Raised as RC, I have always been a Zionist. Nothing has changed for me as I will always support Israel.

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When I became a Christian in the 90s, the only thing I really knew about Israel was there were always bombings. I had learned about the holocaust as a teenager before that but I didn't know any other Jewish history. After becoming a Christian, I watched a very good Bible study show on TV and learned a lot and quickly came to support Israel. And my support has only gotten stronger over the years. When I did a DNA test several years ago, I was excited to learn I was 2% Jewish. Maybe that sounds silly but I don't care. It makes me feel connected to God's chosen people.

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Actually genetic testing of Palestinian Arabs show many of them are much more than 2% Jewish. Not all those Jews were exiled 2300 years ago, and there was intermarriage, just as in the manner Ashkenazis were developed. The irony is that israel uses American Biden bombs to kill Gazans, a fair proportion of which have more Jewish descent than you. it could have happened to you, there but for the grace of God.

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"greg starr" puts his worthless two cents in, shocker. You are obsessed with Dershowitz and Jews.

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I am also a Zionist by definition, I strongly agree the Jewish people need a jewish state. History has shown how Jews and certainly Christians have been systematically expunged from other Arab countries in the middle east. I feel a two state solution is a hopeless dream that may never come to fruition. Muslims as a whole don’t live well with Western ideals. I know that this is a general statement but honestly just do a deep dive on the Arab world! 🇮🇱

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Bravo professor

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Glenn is a GOOD man and a test for the quality of the Jew-hating propaganda.


Sadly, he allows comments to paid subscribers ONLY. It would be nice if professor Dershowitz could reach out to Glenn to provide TRUTH as a counter to the Jew-hating propaganda, Glenn has been fed.

I do NOT doubt that Glenn would invite professor Dershowitz to his show and perhaps reciprocate.

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A great organization I’ve belonged to for years is the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA.org)

Jews lived in Judea and Samaria a couple of thousand years before Islam was invented in the 7th century AD. After Israel was founded in 1948, the Arab Muslim states attacked. They drove 800,000 Jews out of their countries, confiscated their property, and/or killed them. Now there are almost zero Jews in the Muslim dominated countries, but there are about 1.7 million Muslims in Israel. Palestinians are taught from an early age to hate Jews and Israel, so a “two state solution” isn’t an option. There must be one state: Israel.

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A few questions to examine your political conclusion:.

1) Are you American? If so. do you believe in Amerrican law which requires equal rights for all residents, equal access to justice, equal protection of their property, and criminal/civil punishment for ethnic and racial discrimination?

2) Are you under the impression that any of the above is part of Israeli law? If so, where do you get that idea from?

3) Do you investigate issues before you decide which team to be on? Do you know what the Jewish National Fund is, that it controls 94% of Israeli residential areas and forbids leasing or selling to non-Jews? Do you know that many of those Gazan civilians being killed by the IDF actually have considerable Jewish genetic heritage due to intermarriage after the Romans exiled many other Jews? Did you know that Ashkenazis, originally connected to a converted Khazar Turkish tribe intercoursed with " Germans" to create that Ashkenazi strain, yet they claim thir homeland is "Israel" though Khazars came from around the Caspian Sea? Did you know that Stalin created a Jewish homeland for Ashkenazis in Tanna Tuva, and that at least 100 000 Ashkenazis moved there?

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You are such a worthless lying troll.

In response to your 1)

- Name Muslim countries which do not consider their ORDINARY Palestinians as the second class

- Name Muslim countries which offer their ORDINARY Palestinians as many rights and as high standards of living as Israel offers its ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs

To your 3) “ Do you investigate issues before you decide which team to be on? Do you know what the Jewish National Fund is, that it controls 94% of Israeli residential areas and forbids leasing or selling to non-Jews?”

Could you support with evidence this worthless drivel, Jew-hating troll 🤡

Everything you offer is worthless nonsense.

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All of those rights exist for Arabs, muslims and Christians under Israeli law. A fact that has been pointed out to you time and time again. None of these rights exist in muslim nations. There are also Arab, muslim and Christian judges in Israel. Yet you continue to repeat the same lies and blood libels. You're nothing but a hateful propagandist who won't be persuaded by facts. I don't know why I waste my time.


"1) Are you American? If so. do you believe in Amerrican law which requires equal rights for all residents, equal access to justice, equal protection of their property, and criminal/civil punishment for ethnic and racial discrimination?

