Alan, I have truly come to rely on our legal opinions in the last few years, since you are one of the few voices that 1) doesn't like Donald Trump, and 2) can still analyze his actions through a legal lens instead of a political one.
So his newsletter has new motto: "Defense of civil liberty, human and constitutionl". Seems ironic given Dershowitz's twinning with Jefrey Epstein, the groomking organization, Dershowitz's genocide incitement (the leitmotif of previous Dershows: "There ae no innocents in Gaza!", and of course the fate of his first wife, Sue Barlach.
JFK's grandson, Jack Schlossberg, has publicly accused Dershowitz of being a wife killer. Where did Jack get that conclusion from? Well it comes from more than the general scumbag rep Dersh has cultivated thru his life. Sue Barlach and her sister were two young Orthodox Jewish girls who married two Orthodox Dershowitz brothers, Alan and Nathan. Sue had two children. She brought a divorce action in 1975. A judge detemined the facts and issued the divorce, stating in the public record and unambiguously that Alan Dershowitz had physically and repeatedly beat his wife, resulting in a need for her hospitalization and long term psychiatric therapy. Barlach's body was found in th East River some years later.
Schlossberg may have been metaphoric or he may have connected the psychic injury and its connected long term therapy to the apparent suicide..There is probably no evidence or likelihood Dershowitz pushed his wife off Brooklyn Bridge, though if there were, it could have been covered up like the Eptein related allegations. Dersh is suing Schlossberg for defamation. Is this not Dershowitz defamation lawsuit number 63,781? Has Dersh actually ever won one of them or are they all PR, bargaining chips or nuisance suits?
A problem with Substack podcsts, like others, is that there is no applicable "Truth in Packaging" Law. People watching Dershow podcasts naturally assume the podcaster is a decent loyal American who really is dedicated to "Defense of civil liberty, human and constitutional". When Dershowitz's backstory is investigated, there is his 20 year intimate association with the Monster Pedo Jeffrey Epstein, the serial pedo rape charges personally against Dersh, the way he avoided indictment and prosecution on the allegations, his prejudice of Jewish Supremacy, his permanent exemption of non .Jews living under Israeli control from civil liberties and human rights, his similar exemption for and blacklisting of American Pro-Palestinian political demonstrators, and his abusive treatment of fhis first wife, and that is just the Preamble. What a guy, as Woody Allen said.
He writes op-eds and stays the center of attention and dinner guest among society's elite. Why? Day 2401 of the Dershowitz-Epstein pedophilia cover-up. Dershowitz protected, enabled and Epstein for about a generation and has been credibly accused by a multiplicity of pedophile victims---yes, Dershowitz has been personally accused by underage children of serial pedophilic rape and trafficking of underage children for sexual purposes. And then the cover-up started. Not a single man among at least four score pedophile child predators or the four Epstein co-conspirators was indicted..
Federal District Attorney Acosta considered indicting Dershowitz since the allegations were graphic and multiple. Picture a 73 y.o. lecher with bad skin and breath forcing himself on underage children protected by statutory rape and child trafficking laws. But Acosta melted and granted Dersh's request for a SECRET non-prosecution agreement (NPA).. That grant was specifically criticized by the Florida Bar and by a special investigation for the DOJ. Federal Court voided Dershowitz's NPA three years later due to its violation the Victims Rights Act.. The disgraced Acosta explained that he could not resist the "inhuman" pressure brought by Dershowitz and his fellow travelers.. Acosta said he was told to "lay off" the pedo case because it was an intel operation. Ask yourself what had Dersh done that necessitated a secret and full immunity for his Epstein-related activity.
