It's not an American problem.

If the Jews have a problem with Iran, they have their independent nation with its own sovereignty. That nation is called, "Israel." That nation can declare and conduct war on Iran.

Not that it would make any sense. Ultimately, the Jews are involved in a real estate dispute, and they're behaving as they always do in such circumstances. At a minimum, they are part of the problem, so that if they want a solution, they must participate in the resolution efforts in good faith. But the Jews have freedom, although technically, they are required to abide by the Law of War and their international agreements, difficulties in enforcement notwithstanding.

The critical fact is that Israel is not America, and America is not Israel. Hence, all of the ridiculous agitating by this old man is misdirected. He should go lobby the Israeli government.

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Moron, if you actually read the article, Alan points out that Iran indeed has been at war with us for DECADES. They have killed many Americans not just recently, but in Iraq as well through their proxies. Iran declared war on us November 4, 1979 and have been waging that war ever since. Also, do you think Iran's nuclear weapons wouldn't be used against us? But obviously, you don't care because you hate Jews so much that you are willing to put this country in danger because you want Iran to nuke Israel. No, Israel is not in a "real estate dispute, you sack of shit. The war is an existential one, with hamas and like-minded muslim terrorists wanting the extermination of the Jewish people and their nation-state.

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Laura loves to cuss, doesn¨t she? She can rival Dershowitz himself with her epithets. He picks patterns of "Hitler Youth", "ignoramuses" "Fascist" and "Nazi".and "moron". Laura plagiarizes by repeating "moron" without attribution, and goes on to "sack of shit" which Dershowitz would probasbly reserve just for me.. Laura really flies off the handle if you even suggest something uncomplimetary about the Jewish State. That means "you hate Jews so much". Her mother must have provided a bad upbringing for Laura. That comment will earn me a "sack of shit, you hate Jews too" reply from Laura. Make my day, Laura..

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Unsurprisingly, you didn't actually address the points Alan or I brought up. How about I call you a moral degenerate.

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Laura, you're really a blithering idiot if you think Iran would directly attack the United States. Nobody in Iran is going to be dropping nukes on us unless they're interested in a suicide mission. My guess is that you're another brainwashed babyboomer living in a fantasy world where Big bad Iran and Big bad Russia are going to wake up one morning and destroy humanity with Nuclear weapons. That's some bizarre logic that nobody with a half-working brain actually believes.

All America must do to end the conflict with Iran is remove its troops from Iraq.

Israel can end the conflict by negotiating a two state solution with Iran and Palestine.

Israeli's problems are not our problems. If they would rather attack Iran than negotiate then so be it. Good luck and Godspeed. Probably not a good idea considering Iran ahs more people, more money, and more power. Not to mention more allies in that region. But if you would prefer war to negotiation, because you feel confident in your war capablities, then go ahead.

But the United States should not send money or weapons, or anything else to Israel that will prolong death and destruction on both sides. You and Palestine, and Iran, and everyone else in that region need to find a solution to your own real estate problems. A solution that has been brewing for a long time. I'm not anti-Israel, but your issues are your own. 99% of non jewish Americans could care less if Israel remains a state or not.

If you can't survive in that region, then just move here. Move to Texas. You can all buy up farmland and incorporate your own town in Texas. Call it Israel. We don't mind. But don't ask us for money. Solve your own problems.

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When you bring bullshit to the table no one has to address anything of what you bring. They just have to point a finger at you and laugh. Why are you defending the old creep? Do you think he gives a shit about you? Or are you real life buddies and have joined him on his trips to a certain island and/or in related activities...?

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You are referring to two sets of people with essentially identical genetic coding but with relatively incompatible religious beliefs claiming title to the same piece of land.

That is a real estate dispute by any definition.

In such circumstances, it is human nature that the disputants will be dishonest and violent until one defeats the other. Just like the Bloods and Crips fighting for hegemony in South Central.

That dispute is not a concern of the American taxpayer. We have enough problems here without trying to resolve something which will only eventually end one way (or the other) -- perhaps not even for thousands of more years.

As far as Iran goes, in the Iran-Iraq war, we had Iraq. In fact, they were doing our bidding. Not only did they do the illegal provoking, and the illegal using of chemical weapons, and the illegal targeting of civilians, but they got their asses kicked.

The bottom line is that the United States is in no position to go to war with Iran, and if we did, there is very little doubt that at best, we'd have a stalemate at the expense of untold death and financial waste. Which would be a loss, in real terms. And what would a win be? We're going to conquer Iran, and then what?

