I keep liking Trump more. Becoming a super fan.

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That happens

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Why do we still have NATO? It makes no sense. And the UN is even worse. Nothing but corruption, death, and endless expensive unnecessary wars.

Thank God for Trump, Musk, et. all.

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Something super sucky about embedded YouTube videos on some sub stackchannels, if i scroll down to comments video stops other embedded videos do not 🤷

Is it possible to adjust the settings as 90% of substack is functional to continue to listen to audio or the video after scrolling away

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Look, whenever thinking of Dershowitz, the matter is about the children.

We do not have details of whatever adventures the two Bills and scores of other elitists were having, but we have an idea of what Dershowitz was doing. Children accused Dersh specifically of of sexual serial depravity, stuffing somethings into their orifices. Dersh was more than 73 years old.

Perhaps a relevant part of his body was inadequate to the task and needed supplementing to fulfill his adventures with groomed, drugged-into-compliance 14 year old children. His defense is simply baldly denying everything probative- - -no rebuttal evidence, no alibi evidence. Oh, he admitted in a moment of weaknesss, yes " I did walk around in front of the girls in only underpants (why would he do that?) but I kept them on at all times". That is not what the accusing girls say. One even described his mutant- looking naked 73 y.o. body. The always on underpants claim is obviously, even if for once true, not a defense to any charge pf pedophilic rape. Dersh was there. He was clearly often at the locations of the pedo crimes. He and had a longlived bromance, documented by Vanity Fair in 2004. Love at first sight for Alan? 20 years of bromance with an attorney function, yet Alan "cannot" provide details of the fun he had,what Jeffrey was doing, the tortures of the underage kids, or even why Alan failed to obey State Law and report as required the ongoing child sexual abuse.. But the issue is not is just Dersh's complicity in crimes against underage children. He is multiply accused of serially committing those crimes-

The only indictment against Alan or any of the other suspected active pedophiles is in the Court of Public Opinion. Everyone with a passing knowledge of the Epstein organization seem to connect reflexively it to Dershowitz. He has deftly avoided criminal trial thru his cohort's political and social pressure, claiming that the Epstein operation is privileged because it is an "intel operation". Dersh avoided civil trial with 1) a million dollar payout in hush money to child victim, Virginia Roberts. and 2) a bevy of intrusive defamation lawsuits against all the other indigent child victim accusers and their pro bono attorneys whose evidence gathering was impeded by the Epstein-Dershowitz Cover-up. As his attorney, Alan may have advised Jeffrey ro pass on info not just to Mossad but also to the FBI as an insurance policy against indictment; this may be the basis for the Sweetheart Deal given to Jeffrey. But Alan does not give details. He would be the perfect Mafia accomplice. Jeffrey had some kind of punishment for his pedophilic exploitations. Alan has not even been indicted. He is not even registered as a sexual offender (or as a foreign agent). And there is no good reason that he has not stood trial. Let him argue about his underpants in front of a jury.

Meanwhile the Dershow gives Dersh an ongoing forum for remaining in contact with 14 year olds.

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Hopefully imprisoning pedophiles like Dershowiz is on Trump's to-do list.

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Surely ye jest

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You might find pedophile buddies of Jeffrey Epstein raping children funny, but I don't think it is.

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Some people have ideological blinders. If they like the person's ideology, they are indifferent to whatever crimes, even against children, that the person may be accused or convicted of. There is a saying "Ok, he is a bastard, but he is our bastard". The Orthodox and Ultraorthodox communities have had particularly common occurences of community support for pedophiles. Look into the Malka Liefer. case. An Ultraorthodox accused molesting 70 Jewish kids fled to Israel for sanctuary under the Law of Return. While pedophilia is absolutely prohibited by Jewish Law, the insular nature of the community meant it dismissed the possibility that one of its members could have committed such a crime. Liefer was given money and social support. The Israeli Minister of Health, an Ultraorthodox party leader named Yaakov Litzman,arranged the forging of medical documents to prevent extradition. Support for Dershowitz seems to mirror that of Liefer. Dersh has focused on doing things, getting pardons, representing members for the Orthodox community. Favors were done and are expected in return.

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Trump has made it clear: NO Nukes for Iran


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HaShem lists ModeRNA #1 for intervention f/u WHO to STOP. Issues a wartime Bang Bang ModeRNA Deuteronomy ch. 20 when Israel is at War, Echad Almighty EloHIM!

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Maybe this is the typical "Damn the torpedos" Dershowitz acolyte.

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Must be the triple helix, formation #BANGBANG


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If tariffs on Canada and Mexico were such a terrific deal, the markets would have been UP today instead of DOWN. The stock market is the great equalizer and merchant of truth.

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Not true. Stock Markets measure profits of globalist big corporations who have zero loyalty to our people, our jobs, even our National interest. By definition their sole purpose is to make profits for shareholders, and even that is controlled by the largest stock holders.

The UniParty is career politicians getting rich in office selling votes to globalist Big Corporations (CRONY fake Capitalism) with their own corrupt tax code bought and paid for.

They use offshore slave labor to steal jobs and manufacturing from the US for profits, they don’t give a damn about the people.

The tariffs are already working. Corporations like Apple and others are moving plans from building manufacturing in Mexico to US.

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If they stop working they will be dropped and used only when necessary to force US Policy that is ignored.

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Michelle needs to stay awake in English class.

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Stay on topic if you want to be understood.

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The only topic of significance relatjng to Dershowitz is his twenty year involvement with the monster pedo Jeffrey Epstein, the allegations that Dershowitz himself participated in the activities of the pedo organzation, the scope of these activities and of course the allegations Dersh personally enjoyed committing crimes against children, specifically serial pedophilic rape, and not only that, trafficked at least one child for sexual purposes. And there is an ancilliary issue of why Dersh as an officer of the Court NEVER obeyed State laws on Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse.

Develop empathy, Michelle. But for the grace of God, you might have been a 12 year old Gentile in Florida, New York City or New Mexico meeting Ghislaine during the time Epstein and Dershowitz were together. Any problem understanding this, Michelle? Why don't you too join in demanding truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth from Derhowitz? The problem with Derhowitz i that he may really be exactly what he is accused of. But the cover-up, now 2427 days old, keeps the wide scope of Dershowitz' activities secret, and he tell us only what he thinks will not hurt him.

Oh, he did admit (his only admission of what went on at an Epstein mansion) to parading at the age of 73 only in his underpants in front of some of the 12-14 y.o. children of other people. Sarah Ransomme wrote in a deposition exactly what his naked body looked like. Memorable - - -see if you can find the description on the internet. Her attorney wanted the police to do a Michael Jackson investigation of Dersh's naked body to show how exact the description was. Dersh still will not describe those underpants, whether they were G-String. or what they covered and how tightly.. Why would he parade that way? Anyway that is an admission he was present at the scene of the crimes against children.

Why do you follow Dershowitz, Michelle. What is important about Dersh is that

1) he has been accused of such monstrous crime against vulnerable children,

2) he has never displayed empathy for those children who lives were afterwards subjected to post traumatic stress,

3) he evaded justice and has covered-up his activities by securing an illegal immunity deal, silenced accusers and witnesses with intrusive lawsuits and a million dollars in hush money was paid to one persistent accuser just before a Civil Trial was commencing.

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Michelle they are “reciprocal”. So yes and no, they will be stopped if and when the other Countries end their own unfair tariffs, fees and trading practices. Until then, they pay.

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It will happen when the supplier decides to negotiate an end.

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It’s known as a “Leading Indicator” (along with other leading indicators), but I wouldn’t refer to it as a merchant of truth. It’s probability at work, not certainty.

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