2) Are you under the impression that any of the above is part of Israeli law? If so, where do you get that idea from?"

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I do not wish to insult your anonymous self, but you seem inordinately incapable of comprehending. Perhaps the closed mind keeps you from registering what i wrote. You are apparently have a high school education that should equip you for comprehenasion. I aim to communicate however with open minds - - -not you - - - and bring to open view the flaws in jewish supremacy and violations of human rights. All you bring to the discussion is whataboutism and epithets which is inadequate when the theme is criminality.

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“ I aim to communicate however with open minds”

Ok this open mind requests clarifications 😂🤣:

1. Name Muslim countries which do not consider their ORDINARY Palestinians as the second class

2. Name Muslim countries which offer their ORDINARY Palestinians as many rights and as high standards of living as Israel offers its ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs

3. You claim: “Do you know what the Jewish National Fund is, that it controls 94% of Israeli residential areas and forbids leasing or selling to non-Jews?”

Present evidence supporting this your lie, please 🤡🤡

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He just makes stuff up. It is of course the "palestinians" who forbid leasing or selling to Jews and they are executed for doing so. https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/PA-affirms-death-penalty-for-land-sales-to-Israelis

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See, @SoCalGal? The solution to bad speech is NOT blocking; the solution is MORE speech.

Now, seeking truth open-minds have not only greg’s drivel, but TRUTH to learn from. 🫶🏻🤷‍♂️

Thank you, Laura!

Now the questions are:

1. Is greg’s mind open?

2. Is greg an honest debater or Hamasshole propaganda troll?

What do you say, greg starr?

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You belittle the intellect of those who challenge your wild accusations against Israel and just expect us to accept what you claim at face value despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

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Count me in!!

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The term "American Zionist" as to loyalty is a contradiction in concept, Just as Julius Rosenberg an "American Communist" exemplified the contradiction,. Rosenberg's primary loyalty was to communism, as dramatized by his gift of the secrets of the Atomic Bomb to Communism.. A Zionist by definition is an ethnocentrist, focusing apparently only on the welfare of Jews in Israel and not at all on the concept of universal human rights as mandated in the UN Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

The term "zionist" is just another word for "segregationist",or "racist" as used in the American South in the days before the Civil Rights Act and frontfigured by men like George Wallace, and Bull Connor, Wallace appears to be Netanyahu's role model- Ben Gvir is the perfect casting call for Bull Connor. Maybe Dershowitz's racism is like that of Strom Thurmon, but actually Dersh sounds like and physically resembles Josef Goebbels. To be fair to Goebbels, no one ever alleged he was a pedophiliac. That brings us to another synonym for "zionism"."Ubermensch" as used by the Aryans: now Jews in Palestine/Israel deem themselves in effect as "ubermensch" but that word is not PC. Therefore they say they are "zionists", just like Dershowitz. And George Wallace ALWAYS said he was proud to be a racist, Dershowitz will not use that word since it is too negatively charged. So he is proud to be its synonym, a "zionist"., facilitating a fatherland free of "untermenschen", this time Arabs rather than Jews. The Arab "untermenschen" are herded like Jews were into concentrated camp areas, where they are then killed in groups. The Germans used bullets and gas. The israelis use American bombs and bullets. The Germans started using gas because the bullets killed too few untermenschen. The Israelis will find a need to speed up their genocide of Arabs so Jews can take over all of a depopulated Arab area of Greater Israel. Ashkenazis are actually those Jews descended from Khazar Turks and Germans, so they perhaps from the Armenian, Jewish and gypsy holocausts have genetic/historical proclivity to depopulate the Arabs.

This is what Dershowitz is proud of. He is an out and out racist, though he covers it with the euphemism "zionist".. Zionist means that only one ethnic group has value and zionism will act to make that group supreme, economically, polirically and socially. Others are inferior, some being even "human animals" as the great Zionist, Yoav Gallant argued. And these others according to Zionism do not deserve human rights.There you have it. Dershowitz is no fan of human rights for nn-Jews, as shown by allegations relating to the fate of the underage children of the Epstein child sex trafficking operation. None of those children were Jewish, so their human rights were dispensable to Dershowitz. Just like Palestinians.

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Same insane made up nonsense. Ever considered supporting your drivel with evidence?