Go buy a clue.

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You cannot get a clue for free. Amazing that you think US is no match for Iran - move to Iran and help the amazing Ayatollah who is going to put the US out of business.

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Laura always responds with ad hominem attacks against anyone who opposes regime change, and/or using the U.S. military as Israel's personal security guard. It's a view, held, unfortunately, by many war mongers who would never go to war themselves, but who have no problem sending others to their deaths.

As you correctly pointed out, this is an Israeli problem. America is 34T in debt; we have a cultural war at home; we have broken bridges, trains that derail, cities that are infested with crime and corruption. We cannot afford another twenty year war.

It is true that Iran has funded attacks on the U.S. for a long time, but that doesn't mean we need to spend 5T and have a full blown war that kills a few hundred thousand people.

The better approach is to remove American troops from Iraq. The hardliners, like Laura, will call that a 'win for Iran.' But it's important to recognize that regime change rarely produces the intended result. We lost economically, diplomatically, and physically. We are in a worse position now than 20 years ago. There is arguably more radicalisim in the middle-east than ever before, predominately because our presence gives them marketing material. Sometimes admitting defeat, and moving on is the right approach.

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Go deeper. The destruction at home was DELIBERATE.

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We're spending 5T on Israel? Really? We spend less than 3% of our entire federal budget on defense. And we spend a fraction of that for Israel and other allies for their defense, which actually comes back to us because they are required to spend it on purchasing our weapons. Our debt has nothing to do with Israel or anything related to the military, it's things like the phony, misnamed "infrastructure" bill and other such wasteful domestic programs. So cut the crap scapegoating Israel for our homegrown problems.

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This is dumb logic. Every time the taxpayer sends money to Israel, and Israel buys weapons, that benefits weapons manufacturers and certain americans who work for those manufacturing companies. It benefits less than 1/10 of 1% of Americans. If you want to buy american weapons, then buy it with your own money. The american tax payer doesn't want to pay to arm Israel. You're an economic powerhouse in that region. Arm yourself. Buy it directly from the manufacturer, without tax payer money.

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So, you speak for the American taxpayers? Polls show Americans support Israel and think that we should arm it. As I said, military expenditures account for less than 3% of the overall federal budget and military aid to allies is a fraction of that. Put things into perspective. Our debt has nothing to do with military spending. You have your opinion, fine, but don't claim to speak for all Americans.


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Laura, read what I wrote again. And read carefully.

The 5T is an estimate for funding a war against Iran. That's the minimum a war would cost, which America cannot afford. That was the point I made. Furthermore, your vicious ad hominem attacks towards certain commenters is not necessary. Calling people morons for opposing war and financial aid is quite bizarre. There are people with different opinions on this issue, and some people don't believe that going to war with Iran, or sending financial aid to countries is good policy.

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When has America ever used our military to fight for Israel. The answer is never. I don't expect us to neither does Israel. However, America ought not to stand in Israel's way when it's fighting a war for its own survival and frankly fighting on the front lines of the global jihad for the entire free world. Our government should also not be lecturing them on how they should fight when in fact Israel does a superior job than western countries when it comes to avoiding collateral damage.

If Iran gets nuclear weapons it won't matter if we remove our entire military force from the Middle East. How can I avoid calling out stupid people making stupid arguments?

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You are an old misdirected man. Israel and US are allies, share the same democratic values and desire not to have bad actors wreak destruction on law abiding nations, which Iran is doing. You are part of the problem, move to Iran and help the Ayatollah - stop whining and do something - you do not deserve the security of the US which you do not value, from where you sit as a coward behind a keyboard.

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The same democratic values... Like lockdowns and forced injections. Quite the same indeed. I am not that sure about the democratic part though.

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You need to listen to the Mr. Youseff the son of the cofounder of Hamas….this is bigger than Israel and please being a racist is so unbecoming….Mr. Youseff knows that if we don’t get rid of Hamas and all terrorists including the countries supporting terrorism NO ONE IS SAFE ON THIS GLOBE. I hope you don’t have family because you certainly are not protecting them if you do….but i guess racists can talk as much as they like…..except when the lives of all of us are at stake….and please educate yourself….on the real historical facts….and what is really going on….give me a break….people such as yourself are destroying the world…..

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Israel has never asked for America to fight their wars with its own blood and treasure. Since we are allies, it limits its requests to weaponry, ships, airplanes, etc. Israel does not need to be reminded of its need for good faith and the Laws of War.

