Jay Sekulow of ACLJ did an excellent job. Listen to his most recent broadcast on President Trump's historic Supreme Court ruling on this election ban at


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Alan, where are your examples?

Also, please comment regarding the lawfare done by attorney groups such as the pervs at Lincoln Project and the ABA that are going after attorneys who represent those deemed "MAGA" or "pro-life" or Republicans/conservatives. Specifically, how can those who are in this "deplorable" group get the competent legal representation that you apparently think is not representing Trump right now?

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I kept waiting for the “uh huh” moment but the justices did a better job! Even katanje brown Jackson asked “what is the definition of insurrection?” She also read over the 14th amendment making note there is no mention of “president.”

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But who can answer Katanje’s question? Does she know for sure that amongst Dem’s lawyers there are insurrectionists? 😂

I wish Dem lawyers responded in kind: “Justice Jackson, we are not in position to unswerving this question, we are not insurrectionists. Let’s bring from jails J6-ers 😌

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Nothing more needs to be said. Except that Trump's lawyers were pathetic.

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"inept arguments", "utterly unhelpful" - that's true Harvard Law. I love it; a Harvard degree is still worth something.

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There is an elephant in the room with this podcast.. That elephant is the unaddressed detail of the Professdor's activities helping Mr Epstein for 15 years. Mr Epstein became the country's most notorious serial pedophile and Dershowitz appears to have been a very close associate. FBI/Palm Beach Police Department investigated issues of Dershowitz's cooperation with Epstein, including enablement and protection from law enforcement with a view to determining if the definition of complicity in crime is applicable. There have been allegations of participation; one was subsequently withdrawn after the victim was paid roughly USD 17 million from Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell but did not cover "exoneration".

Mr Dershowitz secured from US District Attorney Alex Acosta a secret non-prosecution deal for himself, stopping the criminal investigation. For 3 years until the deal was voided for violation of the Federal Victims Rights Act, the deal functioned as an effective pardon for Dershowitz.

Other countries take a far more serious standpoint on serial pedophilicactivities. A leader of the Hungarian government on advice of her advisor granted a pardon to a notorious serial pedophile operating in an orphanage with a large number of functionally helpless child victims, generally similar to the scope of Epstein's operation.. That pedophile had for a time successfullt covered up his crimes and that of accomplices. The subsequent outcry about the politically influenced pardon forced the Hungarian leader and her advisor to resign yesterday. So Hungary actually convicted someone of pedophilic crime, and when a pardon was issued to the convict, both the Hungarian leader and her advisor were forced to ignominiously resign.. Their public careers are over. The pardoned convict is however as free as all the pedophiles and accomplices who worked and played with Epstein, except Gislaine Maxwell.

In WW2 FDR had a motto for Americans: "Look to Norway". See what they do to nazis. I say "Look to Hungary." See and follow its example. Hungarians fully investigate pedophilia. They convict the participants, the organizers and those complicit. In America this does not happen when celebrities or those exerting their wealth, connections or both on prosecutors. These pedophile predators face no legal retribution when they can push thru an immunity deal. This fundamental corruption is a gaping weakness of the American Constitutional principles of justice for all and punishment for crime..

Martin Luther reacted against corruption by nailing 57 theses to a church door. Dershowitz complained about "persecution".in a Substack podcast last week. He explicitly offered to answer in detail and honestly any questions about his hidden activities relating to Epstein and Epstein's projects for 15 years. I accepted, with a submission in comments via Substack of 12 questions for Dershowitz to answer. There were edited from a draft of 57. Dershowitz is in breach of contract so far; he has not answered, and we still are in the dark about what he did while working and playing so much with Mr Epstein. Let's encourage Dershowitz to let Netanyahu fend for himself a couple days while Dershowitz writes the answers.

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In all of America our choices are Dead Man Walking or Pscho Talking! That's not exactly quality.

But it's true that politician & quality are oxymorons. There were a few Presidents that one could consider quality. FDR was the wise grandfather. Truman was your next door neighbor. JFK was refreshing after 8 years of the dour Ike who couldn't form an intelligent sentence. Reagan made one proud to be an American. You had to be there. It's an amalgam of Hollywood, Disney & Ringling Bros.!

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Hoping for another candidate. The two we have are bad to say the least.

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The two are bad? Whom exactly do you have in mind?

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It may not be constitutional but the Supreme court would do the Republic a great service by ruling against Trump although I doubt he would go quietly. The last thing we need is four more years of either Biden or Trump. Like it or not America deserves quality leadership.

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Trump 2024 from NYC ;)

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Define quality leadership, please

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Feb 9, 2024
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😂 on my list of favorite jokes is this: 99% of lawyers give the rest bad name.

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