We have ceased being a nation. We are supposed to be a country of law; we are no longer. When an academic from a renowned law school, with no sustainable, undisputed evidence, makes such an inflammatory statement we are not the greatest democracy on Earth, we are no better than a third-world dictatorship. When Dershowitz joined the legal team defending an elected President from a political lynching, knowing his politics I was proud of him and our country. When Chief Justice Roberts refused to get SCOTUS involved in the Texas election case, even though the irregularities were numerous, he did exactly what the Court was formed to do, stay out of politics. The courts have been corrupted, politicized. Tell me the case and who appointed the Judge, and I can extremely accurately predict the outcome. Same set of facts, same law, on appeal, and that outcome is entirely predictable. We are no longer a nation of laws, but rather a nation of Executive Orders. Political appointees are deciding relevant issues while Congress is worried about their own reelection. The U.S. will just devolve into regional entities. With our social, cultural and political chasms, we are at stage discussing custody and visitation issues.

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Sometimes one must wonder about the wisdom of book smart people.

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