Columbia University’s president and other college administrators have stated that the chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is permissible political speech.
"What is permissible to say against Jews and Israel would not be permissible to say against blacks or gays. That is the reality."...100% correct!
And as you say: "These bureaucracies must be dismantled, uprooted and delegitimized if real equality and meritocracy are ever to be restored"....I fully agree.
In my opinion the intellectual malaise in US Higher Education is wider and deeper than Alan has described. On the science side there are more retracted papers than in earlier years. There are more papers whose experimental results have totally defied replication by other researchers, the classic recent example being the cold fusion of hydrogen. So important was this research, if confirmed, that it was repeated all over the world and everyone failed !
Hussein Obama, his shadow Joe and the unelected acting president Blinken, have successfully weakened the USA over many years, all closely watched by Presidents Xi and Putin, and by the Ayatollahs, and now a huge effort will be necessary for the US to remain at Number 1.
It's no longer a matter of preserving America's "great universities"; it's a question about whether the wreckage can be salvaged, which I doubt. I graduated from Columbia in the 1960's when intelligence, critical thinking, and competition were valued, not DEI. For example, a course titled The Supreme Court & the Constitution was taught by the late Alan F. Westin in a manner that addressed the text of the Constitution, not political winds or the laws in Yemen. (Justice Scalia once correctly said the living Constitution is the dead democracy.)
Today's students' brains are filled with preconceived notions about everything, but they are lacking in knowledge of facts. For example the typical college professor or student will claim that trillions in government spending could be funded by increased taxes on the rich. They are ignorant of the fact that decades of hard data prove that high marginal rates decrease productivity and tax revenue, while lower rates encourage production, profits, and jobs, leading to higher tax revenue.
Students and professors are also woefully ignorant about the history of Islam and Israel. They don't know basic history, like the fact that Jews occupied Judea and Samaria about 2,000 years before Islam was invented, in the 7th century AD. They don't know that 1.7 million Arab Muslims live in peace and security in Israel, but there are virtually zero Jews living in Muslim dominated countries because they have been driven out.
If the Founders had been educated in today's Ivy League, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would not have been written, and the United States would not exist. Instead they very likely would have formed a totalitarian socialist government, which would be defunct by now.
Likud Jews say "From the River to the Sea", Israels owns it all. Why does Alan pickon the Arabs for repeating the first clause. Why can't Arabs repeat what Jews say? Jews are less than 2% of the American population, Yet Jewish students are 23% of Columbia's students. In Vienna from 1895 to 1936, Jews were also highly overepresented in higher education. of course giving them and not others access to power.. All lawyers and doctors and university administators were Jewish and they showed a tribal bias when granting applications. That caused an egalitarian movement to open the schools to other ethnic groups. A man whose applcation to Art School was rejected by Jewish administrators led that movement. This ethnic lopsidedness in favor of Jews is as bad as legacy admissions and is intolerable when Columbia takes federal support. which originates from all taxpayers.
Where’s your evidence that there was/is a widespread Jewish “tribal bias”? If children are lucky enough to have parents who provide them with the values of education, hard work and ambition, then clearly they will have a greater chance of success. Jealousy is a powerful, destructive force.
Jealousy arises when fairness is discarded. And jealousy is the impetuous that brings fairness back into relevance. How is it that Jews are represented in numbers more than ten times at Columbia than their frequency in the population? What effect does that have on America's democratic premises? Why does America work for Jews, but not for poor whites or any number of minorities? It looks like the Jews have established themselves as an American elite, a position they intend to keep also for their children. A dramatic illustration of this was the widespread scandal a couple years ago where Hollywood parents bought college acceptances for their none too gifted offspring. Would you try, as many Israselis actually do, but in Hebrew, not English, to argue that Ashkenazi genes are connected to high intelligence? Actually the genes are more connected to a Khazar rather than exclusively semitic origin. Khazars were a Turkish tribe. Read Arthur Koestler's research in the "13th tribe". , The term "democracy" seems to only hide the vast extent of control by a certain elite, including that apex of mega rich Jewish elite that Jeffrey Epstein worked with., Worse yet the elite uses the educational system to perpetuate itself, giving AiPAC a rosy future with donations from the very well educated offspring of AIPAC's current donors. It never has to end, as the unfairness continues on.
Actually, Jews were subjected to quotas in colleges and university admissions a century ago.
It would never occur to you that Jews were disproportionately represented because they value hard work and education. The same reason that Asians these days account for a disproportionate number of university admissions. This isn't politically correct but sorry there are some ethnic groups that are smarter and harder working then others whether because of cultural reasons or something else.
Like the marxists you don't believe in meritocracy but rather on creating an artificial notion of "fairness" by imposing race-based admissions and hiring practices on colleges and workplaces to match the percentages in the population. This is absurd and is what's truly unfair. Should we impose the same rules on the NBA, NFL where there is a disproportionate number of blacks and MLB where there is a disproportionate number of Hispanics?
I don't know whether you're coming from a far right or far left ideology. Hard to distinguish between marxists and white supremacists. Both hate Jews and America. The horseshoe theory is real.
I agree with Laura. It is unfair to give admission or a job to lesser qualified individuals. I am not Jewish, nor successful in the conventional sense of the word, but consider jealousy to be an immature and unloving attitude. Why should I be jealous of anyone who has studied or worked harder than me? I’m happy for them, and admire their effort. Cheating Hollywood parents are not relevant to this discussion. Lumping an ethnicity into one group is unethical and illogical: there are bad apples and there are excellent ones.
Qualifications, like beauty are fungible, highly subjective in the eye of the beholder. Tests make an effort to provide objectivity but the questions are of course too subjective and narrowly defined to permit that absgtract objerctivty from being realized. SAT tests constantly are reworked to make an effort to keep them from lopsidedly favoring one ethnic group. If I want more Jews or Blacks to be admitted to a school, it is very easy to arrangre purpose-directed questions.. The test questions focus on what those in the respective ethnic cicultures would have particularly learned. For Jews, as extreme examples Israeli Prime Ministers or Torah scripture and history. For black. hip-hop or basketball or maybe Maya Angelou..
Of course stereotypes are often inaccurate because of individual free will. Yet they tell of the effect of an ethnic culture. Perhaps as many as 10% of Jewish non-student adults oppose the Gaza genocide. But it is startling that apparently 90% find it possible to simply ignore, minimize or find excuses for the genocide. This is the effect of ethnic culture. Those 90 % think alike, and when in doubt find excuses to justify thinking alike. Safety in numbers perhaps. The flaw with stereotyping, for example Jews, is generational shifts which go outside the ethnic culture. Young Jews, maybe as many as 40% oppose,often with a personal fervor, this genocide.. The do not seek to find excuses for a war against primarily civilian non-combatants, They actually read the Genocide Convention and the text of International Humanitarian Law. They do this but not in numbers enough to make their standpoints part of Jewish Culture still irrevocably linked to whatever an Israeli government does. Jewish culture like AIPAC states now that Israeli governments are "beyond good and evil". Israeli government actions must be supported regardless of blatant violations of International Law and Human morality. Senator Schumer recently discovered he has been outcast from Jewish monoculture. But objective reality says Israeli governments are not allowed to act with impunity, like West Bank settlers hunting Palestinians. .This vigilante violence is not punished by the Israeli government. Just yesterday, frustrated with Netanyahu's inaction the USA enacted sanctions on a West Bank ultra-orthodox IDF brigade that had been with impunity, even before October 7th, murdering Palestinians, driving survivors away and taking their orchards.
Jewish culture, Israeli public opinion have not forced the Israeli Government to stop vigilante violence, IDF genocide or theft of land outside Israel. AIPAC brings this Jewish culture into Congress by simply bribing Congresspeople to vote as Israel wants, which means yesterday more American weapons go to Israel to permit the killing of even more civilians with recurrent, unrestrained violations of International Humanitarian Law and the Genocide Convention.
This is a dramatic reason why the huge overrepresentation of Jews in schools and government work must be reversed. unless some way is found to filter out that majority beholden to the Jewish monoculture irrevocably wedded to the actions of the Israeli government. Antony Blinken comes from a family which included one of the founders of zionism..He is unable to restrain Netanyahu and will not use American leverage on Israel to stop genocide.. Conflict of interest? Merrick Garland comes from a prominent zionist family. He and his DOJ will not force AIPAC to register as a "foreign agent" in accord with the Foreign Agent Registration Act. ( this prevents direct bribery by foreign agents). Conflict of interest? Answers are "apparently". Why are Jews so overrerpresented that they determine central parts of -American foreign policy concerning Israeli actions. The overreprestation of Jews gives Israel effective impunity probably even to use its atomic bombs on purely civilian targets to solve Likud's "demographic threat" , all while still keeping American support.