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Love that Dersh broadcasts the mullahs’ exploitation of Arabs: “ Iran's strategy has long been to use primarily Arab soldiers to do its dirty work, without endangering its own non-Arab soldiers and civilians— a sort of ethno-religious colonialism. That is why critics quip that Iran is willing to fight till the last Arab!” This is something Democrats never talk about, because they’re too busy falsely accusing Israel of apartheid and genocide.

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I dont remember Iran starting any wars half a globe away like others are doing. Using false flag attacks. Lets just mention the Tonkin incident one and move along...

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This is an election year and Biden would never do anything that could possibly raise the price of fuel at the pump. Elections are won on kitchen table issues. Last time Biden dangerously depleted the emergency oil reserves, just before the mid-terms, to lower the price of fuel, so he could have the advantage at the polls. This latest move against Iran is 100% political. They gave Iran almost week to get their troops out, and hit unimportant targets just to say they did something. Biden will do whatever it takes to remain in power, even sacrificing American military lives if he must. Biden does not want war with Iran or slap sanctions, as it would raise the price of oil and derail his chances next Fall. It's simple, all domestically political, nothing else.

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The only thing Biden really wants is not to piss in his bed while sleeping. There's plenty of bridges to be bought north of Lagos for people still thinking Biden runs anything ar all.

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We are at war with Iran and have been at war with the since the Carter administration. Our political leaders are fearful of admitting it. Of course, the low information voters thar keep electing these lick-Spittal's are happy to live with the myth that we are not at war with Iran. It will be interesting to see how these dimwitted "leaders" will bend themselves into pretzels to avoid responsibility when Iran tests its first nuke. By the way. Delivering a nuke to the US mainland is no problem. They don't need an ICBM. All the mosslems need is a container ship loaded with freight. Float it into NY harbor and detonate. NY becomes uninhabitable for decades.

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Are you sure we aren't also at war with Russia, China and the Galactic Empire since 1945?

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Reality testing, much?

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Now, this is a good one. "Lick-spittal". Do you mean "lick-spitter? Either way it is so nice to add a new word or two to my vocabulary. You must be an educated person who has studiend persuasion. You are good at that, right?

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Richard Nixon referred to someone he did not lick as a lick-Spittal. I did not coin the phrase.

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Thanks Martin. I admire Nixon and now i know one of his words. I will spend probably the rest of the day figuring out where "lick-Spittal" came from. Can you help here Mr Dershowitz?

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Try explaining that to the isolationists we have on both sides of the political aisle.

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OMG LAuRA. No cuss words! Just content.! Kind of like a hamburger without ketchup.

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Regime change. Let's see. Where have we tried regime change lately?

Venezuela - didn't work. Hundreds of protestors died.

Afghanistan - worked... well... not really. Thousands of Americans dead. Lots more Afghanis.

Iraq - worked. Now as a semi-stable, semi-democratic, semi-liberal state. Allied with Iran.

Syria - didn't work. Did help produce ISIS though. Hundreds of girls sold into sex slavery.

Libya - didn't work. Civil war. Tens of thousands dead.

Egypt - didn't work. Civil war still going on.

Ukraine - worked! Then their next door neighbor invaded. Hundreds of thousands dead.

Russia - didn't work, thank God! Imagine what Putin's successor would be like.

So it appears we're REALLY bad at regime change. In fact, based on the experience of the last 25 years, Alan statement that "the Middle East and the world would be a safer place without the current Iranian regime" should be turned around... the Middle East and the world would be a safer place if the United States stayed in their own backyard.

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That is pretty good, Laura. It can even be read by children without offending their parents. You are making progress in controlling yourself and your responses. However, I might ask how you could know if the content of your insult is actually true? Let us just say what Dershowitz would. if one says something negative about Israeli territorial expansionism or apartheid, then that qualifies as "moral degenerate."

One would think the classic definition of the term actually relates to exactly the activities about which Dershowitz himself has been frequently accused of: enabling, protecting, and possibly even participating in a child sex trafficking organizatiion. Or even just hanging around with and being close friends with a man who was indisputably the worst kind of "moral degenerate". Jeffrey Epstein, of course.

OMG, i just remembered, both Epstein and Ghislaine were ardent Zionists , just like Dershowitz.. Of course, Zionism surely cannot be a secret club connected to the secret sexual abuse and penetration of underage children, a group for which Dershowitz in several legal articles believes no legal protetion is necessary. I mean, is there any other evidence about this connection? Probably not. Let's be PC and assume that the enablers,protectors and particpants in the Epstein trafficking organization were aberrant or just coincidental Zionists.