Dersh avoided civil trial by suing his child accusers and their pro bono attorneys for defamation. These were merely scary bargaining chips since the kids had no money. Then Dersh took . the benefit of the tolling of the statute of limitations on the kids' rights to civil actions as long as the secret NPA lasted.. The children were repeatedly told by Acosta and underlings to be patient since the Feds were still working on the case. Apparently the Feds were working to help Dersh! The NPA stopped the Palm Beach Police criminal investigation which had interviewed about 33 of the children out of an estimated 100 plus.,Pro bono attorney David Bois got wind of the secret immunity and immediately brought a case to civil court. His client was a wreck, in the grip of constant post traumatic stress with no income. She was paid one million dollars to stop talking about what Dersh allegedly did. . She absolutely and publicly refused to exonerate Dershowitz from her charges of serial pedophilic rape and trafficking..
Dersh has a lot of support from the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox community which he claims to represent..The problem is conspicuously absent critical thinking. Why is hard core political Zionism represented by a man 1) said to be a serial pedo rapist and 2) viscerally and factually connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Netanyahu himself refused to let Dersh, with his baggage,represent Israel at the ICJ. Does the community feel pedophilia is okay when limited to girls characterized by Dersh as "prostitutes, liars, thieves", just gentile trailer park trash. Dersh has avoided criminal adjudication of the allegations by using his status in the Jewish community to escape indictment. Despite his need for a public platform Dersh has never proved his innocence. Instead we have the cover-up which rivals that of the JFK assassination. Dersh apparently has no alibi evidence or explanations of his relationship to the "trailer park trash" that alleged pedo rape. When you know what has not been covered up, Dersh gives the impression of being evil.
I went to google and found CNN and Wikipedia and others all agree that the accuser changed her mind and the case settled with no pay off. So this screed is misleading and as far as i can tell has many incomplete or false statements. "Giuffre said that, given the traumatic circumstances of being trafficked by Epstein and her age, she realized that her identification of Dershowitz might have been a mistake.[145] " Dershowitz was never convicted of any such crimes. He is so active that he is bound to make mistakes but he is a brilliant and honorable man in my eyes.
Superficial research. Read Connie Bruch, investigative reporter who spent a year researching Dersh and Epstein. She was often directly in contact with Dersh and was even promised alibi evidence, which he however never produced Her article was the feature in New Yorker July 239, 201229, available on internet. Or read the three part Miami Herald series by Julie Brown who broke open the Epstein pedo ring and Dersh's involvement before the cover-up sealed it. And there is lots more you missed. Before you accuse with "as far i can tell" , you have a moral human duty to investigate what actually is known. Ir is called "critical thinking". Dersh has escaped an honest and detailed explanation of what he did in connection to groomed underage children. He and his reputation are entirely dependent upon people who conclude "as far as i can tell" with no more than superficial acquantance with any of the relevant facts.
I do not believe a word Greg Starr says. Because Dersh is Jewish is the best reason to believe, if someone could find evidence of any of this, he could never get away with it. Jews turned against him because he wrote a paragraph regarding Constitutional Law ...which related to something to do with a Trump case. I do not know who Greg Starr listens to but I do not believe him.
The issue of Community support has been researched by Jewish Community Watch. (JCW). JCW has investigated why the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities have shown surprising support for pedophiles in their communities. The JCW concluded that this support is connected to the isolated and insular nature of the relatively small communities. There are traditions of doing favors without learning backgrounds and beliefs that someone in the community could not possibly do these horrible deeds against young children.. A not atypical example occurred last year when 9 Orthodox and Ultra-orthodox IDF recruits were arrested for repeatedly raping a vert young Palestinian prisoner with a broomstick, ripping up his anus, causing massive blood loss and of course causing permanent damage to the prisoner, who was lucky to live. A local Ultra-Orthodox community, hundreds of them, attacked and overran the IDF camp holding the nine and forcibly released them from IDF custody. Another dramatic case on point is that of Malfa Leifer, who molested 70 underage kids in Australia and fled to Israel under the Law of Return. The Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, a leader also of an UltraOrthodox party was found to have been involved in forging medical documentation aimed to prevent Leifer's extradition. Litzman admitted breach of trust and resigned.