The key to answering you fully is in your second sentence. You are apparently not ambitious yet have enough material goods that you can provide confidently for yourself and your dependents Most people are not in this situation and that is why competition characterizes capitalism (it also did in communism but was under the surface).. That is why jealousy is foreign to you. Good for you, you may live longer. But you are priviledged with your confidence in the future. Lumping into ethnic groups has to be fair when people in those groups have lumped themselves and follow a group think (see above about the 90% of Jewish non-student adults).. The group think characterizes a monoculture.. When people from that ethnic group dominate or are highly overrepresented in a student population or a work force, they bring their monoculture with them. That directly impacts negatively on everyone else, individuals and groups outside of that monoculture.
No, I did not miss that point. Meritocracy is to be respected but onlty to the degree that it does not disproportionately shut out other citizens, particularly those in groups routinely shut out from the elite's opportunities and statrus and in this case the schools that provide that entry. The preference for equal,opportunity (note. not equal results) is actually an abstract fundamental premise to American democracy, always cited as part of American exceptionalism but today very hard to find in application. This theoretical fundamental principle is covered in hundreds of hours of elementary school education to set the premises for future expectations. And the sin is that in practice the ethnic preferences for Jews and legacy college admissions nullifies equality of opportunity because of the dramatic overrepresentation of those two groups in colleges and the elite. And this unequal opportunity will not end any time soon because the elite (or as we say the "oligarchy" when talking of foreign elites) has a goal of self-perpetuating, another assault on democratic values. You get consistent application of LAW to all when equal opportunity is respected and promoted in universities, in this case by cutting the huge overrepresentation of Jewish, Legacy, and include if you wish Asian students.
You reminded me how more than forty years ago, a teacher of Scientific Communism (this was such a compulsory discipline that explained what should happen in the most just country in the world and why Marxism is the highest degree of social consciousness) explained to young students that in the Soviet Union all nations are equal, but the percentage of Jewish enrollment in higher education institutions should be limited, because Jews are such a special people that if they are not limited, they will seize all leadership positions, then seize power, and then the whole world.
As you can see, the Soviet version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was not very different from the Nazi ones, nor from the idea that you are trying to slip in here.
Regarding the Likud Jews (I have a surprise for you, Likud is a party in a democratic country in which, in addition to Jews, there are Arabs, Druze and many other nationalities), I don’t remember why they proclaimed such a slogan, especially since there is a state between the river and the sea An Israel that does not need additional freedom.
So, I have a friend. He is an Arab, lives in an Arab city, an Arab quarter, and we have been friends with him for many years, because we have the same views on this world and how it works. So, we both agree that our life would be many times worse, if it were possible at all, if there were not a Jewish state from the river to the sea. Because both of us in this state have equal rights with Jews, and we have the opportunity to live happily without oppression and violence, enjoying the fruits of an advanced economy, culture, education, and social institutions.
Any Arab state in this territory would turn this land into hell.
This is the life position and view of two middle-aged people who have lived more than half of their lives and know what they are talking about.
Interesting comment.. As an historian, and if thinking in terms of stereotypes, I woiuld tend to agree that an Arab state would probably - - -based on what other Arab states have done - - turn Palestine/Israel into a hellhole or at least a formal dictatorship. But is that a premise for denying an entire people their nationhood under the presumption that they cannot be educated and will not evolve?. Did not people say and think the same about Jews over long periods of time? They did. And does this comment jusify unremitting apartheid, indifference to the lives of Arabs and the reckless international and domestic behaviour and gencide of the Jewish state? The writer's paragraph about his friend may or may not be objective reality. After all, it is a Jewish state, for the benefit of Jews apparently exclusively, Arabic is not an official language, government work requires hebrew, and Arab property is routinely expropristed so
Jews, and Jews alone, can have new houses. I hear from younger Arabs that they strongly feel apartheid. Maybe your middle age involves desensitizing. But the paragraph is incontrovertibly not the objective reality of Arabs in the West Bank and absolutely not those in -Gaza.
The writer's grammar in his 4th paragraph is unclear as to whether he says that Likud includes non-Jews, or in any substantial numbers. Likuds 1977 charter specifies the goal of a Jewish state from River to the Sea. The palestinians presumably plagiarized this term.
My father was with Patton's American Army, which by its entry into WW2 won the war and facilitated the liberation of huge numbers of jews from concentration camps, some the size of Rafah. Arguably had the American Army not been in the European Theater, liberating those Jews, the 40,000 Gazans, so many of them young children, killed since last October would be alive today. That is a-Butterfly Effect, one of the ironies that cannot be foresee. It wss thought that victims would be sensitive and therefore build better nations. Well, now we know. better.
As a Russian ,educated with communism in the background, you and I certainly have radically different politialmpremisesmeven though you are not communist. The soviet premise that jews will take over started and seemed very accurate with the Bolshevik Revolution, but the Jews were purged by Stalin in the 1930's, with his Terror, his organized famines and then his attack on doctors. Over many hundreds of years Jews had inordinate access to education, then administration which allowed control of which identity groups gained entry into schools. This was reflected by overrepresentation in the professions and in government jobs. In Vienna it was said in the early 1930s that all psychiatrists were Jewish and roughly 90-95% of all lawyers and doctors were. One Goyim artist, future political leader, was denied entry into art school by a Jewish dominated admissions board. This vast overrepresentation of Jews in the professions and in stable income jobs has been judged to have been an important basis for the antisemitic basis of National Socialism. Briefly stated, it was argued that jealousy of the excluded was necessary to bring about fairness which would lead to their inclusion. A fundamental difference in approach is that between Bismark and Metternich Like Bismark, Netanyahu takes absolute everything he can get and as fast as possible. His only concern is acquiring. Metternich had a radically different approach. He wanted expansion, acquisition only to the extent it predictably would not lead to such a strong reaction that violence would begin again. Empathy was baked into his approach.. Kissinger believed in Metternich. I do not think you can find an Israeli who does. They are Bismarkian to the core.
If you think that I have answers to all your comments, then you will be right.
And despite the fact that I am not a historian or a researcher, I understood your point perfectly.
I hate to tell you, but in addition to controversial issues that can be discussed, you made several more objective mistakes that influenced your worldview so much that assumptions became facts for you. This is not very good for a historian. Here's your question:
"But is that a premise for denying an entire people their nationhood under the presumption that they cannot be educated and will not evolve?"
Sorry, but not only are the Arab people not denied statehood, moreover, the Arabs have 22 states, and the Arabs who lived in Palestine under the Ottoman Empire (that is, that part of the Arabs that you call “Palestinians” although they consider themselves Arabs) have the state of Jordan.
You are talking about a small part of a huge people who already live in different states and Israel is just one of such states.
Do you think that Arabs should have 23 states just because they live somewhere?
Why don’t the Kurds have the right to create a dozen states since they live in many countries? Armenians, Uzbeks? That is, it is enough for everyone that there is Armenia and Uzbekistan and the Kurds can live anywhere, but for that part of the Arabs who live next to the Jews, it is necessary to give (I mean give) another Arab state. Although there are no prerequisites for the creation of a single, independent free state.
In addition, it was Israel that offered statehood to the Arabs. Neither Jordan nor Egypt, which also occupied these territories. If you are a historian, then you know this.
Next, the second part of your question: "... under the presumption that they cannot be educated and will not evolve? "
You ignore the fact that the proclamation of an Arab state is now demanded. Without waiting for development, awareness of the unity of the people, the desire to build a state. The Arabs do not even promise that they will not kill Jews. They proclaim it. They do not need a state next to the Jews, they need the Jews to be destroyed. They talk about this at all levels.
Well, then you ended as a historian and began as a propagandist:
- “And does this comment jusify unremitting apartheid, indifference to the lives of Arabs and the reckless international and domestic behaviour and gencide of the Jewish state?” is the purest propaganda that I can debunk, but this is not the talk of serious people.
-"After all, it is a Jewish state, for the benefit of Jews apparently exclusively" - just like Sweden for the benefit of the Swedes or Denmark for the benefit of the Danes. Everything is the same and to the same extent.
- "Arabic is not an official language, government work requires Hebrew, and Arab property is usually expropriated" - Arabic is the official language, police, judges, civil servants in Arab areas speak Arabic. But Hebrew is generally accepted, as in other countries where there is a language that everyone speaks.
About the expropriation of Arab property and about the fact that only Jews can have new houses, you made me laugh very much. You have the same idea of Israel as I did at the age of seven, when I was told at school how blacks were lynched in New York and the police shot American communists.
Israel is a much more democratic country than most of those you consider democratic.
It’s just uncomfortable for me to continue to say this to a person who positions himself as a historian. You are captive of templates and propaganda and have been for many years, it seems.
Of course, I won’t be able to destroy your illusions, I just made you uncomfortable. For which I apologize.
