Trump is an existential threat to an entity called OUR DEMOCRACY!!!™ which appears to be something between 1930s Germany and current day North Korea. Maybe it is not such a bad idea to be an existential threat to this.
Worse than the threats of bar complaints, social ostracism, career derailment – is the very real threat that the criminal authorities will come and try to criminally charge any lawyer that represents Trump. In reading the indictment charges, they are also making a case against at least one if not all three of the lawyers that represented him in responding to the records requests. I mean, you could represent Charles Manson or Ted Kaczynski or Ted Bundy and people say “he deserves a defense” – but not Trump? Because he is politically unpopular? Shameful.
Why is he an existential threat to our Democracy as you say? What does he have in common with 1930's Germany? What does he have in common with North Korea? Actually nothing is the answer and you just don't like Trump. I don't like him either but the existential threat baloney is made up by the news channel you watch.
Throgmorton was obviously being sarcastic, fer cryssakes! (Obviously for those who aren't severely irony-challenged, anyway.) Read his message again, more carefully.
“Our democracy” is a term the authoritarian left uses to gull people into thinking that they are preventing the rise of fascism when in reality they are purveyors of it.
Plainly and well said, and you made me laugh—without insulting Throgmorton personally. I do like former president 45,
partly because his persona makes me laugh. However, I wasn’t planning on voting for him this time. Life can be dark, of course, as Professor Dershowitz’ essay is, so you have to laugh once in a while.
Democrats and leftists keep talking about 'existential threats' to OUR DEMOCRACY!!!™ As you noted, the phrase regularly gets parroted on the fake news.
It is not clear what they mean by this expression, but judging by the people who use it, it is nothing good. I suspect they are using the term 'democracy' in the collectivist sense used by regimes whose names begin with 'People's Democratic Republic of...' where a small cadre of tyrants claims to be the embodiment of the will of the people.
What is interesting is how much in common both political parties have with authoritarianism. Both have the same goals as Hitler. It just a matter of methods that distinguishes them. I many areas I think Dems are more flagrant than Reps and others the reverse is true. Trump is only worse if you disagree with his methods. The deep state though is both parties and clearly acting like authoritarians. Trump doesn't fit in, so they are both trying to destroy him any way they can. Trump is not the problem. He is a symptom of people sick of the deep state of both parties controlling us.
I do agree with you that both parties practice big government practices which results in more infringement on our rights and higher deficits. But I don’t agree that Trump is not a problem. It started with Bush Jr, selecting inferior candidates and culminated with Trump a grifter with low intelligence. He needs to go down hard. We let Nixon slide and now we are paying for it.
The following is truly Hitleresque, both in terms of heated rhetoric and staging, and of course, there is the obligatory NPC regurgitating the 'threat to OUR DEMOCRACY!!!™' line.
That’s just a chapter of a book that I read written by Burt Neuborn a lawyer that Alan respects very much A lawyer who has held every President’s feet to the fire . Trump was a singular threat to POTUS. I don’t do YouTube unless I am remodeling my house.
I invite you to do the right thing, Professor. You and I disagree on many things, but not this one. I have tremendous respect for your willingness to address it, and hope that you will step up and take the case.
They’ve been in lockstep with American leftists/Marxists/socialists/communists for so long I don’t remember when (if ever) we’ve had fair & balanced news in my lifetime.
They are so shameless they all read/speak from the same script. Literally so.
Covid revealed more collusion as they spouted the scripted messages each day.
I call myself libertarian but used to think that I was conservative. You call yourself a liberal. I’m not sure that there is that much difference in our conclusions. The one thing that intrigues me about you is that you steadfastly remain a Democrat (vote?) and that you defend friends as good people (I understand this one to a degree). However, people that would do this are evil. I’m not sure how this behavior can be defended.
I Appreciate your clarification. And regret the threats and hardships you and your family have endured as a result of this despicable, unconstitutional behavior.
There may be a possibility that "The 65 Project" may be accused of infringing constitutional rights. If so, then those lawyers who have been attacked by "the 65 project" will stand together and file law suit against the organization.