The American Psychological Association has conducted a study on how Ashkenazi Hasidics can justify pedo molestation and rape in view of the strong Jewish Law prohibition of pedophilic acts. The conclusion was that there was a reactive strong urge to test boundaries in view of the very strict religious and social norms. This urge overcame the individual's internal mechanisms to avoid pedo acts and the external mechanisms were ignored.
Community support for Dersh needs to be subjected to critical thinking.
The allegations are that he has done really bad deeds against vulnerable groomed children, deeds which if actually done are directly in contravention of Jewish Law and deserve punishment, not solidarity support.
You are being way too generous with your evaluation of Sassoon et al. These are the same democrats that cheered the attemped assassination of Trump, and who have come to believe that they — SDNY — have more legal authority than Washington DC.
You are spot on right as usual except you may be ignoring the ethical issues involved in a resigning prosecutor writing a public letter about an unconvinced defendant . Likewise (altho silly) the ethical probs in a public servant accepting private benefit for his govt action
Seemingly, you may be trying to have it both ways.
Being objective in what is and is not legal.
But…… should the trump admin being conducting justice in this manner and is Mayor Adams conduct worthy of being investigated, or was it just Biden admin doing what trump is doing?
I am bothered by the timing of the prosecution. The investigation had been ongoing for years, and right after the mayor criticized Biden's immigration policies the charges were brought? Blackmail is the deep state's calling card. Coincidence Mr. Dersh? NY has had such a clean judicial record lately, there never could be bias?
Professor Dershowitz, Could you possibly do an episode discussing the similarities and differences between a democracy and a constitutional republic? I believe we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy, and get annoyed with how people casually throw around the term democracy. Thank you for your consideration.
Alan, I have truly come to rely on our legal opinions in the last few years, since you are one of the few voices that 1) doesn't like Donald Trump, and 2) can still analyze his actions through a legal lens instead of a political one.
So his newsletter has new motto: "Defense of civil liberty, human and constitutionl". Seems ironic given Dershowitz's twinning with Jefrey Epstein, the groomking organization, Dershowitz's genocide incitement (the leitmotif of previous Dershows: "There ae no innocents in Gaza!", and of course the fate of his first wife, Sue Barlach.
JFK's grandson, Jack Schlossberg, has publicly accused Dershowitz of being a wife killer. Where did Jack get that conclusion from? Well it comes from more than the general scumbag rep Dersh has cultivated thru his life. Sue Barlach and her sister were two young Orthodox Jewish girls who married two Orthodox Dershowitz brothers, Alan and Nathan. Sue had two children. She brought a divorce action in 1975. A judge detemined the facts and issued the divorce, stating in the public record and unambiguously that Alan Dershowitz had physically and repeatedly beat his wife, resulting in a need for her hospitalization and long term psychiatric therapy. Barlach's body was found in th East River some years later.
Schlossberg may have been metaphoric or he may have connected the psychic injury and its connected long term therapy to the apparent suicide..There is probably no evidence or likelihood Dershowitz pushed his wife off Brooklyn Bridge, though if there were, it could have been covered up like the Eptein related allegations. Dersh is suing Schlossberg for defamation. Is this not Dershowitz defamation lawsuit number 63,781? Has Dersh actually ever won one of them or are they all PR, bargaining chips or nuisance suits?
A problem with Substack podcsts, like others, is that there is no applicable "Truth in Packaging" Law. People watching Dershow podcasts naturally assume the podcaster is a decent loyal American who really is dedicated to "Defense of civil liberty, human and constitutional". When Dershowitz's backstory is investigated, there is his 20 year intimate association with the Monster Pedo Jeffrey Epstein, the serial pedo rape charges personally against Dersh, the way he avoided indictment and prosecution on the allegations, his prejudice of Jewish Supremacy, his permanent exemption of non .Jews living under Israeli control from civil liberties and human rights, his similar exemption for and blacklisting of American Pro-Palestinian political demonstrators, and his abusive treatment of fhis first wife, and that is just the Preamble. What a guy, as Woody Allen said.