I would also talk about World War II, Metternich and Bismarck, but these are long and very bad examples that speak only of your emotions, not your knowledge. Moreover, you are using figures from Hamas, which is lying about the number of deaths.
GOTCHA, Victor. 14 lines from the bottom, you write with sunlight certainty and absolute confidence that "Arabic is the Official language. Gotta write it again. Ambush. Gotcha. Arabic was removed by the Likud coalition as an official language on July 18, 2018. The Knesset majority wanted expressly to send a non PC message that Arabs are not wanted. Of coursde a historian knows dates . No templates orm propagandas or even illusions. Just the facts, as Sgt Friday said. . I need to pause for a few minutes to savour my total victory and have a glass of cranberry juice. And celebvrate my comfort.
Residuals from the bottom:
1. BTW Blacks were lynched in NY and policemshot communists at Haymarket Square. These were just highly infrequent.
2. Israel is clearly a democracy, but only for Jews. Really Victor this is objective reality in the "Jewish State" you seem to clearly admit. but you compare it to Danes for Danish, Swedes for Swedes. Poor analogy. All Danes. Swedes and Americans + Brits etxc have by law equal rights. Israelis do not have equal rights. That is where "Jewish" state comes in.. No one state Northern Ireland solution for the Jewish state. Arabs are and can be no more than second class citizens. I have seen restaurants where Arabs are denied entry, toilets only for jews, entire areas which are no-go for Arab. and of course mastery in their own language is irrelevant for a government job. other than translator or police undercover agent. With background in Russia, you doubtless do not understand how vital the concept of equal rights is to Western civilization. An argument that the Arabs would live in worse conditions in an Arab run country is irrelevant simply because they do not live there..BTW International Humanitarian Law, which Russia also ratified, states clearly that it is a war crime tomexpel a population from its homeland...
3. With a russian background, you probably have not been aware of the differing ideologies of Metternich and Bismark but they have been very formative for western approaches to peacemaking. Ever read Ayn Rand, A Russian emigre writer who wrote a book that has sold better than any book other than the Bible and has strongly influenced a generation of americans? She was of Khazar Jewish origin but despised Communists and the Ashkenazis running Israel. The book is "Atlas Shrugged"
You may be a good historian, and in some areas you may even be the best, but here you are not only wrong, you are doing something that a good historian would never do. In matters of Israel, you put prejudice first and built around it a fictional Israel with apartheid, genocide and all the other nonsense that you told me.
Israel is no worse or better than other countries; Israelis are not who you imagined. You simply hear what you want to hear and see what you want.
I have lived in Israel for many years and know it no worse than those who were born here, because all this time I have been studying this country. I know how it happened that the whole world sees Israel as it is presented by the media, as pseudo-historians like Avi Shlaim, Ilan Pappe and others present it. I live next to Jews and Arabs, Druze and other nationalities and I see something completely different from what you write about. I've been to almost every town
And even if, as you think, my level of education does not allow me to know about Bismarck, Metternich and Ayn Rand, it still will not convince me that reality is the nonsense that you write, and not what I saw and heard.
P.S. You can’t imagine how many lawyers the management of a restaurant will have in the morning where an Arab was not allowed into in the evening.
The International Court of Justice has made a preliminary finding that it is "plausible" that israel and the IDF have committed genocide in Gaza in violation of the text of the Genocide convention. Israe has been ordered to stop the genocide. It has not. The final ICJ ruling will come at the end of the year. The International Criminal Court is considering indicting Netsnyahu and two IDF generrals for war crimes in Gaza. Their ruling is expected within a month.. there have already been suggestions the trials be held in Nuremberg once the indicted are extradicted. THEREFORE Israel is demonstrably worse than other countries. The ICJ judgement is as objective as you will get, and was even televised so you could experience the full weight of the South African evidence. Facts matter. Opinions conflicting with facts do not. You are not in the USSR or Russia anymore, and therefore individual assessment of issues is expected rather than just you thinking what the leader says to think. But to have an informed opinion, you need to actually spend time and watch the hearings. I did. You didn't. Tal Becker, the lead israeli defense attorney failed to rebut the evidence and was reduced to saying that Jews cannot not committ genocide. The evidence showed the contrary. Genocide Convention prohibited Nazis and Jews were not Nazis. I think what you characterize me as is simple displacement of what you really are. Apprently this discussion has gone as far as it can, and you will not allow youself to move from your opinions of the Jewish State. The Jewish state does not allow journalists into Gaza tomdocument that moonscape. I see film footage from journalist who have to sneak around under bullet and rocket fire. About 170 have been killed so far. What I see, you are not allowed to see. Sort of like you are back in the USSR again. There is famine next door . . Israel is drastically limiting international food shipments to civilians and this is important: ISRAELIS THEMSELVES SEND NO AID TO GAZAN CiVILIANS AND ANNOUNCE THEY WILL NOT REBUILD FOR ARABS IN GAZA. Simple humanity is not in the Israeli heart. Israel is worse than any other country.
Of course you are missing the point, deliberately so in my view. What Alan is saying is that there should be a SINGLE standard universities should be applying to free speech. We all know that rallies against blacks', gays or muslims would never be tolerated. You may not be old enough to remember, but Alan defended the right of neo-nazis to march in Skokie, Il in 1978. So, it isn't Alan that is preventing free speech, it's the marxist colleges and universities which protect favored minorities above others.
Likud Jews say "From the River to the Sea", Israels owns it all. Why does Alan pickon the Arabs for repeating the first clause. Why can't Arabs repeat what Jews say?
Jeesh Laura. This is stunning given yor last seven posts. Five consecutive sentences containing not a single epithet. So I think you deserve a reasoned and intelligent response. Alan has changed, bigtime. Whst he did in Skokie, which i witnessed since I was visiting a friend in nearby Highland Park. (George Lincoln Rockwell was dressed in full Nazi military regalia) was cited for almost 40 years as the ideal by ACLU. But both changed. ACLU no longer defends free speech if it is politically disagreable to woke influencers. And Alan no longer defends free speech if it is disagreeable to Jews, or if against the Apartheid/Genocide state . His Dershow podcasts have been McCarthyite, insisting that student demonstrators need to be denied job opportunities, that they need to be fired, that they are "Hitler Youth" and "ignoramuses" and that he wants to make a list of the names of everyone demonstrating against Israel Most importantly because of defamation law, Alan has to be referred to as an accused or suspected pedophile rather just coming out and saying it.,.
Your second sentence is the reasonable argument of meritocracy advocates. There has been considerable thought 1) that the meritocracy is focused on serving a political leader and does not itself provide for better government and 2) so many kinds of people are excluded from that meritocracy. that that exclusion seems to have an effect on our democracy..In historhy we saw this in -china which had the first governmental meritocracy., It became notoriously corrupt and ineeficient and ethnically based.. Taking this analogy to the universities that provide entry to this meritocracy , 24 % of Columbia's students are Jewish. Columbia is, a national Ivy League School . Jews are less than 2 % of America's population. Therefore at this university Jews are ten times more nu,merous than in the general Americsn population. They will gradiuate , get jobs. Yet has a fundamental fairness connected to democracy itself been violated when others are excluded during the admissions of so very many Jews to Columbia.
Historians have pondered the effect of an elite's stranglehold on higher education, and some have cited preWW2 Vienna. that arguably created the massive resentment that led to thje Anschluss.
I am sympathetic to the one standard as a starting point but think that standard needs to be extended in scope to include social intelligence evaluations of boys and girls with very different backgrounds and interests other than simply getting good grades. Being a well-adjusted teenager, with social intelligence rather tha book intelligence, enjoying the teenage years rather than memorizing textbooks is good. for society. Social intelligence should be weighted to diversify the school so that overrepresentation of the focused, hard-studying Jews is less of a characteristic of Columbia..
Translation: Lower standards to accommodate people who are too lazy, lack ambition or simply don't have the intellectual capacity to handle the material. Good luck with your future DEI physician.
"Social intelligence should be weighted to diversify the school so that overrepresentation of the focused, hard-studying Jews is less of a characteristic of Columbia"
So what? Why are Asians disproportionally represented? Why are blacks disproportionally represented in sports? Why do you want to punish Jews and exclude them because they study hard and value education? Do you want Asians excluded as well? Your call for lowering standards and valuing diversity over merit is marxist claptrap and just plain crazy. Do you want a DEI surgeon to be operating on you?
Scratch the surface of a marxist and you'll find a nazi.