Might have known; the same whose campaign set off RussiaGate. The one protected by James Comey (wonder what payoff he received?). That plus her destruction of subpoenas emails should land her in prison
Why is the radical left trying so hard to destroy Trump? If he wasn't a threat, they would just ignore him. The fact that they are trying so desperately hard, shows extreme fear, as he is an existential threat to the status quo of deep corruption in political Washington. The bribes, the kick-backs, the lobbyist money laundering, the cover-ups, etc. That's why we see such rabid vitriol....
—Don’t understand it either. What did you think of Tucker Carlson’s view, that this is really related to D.C.’s (left and right) commitment to lucrative “endless wars”? T. Gabbard and RFK, Jr. are saying similar things.
It’s not the radical left. Trump ignored the law. They are not ignoring him. It has zero to do with politics. You seem to forget the stench Trump left, two impeachments and the January 6th disgrace, the Georgia call and then the classified documents that when asked he did not return. Trump dug his hole and then his behavior always disrespected American Law
Well Hillary was investigated and exonerated and Biden’s bribe is an unsubstantiated rumor vs a full investigation starting since 2021 on Trump. Resulting in 2 indictments on multiple charges with 2 more indictments expected by the end of the year. Yeah, it’s obvious that Trump has some serious problems.
Hilary was "exonerated": for far worse conduct-destruction of evidence. As for the Biden Crime Family, just follow the money-it is a slam dunk case if you can connect the dots and the deposits into the LLCs and the amounts received by Biden from Ukraine and China.
Honestly respect your opinion, and your right to have it. Don’t understand, though, that you deny the heavy shadow of politics here. —From we the people, from the media, and from all sides in our government.
It’s just my opinion, and maybe I’m wrong and you are right, but I smell the “stench” coming from the former president’s haters. Even Bill Barr, no MAGA Republican, condemns the slander and false stories that enveloped the Trump administration from its inception.
Professor Dershowitz addresses this fairly in his recent post, heavily paraphrasing here, about how both the former president and the prosecution may be guilty.
The bare legal argument is not the only factor here, again, in my opinion.
Hi Jane. Thank you for possibly considering my point of view. My point to Alan who I respect for his lawyer mind is that our electorate has been dumbed down to the point they would rather get their facts from an opinion or a social media post rather than legacy media. It’s easy to show the progress of this country from the 1850s and our high point for presidential elections was 1960 and our nadir was 2020. What’s happened to cause this drop of informed political opinion well it’s social media. So what’s left if you can’t trust politicians or even talking heads to pontificate the facts. It’s called the law. I know we all believe in the mythology of Donald Trump but he is a grifter and obviously was not qualified to run. Zero political experience and unlike Ronald Reagan who was running his Union as President and was governor we trusted a 6 time bankruptcy expert and a game show host with our Country. It’s not a mistake he owns 2 impeachments raised government spending before the pandemic and lowered taxes bringing home 25% to our national debt. Joe Biden sickened by this carpetbagger turned to the DOJ and said get him. Our Government works great except when we have a rotten egg within government. We made the mistake of letting Nixon slide which emboldened a character like Trump to play the system and create havoc. He will be going down hard not for just his own sins but Nixon’s too. We can’t afford to have another player like that again.
Interesting. Dems impeached Trump for investigating Joe but you love that Joe sicks the DOJ on his opponents. Maybe it’s time you take a look in the mirror.
It’s interesting that the political left is constantly accusing Donald Trump and Republicans of being a threat to our Republic but yet they are actually the ones that are actually taking real world actions to bastardize and/or undermine everything our Republic is built upon.
Yes real world actions to take care of a crook which should have done by Republicans after Nixon resigned. The Right let Trump in even though he had zero political experience. This is not political today this is American Law.
Sdlevin wrote, "Yes real world actions to take care of a crook which should have done by Republicans after Nixon resigned. The Right let Trump in even though he had zero political experience."
