Excellent article Professor. Once again you are missing the head of the snake, the Democrat Party. I appreciate your appeal, but you are preaching to the choir here. Time to get "Dersh's Dems" on board. Remember when Donald Trump was president and there were no wars? Ok, I love what you wrote and I pray many more will be influenced by your wise words, but not your actions concerning voting for presidents.

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His continued, automatic, inflexible support and donations to the Democrat Party, which has been a warm and welcoming home for all the most powerful and popular Anti-Semitic Racists and Anti-Israel Bigots for years, seriously undermines and utterly diminishes all he says on this important subject. He happily remains in the #PartyofFarrahkan

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So true. He claims to support Dem platform but it includes antisemitism and anti-democratic planks which are incoherent with what he claims is so great about Dem party such as pro-gay and pro-abortion stances. The Dem party cannot have it both ways nor can Dershowitz.

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I am a Republican-voter and I donate to Republican candidates, but it is wrong to attribute antisemitism uniquely to the Democrat Party. It is true that the extreme left-wing finds a home in the Democrat Party, but the extreme left-wing doesn’t entirely determine the policies of the Democrat Party. We have a two-party system and as a consequence, each party is an alliance of disparate groups. I am glad that there are strong supporters of Israel, such as Richie Torres (and even Senator Fetterman), in the Democrat Party and I support AIPAC’s policy of supporting Democrats and Republicans who support Israel. (I would not count Obama as a supporter of Israel.)

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You are largely incorrect. All the most powerful and popular Anti-Semitic Racists and Anti-Israel Bigots do, in fact, belong to the Democrat Party. I will gladly provide a list if you so wish. It is dangerous to the now very vulnerable Jewish Community to ignore this reality. BTW: What Republicans have you ever donated to/voted for?

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Name one thing that I wrote that was wrong. Even if it were true that all antisemites are Democrats, it doesn’t mean that all Democrats are antisemites. (This is a postulate of ordinary logic.) That there are many anti-Israel voices in the Democrat Party doesn’t mean that all Democrats are anti-Israel. It’s still a minority. I support Republican candidates because I think Democrat policies are bad for the United States, not because I think all Democrats are anti-Israel or antisemites. I gave $1500 in 2022, $500 to each of two Republican candidates for congress, one of whom won in NJ, throwing out an anti-Israel Democrat. I also gave $500 to the Republican candidate for governor of NY, who lost, but succeeded in helping enough Republican congressional candidates to give Republicans control of the house. I also contribute significantly more than that every year to AIPAC. I’ll also support whoever is the Republican candidate for president this year.

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Until the Democrat Party completely and publicly rebukes and removes the many they have happily celebrated and warmly welcomed into their fold, I as well as many former Democrats who are also proud Jews, will refer to them as the Party of Jew Hatred

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Until you are able to publish that mimic the tip of the spear on Israel, Iran, and antisemitism, it remains that you misjudge the power of a party, or its executive, to change the world.

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Absolutely. Weather underground? Obama's mentor? Didn't you vote for Obama?

Seriously, Prof., Reflect, acknowledge your errors in judgement, then spread the word.

You'll have more support, and the support, unlike on the typical Democrat Jewish support, friends or family (not me, or my family. We're the rare Jews who see through this crap),

won't waver.

Our liberal Democrat Jewish family doesn't speak to us.

They're sucked in.

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Thank you, Professor. You make all this garbage on tv go away and you see the truth of what’s happening. When I hear that Palestinians voted for Hamas, I have to question the vote? Was it all rigged? As you pointed out, these people need a real government that will fix roads, build school and hospitals, but instead Hamas is taking money for people a d making arms to kill Jews. People need to look at actions behind the news.

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You left out a fifth group (dare I say a fifth column), the "As a Jew" Jews who have a pathetic need to be accepted by those who would exterminate their own people.

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The Self-Haters/Mosers/etc. Very sad

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The radical left has captured Academy, and have idoctrinated an entire generation of 'useful idiots' who now constitute the majority. One cannot find work at an MNC, bank, hedgefund, law firm, accounting firm, brokerage, or university without attending mandatory woke seminars. Universities are now teaching 'queer mathematics' and 'reimagining biology' -- courses so bizarre that, in comparison, they make Mao and Stalin look reasonable.