What’s astonishing is actually the whole Middle East besides Israel is an Opressor and Apartheid. Islam needs to be banned in America. They are all terrorist and a danger to our Country. Whether you like it or not we are a Christian nation. Vallery Jarrett even said they will use our freedom of Religion against us for their Islamic cause. I’ve read extensively on Muslim/Islam history because I was curious after 911. These types of people can’t reasoned with. That’s why Lincoln read the Quran to understand them. Yes they may sign peace treaties and other things but their belief is it’s ok to break treaties, laws etc. for Islam and nothing has changed since those days. They will conquer and behead anyone who doesn’t convert to Islam. How many Jews or Christians you think live in the Islamic Countries? Probably a handful and they are probably slaves. Mohammad was a false prophet. He was a demented pedophile. He claimed to be visited by an Angel. Yet he was scared. That’s because it was Satan or he was going mad. I honestly can’t believe people actually believe what he said was true. Let’s also not forget Obama is a Muslim. Biden has many pro Iranian people in high positions. Robert Malley had his security clearance revoked and resigned after an investigation revealed he had been sharing classified information with Iran. Sadly there are many more still in high positions of his Administration. People need to stop voting with feelings, identity or Democrat, Republican etc. We must vote what is in American and America’s best interest and elect Strong leaders. Biden is so weak our enemies are emboldened. That’s why wars are starting everywhere and China will be attacking next. Our country is filled with terrorist on the inside because of his open border. Look at how many Chinese and ME, African single military aged males are here in our Country. Everyone needs to get educated quickly
Hmmm... 🤔 Where was Alan when all the conservative speakers (who weren't racist/antisemitic) were attacked or prevented from even speaking? Where is Alan now when this is happening? Hello??????
It's quite difficult to get all worked up over what's happening now when public figures like Alan have been silent or complicit in what's been happening with conservatives for years, and still has been happening.
Not being an attorney; I wonder if an action can be brought against these supposed institutions to withhold all federal funds if it’s determined they violated students rights?
Columbia-Barnard rabbi tells Jewish students to stay home for safety.
"No one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school," the co-director of Columbia/Barnard OU-JLIC wrote.
My response:
US Attorney General Merrick Garland and Pretendent Joe-Bama are cowards and have further exacerbated Jew hatred across America. Federal troops should be sent to the campus and open the campus for all students.
I remember when the Attorney General of the US, Robert Kennedy sent Federal Marshalls to escort James Meredith to class. Remember, when Democrats were for civil rights and that equality for all were their values? On September 1962, Attorney General Kennedy sent US Marshals and troops to Oxford, Mississippi to enforce a federal court order admitting the first African American student - James Meredith - to the University of Mississippi.
Would it be so difficult for The Obamas to speak out against anti- semitism on college campuses in particular and everywhere in general? I can only conclude that their unconscionable silence is because of their support and sympathy for widespread anti-semitism.
Hello Alan Dershowitz, Here's One From America's #1 Enemy Against The Criminals In Our Governments, Their Deep State Masters And Supports. From:
Auston E. Matthews; Do you have access to Attorney's, Social Media & The Governments in China, Russia Or Any Brics Nations?? We are fighting to Save the American Economy & Enforce Our American Constitution, While Maintaining Friendly Working Relationships With China, Russia, Brics Nations And Brics Allies. Here's a quick analysis. The Ex President Trump was just successful Sued for Over 200 Million because of Defamation, He Basically Talked Badly About A Few Individuals. The ICJ Has Found The Israeli Governments Guilty Of Genocide. The Israeli Governments Are Puppet Governments Controlled By The American Governments Who Are Puppets To Their Deep State Masters (AKA America's Oligarchs). Up Until As Early As 3 Years Ago, Israel Was Still Prosecuting Nazi Concentration Camp Guards, Who Are All Over The Age Of 90. Now, Let's Put These Simple Truths Together. If An Ex American President Can Be Sued For Talking Badly About Someone And The Charges Of Murder And Genocide Can Always Be Filed, No Matter How Old, Then There Are Well Over 50 Different Countries Who Are Clearly In The Process Of Legally Charging The American World Bank Accounts For War Crimes, Genocide, The Looting Of Their Natural Resources And Economies. The Entire World Knows They Are Guilty. However, We The Real Americans, Have The Proof That The Criminals Hidings Within Our Governments And Their Deep State Masters, Are Not A Legal Part Of America. They Have Already Separated Themselves From The Citizens Of America By Operating In Total Violations Against The American Constitution And All International Laws, For Over 50 Years. It Is Their Business And Personal Accounts That Are To Be Frozen, Without Devastating The Entire American Economy. We Even Have The Proof That They Are Making Our Families And Citizens Sick On Purpose For Profits, And It's Attached To The Hospitals And Pharmaceuticals. We Have Daily Broadcasts On All Social Media Platforms By The Governments Top Military Personnel And Advisors Admitting Most Of These Crimes. My Contact Is + 1 332 250 1756, Whatsapp Also. We Are Looking At Many Trillions Of Dollars Changing Hands Very Soon. Pass My Contact Information On The Your Media's And Government Officials If Possible. We Are America's Real Americans.
Alan, Really ??? So, You want to play the Race Card? Let's take a quick look at the American Constitution. The individuals who wrote the American Constitution were mostly Slave Owners Themselves. However, In America As Of Right Now, Their Descendants Are Now Enslaved Right Along With Everyone Else. White & Black Together, We Are All Enslaved. I Know Alan, You Can't Talk About The Fact That I Just Mentioned. But The Simple Truth Is The Biggest Enemy To All Illegal Activities. Every Single Law In Our American Constitution Is Being Violated Under This Entire Illegal System. Dare You Talk About "Targeted Individuals" Or "Gang Stalking" Or The Weapons That Manipulate Your Minds, Pain, Pleasures And sicknesses ?? Of Course Not. However The Rest Of The World Now Has Access To The Same Exact Weapons And Technology. And, The Rest Of The World Is Talking About It. On The Subject Of Columbia University Jeffery Sachs Is A Top Professor Their, He Also Heads A Division At The United Nations And Is Still A Top Economist For The White House. So Alan, You Can Always Inappropriately Play The Race Card, However The Plain And Simple Truths Will Always Win. Let's Review Some Of These Top American Military Members And Advisors: Jeffery Sachs, Scott Ritter, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, General Richard Black. Judge Napolitano, Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, George Galloway, RFK Jr, Governor And Special Forces Jesse Ventura. All Of These Individuals Are Either From The American Department Of Defense, The Pentagon, The United Nations, The British Parliament And Several Additional Top Government Agencies. How Does Helping Israel, Destroy Israel, With Our Stolen Tax Dollars, Help Anyone. They Have The Same Problems We Have, Only Our Puppet Governments Are Their Puppet Governments Masters, Who Are All Illegally Controlled By America's Deep State (AKA America's Oligarchs). The Simple Truths Will Always Be Their Biggest Enemies. You Also Forget To Reference How America Was Stolen From It's Native Inhabitants. Again Alan It's Only The Plan And Simple Truths. Does Anyone Want To Discuss Solutions? You Did Mention South Africa, And There's The Simple Solution. We Can All Fulfill Our Legal Obligations As American Citizens And Follow The Example Of South Africa By Having The Criminal's Within Our Governments And Their Deep State Masters Charged In The ICJ & ICC. They Have Already Separated Themselves From America's Citizens By Operating In Treasonous Violations Against The American Constitution And All International Laws. And If You Don't Hurry Up, Then All Of The Victim Nations Of America's Illegal Wars Are In The Process Of Legally Charging America's World Bank Accounts For Countless Crimes Against Humanity And War Crimes. "The American Resistance & Corrections" International Developments,
Universities are crucibles of ideas. Stop being so intolerant. Allow conflicting ideas to be presented. Otherwise it is nothing but a breeding ground for totalitarianism.
Either your reading comprehension is not very good, or you didn't read the article.
He's talking about placing the shoe on the other foot.
If I marched on Harvard's campus, picketing against the mega loser Eugene H, yelling and screaming at you as you walk to class, then the University would most likely take action.
Dershowitz correctly points out that a neutral private university would either allow everyone to march, including organizations like the KKK, or they would set reasonable rules around what is permitted on campus. And usually private campuses prohibit bigoted remarks towards a particular ethnic group because it doesn't create a conducive atmosphere for study.
In this case Harvard has taken a political sides. And the bigoted losers in the intersectionality department who are usually up in arms whenever a particular ethnic group is targeted are suddenly quiet. Where is the outrage?
Well, we all the know the answer. Most jewish students are white. And the bigoted CRT folks don't want to stand up for them, because it doesn't fit their narrative (i.e., white people are oppresors).
When a private organization, and Harvard is private, writes their terms and conditions, then it ought to be applied equally to everyone. Not selectively enforced when you feel like it.
"What is permissible to say against Jews and Israel would not be permissible to say against blacks or gays. That is the reality."...100% correct!
And as you say: "These bureaucracies must be dismantled, uprooted and delegitimized if real equality and meritocracy are ever to be restored"....I fully agree.