Did you even bother to read the newsletter and the comment you replied to that was talking directly about something in the newsletter, or did you just go off on a nonsensical deflection tangent to try and morph the conversation away from what you don't want to talk about?
Sdlevin wrote, "This is not political today this is American Law."
Nonsense, EVERYTHING related to Trump is political today and you're a fool for saying otherwise.
I am not trying to pull this conversation away from the subject but I am
Making the point that politically we have never been stupider. And the RNC and Trump and I see Dumb and Dumber. Alan thinks it’s 1960 and the Democrats are putting out their youngest most dynamic leaders. It’s 2020 and Social Media has made or Electorate Dumber. Gone are informed political opinion replaced with individuals with strong uninformed opinions. And these people think that everyone uses politics to make decisions and observations about all things in life when politics doesn’t work if you can’t get Americans on the same page on what is going on in this world. Coming back to making statements that Donald cos being persecuted compared to Biden and Hillary. Being indicted by a federal prosecutor is serious business. Not Biden not Hillary.
People on the right have never tried to deprive others the legal means of justice, whether it be a gofundme account or legal representation .. Why are people on the left so vicious, bordering on sociopathic?
Another reason Trump can't retain representation is because he won't shut up, which makes an attorney's job that much harder.
Scary, but people of all stripes and educational backgrounds can be vicious. People on the “right” were vicious towards communists and communist sympathizers during the McCarthy period.
I hate to use this overused, to the point of meaninglessness word, but some racists are on the “right,” and some are also on the “left.”
Professor Dershowitz, let me lead with the fact that you are probably the most esteemed lawyer in the US. Your commitment to civil rights is second to none. I would also agree that you adhere to Aristotelian logic almost all of the time. Where you display illogic is in politics. These days almost all of your angst and agita comes from the uttering of Biden and his band of merry, but corrosive, Marxist democrats but it is quite noticeable that almost every interview you give, you reflexively mention that you haven’t and won’t in the future, vote for Trump. With Trumps stance on civil rights and defense Of Israel, your protestations come off as illogical.
Oh, wait, defending unpopular people on the Left is OK. Defending illegal combatants who killed Americans is OK. But defending someone on the Right? They'll go after you and your little dog, too.
I made the wise decision not to take any of your courses at HLS, which consisted (according to my friends who sat through them and those who worked for you) almost entirely in your telling "war stories" about your prior exploits. From time to time, you would try to extract some larger principle of law from your experience, but your students found your classes to be an intellectual light lift, designed solely to feed your ego.
I used to think that you were acting as a knowing troll in your later years, egged on by the fact that your "chutzpah" schtick no longer commanded much of an audience. Now, I suspect that actually believe the stupid things that your write and say.
And these are the same people claiming Trump is the existential threat to democracy. These are the one threatening our democracy the most.
Trump is an existential threat to an entity called OUR DEMOCRACY!!!™ which appears to be something between 1930s Germany and current day North Korea. Maybe it is not such a bad idea to be an existential threat to this.
Worse than the threats of bar complaints, social ostracism, career derailment – is the very real threat that the criminal authorities will come and try to criminally charge any lawyer that represents Trump. In reading the indictment charges, they are also making a case against at least one if not all three of the lawyers that represented him in responding to the records requests. I mean, you could represent Charles Manson or Ted Kaczynski or Ted Bundy and people say “he deserves a defense” – but not Trump? Because he is politically unpopular? Shameful.
Why is he an existential threat to our Democracy as you say? What does he have in common with 1930's Germany? What does he have in common with North Korea? Actually nothing is the answer and you just don't like Trump. I don't like him either but the existential threat baloney is made up by the news channel you watch.
Throgmorton was obviously being sarcastic, fer cryssakes! (Obviously for those who aren't severely irony-challenged, anyway.) Read his message again, more carefully.
“Our democracy” is a term the authoritarian left uses to gull people into thinking that they are preventing the rise of fascism when in reality they are purveyors of it.