He writes op-eds and stays the center of attention and dinner guest among society's elite. Why? Day 2401 of the Dershowitz-Epstein pedophilia cover-up. Dershowitz protected, enabled and Epstein for about a generation and has been credibly accused by a multiplicity of pedophile victims---yes, Dershowitz has been personally accused by underage children of serial pedophilic rape and trafficking of underage children for sexual purposes. And then the cover-up started. Not a single man among at least four score pedophile child predators or the four Epstein co-conspirators was indicted..
Federal District Attorney Acosta considered indicting Dershowitz since the allegations were graphic and multiple. Picture a 73 y.o. lecher with bad skin and breath forcing himself on underage children protected by statutory rape and child trafficking laws. But Acosta melted and granted Dersh's request for a SECRET non-prosecution agreement (NPA).. That grant was specifically criticized by the Florida Bar and by a special investigation for the DOJ. Federal Court voided Dershowitz's NPA three years later due to its violation the Victims Rights Act.. The disgraced Acosta explained that he could not resist the "inhuman" pressure brought by Dershowitz and his fellow travelers.. Acosta said he was told to "lay off" the pedo case because it was an intel operation. Ask yourself what had Dersh done that necessitated a secret and full immunity for his Epstein-related activity.
Dersh avoided civil trial by suing his child accusers and their pro bono attorneys for defamation. These were merely scary bargaining chips since the kids had no money. Then Dersh took . the benefit of the tolling of the statute of limitations on the kids' rights to civil actions as long as the secret NPA lasted.. The children were repeatedly told by Acosta and underlings to be patient since the Feds were still working on the case. Apparently the Feds were working to help Dersh! The NPA stopped the Palm Beach Police criminal investigation which had interviewed about 33 of the children out of an estimated 100 plus.,Pro bono attorney David Bois got wind of the secret immunity and immediately brought a case to civil court. His client was a wreck, in the grip of constant post traumatic stress with no income. She was paid one million dollars to stop talking about what Dersh allegedly did. . She absolutely and publicly refused to exonerate Dershowitz from her charges of serial pedophilic rape and trafficking..
Dersh has a lot of support from the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox community which he claims to represent..The problem is conspicuously absent critical thinking. Why is hard core political Zionism represented by a man 1) said to be a serial pedo rapist and 2) viscerally and factually connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Netanyahu himself refused to let Dersh, with his baggage,represent Israel at the ICJ. Does the community feel pedophilia is okay when limited to girls characterized by Dersh as "prostitutes, liars, thieves", just gentile trailer park trash. Dersh has avoided criminal adjudication of the allegations by using his status in the Jewish community to escape indictment. Despite his need for a public platform Dersh has never proved his innocence. Instead we have the cover-up which rivals that of the JFK assassination. Dersh apparently has no alibi evidence or explanations of his relationship to the "trailer park trash" that alleged pedo rape. When you know what has not been covered up, Dersh gives the impression of being evil.
I went to google and found CNN and Wikipedia and others all agree that the accuser changed her mind and the case settled with no pay off. So this screed is misleading and as far as i can tell has many incomplete or false statements. "Giuffre said that, given the traumatic circumstances of being trafficked by Epstein and her age, she realized that her identification of Dershowitz might have been a mistake.[145] " Dershowitz was never convicted of any such crimes. He is so active that he is bound to make mistakes but he is a brilliant and honorable man in my eyes.
Superficial research. Read Connie Bruch, investigative reporter who spent a year researching Dersh and Epstein. She was often directly in contact with Dersh and was even promised alibi evidence, which he however never produced Her article was the feature in New Yorker July 239, 201229, available on internet. Or read the three part Miami Herald series by Julie Brown who broke open the Epstein pedo ring and Dersh's involvement before the cover-up sealed it. And there is lots more you missed. Before you accuse with "as far i can tell" , you have a moral human duty to investigate what actually is known. Ir is called "critical thinking". Dersh has escaped an honest and detailed explanation of what he did in connection to groomed underage children. He and his reputation are entirely dependent upon people who conclude "as far as i can tell" with no more than superficial acquantance with any of the relevant facts.