View this piece. The Germans are at it again. These people have no middle ground. Fascism is in their bone.
In my opinion the intellectual malaise in US Higher Education is wider and deeper than Alan has described. On the science side there are more retracted papers than in earlier years. There are more papers whose experimental results have totally defied replication by other researchers, the classic recent example being the cold fusion of hydrogen. So important was this research, if confirmed, that it was repeated all over the world and everyone failed !
Hussein Obama, his shadow Joe and the unelected acting president Blinken, have successfully weakened the USA over many years, all closely watched by Presidents Xi and Putin, and by the Ayatollahs, and now a huge effort will be necessary for the US to remain at Number 1.
It's no longer a matter of preserving America's "great universities"; it's a question about whether the wreckage can be salvaged, which I doubt. I graduated from Columbia in the 1960's when intelligence, critical thinking, and competition were valued, not DEI. For example, a course titled The Supreme Court & the Constitution was taught by the late Alan F. Westin in a manner that addressed the text of the Constitution, not political winds or the laws in Yemen. (Justice Scalia once correctly said the living Constitution is the dead democracy.)
Today's students' brains are filled with preconceived notions about everything, but they are lacking in knowledge of facts. For example the typical college professor or student will claim that trillions in government spending could be funded by increased taxes on the rich. They are ignorant of the fact that decades of hard data prove that high marginal rates decrease productivity and tax revenue, while lower rates encourage production, profits, and jobs, leading to higher tax revenue.
Students and professors are also woefully ignorant about the history of Islam and Israel. They don't know basic history, like the fact that Jews occupied Judea and Samaria about 2,000 years before Islam was invented, in the 7th century AD. They don't know that 1.7 million Arab Muslims live in peace and security in Israel, but there are virtually zero Jews living in Muslim dominated countries because they have been driven out.
If the Founders had been educated in today's Ivy League, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would not have been written, and the United States would not exist. Instead they very likely would have formed a totalitarian socialist government, which would be defunct by now.
Likud Jews say "From the River to the Sea", Israels owns it all. Why does Alan pickon the Arabs for repeating the first clause. Why can't Arabs repeat what Jews say? Jews are less than 2% of the American population, Yet Jewish students are 23% of Columbia's students. In Vienna from 1895 to 1936, Jews were also highly overepresented in higher education. of course giving them and not others access to power.. All lawyers and doctors and university administators were Jewish and they showed a tribal bias when granting applications. That caused an egalitarian movement to open the schools to other ethnic groups. A man whose applcation to Art School was rejected by Jewish administrators led that movement. This ethnic lopsidedness in favor of Jews is as bad as legacy admissions and is intolerable when Columbia takes federal support. which originates from all taxpayers.
Where’s your evidence that there was/is a widespread Jewish “tribal bias”? If children are lucky enough to have parents who provide them with the values of education, hard work and ambition, then clearly they will have a greater chance of success. Jealousy is a powerful, destructive force.
Jealousy arises when fairness is discarded. And jealousy is the impetuous that brings fairness back into relevance. How is it that Jews are represented in numbers more than ten times at Columbia than their frequency in the population? What effect does that have on America's democratic premises? Why does America work for Jews, but not for poor whites or any number of minorities? It looks like the Jews have established themselves as an American elite, a position they intend to keep also for their children. A dramatic illustration of this was the widespread scandal a couple years ago where Hollywood parents bought college acceptances for their none too gifted offspring. Would you try, as many Israselis actually do, but in Hebrew, not English, to argue that Ashkenazi genes are connected to high intelligence? Actually the genes are more connected to a Khazar rather than exclusively semitic origin. Khazars were a Turkish tribe. Read Arthur Koestler's research in the "13th tribe". , The term "democracy" seems to only hide the vast extent of control by a certain elite, including that apex of mega rich Jewish elite that Jeffrey Epstein worked with., Worse yet the elite uses the educational system to perpetuate itself, giving AiPAC a rosy future with donations from the very well educated offspring of AIPAC's current donors. It never has to end, as the unfairness continues on.
Actually, Jews were subjected to quotas in colleges and university admissions a century ago.
It would never occur to you that Jews were disproportionately represented because they value hard work and education. The same reason that Asians these days account for a disproportionate number of university admissions. This isn't politically correct but sorry there are some ethnic groups that are smarter and harder working then others whether because of cultural reasons or something else.
Like the marxists you don't believe in meritocracy but rather on creating an artificial notion of "fairness" by imposing race-based admissions and hiring practices on colleges and workplaces to match the percentages in the population. This is absurd and is what's truly unfair. Should we impose the same rules on the NBA, NFL where there is a disproportionate number of blacks and MLB where there is a disproportionate number of Hispanics?
I don't know whether you're coming from a far right or far left ideology. Hard to distinguish between marxists and white supremacists. Both hate Jews and America. The horseshoe theory is real.
I agree with Laura. It is unfair to give admission or a job to lesser qualified individuals. I am not Jewish, nor successful in the conventional sense of the word, but consider jealousy to be an immature and unloving attitude. Why should I be jealous of anyone who has studied or worked harder than me? I’m happy for them, and admire their effort. Cheating Hollywood parents are not relevant to this discussion. Lumping an ethnicity into one group is unethical and illogical: there are bad apples and there are excellent ones.
Qualifications, like beauty are fungible, highly subjective in the eye of the beholder. Tests make an effort to provide objectivity but the questions are of course too subjective and narrowly defined to permit that absgtract objerctivty from being realized. SAT tests constantly are reworked to make an effort to keep them from lopsidedly favoring one ethnic group. If I want more Jews or Blacks to be admitted to a school, it is very easy to arrangre purpose-directed questions.. The test questions focus on what those in the respective ethnic cicultures would have particularly learned. For Jews, as extreme examples Israeli Prime Ministers or Torah scripture and history. For black. hip-hop or basketball or maybe Maya Angelou..
Of course stereotypes are often inaccurate because of individual free will. Yet they tell of the effect of an ethnic culture. Perhaps as many as 10% of Jewish non-student adults oppose the Gaza genocide. But it is startling that apparently 90% find it possible to simply ignore, minimize or find excuses for the genocide. This is the effect of ethnic culture. Those 90 % think alike, and when in doubt find excuses to justify thinking alike. Safety in numbers perhaps. The flaw with stereotyping, for example Jews, is generational shifts which go outside the ethnic culture. Young Jews, maybe as many as 40% oppose,often with a personal fervor, this genocide.. The do not seek to find excuses for a war against primarily civilian non-combatants, They actually read the Genocide Convention and the text of International Humanitarian Law. They do this but not in numbers enough to make their standpoints part of Jewish Culture still irrevocably linked to whatever an Israeli government does. Jewish culture like AIPAC states now that Israeli governments are "beyond good and evil". Israeli government actions must be supported regardless of blatant violations of International Law and Human morality. Senator Schumer recently discovered he has been outcast from Jewish monoculture. But objective reality says Israeli governments are not allowed to act with impunity, like West Bank settlers hunting Palestinians. .This vigilante violence is not punished by the Israeli government. Just yesterday, frustrated with Netanyahu's inaction the USA enacted sanctions on a West Bank ultra-orthodox IDF brigade that had been with impunity, even before October 7th, murdering Palestinians, driving survivors away and taking their orchards.
Jewish culture, Israeli public opinion have not forced the Israeli Government to stop vigilante violence, IDF genocide or theft of land outside Israel. AIPAC brings this Jewish culture into Congress by simply bribing Congresspeople to vote as Israel wants, which means yesterday more American weapons go to Israel to permit the killing of even more civilians with recurrent, unrestrained violations of International Humanitarian Law and the Genocide Convention.
This is a dramatic reason why the huge overrepresentation of Jews in schools and government work must be reversed. unless some way is found to filter out that majority beholden to the Jewish monoculture irrevocably wedded to the actions of the Israeli government. Antony Blinken comes from a family which included one of the founders of zionism..He is unable to restrain Netanyahu and will not use American leverage on Israel to stop genocide.. Conflict of interest? Merrick Garland comes from a prominent zionist family. He and his DOJ will not force AIPAC to register as a "foreign agent" in accord with the Foreign Agent Registration Act. ( this prevents direct bribery by foreign agents). Conflict of interest? Answers are "apparently". Why are Jews so overrerpresented that they determine central parts of -American foreign policy concerning Israeli actions. The overreprestation of Jews gives Israel effective impunity probably even to use its atomic bombs on purely civilian targets to solve Likud's "demographic threat" , all while still keeping American support.