Plainly and well said, and you made me laugh—without insulting Throgmorton personally. I do like former president 45,
partly because his persona makes me laugh. However, I wasn’t planning on voting for him this time. Life can be dark, of course, as Professor Dershowitz’ essay is, so you have to laugh once in a while.
Throgmorton’s being sarcastic
I am a Liberal who did not vote for Trump either in 2016 or 2020.
But given the regime we all living under now, any person with an iota of decency will vote for Trump in 2024.
Not that our votes would ever matter. We failed to keep the Republic 😢
Democrats and leftists keep talking about 'existential threats' to OUR DEMOCRACY!!!™ As you noted, the phrase regularly gets parroted on the fake news.
It is not clear what they mean by this expression, but judging by the people who use it, it is nothing good. I suspect they are using the term 'democracy' in the collectivist sense used by regimes whose names begin with 'People's Democratic Republic of...' where a small cadre of tyrants claims to be the embodiment of the will of the people.
“Democracy”where ballots are already conveniently marked so the dictator keeps getting elected. Venezuela, Russia, etc. come to mind.
Venezuela, Russia, USA, etc...
Throgmorton is being sarcastic.
Thanks. I missed that. His/her response made that clear.
Well you asked what he has in common with 1930s Germany. A lot
What is interesting is how much in common both political parties have with authoritarianism. Both have the same goals as Hitler. It just a matter of methods that distinguishes them. I many areas I think Dems are more flagrant than Reps and others the reverse is true. Trump is only worse if you disagree with his methods. The deep state though is both parties and clearly acting like authoritarians. Trump doesn't fit in, so they are both trying to destroy him any way they can. Trump is not the problem. He is a symptom of people sick of the deep state of both parties controlling us.
I do agree with you that both parties practice big government practices which results in more infringement on our rights and higher deficits. But I don’t agree that Trump is not a problem. It started with Bush Jr, selecting inferior candidates and culminated with Trump a grifter with low intelligence. He needs to go down hard. We let Nixon slide and now we are paying for it.
That one is just silly.
The following is truly Hitleresque, both in terms of heated rhetoric and staging, and of course, there is the obligatory NPC regurgitating the 'threat to OUR DEMOCRACY!!!™' line.
That’s just a chapter of a book that I read written by Burt Neuborn a lawyer that Alan respects very much A lawyer who has held every President’s feet to the fire . Trump was a singular threat to POTUS. I don’t do YouTube unless I am remodeling my house.
“Our democracy” means nothing more and nothing less than keeping Democrats in power by any and all means
The Democrats have sold out to the WEF.
That is clearly correct on issues of race, gender and climate
I invite you to do the right thing, Professor. You and I disagree on many things, but not this one. I have tremendous respect for your willingness to address it, and hope that you will step up and take the case.
It's interesting that people like Claus von Bülow have less stigma than Trump.
Thank the entity that is called “the press.”
They’ve been in lockstep with American leftists/Marxists/socialists/communists for so long I don’t remember when (if ever) we’ve had fair & balanced news in my lifetime.
They are so shameless they all read/speak from the same script. Literally so.
Covid revealed more collusion as they spouted the scripted messages each day.
Never told truth & still not re: covid.
Seek help.
Professor Dershowitz is an appellate attorney. This case is about two years early for him.
Project 65 is a RICO violation! They should be investigated --oh wait, that would be the FBI and DOJ.
Yeah. "Quis custodiet", etc etc. :-/
I call myself libertarian but used to think that I was conservative. You call yourself a liberal. I’m not sure that there is that much difference in our conclusions. The one thing that intrigues me about you is that you steadfastly remain a Democrat (vote?) and that you defend friends as good people (I understand this one to a degree). However, people that would do this are evil. I’m not sure how this behavior can be defended.
I Appreciate your clarification. And regret the threats and hardships you and your family have endured as a result of this despicable, unconstitutional behavior.
There may be a possibility that "The 65 Project" may be accused of infringing constitutional rights. If so, then those lawyers who have been attacked by "the 65 project" will stand together and file law suit against the organization.