That term "moral degenerate" covers lots of content. Thanks for the compliment, Laura. Make tomorrow a new day without cussing in print.

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The content of this newsletter is good reason to simply ignore this man.. A starting point is his all-consuming passion for Israel, the nation and people who in his estimation can do no wrong (to be charitable, the guy is 85 and not really living in our time) . Iran is no existential threat to America. but it is to Israel. So he wants America to go to war with Iran.

Foreign policy is way, way outside his scope of competence. And war with Iran is safe for him and his family. Elon will not be on a landing craft. Because Iran is Israel's biggest existential threat, Dershowitz wants a war between America and Iran. If Dershowitz knew more about foreign policy than what Netanyahu taught him, Dershowitz would know that there is a probability America could not win that war.,America's war track record, spanning Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan is a history of loss after embarassing loss, especially the loss in 2022.. Iran would be a far tougher enemy than any of these natiions, being significantly more populous and technological. And Iranians are smart, which an ethnocentrist like Dershowitz cannot understand. In war with Iran, lots of American non-Jewish lives would be lost for nothing. The future existential threat to Israel would not even be eliminated except possibly for the short life span of Netanyahu's remaining time in office.

In a previous era. Dershowitz would be called a "traitor" . Despite his American citizenship and lifelong residence/celebrity in the USA, his primary loyalty is to the Jewish State. His advocacy combined with this primary loyalty makes Dershowitz a foreign agent. Yet he is not listed as registered in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act which is Federal Law.

History repeats. From the 30's to the fifties, as "Oppenheimer" viewers were reminded, many Jewish intellectuals with American citizenship decided their primary loyalty was to the USSR. Their primary loyalty was demonstrated by espionage, theft of secret technology including theft of the secrets of the atomic bomb, all of which where transferred to the Communist State. These were people like Ted Hall, the Rosenbergs,feel free to google and find fifty more fitting names. These foreign agents were never the majority of American Jews as Judge Kaufmann as well as President Trump's very first lawyer (and his best by far) underscored. Mainstream Jews arranged a righting of the problem of loyalty. But now it is back again in the embodiment of an 85 year old Dershowitz. Maybe he has a personal reason for inciting war with Iran. An America at war will be too distracted to reopen the criminal investigation of Dershowitz's activities with notorious serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

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OMG you waste of space, why do you bother existing. Put yourself out of your delusional misery.

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There was once an individual who described in his "book" what he planned to do to the Jews. He was considered a farce by some while others either ignored him or supported him. We know have that worked out. When the Iranian leaders state that they plan to destroy Israel, believe them. The Biden administration has been reactive rather than proactive which is dangerous. There are wolves watching! The Sec. of Defense is hospitalized & Biden, et al. are kept in the dark. These are the same people who planned the Afghanistan withdrawl debacle. I still have visions of young people falling to their death from a U.S. Airforce transport plane.

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Since Carter no US president has done anything about Iran - Iran needs to be put out of its misery.

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Sure. Very sound logic. When someone in power or who plans to get power says what he is planning, BELIEVE THEM. Now lets make a 180 degrees turn and stop believing the clique of democrats, republicans, CEOs of large corporations and world "leaders" who gather in davos every year and who, through the weforum great reset, state that they plan to make everyone else's life miserable and make them owb nothing. These statements are not to be believed.

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The words of Hamas co-founder are irrelevant to thje issue. The issue is whether or not the JEWISH STATE is racist, or more politely an Apartheid State.The starting point iss logic. Then look at the name "JEWISH STATE", a state owned and operated by people of only one particular ethnic/religious group. The Jewish State also happens to have a very separately structured society, radically so between the West Bank/Gaza and Israel but also between Jews and Gentiles in Israel. Who lives better? That is very visible. Jews, of course. Jews get the desirable jobs. Gentiles generally do not get to have employment income. Hasidic Jews do not have to work because they are guarantted lifetime economic support (indirectly from America) so they can lead a life of prayer. No Muslim or Christian gets that. Jews get to expropriate Gentile land, Jews get to take over land owned by Gentiles who do not have a land deed (not at all the Ottoman or even Mandate custom or legal obligation9. In conflict over water rights, Jews always win. I have even seem separate water fountaoins for Jewss and Gentiles (religious reason or just a smbol of oppression). Jewish police do not kill Jews. It is routine for them ti kill Jews. The Jewish State of course has no laws forbidding discrimination against Gentiles. Israel looks like Alabama in the Fifties, a big, brutal police presence to keep down the negroes/Arabs. George Wallace even looked like Netanyahu, and in terms of rascist ideology is a dead ringer for him. Never any Civil Rights legislation in Israel. Hell, even the Ashkenazis are so racist the Sephardics constantly complain about being collateral damage in the prevalent social racism. And of course Falashas and Mizrahis claim to be discriminated against by Ashkenazis just as much as the Arabs .And supporting the racism is the evolution of Israel into an Ashkenazi theocracy, not at all dissimilar to its worst enemy, Iran.