The key to answering you fully is in your second sentence. You are apparently not ambitious yet have enough material goods that you can provide confidently for yourself and your dependents Most people are not in this situation and that is why competition characterizes capitalism (it also did in communism but was under the surface).. That is why jealousy is foreign to you. Good for you, you may live longer. But you are priviledged with your confidence in the future. Lumping into ethnic groups has to be fair when people in those groups have lumped themselves and follow a group think (see above about the 90% of Jewish non-student adults).. The group think characterizes a monoculture.. When people from that ethnic group dominate or are highly overrepresented in a student population or a work force, they bring their monoculture with them. That directly impacts negatively on everyone else, individuals and groups outside of that monoculture.
With respect, I think you totally missed the point !! Meritocracy and consistenancy of the application of the LAW to all !!
No, I did not miss that point. Meritocracy is to be respected but onlty to the degree that it does not disproportionately shut out other citizens, particularly those in groups routinely shut out from the elite's opportunities and statrus and in this case the schools that provide that entry. The preference for equal,opportunity (note. not equal results) is actually an abstract fundamental premise to American democracy, always cited as part of American exceptionalism but today very hard to find in application. This theoretical fundamental principle is covered in hundreds of hours of elementary school education to set the premises for future expectations. And the sin is that in practice the ethnic preferences for Jews and legacy college admissions nullifies equality of opportunity because of the dramatic overrepresentation of those two groups in colleges and the elite. And this unequal opportunity will not end any time soon because the elite (or as we say the "oligarchy" when talking of foreign elites) has a goal of self-perpetuating, another assault on democratic values. You get consistent application of LAW to all when equal opportunity is respected and promoted in universities, in this case by cutting the huge overrepresentation of Jewish, Legacy, and include if you wish Asian students.
You reminded me how more than forty years ago, a teacher of Scientific Communism (this was such a compulsory discipline that explained what should happen in the most just country in the world and why Marxism is the highest degree of social consciousness) explained to young students that in the Soviet Union all nations are equal, but the percentage of Jewish enrollment in higher education institutions should be limited, because Jews are such a special people that if they are not limited, they will seize all leadership positions, then seize power, and then the whole world.
As you can see, the Soviet version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was not very different from the Nazi ones, nor from the idea that you are trying to slip in here.
Regarding the Likud Jews (I have a surprise for you, Likud is a party in a democratic country in which, in addition to Jews, there are Arabs, Druze and many other nationalities), I don’t remember why they proclaimed such a slogan, especially since there is a state between the river and the sea An Israel that does not need additional freedom.
So, I have a friend. He is an Arab, lives in an Arab city, an Arab quarter, and we have been friends with him for many years, because we have the same views on this world and how it works. So, we both agree that our life would be many times worse, if it were possible at all, if there were not a Jewish state from the river to the sea. Because both of us in this state have equal rights with Jews, and we have the opportunity to live happily without oppression and violence, enjoying the fruits of an advanced economy, culture, education, and social institutions.
Any Arab state in this territory would turn this land into hell.
This is the life position and view of two middle-aged people who have lived more than half of their lives and know what they are talking about.
Interesting comment.. As an historian, and if thinking in terms of stereotypes, I woiuld tend to agree that an Arab state would probably - - -based on what other Arab states have done - - turn Palestine/Israel into a hellhole or at least a formal dictatorship. But is that a premise for denying an entire people their nationhood under the presumption that they cannot be educated and will not evolve?. Did not people say and think the same about Jews over long periods of time? They did. And does this comment jusify unremitting apartheid, indifference to the lives of Arabs and the reckless international and domestic behaviour and gencide of the Jewish state? The writer's paragraph about his friend may or may not be objective reality. After all, it is a Jewish state, for the benefit of Jews apparently exclusively, Arabic is not an official language, government work requires hebrew, and Arab property is routinely expropristed so
Jews, and Jews alone, can have new houses. I hear from younger Arabs that they strongly feel apartheid. Maybe your middle age involves desensitizing. But the paragraph is incontrovertibly not the objective reality of Arabs in the West Bank and absolutely not those in -Gaza.
The writer's grammar in his 4th paragraph is unclear as to whether he says that Likud includes non-Jews, or in any substantial numbers. Likuds 1977 charter specifies the goal of a Jewish state from River to the Sea. The palestinians presumably plagiarized this term.
My father was with Patton's American Army, which by its entry into WW2 won the war and facilitated the liberation of huge numbers of jews from concentration camps, some the size of Rafah. Arguably had the American Army not been in the European Theater, liberating those Jews, the 40,000 Gazans, so many of them young children, killed since last October would be alive today. That is a-Butterfly Effect, one of the ironies that cannot be foresee. It wss thought that victims would be sensitive and therefore build better nations. Well, now we know. better.
As a Russian ,educated with communism in the background, you and I certainly have radically different politialmpremisesmeven though you are not communist. The soviet premise that jews will take over started and seemed very accurate with the Bolshevik Revolution, but the Jews were purged by Stalin in the 1930's, with his Terror, his organized famines and then his attack on doctors. Over many hundreds of years Jews had inordinate access to education, then administration which allowed control of which identity groups gained entry into schools. This was reflected by overrepresentation in the professions and in government jobs. In Vienna it was said in the early 1930s that all psychiatrists were Jewish and roughly 90-95% of all lawyers and doctors were. One Goyim artist, future political leader, was denied entry into art school by a Jewish dominated admissions board. This vast overrepresentation of Jews in the professions and in stable income jobs has been judged to have been an important basis for the antisemitic basis of National Socialism. Briefly stated, it was argued that jealousy of the excluded was necessary to bring about fairness which would lead to their inclusion. A fundamental difference in approach is that between Bismark and Metternich Like Bismark, Netanyahu takes absolute everything he can get and as fast as possible. His only concern is acquiring. Metternich had a radically different approach. He wanted expansion, acquisition only to the extent it predictably would not lead to such a strong reaction that violence would begin again. Empathy was baked into his approach.. Kissinger believed in Metternich. I do not think you can find an Israeli who does. They are Bismarkian to the core.
If you think that I have answers to all your comments, then you will be right.
And despite the fact that I am not a historian or a researcher, I understood your point perfectly.
I hate to tell you, but in addition to controversial issues that can be discussed, you made several more objective mistakes that influenced your worldview so much that assumptions became facts for you. This is not very good for a historian. Here's your question:
"But is that a premise for denying an entire people their nationhood under the presumption that they cannot be educated and will not evolve?"
Sorry, but not only are the Arab people not denied statehood, moreover, the Arabs have 22 states, and the Arabs who lived in Palestine under the Ottoman Empire (that is, that part of the Arabs that you call “Palestinians” although they consider themselves Arabs) have the state of Jordan.
You are talking about a small part of a huge people who already live in different states and Israel is just one of such states.
Do you think that Arabs should have 23 states just because they live somewhere?
Why don’t the Kurds have the right to create a dozen states since they live in many countries? Armenians, Uzbeks? That is, it is enough for everyone that there is Armenia and Uzbekistan and the Kurds can live anywhere, but for that part of the Arabs who live next to the Jews, it is necessary to give (I mean give) another Arab state. Although there are no prerequisites for the creation of a single, independent free state.
In addition, it was Israel that offered statehood to the Arabs. Neither Jordan nor Egypt, which also occupied these territories. If you are a historian, then you know this.
Next, the second part of your question: "... under the presumption that they cannot be educated and will not evolve? "
You ignore the fact that the proclamation of an Arab state is now demanded. Without waiting for development, awareness of the unity of the people, the desire to build a state. The Arabs do not even promise that they will not kill Jews. They proclaim it. They do not need a state next to the Jews, they need the Jews to be destroyed. They talk about this at all levels.
Well, then you ended as a historian and began as a propagandist:
- “And does this comment jusify unremitting apartheid, indifference to the lives of Arabs and the reckless international and domestic behaviour and gencide of the Jewish state?” is the purest propaganda that I can debunk, but this is not the talk of serious people.
-"After all, it is a Jewish state, for the benefit of Jews apparently exclusively" - just like Sweden for the benefit of the Swedes or Denmark for the benefit of the Danes. Everything is the same and to the same extent.
- "Arabic is not an official language, government work requires Hebrew, and Arab property is usually expropriated" - Arabic is the official language, police, judges, civil servants in Arab areas speak Arabic. But Hebrew is generally accepted, as in other countries where there is a language that everyone speaks.
About the expropriation of Arab property and about the fact that only Jews can have new houses, you made me laugh very much. You have the same idea of Israel as I did at the age of seven, when I was told at school how blacks were lynched in New York and the police shot American communists.
Israel is a much more democratic country than most of those you consider democratic.
It’s just uncomfortable for me to continue to say this to a person who positions himself as a historian. You are captive of templates and propaganda and have been for many years, it seems.
Of course, I won’t be able to destroy your illusions, I just made you uncomfortable. For which I apologize.