65 Project is a Hillary Clinton project.
Might have known; the same whose campaign set off RussiaGate. The one protected by James Comey (wonder what payoff he received?). That plus her destruction of subpoenas emails should land her in prison
Professor Dershowitz, you are a HERO. I am sure God has a special place for you in heaven. I am not certain about people/“teachers” who run your shul.
I ran away from the Soviet Union and quite often these days, food abundance aside, it seems to me as I’ve never left.
I am Liberal who has NOT voted for Trump either in 2016 or 2020. I has not planned voting for him ever. NOW I WILL.
It’s no more matter of politics. It’s now matter of basic decency, basic humanity.
We are all Trump now.
Why is the radical left trying so hard to destroy Trump? If he wasn't a threat, they would just ignore him. The fact that they are trying so desperately hard, shows extreme fear, as he is an existential threat to the status quo of deep corruption in political Washington. The bribes, the kick-backs, the lobbyist money laundering, the cover-ups, etc. That's why we see such rabid vitriol....
—Don’t understand it either. What did you think of Tucker Carlson’s view, that this is really related to D.C.’s (left and right) commitment to lucrative “endless wars”? T. Gabbard and RFK, Jr. are saying similar things.
It's mostly Trump's self-destructiveness that is in play here. These charges didn't get manufactured; Trump stepped on his crank all by himself.
Yes, they were manufactured. Just like Hillary team invented the Russia hoax.
It’s not the radical left. Trump ignored the law. They are not ignoring him. It has zero to do with politics. You seem to forget the stench Trump left, two impeachments and the January 6th disgrace, the Georgia call and then the classified documents that when asked he did not return. Trump dug his hole and then his behavior always disrespected American Law
Was this this worse than Hilary who destroyed evidence or Biden who took 5M bribe from Ukrainians and a 10% cut from the CCP?
Well Hillary was investigated and exonerated and Biden’s bribe is an unsubstantiated rumor vs a full investigation starting since 2021 on Trump. Resulting in 2 indictments on multiple charges with 2 more indictments expected by the end of the year. Yeah, it’s obvious that Trump has some serious problems.
Hilary was "exonerated": for far worse conduct-destruction of evidence. As for the Biden Crime Family, just follow the money-it is a slam dunk case if you can connect the dots and the deposits into the LLCs and the amounts received by Biden from Ukraine and China.
Honestly respect your opinion, and your right to have it. Don’t understand, though, that you deny the heavy shadow of politics here. —From we the people, from the media, and from all sides in our government.
It’s just my opinion, and maybe I’m wrong and you are right, but I smell the “stench” coming from the former president’s haters. Even Bill Barr, no MAGA Republican, condemns the slander and false stories that enveloped the Trump administration from its inception.
Professor Dershowitz addresses this fairly in his recent post, heavily paraphrasing here, about how both the former president and the prosecution may be guilty.
The bare legal argument is not the only factor here, again, in my opinion.
Hi Jane. Thank you for possibly considering my point of view. My point to Alan who I respect for his lawyer mind is that our electorate has been dumbed down to the point they would rather get their facts from an opinion or a social media post rather than legacy media. It’s easy to show the progress of this country from the 1850s and our high point for presidential elections was 1960 and our nadir was 2020. What’s happened to cause this drop of informed political opinion well it’s social media. So what’s left if you can’t trust politicians or even talking heads to pontificate the facts. It’s called the law. I know we all believe in the mythology of Donald Trump but he is a grifter and obviously was not qualified to run. Zero political experience and unlike Ronald Reagan who was running his Union as President and was governor we trusted a 6 time bankruptcy expert and a game show host with our Country. It’s not a mistake he owns 2 impeachments raised government spending before the pandemic and lowered taxes bringing home 25% to our national debt. Joe Biden sickened by this carpetbagger turned to the DOJ and said get him. Our Government works great except when we have a rotten egg within government. We made the mistake of letting Nixon slide which emboldened a character like Trump to play the system and create havoc. He will be going down hard not for just his own sins but Nixon’s too. We can’t afford to have another player like that again.