MAGA, might have its own 'useful idiots,' but at least it's a pro-capitalist, anti-war, limited government movement. If we want to avoid another 2000 year diaspora, then it's probably prudent to vote for the only party standing between us and the Gulags.

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At my university, we have "queer ecology".

How did these phonies even get jobs as scholars?

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MAGA is also compromised, ie "anti-war" meaning isolationist, is not a worthy plank of the Republican platform. Trump's stance in lionizing dictators like Kim Jong Un at some points or other authoritarian leaders has not been coherent. It cannot be asserted that the only party standing between us and the Gulags is the isolationist Republicans. The prior version of Republican party which undertook to act against and/or contain existential threats to democracy should be supported and voted for.

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If it is a binary choice, who gets your vote-Trump or Biden? This former Democrat will absolutely vote for anything better than needless suffering and chaos at home and abroad and Holocaust-level Jew Hatred in the US.

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At this point it would have to be Biden only because he has de facto supported Israel against Hamas and not called for ceasefire. The reason no to Trump is due to his comments previously of having to put aside the Constitution or words to that effect, which crosses a line I cannot abide by - he has been too murky on upholding democracy and it is playing with fire. That does not mean I condone the Democratic party for its evils, unfortunately it is a lesser of 2 evils story as it stands now.

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Biden is neurocognitively/medically incompetent and ethically compromised. Thankfully, more and more free-thinking Americans, especially Jewish Americans, will no longer automatically, reflexively, unthinkingly voting for the same party election after election, generation after generation. One day you may wake up and realize the real threat to our now very vulnerable community was never from the right.

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I am with you that Jewish Americans should rarely vote Democrat, if ever, I am staunchly in that camp, and I certainly never said Jewish vulnerability came from the right. I said throughout that Dem party is infected with antisemitism and anti-democracy. That said, you put forward a Biden Trump matchup, in that case it has to be Biden because Trump has posed, through his own words, a threat to democracy that should be taken seriously. So that is the problem in that case. If you say Biden or Nikki Haley, then it is Haley. It is Republican party over Dems for Jews 9 times out of 10.

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Democrats always love nice, mild mannered/appearing Republicans polling poorly, and would never, ever vote for them regardless of positions/statements, etc. Voting/Identifying 'D' has become an inflexible religious adherence/orthodoxy. Therefore, things do not change, and the poor, working class, and our now very vulnerable community will continue to live in Holocaust-level fear.

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So because someone prefers peace to war, they're suddenly an isolationist?

Since when did diplomacy require war?

You said Trump lionized Kim Jong un, simply because he had a conversation with him?

Do you understand the definition of lionization and isolation?

Communication is a good thing, not a bad thing. Its not your responsibility, nor my responsibility to impose our will upon everyone else. North Korea is not a threat to the United States. Kim Jung un is a North Korean problem, not an American problem.

The neoliberals and neocons always use the phrase "existential threat to democracy." It's been used so much that is become a bit of a joke. If you fart, it might be considered an 'existential threat to democracy". It's a term that is used against anyone who disagrees with the establishment. Disagree with sending 200B to Ukraine, and lo and behold you are an existential threat to democracy. You are a "putin puppet" or a "trumpista".

They just throw around ad hominems and platitudes with no substance.

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Your writing is confused and illogical, needs improvement. The will imposed will be they upon you. If North Korea is not a problem, prove it and move there now. You are either extremely naive or dull.

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You just made my point. More ad hominem attacks, with little substance.

North Korea is not a threat to the United States. We have the largest military in the world. We have thousands of Nuclear weapons. Kim Jong Un is not very smart, but he's not that stupid. He is not interested in a suicide mission. Like all countries, he is only interested in self preservation.

North Korea is a terrible place to live for North Koreans. And nobody in the west would want to move there, but it is not in our interest, financially or otherwise, to engage in nation building.

It will bankrupt the country, and it will only increase regional instability.

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And you just made my point, why would US need to keep throwing money at its military and having largest in the world - if no country poses any threat and you do not want war. And what difference anyway if North Korea can send a nuclear missile to US first. If you are illogical you are illogical.

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I didnt say "no country poses any threat".

We have the capability of intercepting missiles from North Korea, but the probability that North Korea would attack the United States is close to zero. As I stated, Kim Jong Un is not interested in suicide. He knows he wouldn't win.

