I dont think revealing names of public protestors should be prohibited. There is no right to anonymity when you engage the public arena.

Journalists and authors, on the other hand, who want to remain anonymous online should be able to do so as long as they are not planning or facilitating criminal activity.

But providing addresses, names of children, and phone numbers with the goal/ intent to bring harm upon the individual and their family is much different than saying Joe Smith, a public protestor, is the bigot at Harvard who supports the death of jews.

However, the postmodernists, who now control academy and the ABA, have been clear that they do not support equality under the law. If you place people into a group of oppressed and oppressor, then it follows that the law applies differently to both.

In their view, you are a doxxer for revealing the names of the oppressed, but they are not a doxxer for revealing the names of their oppressors.

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Though you say things clearly and I agree I just want to emphasize that if any method at all puts anyone’s life (a good person or a bad person which can be unclear) in danger or their family’s lives in danger it is wrong. Period. The NY Slimes did it to people out of hatred and political agenda. Man we have to clean up the world and fill it with love for all...

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Remember, these days you have no privacy. Anything on the Internet is subject to exposure.

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Public shaming is most important in free societies and should be protected speech!

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Doxxing is just lower amplitude swatting; they took out the police factor, substituting political crazies.

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