I would also talk about World War II, Metternich and Bismarck, but these are long and very bad examples that speak only of your emotions, not your knowledge. Moreover, you are using figures from Hamas, which is lying about the number of deaths.
GOTCHA, Victor. 14 lines from the bottom, you write with sunlight certainty and absolute confidence that "Arabic is the Official language. Gotta write it again. Ambush. Gotcha. Arabic was removed by the Likud coalition as an official language on July 18, 2018. The Knesset majority wanted expressly to send a non PC message that Arabs are not wanted. Of coursde a historian knows dates . No templates orm propagandas or even illusions. Just the facts, as Sgt Friday said. . I need to pause for a few minutes to savour my total victory and have a glass of cranberry juice. And celebvrate my comfort.
Residuals from the bottom:
1. BTW Blacks were lynched in NY and policemshot communists at Haymarket Square. These were just highly infrequent.
2. Israel is clearly a democracy, but only for Jews. Really Victor this is objective reality in the "Jewish State" you seem to clearly admit. but you compare it to Danes for Danish, Swedes for Swedes. Poor analogy. All Danes. Swedes and Americans + Brits etxc have by law equal rights. Israelis do not have equal rights. That is where "Jewish" state comes in.. No one state Northern Ireland solution for the Jewish state. Arabs are and can be no more than second class citizens. I have seen restaurants where Arabs are denied entry, toilets only for jews, entire areas which are no-go for Arab. and of course mastery in their own language is irrelevant for a government job. other than translator or police undercover agent. With background in Russia, you doubtless do not understand how vital the concept of equal rights is to Western civilization. An argument that the Arabs would live in worse conditions in an Arab run country is irrelevant simply because they do not live there..BTW International Humanitarian Law, which Russia also ratified, states clearly that it is a war crime tomexpel a population from its homeland...
3. With a russian background, you probably have not been aware of the differing ideologies of Metternich and Bismark but they have been very formative for western approaches to peacemaking. Ever read Ayn Rand, A Russian emigre writer who wrote a book that has sold better than any book other than the Bible and has strongly influenced a generation of americans? She was of Khazar Jewish origin but despised Communists and the Ashkenazis running Israel. The book is "Atlas Shrugged"
Like I said, I don't expect you to believe me.
You may be a good historian, and in some areas you may even be the best, but here you are not only wrong, you are doing something that a good historian would never do. In matters of Israel, you put prejudice first and built around it a fictional Israel with apartheid, genocide and all the other nonsense that you told me.
Israel is no worse or better than other countries; Israelis are not who you imagined. You simply hear what you want to hear and see what you want.
I have lived in Israel for many years and know it no worse than those who were born here, because all this time I have been studying this country. I know how it happened that the whole world sees Israel as it is presented by the media, as pseudo-historians like Avi Shlaim, Ilan Pappe and others present it. I live next to Jews and Arabs, Druze and other nationalities and I see something completely different from what you write about. I've been to almost every town
And even if, as you think, my level of education does not allow me to know about Bismarck, Metternich and Ayn Rand, it still will not convince me that reality is the nonsense that you write, and not what I saw and heard.
P.S. You can’t imagine how many lawyers the management of a restaurant will have in the morning where an Arab was not allowed into in the evening.
The International Court of Justice has made a preliminary finding that it is "plausible" that israel and the IDF have committed genocide in Gaza in violation of the text of the Genocide convention. Israe has been ordered to stop the genocide. It has not. The final ICJ ruling will come at the end of the year. The International Criminal Court is considering indicting Netsnyahu and two IDF generrals for war crimes in Gaza. Their ruling is expected within a month.. there have already been suggestions the trials be held in Nuremberg once the indicted are extradicted. THEREFORE Israel is demonstrably worse than other countries. The ICJ judgement is as objective as you will get, and was even televised so you could experience the full weight of the South African evidence. Facts matter. Opinions conflicting with facts do not. You are not in the USSR or Russia anymore, and therefore individual assessment of issues is expected rather than just you thinking what the leader says to think. But to have an informed opinion, you need to actually spend time and watch the hearings. I did. You didn't. Tal Becker, the lead israeli defense attorney failed to rebut the evidence and was reduced to saying that Jews cannot not committ genocide. The evidence showed the contrary. Genocide Convention prohibited Nazis and Jews were not Nazis. I think what you characterize me as is simple displacement of what you really are. Apprently this discussion has gone as far as it can, and you will not allow youself to move from your opinions of the Jewish State. The Jewish state does not allow journalists into Gaza tomdocument that moonscape. I see film footage from journalist who have to sneak around under bullet and rocket fire. About 170 have been killed so far. What I see, you are not allowed to see. Sort of like you are back in the USSR again. There is famine next door . . Israel is drastically limiting international food shipments to civilians and this is important: ISRAELIS THEMSELVES SEND NO AID TO GAZAN CiVILIANS AND ANNOUNCE THEY WILL NOT REBUILD FOR ARABS IN GAZA. Simple humanity is not in the Israeli heart. Israel is worse than any other country.
Of course you are missing the point, deliberately so in my view. What Alan is saying is that there should be a SINGLE standard universities should be applying to free speech. We all know that rallies against blacks', gays or muslims would never be tolerated. You may not be old enough to remember, but Alan defended the right of neo-nazis to march in Skokie, Il in 1978. So, it isn't Alan that is preventing free speech, it's the marxist colleges and universities which protect favored minorities above others.
Likud Jews say "From the River to the Sea", Israels owns it all. Why does Alan pickon the Arabs for repeating the first clause. Why can't Arabs repeat what Jews say?
Jeesh Laura. This is stunning given yor last seven posts. Five consecutive sentences containing not a single epithet. So I think you deserve a reasoned and intelligent response. Alan has changed, bigtime. Whst he did in Skokie, which i witnessed since I was visiting a friend in nearby Highland Park. (George Lincoln Rockwell was dressed in full Nazi military regalia) was cited for almost 40 years as the ideal by ACLU. But both changed. ACLU no longer defends free speech if it is politically disagreable to woke influencers. And Alan no longer defends free speech if it is disagreeable to Jews, or if against the Apartheid/Genocide state . His Dershow podcasts have been McCarthyite, insisting that student demonstrators need to be denied job opportunities, that they need to be fired, that they are "Hitler Youth" and "ignoramuses" and that he wants to make a list of the names of everyone demonstrating against Israel Most importantly because of defamation law, Alan has to be referred to as an accused or suspected pedophile rather just coming out and saying it.,.
Your second sentence is the reasonable argument of meritocracy advocates. There has been considerable thought 1) that the meritocracy is focused on serving a political leader and does not itself provide for better government and 2) so many kinds of people are excluded from that meritocracy. that that exclusion seems to have an effect on our democracy..In historhy we saw this in -china which had the first governmental meritocracy., It became notoriously corrupt and ineeficient and ethnically based.. Taking this analogy to the universities that provide entry to this meritocracy , 24 % of Columbia's students are Jewish. Columbia is, a national Ivy League School . Jews are less than 2 % of America's population. Therefore at this university Jews are ten times more nu,merous than in the general Americsn population. They will gradiuate , get jobs. Yet has a fundamental fairness connected to democracy itself been violated when others are excluded during the admissions of so very many Jews to Columbia.
Historians have pondered the effect of an elite's stranglehold on higher education, and some have cited preWW2 Vienna. that arguably created the massive resentment that led to thje Anschluss.
I am sympathetic to the one standard as a starting point but think that standard needs to be extended in scope to include social intelligence evaluations of boys and girls with very different backgrounds and interests other than simply getting good grades. Being a well-adjusted teenager, with social intelligence rather tha book intelligence, enjoying the teenage years rather than memorizing textbooks is good. for society. Social intelligence should be weighted to diversify the school so that overrepresentation of the focused, hard-studying Jews is less of a characteristic of Columbia..
Translation: Lower standards to accommodate people who are too lazy, lack ambition or simply don't have the intellectual capacity to handle the material. Good luck with your future DEI physician.
"Social intelligence should be weighted to diversify the school so that overrepresentation of the focused, hard-studying Jews is less of a characteristic of Columbia"
So what? Why are Asians disproportionally represented? Why are blacks disproportionally represented in sports? Why do you want to punish Jews and exclude them because they study hard and value education? Do you want Asians excluded as well? Your call for lowering standards and valuing diversity over merit is marxist claptrap and just plain crazy. Do you want a DEI surgeon to be operating on you?
Scratch the surface of a marxist and you'll find a nazi.
"24 % of Columbia's students are Jewish. Columbia is, a national Ivy League School . Jews are less than 2 % of America's population".
