists in this country. You will have your rightful prestigious place in history and they will be relegated to the basket of deplorable liars. I admire you for your perseverance of the truth. God Bless you.
Conservatives may not agree with a leftist, but we don't feel the need to destroy him or treat him like a pariah. This is how the left operates. They have become the most intolerant and punitive people on the planet. I would greatly like to know why Professor Dershowitz continues to vote for Democrats, and which policies of the Democratic party does he support?
Because of abortion and Economics.
The whole world could be collapsing under the weight of totalitarian Marxists, and moderate democrats like Dershowitz would still vote with their party for those two reasons.
Their party never liked the idea of states determining their own laws, and I think we all know the reason why. And when it comes to economics, they are in favor of big subsidies, big regulation, and big taxes, which every economist knows destroys mom and pop stores. It also increases the speed of outsourcing, and further centralizes power into the hands of a few. Many Americans have been taught, almost since birth, to believe that businesses offering a product or a service in the marketplace are the problem, and that government is the hero and savior from the horrible capitalists, or white people, or rich people, or those horrible Russians, or that big bad man named Dershowitz. Totalitarians always need an enemy. No matter how fictitious.
It won't end well.
I can assume, as well, that professor Dershowitz might feel this way, but it's still an assumption.. I would love to hear from him - not to judge him, but to understand..
He's already answered this question a thousands times, in a thousand places. Everyone asks him the same thing, and his response is always the same: abortion and economics. Please read his books.
He prefers a bigger central government. He's essentially a Hamiltonian/Adams/ JFK democrat, which is very moderate compared to the FDR/Clinton/Obama camp, and a thousand times more moderate than the far left. The problem is that the hard left is in complete control of the party finances, which makes it difficult for a Kennedy moderate to run for office.
Dershowitz would argue, however, that the moderates in the democrat party are STILL the majority. And I think he's right. But if you look at the purse strings, particularly Arabella Advisors, one see's a different story. You simply cannot run for office as a democrat without catering to the far left, because they run academy, account for most of Wall Street (accept for a few traditional hedge funds), and have captured most of the media which is predominately funded by pharma and tech.
Alan, the Democratic Party you knew, no longer exist. Now is the Democratic / communist party . Sorry but that's the cold truth. By representing Trump, it will show that you have moved on and your mission is to save the United States. We have an out control congress and other government organizations as well. Thinks about it, if JFK were alive today, he would be considered a conservative. By the way, JFK is still my favorite president.
Professor Dershowitz already represented Trump, has paid and continues paying for that.
I'd wear it as a badge of honor if I were you. Sometimes the people who despise you are those who are sinister and wicked.
That’s awful. I’m sure you have many supporters up there. It’s just a few angry people that are doing this. You are an American patriot and the sharpest legal mind in our country! If you invite me up to the Vineyard, I’ll gladly remove the signs for you.
I am not so sure it is only a few.....i remember a while back Dershowitz mentioned that when he defended OJ and Epstein his family friends many just called him wrong for doing that but when he defended Trump even as a non Trumper his family etc said he was a bad person....it is hard when one deals with this kind of thing directly with friends and family....I disagree with Dershowitz on many issues but I was happy to see him defend Trump.....the fact that he was attacked (not disagreed with but attacked ) for it is a disgrace and symptomatic of society now......
Allen Dershowitz for Attorney General then on to the Supreme Court
This is what happens in America these days when some people have a different opinion.
I miss the America I grew up in.
Martha's Vineyard, a premium Democrat elitist stronghold...They preach tolerance and inclusivity, yet deliver the opposite. It was quite funny to see how fast they bussed those migrants away from their posted sanctuary haven. Proclaiming woke policies, unless they actually have to make good on them....lol...what a bunch of virtue-signalling hypocrites.
By the way folks; this is exactly what "eating your own" political persecution looks like up close and personal. I wonder when these "progressives" (aka regressive totalitarians) are going to try to force those they oppose wear a Scarlet Letter, the Star of David or similar, or maybe they'll self identify themselves by wearing some kind of "woke" social justice symbol and anyone that doesn't wear it will be subjected to public persecution. These people really have collectively lost their freaking minds, no I'm not kidding.