Interesting. Dems impeached Trump for investigating Joe but you love that Joe sicks the DOJ on his opponents. Maybe it’s time you take a look in the mirror.
This is an absolutely outstanding Newsletter that should be read by everyone!
I will share a link to it everywhere I visit online.
It’s interesting that the political left is constantly accusing Donald Trump and Republicans of being a threat to our Republic but yet they are actually the ones that are actually taking real world actions to bastardize and/or undermine everything our Republic is built upon.
It’s a leftie psy op
Yes real world actions to take care of a crook which should have done by Republicans after Nixon resigned. The Right let Trump in even though he had zero political experience. This is not political today this is American Law.
Just so you don't think I'm some kind of ignorant Trump sycophant, here's my opinion about Trump and this indictment...
Sdlevin wrote, "Yes real world actions to take care of a crook which should have done by Republicans after Nixon resigned. The Right let Trump in even though he had zero political experience."
Did you even bother to read the newsletter and the comment you replied to that was talking directly about something in the newsletter, or did you just go off on a nonsensical deflection tangent to try and morph the conversation away from what you don't want to talk about?
Sdlevin wrote, "This is not political today this is American Law."
Nonsense, EVERYTHING related to Trump is political today and you're a fool for saying otherwise.
Your comment is intentional and obvious trolling.
I am not trying to pull this conversation away from the subject but I am
Making the point that politically we have never been stupider. And the RNC and Trump and I see Dumb and Dumber. Alan thinks it’s 1960 and the Democrats are putting out their youngest most dynamic leaders. It’s 2020 and Social Media has made or Electorate Dumber. Gone are informed political opinion replaced with individuals with strong uninformed opinions. And these people think that everyone uses politics to make decisions and observations about all things in life when politics doesn’t work if you can’t get Americans on the same page on what is going on in this world. Coming back to making statements that Donald cos being persecuted compared to Biden and Hillary. Being indicted by a federal prosecutor is serious business. Not Biden not Hillary.
—Agree wholeheartedly.
People on the right have never tried to deprive others the legal means of justice, whether it be a gofundme account or legal representation .. Why are people on the left so vicious, bordering on sociopathic?
Another reason Trump can't retain representation is because he won't shut up, which makes an attorney's job that much harder.
Scary, but people of all stripes and educational backgrounds can be vicious. People on the “right” were vicious towards communists and communist sympathizers during the McCarthy period.
I hate to use this overused, to the point of meaninglessness word, but some racists are on the “right,” and some are also on the “left.”
Professor Dershowitz, let me lead with the fact that you are probably the most esteemed lawyer in the US. Your commitment to civil rights is second to none. I would also agree that you adhere to Aristotelian logic almost all of the time. Where you display illogic is in politics. These days almost all of your angst and agita comes from the uttering of Biden and his band of merry, but corrosive, Marxist democrats but it is quite noticeable that almost every interview you give, you reflexively mention that you haven’t and won’t in the future, vote for Trump. With Trumps stance on civil rights and defense Of Israel, your protestations come off as illogical.
If they fear pariah-hood which is a form of harassment and intimidation, then they fear the very essence of representation of a client under the law
Where are today's William Kunstlers?
Oh, wait, defending unpopular people on the Left is OK. Defending illegal combatants who killed Americans is OK. But defending someone on the Right? They'll go after you and your little dog, too.
I made the wise decision not to take any of your courses at HLS, which consisted (according to my friends who sat through them and those who worked for you) almost entirely in your telling "war stories" about your prior exploits. From time to time, you would try to extract some larger principle of law from your experience, but your students found your classes to be an intellectual light lift, designed solely to feed your ego.
I used to think that you were acting as a knowing troll in your later years, egged on by the fact that your "chutzpah" schtick no longer commanded much of an audience. Now, I suspect that actually believe the stupid things that your write and say.
Alan, you should be Trump's lawyer. The country needs a fair trial. Earn your place in history.