What’s astonishing is actually the whole Middle East besides Israel is an Opressor and Apartheid. Islam needs to be banned in America. They are all terrorist and a danger to our Country. Whether you like it or not we are a Christian nation. Vallery Jarrett even said they will use our freedom of Religion against us for their Islamic cause. I’ve read extensively on Muslim/Islam history because I was curious after 911. These types of people can’t reasoned with. That’s why Lincoln read the Quran to understand them. Yes they may sign peace treaties and other things but their belief is it’s ok to break treaties, laws etc. for Islam and nothing has changed since those days. They will conquer and behead anyone who doesn’t convert to Islam. How many Jews or Christians you think live in the Islamic Countries? Probably a handful and they are probably slaves. Mohammad was a false prophet. He was a demented pedophile. He claimed to be visited by an Angel. Yet he was scared. That’s because it was Satan or he was going mad. I honestly can’t believe people actually believe what he said was true. Let’s also not forget Obama is a Muslim. Biden has many pro Iranian people in high positions. Robert Malley had his security clearance revoked and resigned after an investigation revealed he had been sharing classified information with Iran. Sadly there are many more still in high positions of his Administration. People need to stop voting with feelings, identity or Democrat, Republican etc. We must vote what is in American and America’s best interest and elect Strong leaders. Biden is so weak our enemies are emboldened. That’s why wars are starting everywhere and China will be attacking next. Our country is filled with terrorist on the inside because of his open border. Look at how many Chinese and ME, African single military aged males are here in our Country. Everyone needs to get educated quickly
Hmmm... 🤔 Where was Alan when all the conservative speakers (who weren't racist/antisemitic) were attacked or prevented from even speaking? Where is Alan now when this is happening? Hello??????
It's quite difficult to get all worked up over what's happening now when public figures like Alan have been silent or complicit in what's been happening with conservatives for years, and still has been happening.
Not being an attorney; I wonder if an action can be brought against these supposed institutions to withhold all federal funds if it’s determined they violated students rights?
Columbia-Barnard rabbi tells Jewish students to stay home for safety.
"No one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school," the co-director of Columbia/Barnard OU-JLIC wrote.
My response:
US Attorney General Merrick Garland and Pretendent Joe-Bama are cowards and have further exacerbated Jew hatred across America. Federal troops should be sent to the campus and open the campus for all students.
I remember when the Attorney General of the US, Robert Kennedy sent Federal Marshalls to escort James Meredith to class. Remember, when Democrats were for civil rights and that equality for all were their values? On September 1962, Attorney General Kennedy sent US Marshals and troops to Oxford, Mississippi to enforce a federal court order admitting the first African American student - James Meredith - to the University of Mississippi.
Would it be so difficult for The Obamas to speak out against anti- semitism on college campuses in particular and everywhere in general? I can only conclude that their unconscionable silence is because of their support and sympathy for widespread anti-semitism.
Hello Alan Dershowitz, Here's One From America's #1 Enemy Against The Criminals In Our Governments, Their Deep State Masters And Supports. From:
Auston E. Matthews; Do you have access to Attorney's, Social Media & The Governments in China, Russia Or Any Brics Nations?? We are fighting to Save the American Economy & Enforce Our American Constitution, While Maintaining Friendly Working Relationships With China, Russia, Brics Nations And Brics Allies. Here's a quick analysis. The Ex President Trump was just successful Sued for Over 200 Million because of Defamation, He Basically Talked Badly About A Few Individuals. The ICJ Has Found The Israeli Governments Guilty Of Genocide. The Israeli Governments Are Puppet Governments Controlled By The American Governments Who Are Puppets To Their Deep State Masters (AKA America's Oligarchs). Up Until As Early As 3 Years Ago, Israel Was Still Prosecuting Nazi Concentration Camp Guards, Who Are All Over The Age Of 90. Now, Let's Put These Simple Truths Together. If An Ex American President Can Be Sued For Talking Badly About Someone And The Charges Of Murder And Genocide Can Always Be Filed, No Matter How Old, Then There Are Well Over 50 Different Countries Who Are Clearly In The Process Of Legally Charging The American World Bank Accounts For War Crimes, Genocide, The Looting Of Their Natural Resources And Economies. The Entire World Knows They Are Guilty. However, We The Real Americans, Have The Proof That The Criminals Hidings Within Our Governments And Their Deep State Masters, Are Not A Legal Part Of America. They Have Already Separated Themselves From The Citizens Of America By Operating In Total Violations Against The American Constitution And All International Laws, For Over 50 Years. It Is Their Business And Personal Accounts That Are To Be Frozen, Without Devastating The Entire American Economy. We Even Have The Proof That They Are Making Our Families And Citizens Sick On Purpose For Profits, And It's Attached To The Hospitals And Pharmaceuticals. We Have Daily Broadcasts On All Social Media Platforms By The Governments Top Military Personnel And Advisors Admitting Most Of These Crimes. My Contact Is + 1 332 250 1756, Whatsapp Also. We Are Looking At Many Trillions Of Dollars Changing Hands Very Soon. Pass My Contact Information On The Your Media's And Government Officials If Possible. We Are America's Real Americans.
"The American Resistance & Corrections"
International Developments
+ 1 332 250 1756 Whatsapp Also
Alan, Really ??? So, You want to play the Race Card? Let's take a quick look at the American Constitution. The individuals who wrote the American Constitution were mostly Slave Owners Themselves. However, In America As Of Right Now, Their Descendants Are Now Enslaved Right Along With Everyone Else. White & Black Together, We Are All Enslaved. I Know Alan, You Can't Talk About The Fact That I Just Mentioned. But The Simple Truth Is The Biggest Enemy To All Illegal Activities. Every Single Law In Our American Constitution Is Being Violated Under This Entire Illegal System. Dare You Talk About "Targeted Individuals" Or "Gang Stalking" Or The Weapons That Manipulate Your Minds, Pain, Pleasures And sicknesses ?? Of Course Not. However The Rest Of The World Now Has Access To The Same Exact Weapons And Technology. And, The Rest Of The World Is Talking About It. On The Subject Of Columbia University Jeffery Sachs Is A Top Professor Their, He Also Heads A Division At The United Nations And Is Still A Top Economist For The White House. So Alan, You Can Always Inappropriately Play The Race Card, However The Plain And Simple Truths Will Always Win. Let's Review Some Of These Top American Military Members And Advisors: Jeffery Sachs, Scott Ritter, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, General Richard Black. Judge Napolitano, Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, George Galloway, RFK Jr, Governor And Special Forces Jesse Ventura. All Of These Individuals Are Either From The American Department Of Defense, The Pentagon, The United Nations, The British Parliament And Several Additional Top Government Agencies. How Does Helping Israel, Destroy Israel, With Our Stolen Tax Dollars, Help Anyone. They Have The Same Problems We Have, Only Our Puppet Governments Are Their Puppet Governments Masters, Who Are All Illegally Controlled By America's Deep State (AKA America's Oligarchs). The Simple Truths Will Always Be Their Biggest Enemies. You Also Forget To Reference How America Was Stolen From It's Native Inhabitants. Again Alan It's Only The Plan And Simple Truths. Does Anyone Want To Discuss Solutions? You Did Mention South Africa, And There's The Simple Solution. We Can All Fulfill Our Legal Obligations As American Citizens And Follow The Example Of South Africa By Having The Criminal's Within Our Governments And Their Deep State Masters Charged In The ICJ & ICC. They Have Already Separated Themselves From America's Citizens By Operating In Treasonous Violations Against The American Constitution And All International Laws. And If You Don't Hurry Up, Then All Of The Victim Nations Of America's Illegal Wars Are In The Process Of Legally Charging America's World Bank Accounts For Countless Crimes Against Humanity And War Crimes. "The American Resistance & Corrections" International Developments,
Universities are crucibles of ideas. Stop being so intolerant. Allow conflicting ideas to be presented. Otherwise it is nothing but a breeding ground for totalitarianism.
Either your reading comprehension is not very good, or you didn't read the article.
He's talking about placing the shoe on the other foot.
If I marched on Harvard's campus, picketing against the mega loser Eugene H, yelling and screaming at you as you walk to class, then the University would most likely take action.
Dershowitz correctly points out that a neutral private university would either allow everyone to march, including organizations like the KKK, or they would set reasonable rules around what is permitted on campus. And usually private campuses prohibit bigoted remarks towards a particular ethnic group because it doesn't create a conducive atmosphere for study.
In this case Harvard has taken a political sides. And the bigoted losers in the intersectionality department who are usually up in arms whenever a particular ethnic group is targeted are suddenly quiet. Where is the outrage?
Well, we all the know the answer. Most jewish students are white. And the bigoted CRT folks don't want to stand up for them, because it doesn't fit their narrative (i.e., white people are oppresors).
When a private organization, and Harvard is private, writes their terms and conditions, then it ought to be applied equally to everyone. Not selectively enforced when you feel like it.
Yes tell that to Google and Facebook.
Here look at the other extreme where the state makes decisions.