Iran is more of a problem, but there is no public support for another crusade which will only weaken the exchequer and increase terrorism. You cannot bomb your way to peace. We tried that in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Nicaragua, etc. You would think after so many failures, we'd finally learn our lesson.

America must place its own interests first. And it's not in our interest to go to war with Iran, or Russia, or anyone else.

Does that mean we are isolationists. Of course, not. Dialogue with other countries is extemely important. Developing and maintaining military capability is also important, but only for self defense.

It was James Madison who warned us not to go in search of "monsters to destroy".

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You are exactly right professor ! Now is the moment to seize the initiative in our struggle to promote reason, compassion and human decency in public discourse. At the UN their are some 48 members who self-identify as Islamic and they congregate at US taxpayer expense in the General Assembly where they refine their strategy for diminishing American prestige and destroying Israel. We need to take the initiative for once. I suggest we consider the possibility of defunding the UN General Assembly.

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I'm starting to think that McCarthy was right.

Letting the commies take over university was a huge mistake. It's become unbearable. They're so arrogant, yet they know so little.

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Hi Alan. I am a long-time listener and fan of your intelligence and thought processes. Similar to other commenters, until you see the connection between the Democrat party and all this anti-US/Israel hate, what you rail against will continue. Democrat loyalists need to speak up and say what’s wrong w that party’s platform of separating all of us. Tell Nadler and Schumer as fellow Jews that they need to speak up and about how the pro-Hamas faction is not good for America and most importantly does not represent the thinking of the majority of Americans. You have the megaphone, use it to influence other democrats that a change in thinking is required. Dems are out of touch with the rest of the country as evidenced by their looney interests, including going along with anti-semitism all around us, the border crisis and law fare being used to undermine democracy. Thank you, and please keep talking and writing but realize many of us are in your choir--reach wider to influence others.

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Yes, this is true. However I do not give credit to the theory people are being fooled and do not know what these protests are. They are all antisemtitic bigots not poor people who are mislead and swept up in the frenzy. The people who participate or just sympathize with these pro-Hamas groups/causes are antisemites and anti-democratic plain and simple. They should move to Gaza and help Hamas there, but they are too lazy and cowardly. They like to spout their brand of hate from a keyboard or in front of a coffee shop in North America or Europe rather than live with those terror groups they support from afar.

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You are exactly right , Professor ! This a moment to find a way forward and to take the initiative. Your and our complaints are right, sound and admirable, but not enough. The UN boasts, if that is the word, some 48 states which self-identify as "Islamic" and, under Islamic law, are committed to hate and to destroy Israel. At the UN they congregate at American expense to discuss, among a few other matters, how to weaken or destroy the US. I suggest we consider a campaign to defund the UN General Assembly. That should give us the initiative and is anyway a worthwhile goal.

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Hello professor Dershowitz. I enjoy your program and have been following you for several years. I mostly agree with your breakdown of which groups support Hamas. I would only make the following clarification regarding your designation of communist parties. I would propose that you specify and qualify that those who say they’re communists and support Hamas tend to be Stalinists and Maoists. It may seem like leftist infighting but I’d argue it’s an important distinction. For example, the American socialist workers party, who opposed fascism when the Stalinists didn’t in the 1930s, and who demanded that Roosevelt allow Jewish refugees fleeing the terror into the country, and counter mobilized 50,000 outside of Madison square garden against a fascist rally, does not support Hamas. They, on the pages of their newspaper TheMilitant.com, call for Hamas’ defeat and Israel’s resounding victory. Thank you.

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So your point is that in no way, do the Jews bear any responsibility for, or have any obligation to clean-up, this mess?

They're just the most innocent and angelic people and have never wanted anything more than to live and to let others live, right?

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Yes racist, Jews have always been the persecuted/attacked people/country never having been the aggressor anywhere or anytime. You are a disgusting lowlife go back under the rock you came out from.

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I'd always been lead to believe that "Jewish" is a religion; not a race.

In either event, I take it that your point, so eloquently stated, is that the Jews are completely without fault in the mess in the Middle East?

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Dude you are repeating yourself. Go back under the rock you came out from.

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You are incorrect on your first point.

Please clarify your second

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