Naziism is alive and thriving in the world and is strongly encouraged by the Democratic Party. It was given a massive booby the racist monster Obama.

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I am so sorry that you are shouting from the rooftops and it seems you are unheard. I never thought that so many freedom loving Americans (Jew or non Jew), would passively allow a group of people to be slandered, degraded and threatened. There is something political and very perilous happening here. The silent who cave to this dangerous ideology will rue the day they didn’t push back. You should expect more from the President, his diplomatic team and the entire American Democrat Party. They have dropped the ball. Stand tall Professor. Many others here in America, stand with you, our citizens and the citizens of Israel.

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I initially thought Chris would benefit from a good Psychiatrist, however after a second reading of his vile and disgusting post, I am convinced that even my former Psychiatrist couldn’t help him. Besides, she is Jewish

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Stand up to those who seek your harm. There are many of us that stand behind you Professor Dershowitz!

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I don’t believe that one human being can call someone else human garbage when they have not looked at themselves in the mirror.

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This is one of the most horrific comments I have ever read. Mr. Yousef says it is these people who are not even human. I am just too upset to comment further. It takes a lot of hatred and savagery to think such things.

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We're trying to fight back however possible. I made this clip yesterday of your debate with Finkelstein on Piers. Thank you for your words!!


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I am sure there are quite a few members of the Biden administration who wholeheartedly agree with this scumbags comments

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Thank you, Professor Dershowitz, for interpreting the law and giving us the facts about many of the world's sad events. You are a realist and a true humanitarian. I hope Chris suffers everyday for the rest of his life as though he was a prisoner in a Nazi death camp.

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Hopefully Professor Dershowitz didn’t take this vile drivel too seriously, can’t blame him if he was hurt and maybe more than concerned. Sadly this “Chris” person would likely be the first person to call “Big Al” (my Nick name for the Professor) to get him out of the can and defend his vile rhetoric under the First Amendment. Both the Jewish American community writ large and the First Amendment are under solid and heavy barrage. When the DOJ starts to fairly and equally investigate those who are truly hateful and have harm on their minds then maybe this nonsense will stop. Until then, one can keep their head on a swivel, their mind full of intellectual curiosity, and support the real free speech hero’s like “Big Al”. One attribute that the professor has is moral courage. Moral courage comes in many packages. Hmmm something about the content of one’s character not the color of their skin or the heart of their religion come to mind at this juncture. Lotta juice in that right jab of Big Al, metaphorically speaking.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Genesis 12:3 will deal with him through HaShem. We must just deal with ourselves, Israel and righteousness:

Please HELP with my case vs. their lawyers


Baruch HaShem,

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Oh wow just wow that is so distressing! Love your truth and honesty Alan Dershowitz!🇮🇱🇺🇸

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Horrific words!!

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Catholic here. I was born and raised in Miami where a lot of my friends were Jews but religion didn’t matter to us; we were just friends with more in common than religious preference.

The mother of one of my friends was imprisoned in Auschwitz simply because she and her were Jews and she was the only family survivor. During the 60’s, Poland called her back three times to testify against nazi members and she went. I cannot turn my back on such bravery.

Christianity came directly out of Judaism. How can we deny Israel? I will always stand with Israel.

!ה' יברך את ישראל

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And he's probably also a failed lawyer, insanely jealous of Dersho's brilliance.

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This Chris writer is probably impotent. Hitler had problems in that area also. It seems that the profound rage these monstrous misfits harbour is automatically directed to the one people whose potency has defied millennia of occupation, colonialism, genocide, massacres, blood libels and untold suffering , only to be reborn each and every time, and become stronger, more potent , with each new rebirth.

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