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Judging only by your vocabulary, I presume you are also a "zionist".

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Yes, I support the right of Jews to have a homeland in the ancestral land.

Judging fully by your unsubstantiated, centuries old drivel, you are a presumptuous Jew-hater.

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Greg like to poke the bear. I blocked him.

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I get it, obviously. If we all block him, his made up nonsense is left unaddressed. How is this better?

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If you engage with him he won’t stop his comments, so I blocked him.

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It’s pointless to respond to a lunatic incapable of argument or comprehension. Nevertheless, I am proud to be a Zionist and a half Jew, and deranged zionophobes like you only affirm my commitment to Israel’s right to exist.

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The professor defines Zionist as someone who believes in "… an independent state in which all are treated equally." I submit that that definition is false hope. It may sound correct, and it feels good, and it may have been true at some point in the past, but it is at odds with today's reality.

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I am a Zionist.

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I appreciate that you explained some of the terms being used, from a factual perspective instead of the typical hysterical definitions being offered up in most media outlets, because I admit to having been ignorant of the real meaning of some of these terms. It's more important to know what words mean, instead of simply using them as epithets against people. Thank you.

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Why am I not surprised that you offer “open minded” leftist and Hamas propaganda? 🤷‍♂️

Have you ever heard of Pallywood?

Let’s assume that spiting Jew episode is real. So, you found 1 idiot and draw conclusion about the whole country?

What is the minimum size of a sample, from which you can draw statistically significant conclusions?

I have a great book for “open-minded” you:


Open-minded enough for you? 🤡

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OK, you're proud to call yourself an American Zionist. But how can you stand to call yourself a democrat?

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Perhaps the same way, I not only can stand calling myself a Liberal, but also fight off leftists who took over the word, as they, baby step-by-baby step are doing to the rest of the language?

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I think I get your point. Certainly, the terms 'liberal' and 'conservative' no longer have any significant meaning. We are perhaps both Liberals in any traditional sense. But there is not much traditional sense left!

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Isn’t it our fault that we allowed leftist to destroy traditional sense? What about bringing the traditional sense back?

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Yes, we've been too kind and considerate. I imagine many Jews tried to cooperate with the Nazis, at first. Bigots are a specific kind of person. They can not be reasoned with. It's irrelevant who it is that they are bigoted against, it is that they are bigots. Going forward, we're going to have to stop being polite and considerate.

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From sea to shining sea, Israel shall be free!! The Mediterranean and the Gulf of Aqaba for you geography cops out there.

I am a Zionist. Wilsonian self-determination is the stuff of the contemporary nation-state.

America is more responsible than any other country, including Israel, for the rise of the Jews into international culture, politics, movies, STEM, research, etc. I am immensely satisfied with America’s contribution to the welfare and thriving of the Jewish people. If all the Jews who left the Pale of Settlement and the Russian Empire had remained during World War II, I can only imagine what Hitler would have done with them. But instead they came to American and found refuge and opportunity.

Return the charity and grace with charity and grace, I say! Israel is becoming more and more hostile to Christianity, removing ancient mosaics from the country entirely, banning evangelism, how wrong this is. How wrong it is to ban the religion that has been the salvation of the Jews, first at Calvary and then in America.

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“ Israel is becoming more and more hostile to Christianity, …”

Could you support your wrong statement with evidence, please?


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Israel is not hostile to Christians. You should be more concerned about the horrible plight of Christians who are being slaughtered by muslims in places like Nigeria.

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I agree with this.


 "America is more responsible than any other country, including Israel, for the rise of the Jews into international culture, politics, movies, STEM, research, etc. I am immensely satisfied with America’s contribution to the welfare and thriving of the Jewish people".

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Funny that Israel is the only Mideast country in which the Christian population has increased.

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May 31
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You have so perfectly stated exactly how I feel about Israel and Dershowitz. I had decided today that I was going to send him a blistering comment, that he would probably never see, that explained my very sad and angry feelings about him. I had the pleasure of having Alan over for dinner in 1975 and I miss that Alan. He and my husband were on the same decade team in college. I am sure my husband would no longer be proud of that fact just as supposedly most of Alan’s now prior friends consider him to be a shanda.

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And why is Alan Shanda, if I may?

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You’re anger at him is in direct proportion to his commitment to principle. That is why the left hates him and anyone else who follows their conscience.

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