Your wording indicates a fanaticism which points to you being Jewish and being constituionally unable to say anything negative about your State, your religion, your people and are unempathic to everyone not part of your tribe. That means you miss out on a huge portion of Mideast objective reality. Pity yourself.

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The problem I see is that both Obama and Biden have played both sides of the fence…..Iran got billions from both of these evil leaders…….and the entire world knows it….the entire world laughs at us well unless they are part of the deep state like the EU………nothing Biden can do will really be effective because this administration is more interested in destroying we the people and this great country……Obama hates Jews…..and Israel……and Obama is running things not Biden……get with the program sir……..So Professor….why have you not changed from the slave party yet?….we are in a spiritual war…..it is good vs evil…it is not nuances and liberalism which is a crock of bull….

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Is climate change real? of course it is but it's being reoccurring for millions of years. Has the industrial revolution accelerated climate change? It probably has. But if the U.S. & the West went to zero carbon emissions it would make little difference because 85% of pollutants are generated in China & India. With population growth & impingement on rural areas there will be a shortage of water & food leading to disease & wars. These are the great controllers of population. It's inevitable. We are at present witnessing population migration, disease & wars.

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Finding a rational way to deal with Iran - "Surely they will see it's in their interest to - - - - - "

is the same as reasoning with the 'Joker' - "Some people just want to watch the world BURN!!".

Personally I believe that nothing short of the absolute, demonstrated assurance that any attack, directly of by proxy, from Iran will result in bombs falling on Iran - command & control, Mullahs houses, the Republican Guard, oil fields, the Iranian Navy(what there is of it).

But, we should not believe that it will cost us nothing, nor that our battle plan will survive the first shot.

History teaches, with relentless persistence, that it is self deception to think so.

American planes can fall out of the sky as easily as any others. Fly enough sorties and they will fall, few or many.

Another unknown if we strike at Iran is - How many military age young Iranian men have crossed our border and disappeared into the heart of this country under this Sad Sack of a president?

100? - 1,000? -10,000?

Where will they strike?

I could fill this page with targets.

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We do want a war with Iran, China and Russia. As long as the likes of you, your relatives and all the visitors to your buddy island are going to fight the supreme leader, Putin and their relatives face to face, weapon in hand. I'd be pro war in a heartbeat. If you want others to fight your wars, go fuck yourself.

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Wow, Naomi. Exactly the kind of woman I have always wanted to meet. The woman posing those thoughtful existential questiions. The woman who believes in "speech cleansing" , applied to anyone witrh a disdain for the Jewish State and its intimately connected consequence of Apartheid.

Yes, why am I alive? What use are all these delusions about the nature of the Jewish State and its settlers on the West Bank?. Well, Naomi, the problem is that the Supreme Being did not have me born a Jew. And the official religious authorities in israel recognize no converts. So Naomi, I am excluded from that ethnic group of the most intellectually evolved people in the world. I will never be all that I could be. That hurts, Naomi. I can never be like Einstein (though I could be like Epsrtein if I had no morals), because I as a Gentile am outside the course of natural selection, and even moving to the Promised Land would not help.

So this personal animus is why I have so much disdain for Israeli apartheid. That apartheid makes me a hopeless "waste of space". I am despondent. Maybe the Mistaarvid (google it if you do not know) will come to me and put me out of my misery in my hospital bed..

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Where sir did you get the lies about Israel being apartheid… your opinion has no value because you do not know what is going on and you do not know your history….once you don’t see through racist eyes and can get good information that does not support your racism then maybe your opinion would be valid but until then your lies are quite vomitious … and they fill the world with your hatred…..LISTEN TO THE SON OF THE HAMAS COFOUNDER Mr. Youseff….get the right information…..right now you are part of the world problem which is lack of love and hatred….you are filled with hatred…..grow up and get the correct facts….

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If Iran funded Cuba to bomb South Florida, would Biden attack Iran or just Cuba? Are we afraid to attack Iran?

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Are you? Go there and fight the motherfuckers.

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Nuke ‘em.

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That's what hitler would have said if he had nukes.

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