I do not believe a word Greg Starr says. Because Dersh is Jewish is the best reason to believe, if someone could find evidence of any of this, he could never get away with it. Jews turned against him because he wrote a paragraph regarding Constitutional Law ...which related to something to do with a Trump case. I do not know who Greg Starr listens to but I do not believe him.
The issue of Community support has been researched by Jewish Community Watch. (JCW). JCW has investigated why the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities have shown surprising support for pedophiles in their communities. The JCW concluded that this support is connected to the isolated and insular nature of the relatively small communities. There are traditions of doing favors without learning backgrounds and beliefs that someone in the community could not possibly do these horrible deeds against young children.. A not atypical example occurred last year when 9 Orthodox and Ultra-orthodox IDF recruits were arrested for repeatedly raping a vert young Palestinian prisoner with a broomstick, ripping up his anus, causing massive blood loss and of course causing permanent damage to the prisoner, who was lucky to live. A local Ultra-Orthodox community, hundreds of them, attacked and overran the IDF camp holding the nine and forcibly released them from IDF custody. Another dramatic case on point is that of Malfa Leifer, who molested 70 underage kids in Australia and fled to Israel under the Law of Return. The Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, a leader also of an UltraOrthodox party was found to have been involved in forging medical documentation aimed to prevent Leifer's extradition. Litzman admitted breach of trust and resigned.
The American Psychological Association has conducted a study on how Ashkenazi Hasidics can justify pedo molestation and rape in view of the strong Jewish Law prohibition of pedophilic acts. The conclusion was that there was a reactive strong urge to test boundaries in view of the very strict religious and social norms. This urge overcame the individual's internal mechanisms to avoid pedo acts and the external mechanisms were ignored.
Community support for Dersh needs to be subjected to critical thinking.
The allegations are that he has done really bad deeds against vulnerable groomed children, deeds which if actually done are directly in contravention of Jewish Law and deserve punishment, not solidarity support.
You are being way too generous with your evaluation of Sassoon et al. These are the same democrats that cheered the attemped assassination of Trump, and who have come to believe that they — SDNY — have more legal authority than Washington DC.
You are spot on right as usual except you may be ignoring the ethical issues involved in a resigning prosecutor writing a public letter about an unconvinced defendant . Likewise (altho silly) the ethical probs in a public servant accepting private benefit for his govt action
Seemingly, you may be trying to have it both ways.
Being objective in what is and is not legal.
But…… should the trump admin being conducting justice in this manner and is Mayor Adams conduct worthy of being investigated, or was it just Biden admin doing what trump is doing?
I found this interesting. I hadn't thought of AG Bondi's act as a quid pro quo, but it makes sense.
I disagree.
Quid pro quo related to the case is one thing or even other cases
But quid pro quo for politics is tantamount to quid pro quo of personal benefit of the politicians involved.
That makes it corrupt.
I am bothered by the timing of the prosecution. The investigation had been ongoing for years, and right after the mayor criticized Biden's immigration policies the charges were brought? Blackmail is the deep state's calling card. Coincidence Mr. Dersh? NY has had such a clean judicial record lately, there never could be bias?
Professor Dershowitz, Could you possibly do an episode discussing the similarities and differences between a democracy and a constitutional republic? I believe we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy, and get annoyed with how people casually throw around the term democracy. Thank you for your consideration.
Brilliant and even-handed. Professor Dershowitz is the best attorney I have come across in my 53 years of lawyering.
Greg Starr, your comment is false and cringeworthy.
Gird for situations when you get stinging input!
Indeed, turning state's evidence is a quid pro quo. Any plea bargain is the same.
You are 100% correct.